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9547966 No.9547966 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I wanted to read the new testament but I want to read an edition with explanations or interpretations. What should I pick up? any recommended edition?
Also I have the old testament and I wondered what parts from it are in the new one, is it all the Torah books and then we proceed to the stories about Jesus? forgive my ignorance, I'm really curious about Christianity lately and would like some help.

>> No.9548003

Depends on what you want out of it or what you are looking for

>> No.9548033

I want to enjoy the story I can say. I don't really care much about the more religious aspect, but more about the stories themselves.
I would like interpretations about some of the stories or the characters as a side notes because I find it interesting. I learned bible at school (Jewish bible) and we would learn interpretations about the stories and the experience was more "complete" with it, much better then to just read the whole thing in my opinion.

>> No.9548065

Do you care for poetic form? If so, KJV
If not, I don't know :)

>> No.9548087

New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha is your go to Bible.

>> No.9548094

Thanks, both of you. I'll be sure to check them out.

>> No.9548808

Watch this. He starts out with the old testament but he is making his way throughout the bible.

>> No.9548842

The Navarre Bible: New Testament Expanded Edition
ISBN-10: 1594170754

>> No.9549632

KJV for completeness.

Jefferson Bible for transmission of moral messages without interference.

>> No.9549780

>explanations or interpretations
go to church

>> No.9551774

>KJV for completeness.

What does this even mean?

>> No.9551893

KJV is good, but I do like the NKJV a bit better. Preserves much of the original poetic form, but using modern English. Makes it a better read I think. After the New Testament I would continue with Ecclesiastes, Job, and Proverbs. Then the rest of the old Testament when you have time.