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9549972 No.9549972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you grow out of hating STEM?

>> No.9549978

I don't think anyone hates STEM. It's the autists that are unbearable.

>> No.9549980

I didn't.
t. engineering student

>> No.9549981

When journalists stopped writing articles about how that's where all the money is because now there is no money.

>> No.9549988

STEM, or as I call it, bending the knee to your capitalist overlords and giving up all autonomy, becoming apart of the machine

>> No.9549989

28 year old here. What is this stem meme? Is this something highschool teachers forced on you? When I was a kid they told us to take a trade.

>> No.9549991


This. STEM is obviously practical and useful in temporal life. But all the smug euphoric fedoras it shits out are interminable.

>> No.9549992

One does not grow out of it, one grows into it. One cannot grow out of a contrary position.
I hate STEM.

>> No.9550002

When I protested in occupy wall street my freshman year and saw that literally everyone of those burnouts that were complaining about unemployment after graduation majored in sociology. That's also when I stopped being a socialist and decided to study Economics

>> No.9550003

i am a computer scientist and i agree with this statement. it is a sickness and i hate myself for succumbing to it. luckily i'm going to take online classes soon to work towards becoming an english professor like i was too scared to do in my 20s.

>> No.9550006

I didn't. I was taught to love it. Only after years of intense study in various disciplines was I able to finally learn to be leery of it. One day I may even grow into hating it, but I'm not there yet.

And just to be clear it's scientism that people hate -- comments like "philosophy is dead" -- not STEM.

>> No.9550007


One apparently loves being a queefmo try hard.

>> No.9550020

Sociology is STEM you absolute moron.
Yes goy, aim low and start a 'career' in engineering! you gotta be a realist!
Sorry, but you sound like a literal commie with a sportsballer's vocabulary.

>> No.9550025

What book is this?

>> No.9550026
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>Sociology is STEM

>> No.9550038

Sociology is a social SCIENCE
In fact, it should simply be STE, because Mathematics is a rational science.

>> No.9550039


I was shitting on your semantic pedantry, you literal try hard.

>Sorry, but you sound like a literal commie with a sportsballer's vocabulary.

You discerned all this because I called you queefmo? What a fuckin faggot cunt pseud you are lmao. You are an actual try hard.

>> No.9550043

>Yes goy, aim low and start a 'career' in engineering!

Dude, how the fuck is engineering "aiming low"? All of the hardest degrees are engineering and engineering is a respected career.

>> No.9550052

>he hasn't even read basic Plato to see that mathematics is the quickest path to philosophy

Stay jealous.

>> No.9550054

>t. sociologist
I know you want to be part of the cool STEM club, but you are not a scientist.

>> No.9550056

stop pretending that STEM doesn't mean natsci, eng, and maths
also stop pretending that those three don't form a discrete bloc as against the humanities and their butt buddies in socsci

>> No.9550055

queefmo is definite sportsballfag vocabulary. Your autistic-realism has been commie since before even Marx, as far as I know.
Engineering is not hard.
Engineering does not deserve respect.
Engineering is aiming lower than loam.

>> No.9550063

How the fuck is engineering not hard? What degrees would be considered difficult if they're easy? Have you taken engineering courses?

>> No.9550067

Pure Math and Physics are the only hard STEM degrees.

>> No.9550075

Computer science too

>> No.9550076

STEM doesn't mean that, because it's SCIENCE, not NATURAL SCIENCE.
Smelly ideologue.
I have a degree in engineering and worked as an engineer for longer than you've had fucking hair on your nuts, you annoying fucking freshman. No, your degree is not difficult or impressive. You're a dullard who will regret the decision if you don't drink away your capacity to regret before you're fucking 30 like I almost did. Enjoy being the epitome of a tool, the honeymoon won't last more than two years past graduation, unless you're Indian or Chinese.
Neither are difficult.

>> No.9550084


>I call him a queef and he starts to ramble about Marx

holy fuck are you try hard hahahaha

>> No.9550090

I didn't ramble about Marx you fucking illiterate.

>> No.9550093

So you're an engineer who couldn't hack it in the real world. Got it.

