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/lit/ - Literature

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9550525 No.9550525 [Reply] [Original]

What book fucked you up the most, /lit/? Be honest.

>> No.9550527

jung. it made me LARP for a few months.

>> No.9550543

And that's NO. JOKE.

>> No.9550551

Jung is great, just started to read him.

NEET-Chans works, of course. Literally changed my life.

>> No.9550577

Virginia Woolf's The Waves threw me into a minor existential crisis but there were other external factors too.

>> No.9550606

Jude the Obscure by Hardy
Les Mis by Hugo
You Can't Go Home Again by Wolfe

>> No.9550716

David Benioff's City of Thieves killed me. First time I legit fell in love with a character. I laughed, I cried. I laughed while I was crying.

>> No.9550827

still trying to recover from The Sea of Fertility four years later desu.

>> No.9550832

in the lake of the woods- tim o'brien

>> No.9550853

I wish so I could find something like this tbqhwy. So far, nothing has come to close to my own self for fucking me up.

>> No.9551071

Aristotle's Metaphysics

>> No.9551112

catch-22 made me cry like a bitch

t. pleb

>> No.9551121

>unironically calling yourself bitch
Kys faggot

>> No.9551144

i don't even feel things anymore so nothing does it for me

>> No.9551149

>unironically using the anacronym kys

end your life

>> No.9551946

A Seperate Peace, It was right after I unitentionally caused a family member harm.

>> No.9552641

Les Mis

>> No.9552661

The Metamorphoses, i read it when i was 9 (no clue why, i just picked it up from the library and had no clue about it's importance) and it gave me endless anxieties attacks

A Little Cloud from Dubliners really fucked me up because i too am the apex of mediocrity with delusions/pretensions of writing

>> No.9552685
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I'm an unironic Nazi faggot who lifts now

>> No.9552712


>> No.9552723


>> No.9552759

no literature really fucks me up but the stupid YA novel "Speak" convinced me not to speak for my sophomore year of high school and completely withdraw into myself. I had no reason like the girl in the book did either, who was raped. I just didn't like to speak and it's probably why I'm so quiet and shy to this day, although things are better. Still confounds me...

>> No.9552764

Had a panic attack reading Marx and critical theory and was well fucked up for a good few months after

>> No.9552771

>having a panic attack reading philosophy
I wish I could get that involved while reading philosophy. sounds intense. How do you read Leibniz or Spinoza or Berkeley or any other super metaphysical philosopher

>> No.9552776

>novel called "Speak"
>makes Anon do the exact opposite


>> No.9552786

Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin to be honest.

>> No.9552788

it's about being silent when you should've spoken up

>> No.9552791

no longer human for sure.

>> No.9552796

Hmm yeah you're right, thought I didn't have anything.

But I read catch-22 when I was about 10 so yeah that bit did get me pretty hard in a few ways.

>> No.9552808


>> No.9552809


Not that guy, but maybe you were just numbed already by the time you read the 2deep4u stuff? It's probably a symptom of not startig with the Greeks as well; one of my first attempts to read philosophy was Hume. Wasn't impossible to read but definitely triggered a ">really makes you think" anxiety crisis on me for several weeks. And I also lost much of it before returning with more background.

>> No.9552832

Basically Anton la Vey and Dostoevsky.
like wow dude, God exists and so do Satanists.
Though most of them just want to turn a bunch of frogs gay.
I guess if you took a good look at my current collection I could get a bunch of you mad jelly, but I haven't really read most of them yet.

>> No.9552865

Post a picture of your collection or list some of them.

>> No.9552880

Interesting. I would've thought Hume would be an easy place to start reading philosophy, as he was one of the first guys I read, but not the very first. I guess I had a similar experience reading Jung because I just don't think the way he does and it was shocking to see the vast amount of connections he makes as well as the historical breadth he covers. I'm a fairly insular person so stuff that Leibniz, Kant, Spinoza, and Hume wrestle with have been things I've just always thought about myself before I even knew about them, although of course way more primitively.

>> No.9552887

>unironically telling someone to end their life
Seek God

>> No.9553262
File: 73 KB, 640x480, WIN_20170526_00_23_14_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all things Orwell, Huxley and Dahl a thicc book full of shakespear and my latest addition of every word Kafka ever wrote. I started my collection of humble with about twenty blue books by a man named Jules Verne.
I also got my hand on some weirder stuff like The golem and a book about Jewish fairy tales.

>> No.9553276
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I get a lot of books for free, because paper is overrated and shit and libraries be going out of business, so this the time to get the best books for cheap.

>> No.9553345

the Bible
it also saved my (eternal) life

>> No.9553351

>unironically beliving in God
Seek enlightenment

>> No.9553375

>unironically seeking enlightenment

jus b urself

>> No.9553386

I read 1984 when I was pretty young

really fucked with my head

>> No.9553395

>unironically being yourself

Read the Postmodernists

>> No.9553410

i read it ten years ago and thought it was pretty funny
i re-read it last year and found it haunting and tragic

>> No.9553428
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How did Les Mis fuck you up? Because it fucked me up too, but I want to know if you had a similar reaction. I read about how good a guy Valjean was and it made me feel really bad about every little thing I did wrong. It really fucked up my self esteem, now even to this day I try my damnedest to be the best person I can possibly be and just go into a panic whenever I accidentally do something mean.
Also, it made me feel like I wanted to go to church. Just for the sake of having a routine of struggle like Valjean. I don't even believe in God, but I just imagined myself being "the nonbeliever who went to church". I kind if liked that image.
Mostly though it just made me feel like I need to struggle more. So for like half a year I didn't do any sort of leisure or really anything unless it was productive. I didn't drink. I didn't game. I didn't use the internet. I didn't jerk off (this was hard at first, but it gets easier with time). I didn't do anything but go to work and do my own work in my free time. I was actually not unhappy with this, but it also alienated me from all my friends who just wanted to go out and party or game. Eventually, I gave this up just so I could keep my buds, but I still think about going back to it from time to time. I hate to say it, but my friends all just waste my time that I could be reading or writing or working. I love them, but they just interfere with the productive lifestyle that I've gotten a taste of.

>> No.9553848


>> No.9553891


Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious


this too, though, verbatim. instilled in me a sense of the conspiratorial nature of power and the inherent powerlessness of the populace that probably made me susceptible to marxism.

>> No.9553977

The Podesta Emails.

Not even kidding. Still recovering from the existential crisis.

>> No.9554046

A sunlit acre of hate was some god-tier writing.

>> No.9554063

I read John Cheever's The Hartleys this morning and it was a pretty terrible way to start the day

>> No.9554111


>> No.9554138

The laddie reckons himself a poet!


>> No.9554149

>blueberry desert boys

good /lit/ nickname

>> No.9554171

Room by Emma Donoghue

>> No.9554555

Notes From Underground

>> No.9554614

Alan Watts made me a NEET