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9547430 No.9547430 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start

Post apocalyptic future where we've "returned" to the dark ages, but there's 1 drone flying around from before the war and everyone worships it. The story revolves around various factions attempts to find and control the laser designator for it

>> No.9547434


A youth pastor receives a felony conviction for tax evasion, which allows him to connect with a hitherto-unknown subcommunity within his suburban mega-church of people failing to fulfill the christian image they broadly espouse, including his own estranged daughter.

>> No.9547473

bad in a 10 year old fanfiction kind of way
bad in a MFA kind of way

>> No.9547476

nice videogame story op

>> No.9547568

I got one
I'm in a zombie apocalypse and I'm pretty much a badass with dual-wielded Beretta's.
Pretty much just Walking Dead but with me and my crush who loves me and has sex with me.
Also I'm a chosen one that can't get affected by the zombie virus and neither can my crush who is my girlfrien
You can unlock the shotgun at chapter 12

>> No.9547588

A kid (me) writes a diary and his crush finds and reads it and instead of telling everyone she falls in love but doesn't know it's me because he always mysteriously signed off with "Yours, X"

>> No.9547605

Post apocalyptic zombie wasteland except all the zombies are women and the protagonist who is basically me is urgently needed because his jizz is the only thing which can kill the zombies so they weaponize his ejaculations until he falls in love with the princess of the zombies but can never consummate their love because one drop of his spunk would mean death for her. It's a tragedy.

>> No.9547626

Okay, so one day I wake up in my bed but there's a naked chick next to me.
Turns out, she's me.

Now the story would deal with the whole thing how it really would happen. People don't just appear out of thin air. How do you face this legally? Where is she-me going to live? She's me, is she more me than me? What happened? Can't find out. Clearly, that has super vast implications on my life as a whole. Have you seen the series, I think it was Left Behind or something? 2% of people on the world disappear. Nothing else happens. But they made like 3 season or something exploring what effect it had on humanity. Now imagine this on small scale. Here it's not even so much as the type of the event (I got a double now) but rather that it happened at all.
Also I'm a normal man so what would happen if I was thrust into a female body? Body dysmorphia up to maximum. Also she-me would obviously not go to uni because like I said - how do you deal with this legally? She didn't exist up until now and is a completely different person outwardly. She doesn't even have any education - on paper. So her future is ruined. On the other hand, she's also free to do whatever. Also, there's the he-me who's going to be dealing with all this fallout. Jealousy, anger and misunderstanding abound even if it's just two mes. How do you solve all this shit? Can you even solve it?

I already wrote a bit of this when I was just starting with writing, but then stopped and am too lazy to rewrite it all.
It was at the time pretty fetishistic but all of the above was the center of being.
The possibilities are all there but I'll probably not return it in the near future. Because I'm lazy and I've got other things to do and write.

>> No.9547644

A Church in a great capital in 1000s Europe find a way to transfuse blood and cure any disease but only those inside the city's great walls are given access to keep the blood pure. The blood, however, slowly turns everyone who uses it into a rabies infested beast and only those who remained true to the "old faith" and didn't use the Church's blood remain human. They hunt the beasts and a Great War wages inside the city. Eventually a solo hunter finds his way through the Cathedral and discovers the Pontiff has his Deacons performing blood-beast ritual sacrifices to an unnamed deity in order to capture the knowledge required to become immortal. Lots of blood.

>> No.9547706

I actually really like this idea, but you would have to execute it well
This is a good idea, but I think it would work better if you had a scientist clone a female version of himself and explore the implications of that
This is actually pretty good, especially the tragic love story

>> No.9547719

What I don't like about that scientist idea is that memetheoring about cloning has been pretty overdone, he'd have to be crazy do do anything like that which might detract or add to the narrative, and that he'd probably think it all through before even creating that clone. Not to mention that cloning doesn't really like that and this scenario loses the whole narrative of "something impossible happened what the shit and why"
Idk man.

>> No.9547723

I literally stole what I thought the plot of Bloodborne was

It would still make a very interesting novel if it spoke more on the political side like World War Z's book to movie

>> No.9547749

Cloning doesn't really work like that*

Though I suppose somehow creating a female version of himself that would also have to grow up before being implanted with his memories...
Well changing all this up just creates a whole new story and shuffles it a bit through the genres as well.

What my vision is a story with an impossible (supernatural? who knows?) starting point that, from that point on, is completely realistic and explores real problems and there's no sci-fi, supernatural stuff or other events like that anywhere. In the end, all efforts to figure out what happened, why or how are fruitless. Just like Left Behind. Though I didn't enjoy that series at all, it had an amazing premise that I thought I'd enjoy.

Or when you take Children of Men. There's also that unexplained event of women being unable to concieve. And the book/movie explores ramifications of that. Of course there's also that pregnant woman, but that's just a slight extension of the narrative, I think. They explore the world the infertility created a lot and I loved that.
Or the movie Blindness. In there, people start to go blind unexplainably. It explores what would happen after that in a realistic way with realistic drama, that is kicked off by that "supernatural" blindness and obviously is affected by it a lot.