>> No.9550097

Stop larping senpai, you are a 19 years old /mu/ poster too dumb for calculus

>> No.9550102

>real world
No such thing exists. I'm not an engineer.
I'm 29 and am effectively banned from /mu/ for my anti-jazz rants. Why are you so insecure, do you already regret your decision?

>> No.9550108


t r y

h a r d

>> No.9550111
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fuck off mathlete. you are not welcome anywhere

>> No.9550112

maybe if i say thing itll b troo

>> No.9550116


Every faculty is filled with exchange students. At least they do work instead of fucking protesting.

>olive oil
What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.9550129 [DELETED] 

i honestly just don't care about computers or science and i think it's extremely boring and i would rather work in the produce section and live off of my gf's big nurse salary

>> No.9550142

Extra virgin, friend.

>> No.9550149
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>tfw your existence makes lit cucks insecure

feels good to be a STEMlord

>> No.9550153
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it means you have never seen a vagina nor will you ever


>> No.9550160
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Most of the Chinese guys are /fa/ as fuck. They all have girlfriends.

>> No.9550168

Hilarious how this topic spergs them the fuck out and they'll still use the "all STEMfags are autistic" strawman.

>> No.9550169

fashion is different from style. also if a fat euphoric neckbeard wears chanel, does that make him /fa/?

>> No.9550303

t.physics student

>> No.9550315
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they know they are brainlets so they go "I may b-be dumber than you but at l-least I'm a better p-person" it's literal anti intellectualism.

>> No.9550325

wow nyce psichoanalyssis

>> No.9550327

>intellectualism is good

>> No.9550329


Do you think wearing a paper surgical mask is /fa/

>> No.9550332

This is the dumbest tilte I've read in a long while
>man declares love with 840 Rubik's cube... but she says no

>> No.9550333

Case in point.

>> No.9550337

That's not for fashion. That's so they wont spread germs even if they're sick. The West should pick this up too when people go outside with a cold.

>> No.9550353
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>tfw accounting

Are we switzerland in this debate?

>> No.9550354

>hardest degrees are engineering and engineering is a respected career
I don't think a profession where pajeets and chinks holds the majority should count as respected or hard.

>> No.9550463

When I realized having a "boring" job doesn't make me a less interesting person.

>> No.9550512

>too retarded for science

>> No.9550517
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>tfw gave up on real dreams because I can do math and science alright and I want money and comfort
I regret it more and more every day and I still haven't graduated

>> No.9550755

Underage detected

>> No.9550782

when i started a stem degree and the first class was more of a challenge than anything I did for a humanities undergrad degree

>> No.9550842

If you don't pursue STEM in college you are a certified moron. The liberal arts is a joke and propaganda bullshit. Colleges should be converted into trade schools.

>> No.9550855

No, germs need to be spread so we can build strong immune systems. Secondly, it allows us to learn suffering.

>> No.9550871

/biz/fag here. Never "hated" STEM or the people who studied it, just found some of them had delusions of grandeur. Engineers haven't been too well respected in the places I've worked so maybe that's where the angst comes from. A lot of people who pursued STEM do seem socially stunted, though.

>> No.9550885

>hating STEM or humanities
It's a retarded internet meme spread by underage autists. Sure there's jokes and banter between students (much like there are between different specialties inside STEM and humanities themselves), but nobody genuinely hates the other field in serious academic institutions, save for ""computer science"" fedoras who drop out after two semesters of playing vidya and failing calculus 1 and cretins in absolute meme social science degrees, which can hardly be called education at all.

>> No.9550893

>All of the hardest degrees are engineering
t. every nat science major ever

>> No.9550926
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>and cretins in absolute meme social science degrees

m8, Ive majored psychology, I know it has a bad rep regarding SJWs, but I cant see why do internet intellectuals consider it as a pesudo-science?
Sure, its corrupted by politics, but what field isnt?

>> No.9551009

>but I cant see why do internet intellectuals consider it as a pesudo-science?
because you do nothing and help nobody.

>> No.9551015

>because you do nothing and help nobody.

that makes me a lawyer.

>> No.9551021

just as bad desu. but nah psych needs a revamp or something. majority of this upcoming generation is turning to fucking asmr to help their problems. not you

>> No.9551027

>just as bad desu. but nah psych needs a revamp or something.

yeah, psychology is kind of mistificied today, it started as a legit science.

