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954805 No.954805 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Rule #5

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
— Abraham Lincoln

>> No.954814

So why don't we listen to him?

>> No.954820

This rule could benefit /lit/ greatly, unfortunately there's one road block: If you can actually understand that you're a fool you're probably wiser than most here, conversely a fool does not have the wisdom to know he's a fool.

>> No.954821

There's no point in thinking if you don't communicate your ideas.

>> No.954829

How so? Does that mean if you were the last person on Earth there would be no point in living?

>> No.954830

ITT: fools

>> No.954834

Go on.

>> No.954836


What is the point of thinking if you don't share?

>Does that mean if you were the last person on Earth there would be no point in living?

If there is, I don't see it.

>> No.954842

>What is the point of thinking if you do share?

"There is no exercise of the intellect which is not, in the final analysis, useless."

>> No.954845

Fapping in public, bro.
all the point I'll ever need.

>> No.954848

Old Honest Abe shoulda follerd 'is own rule

>> No.954862

There's no public if you're the last person on earth because the word public implies the presence of a population.

>> No.954875

Fapping in a formerly public place, bro.
All the point I'll ever need.

>> No.954877

I thought it was Twain who said that.

>> No.954880

itt we misinterpret lincoln's words

how are those liberal arts degrees working out for you guys

>> No.954881

But if no one's around to see you what's so exciting about it?

>> No.954888

Because I'm masturbating.

>> No.954896

Then what does it matter that you're doing it in a formerly public place?

>> No.954897

I don't know. Masturbating in the ruins of an ancient civilization has gotta be pretty cool. What's the difference between that and the last man scenario?

>> No.954931

Because it used to be public and I'm masturbating there.