So in a lot of ways I don't think a scientist creating a female clone of himself would or even could work in the same type of narrative.
I don't deny, however, that it could be very interesting. But maybe there already is a story like that. It sounds like something that would already be made.

>> No.9547751

A pet frog get raised from pond water tadpole to adulthood by a little boy and his mom makes the boy release the frog back into the pond. Fuck that, says the frog, and he hops back to the house (two day treacherous journey) only to find they moved. Using frog senses, the frog takes off on a cross-continental trip to find home. Using new friends (idk a bird maybe, maybe like a cat idk) and frog kumite, Froggo finally makes it to the house only to get stepped on and kicked into a bush by the boys cigarette-smoking father.

>> No.9547767

Well you got the plot super wrong. How much of Bloodborne did you actually play? The Church STARTED the plague (the Old Yharnam Plague being a separate but similar incident) after Bergenworth swore off using the Blood and instead focused on studying the Eyes.

>> No.9547773

>tfw when an idea for a massive universe that would BTFO the far-reach of GoT
>tfw too lazy to write it

I've already got the main 50-100+ cast of characters all thought up, with motivations, backstories, and such, but I just can't be damned to write it until I know it's perfect.

>> No.9547779
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>Mankind perceives threat at edge of universe
>Pools all resources together on earth to create ultra weapon
>fires ultra bomb at threat X lightyears away
>huge advances in technology from bomb research
>mankind cures all diseases/famine/etc on earth
>2nd Renaissance
>science eventually realizes the edge of the universe wraps around and the perceived threat was their own bomb from the future

>> No.9547789


Actually not that bad. I mean it's been done before, but usually it's "hurr we kill ourselves becuz science n time travel". Your variation actually cleans up the paradox.

>> No.9547802

Thriller about MI6 agents discovering and attempting to thwart a hacker from installing a virus that'll make Mosquitoes spread a disease that will wipe out 90% of the world population.

>> No.9547827

Yeah, if the unexplained appearance of the she-you is important to the story then it works.
How would this work? Time travel? How is the bomb 'from the future'? How would present day earth see the bomb if they were the ones who built it? Even if the bomb travels at the speed of light, it wouldn't be able to make it to the edge of the universe and back to earth.

>> No.9547860

Literally watched one video one it when it first came out, that's it. I just think it's a fascinating idea of a corrupt sacrificial church

>> No.9547864
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>I just think it's a fascinating idea of a corrupt sacrificial church
Yeah...its just an idea don't worry about it

>> No.9547876

>I just think it's a fascinating idea of a corrupt sacrificial church

Certainly such things could not exist in our realm!

>> No.9547889

ya ok

>> No.9547909

A genius high school girl, Jacklyn, makes a living by scamming, thieving and blackmailing. Instead of criminal, she views herself as a modern day entrepreneur with her company, Vice Inc.

The main character, Marie, is a teacher at Jacklyn's school. She cheats on her fiancé while drunk at a party, and ends up a tool of Jacklyn's schemes. Either Marie becomes the girl's servant and does whatever she asks, or else proof of her infidelity is sent to the unsuspecting fiancé.

At first Jacklyn's requests are rather innocent in nature, cook breakfast and lend the newspaper.
But when a teacher is murdered at school, Marie learns that her role in Vice Inc. is manifold...

I tried to write it but never finished because Jacklyn's character was inspired by my relationship with my grandparents and it got too depressing.

>> No.9547919

>Post apocalyptic future
>The story revolves around various factions attempts to find and control the laser designator for it
You are gay and your story is gay.
I write pretentious schock,but at least I'm not proud of it.
Your plot is more suited for a video game than a book,and I presume that is where you "got" your inspiration from (more like "stole")
Not a single unique selling point that would elevate it above a 3$ bargain bin title.Because that is what it is.Feces for the plebs

>> No.9547923

Fuckin lmao

>inspired by my relationship with my grandparents

>> No.9547963

that's so fucked up that netflix is already working on the pilot of the series of it

>> No.9547974
File: 133 KB, 411x412, Disgusted_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le mankind is evil teehee

>> No.9547978

Okay here it is

People start devolving due to vaccines and some people with certain blood types start growing scales and getting more secretive and taller and stronger and eventually the 'lizardmen' disappear overnight never to be heard of again. Babies stolen from parents with different blood types, mothers gone, CEOs, etc. one day airplanes fly overhead broadcasting a message in a lost Babylonian language and then suddenly, overnight, a nuclear holocaust happens

>> No.9547983

Why are you implying that?

>> No.9547987

Local girl in her pajamas sits in front of the computer all day arguing with people on a mongolian throat singing forum
Then she kills herself

>> No.9548010

On the near future, a young man is cloned by a researching laboratory, we has chosen because his genome is considered "stable" enough for the requiriments of the project.

In order to experiment and finally cure most of the deseases caused by DNA deffects, the clone is breed to be a female with a rapid growth rate, in just a few months the young baby lass is a full grown 18 y/o woman.

Our protagonist falls in love with her, they secretly get "married" and start living a good and pleasant life together under the strict supervisiòn of the researching scientifics.