>> No.9551055

I don't care what you think about STEM in general but you absolutely must study enough mathematics to understand the most important ideas humans have thought.

>> No.9551059

What if you're terrible at math

>> No.9551063


>> No.9551065

>internet intellectuals
It's no more pseudo-science as most other humanities. It gets a bad rap because aside from a small amount of people genuinely passionate for subject it's filled to the brim with retards who went for the 'cure yourself' meme and emotionally unstable teenage girls who think it's going to help them unravel and understand their ""incredibly rich and complex inner world"". A lot of these then go on to become therapists - a profession where you have to be not just good, but very good to provide any tangible help to your patients and of course fail miserably, basically amounting to little less than nodding mannequins and relying on general therapeutic effects of basic human contact for the totality of their practice, thus understandably creating the 'do nothing help nobody' stereotype that the other guy mentioned.

In away it's similar to situation in CS, where actual highly educated computer scientists develop new mathematical models and methods, while the general lowest common denominator image of profession is a brainless code-monkey with 3 months of bootcamp experience and a superiority complex.

Just don't sweat about it too much and be whatever you want to be.

>> No.9551076

Degrees are secondary to experience.

Students are annoying and dumb.

>> No.9551081

This is true.

You can't read Das Kapital without at least basic comprehension of algebra and calculus.

>> No.9551082

Math > /lit/ > /sci/

>> No.9551089

>terrible at math
I used to think this. Then I doubled the time I practiced, sought tutoring, and developed more discipline. Certainly not a mathlete but I think almost anyone can become at least "above average" if I was able to

>> No.9551095

Relearning it as an adult is easy and enjoyable you are able to identify where you should start, math is only hard if you're trying to tackle new concepts without mastering the prerequisites.

>> No.9551096
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>>internet intellectuals

Im thinking about people on the web who watch sargon of akaad and think they know everythign about the world, the

>bold young software engieneers


>It's no more pseudo-science as most other humanities.

well, I dont agree with that, most concepts in "traditional" psychology like IQ, personality, congitive concepts are no less scientific as measure in biology. Congitive psychology and personality tests are as precise as mechanical instruments.

>A lot of these then go on to become therapists - a profession where you have to be not just good, but very good to provide any tangible help

the thing with psychoterapy is that it should even be consideren as a part of psychology, it developed primarily from Freud and psychiatry which are both pesudoscientifical branches.
Therapy is almost never tested for results but people "like it" and that is why they considere it works, when you look at few longitudinal studies for effects, they are mediocre at best...in other words 90% of psychotherapy is an absolute scam.

>> No.9551105

>dude pay hundreds of thousands of dollars over four years to get a degree in a subject that will exclude you from all but service industry-related careers when you could have just gone to the library and learned it for free

>> No.9551107

>It's no more pseudo-science as most other humanities.

the thing is that fields like sociology and anthropology never started as science from the start, unlike psychology that started as strick science (Wundt, Piaget...) but muddied the water later with (((psychoanalysis))).

>> No.9551108

>terrible at math
There is no such thing. Math is just taught in absolutely wrong way in most schools, so many end up with the idea the whole of it are numerical calculation methods, while in reality it's logic applied to abstract concepts. They end up memorizing formulas and procedures never giving a second though to their meaning. If you're genuinely interested find someone "good at it" who would be willing to explain and show the thought process itself to you with examples you can relate to. In general watching a couple of hours of Youtube videos with good explanations is infinitely more beneficial than trying to get through dry dense textbooks full of "soulless" formulas.

>> No.9551120

>education costs hundreds of thousands of dollars
>the only reason to obtain education are career opportunities
>memes kek xD
Go away, underage fag.
t. math major

>> No.9551131

This is a meme. Some of the most senior people in my company have humanities degrees. It is more than possible to weasel your way into sales, marketing, etc. regardless of your degree. It just means you need to focus more of your energy on networking, your school's alumni network, and business extracurriculars.

>> No.9551135
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>>dude pay hundreds of thousands of dollars
Not everyone is American
>>when you could have just gone to the library and learned it for free
In reality 99% of people don't have the will or determination to become humanities autodidacts (and Internet-age information overload only makes the problem worse). Humanities students benefit being mentored in the intellectually stimulating environment universities provide.

>> No.9551136

>caring about the opinions of
>people on the web who watch sargon of akaad and think they know everythign about the world
Really? The world is full of all kinds of people, stop caring about the ones you don't need in your life.
>the thing with psychoterapy is that it should even be consideren as a part of psychology
Maybe it should, but it's the primary source of stereotypes - what you asked about.

>> No.9551138

You're right, getting a literature degree and working in McDonalds is how you fight the power.

>> No.9551140

STEM in the modern capitalist society and math in Plato's time are fairly different things.

>> No.9551151
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>Math is just taught in absolutely wrong way in most schools, so many end up with the idea the whole of it are numerical calculation methods

partially agree, I for instance am very good with logic and philosophy but math seemed so dull and repetative.

The problem seems to be that the teaching of math is based on processing speed insted of concept understanding.

>when you could have just gone to the library and learned it for free

absolute bullshit. As a meme psych major, I can guarantee you that no internet intellectual knows even the basic of hypothesis testing, nor the difference between science and pseudoscience.

>It just means you need to focus more of your energy on networking, your school's alumni network, and business extracurriculars.

+1 Its a pain if you are a misanthrope like me, but doable.

>Maybe it should, but it's the primary source of stereotypes - what you asked about.

this stereotype is strongly grounded in reality, the soft touchy "part of psych" are full of activist types and female cretins, most intelleigent people are in congitive psychology anyway.

>> No.9551155

Math is exactly what it was in Plato's time. Math degrees will get you a fuckton of attractive jobs anywhere from research and tech to finance and management. It's the obvious patrician choice really.

>> No.9551160

how do i learn to love math. just seems like repetitive bs that bores me to death.

>> No.9551163

ITT debt slaves tell themself falsitudes to assuage their guilt about being duped into the great american scam

>> No.9551167

You really are missing the point

>> No.9551168

i go to college for free in america. and get money back

>> No.9551175
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>Lawrence Krauss
>Black Science Guy

whoever said, STEM is memefree whould be shot by a firing squad

>to assuage their guilt about being duped into the great american scam

not all of us are american

>how do i learn to love math. just seems like repetitive bs that bores me to death.

start from logic first

>> No.9551180

It's similar to the way one learns to "love" weightlifting, although your progress is more difficult to measure. You're sharpening your mind and training it to think in a different way.

>> No.9551183

>start from logic first
what book?
idk for me weightlifting is piss easy. but i guess i get your point. i find dieting harder

>> No.9551205

I think you are.
Many parts of it are repetitive and boring just like in any other discipline or job. I guess you just have to find the interesting parts interesting enough to outweigh the rest? It's also undeniably elegant and beautiful (you might need a touch of 'tism to see it though). I honestly don't know what to advise you, because I never had the problem. Watch some Numberphile videos, I guess. Ian Stewart's books are great fun - try From Here to Infinity. It's an excellent overview of maths with "live examples" without particular technicalities and written in a rather pleasant style.

>> No.9551215

Lifting is definitely easier than math. The similarities I was thinking of were the repetition, the initial feelings of inadequacy, and the necessity of consistency. I agree with you that dieting is more difficult desu

>> No.9551220
File: 7 KB, 215x235, nietzche2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right, getting a literature degree and working in McDonalds is how you fight the power.

you are actually right - to think the right way, you have to act the right way, which requires having money, which nonSTEM doesnt provide. Also, overthinking IS a problem for many nonSTEMs.

More than a few things can be said against middle class decadent mentality that permiates the STEM people doe...

>>start from logic first
>what book?

Idk, just general logic. dont know your background...


>> No.9551226

>Watch some Numberphile videos, I guess. Ian Stewart's books are great fun - try From Here to Infinity.
i'll try it thanks!
>The similarities I was thinking of were the repetition, the initial feelings of inadequacy, and the necessity of consistency
yeah i acknowledge those. "advanced" weightlifting is probably more towards being anal about your form and mind muscle connection.

>> No.9551228

>hurr my decadent middle class materialism/nihilism
>Neetshoe picture
like pottery

>> No.9551232

>I think you are.
In Plato's time math wasn't about finding a "fuckton of attractive jobs" and "being patrician"

>> No.9551239

>>hurr my decadent middle class materialism/nihilism
>>Neetshoe picture

why such a basic snark critique? Ive explained what and why I think about the position of works>thoughts regarding STEM.

>> No.9551244

God, you're thick. Math is exactly as mighty and beautiful as in Plato's time AND math degrees are very much useful in modern market economy. You get to learn one of the most pure, beautiful, important and interesting subjects, while not drastically limiting your employment options. This was the point of the post you replied to, you goldfish.

>> No.9551248

should i continue taking math courses? I like them a lot but they're so damn time consuming.

>> No.9551251

Because you exhibit cliché prefab opinions based on cliché generalizations and stereotyping essentially no better than all the "humanitards work in mcdonalds" memeing teenagers around. Just a bit more dressed up (also with cliché moustache man pictures).

>> No.9551254

Top kek
fucking Americans

>> No.9551255

How should anyone know?

>> No.9551258

my friend has a bs in math and still can't land a job. wonder why?
because hes a fucking autist with no peoples skills

>> No.9551259

Really like history/literature. Did physics instead. I dont regret it but I find physics dry most of the time when it isn't in your specific field of interest. Substantial numbers of my compatriots are le fuckin love science fedora tier pseuds.

>> No.9551260

Imo psych doesn't need a revamp. I'm not going to defend its horrible political side (then again, what field doesn't have that dark side?).

At least where I live and study, both undergrad and major professors are what we would refer to as scientists.
More often than not, laymen are fed with dynamic psychology and its horrible, horrible, horrible black magic claims. Of course it has bad rep, I wouldn't consider it science if it were based solely on psydin study and research.

We're leaving out thousands and thousands of hard working people whose studies are based on a rigorous scientific method.

>> No.9551262

>hes a fucking autist with no peoples skills
You wouldn't land a job with any degree like that.

>> No.9551265

I ta alot of asian exchange students. They are usually pretty lazy and do not follow the stereotype. The super smart chinese stereotype is very true for second generation chinese students though.

>> No.9551266

>You wouldn't land a job with any degree like that.
nah if you get a phd in cs with a love of machine learning. google will come knock on your door

>> No.9551269

A bs in math is worthless, you need a PhD and having that you get 300k starting

>> No.9551272

>I know that feel
A lot of the time if you're skilled at math people will try to pigeonhole you as a "quant," with all the stereotypes that accompany that label. The STEM path presents its own unique hurdles and it's odd that those who've taken it consistently lash out at individuals who chose to go a different direction desu

>> No.9551274
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>Because you exhibit cliché prefab opinions

about the middle class? Nigger, Im pro-middle class as I can get and against the pretentious fag intellectualism for the sake of intellectualism we see in many nonmeme nonSTEM fields since I dont think that too much thinking leads to wisdom.

u realize that Neetshoe (ebin meme since Neetshoe is a plebian philosopher, isnt he?) would be more on the anti-intellectual/pro-STEM position and strongly agains the "french intellectual" overthinking. On the other hand, the leftists critique of middle class has some merrit, but it has very bad intentions.

In other words, you just reacted to my comment triggering by smth you tought I have said, but I didnt.


what is the correct pronouncement?

>> No.9551282

>would be more on the anti-intellectual/pro-STEM position and strongly agains the "french intellectual" overthinking.
not true btw

>> No.9551283

If you lack people skills to such a degree like you friend, nobody's going to want you there for long, my dude. Short of being a complete genius nothing is going to help you there.

>> No.9551285

>>>/sci/ is the place for underage people

>> No.9551291


>> No.9551304

Why do you think that? His whole approach is so protestant in nature and simple.

He never explicitly position himself about it but I cant imagine him as Platos view of things.

>> No.9551311

>Why do you think that? His whole approach is so protestant in nature and simple.
i don't assume things about a person based on my ego.

>> No.9551317

>i don't assume things about a person based on my ego.

how do you speak like a primadona then?
care to argue smth about your thinking or youll just meme it?

>> No.9551321

I used to love STEM.

But now my spirit has been crushed by a boring industry job and I love nothing.

>> No.9551323

It's pronounced /ɡoːdl̩/

>> No.9551330

wow litfags are not only stupid but also racist

>> No.9551333

>how do you speak like a primadona then?
again you speak with your ego. i speak as a friend

>> No.9551337

I'm becoming a zoologist because animals are cool desu