The main plot revolves around the moral conflicts of the two main leaders of the researching facility, one of the scientifics wants our protagonist to have a quiet life and enjoy his "dolce vita" with his wife and their future children, the other scientific wants to keep doing experiments with the couple, some of those experiments are moral ambigous but the vast majority are border line plain degenerated, in a vicious and canibal way.

>> No.9548011

Please post your feet

>> No.9548013

is this bloodborne?

>> No.9548042


>> No.9548123

In the future, clothing is mostly robotic and responds to a users emotions. As a result the need for conversation is pointless and people just let their cloths do the talking.
Story revolves around a male protag who works at a distribution centre. Despite the advanced technology it is used in an inefficient manner ie teleportation of objects from a shelf at the far back of the warehouse to the front, where it is then placed on a belt leading to the back of a truck.
Story focuses on the protags isolation and inability to show true emotion due to clothing getting in the way. End in his accidental death as he begins to enjoy this modern life.

>> No.9548152

People try to put down the protagonist for his/her own good but he/she wants to live

>> No.9548160

Everyone wakes up and has a golden number above their head signifying how many people they've slept with. Instead of accepting the ridicule for having a 0 above his head, a young blonde popular football team captain who was awkward with girls decides that he is going to revive traditionalist values by starting a church. But he also starts sacrificing all the attractive women who he was too nervous to fuck, causing his followers to refer to him as 'God.'

>> No.9548181

Misfits S04E06

>> No.9548186

An heroin addict ODs on the smack and Satan communicates to him through his computer.

He discovers that heroin and modern technology are the physical incarnations of Satan (who himself is a metaphysical being consisting of three physical entities: Medusa, Caesar and Lucifer).

>> No.9548192

Modern day 'Underground Man' spends all his free time whacking off to Japanese cartoon porn. Gets caught whacking it at work and gets fired. Loses everything, moves in with a friend while looking for work. Friends parrents come to visit. They walk in on him whacking to an animated Asian lady and a squid. Friend kicks him out. Goes to a homeless shelter, keeps whacking it but now to the pictures he's drawn himself. Ends with him sleeping rough, thinking his life is over, he's turns over in his cardboard bed and sees, on the wall, the most erotic image of his life, a drawing of a young Japanese girl making love to a generously endowed green alien. He smiles and knows that this is what it was all leading to and, for the first time, he feels true happiness.

>> No.9548195

>story takes place in Seattle
>main character is high school girl
>she has a cool, wise English teacher and a hilarious group of friends
>has a crush on mysterious boy
>paranormal stuff happens
>turns out boy is involved in paranormal stuff
>drama and hilarity ensue

It would be absolute shit but I guarantee it would sell wildly and become the next Twilight.

>> No.9548204


>> No.9548270

Reading is gay

>> No.9548470

A man gets hired for his first summer internship to do cost analysis but he gets there and no one talks to him at all. No one tells him what to do or how to start working. So he posts on 4chan all day every day while collecting his pay check and no one cares.

>> No.9548494

>zombie apocalypse
I stopped reading right there.

>> No.9548507

One day he is told he has to give a meeting in two hours time. After stressing he goes in gives a presentation based on what he thinks the job was about. The bosses say it's revolutionary and he is promoted.

>> No.9548527

He moves up the ladder to management and manages to win the lottery and quits and lives out his days dicking around on 4chan until he dies without spending a penny of his fortune or living a little

>> No.9548536

You could definitely make this work if you make it like how gravity's rainbow is written.

>> No.9548599

A nineteen year-old woman that was abducted and groomed for sex slavery since she was 1 year old is unexpectedly free when the house she was held in suddenly burned down. For the first time she experiences the outside world, but as it turns out she is in the middle of a large, undeveloped forest and the house she was in was a retired millionaire's property. She and a recently-abducted seven year-old are the only survivors and they set out on a quest through the wild, experiencing the beauties of Earth. The only problem is that she is a heroin addict and goes through much agony throughout the first half of the book while the five year-old tries to help her cope with withdrawal by telling her about the joys of her own childhood, but it is the sorrow the older one has for the younger one's loss of her family that drives her the most to try and lead them back to civilization. Because the younger one was abducted from a campsite and is actually the daughter of a very seasoned survivalist, she has enough skill to keep both of them alive.

Fuck, I just made this up. I'm good.

>> No.9548617

Sorry, I jumped between seven and five. I want to confirm that I think the younger one should be seven.

>> No.9548644

This would work as a manga. Very Ohba+Obata

>> No.9548710
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it's shit
interesting premise
it's shit

/lit/ is sure shit these days

>> No.9548717


You just kinda described Zardoz.

>> No.9548751

>tfw anon tries to shoot my idea down.
>tfw I know the average reader would buy it.
I am okay with this.

>> No.9548759

pretty much

>> No.9548767

which was your idea?

>> No.9548772

Does it matter?!?!??! You said it was stupid anyways >:(

>> No.9548780

i'd like a chance to shoot it down in proper depth and explain to you why it wouldn't sell

>> No.9548799

I am the guy who said >>9548751
I am also the guy with the idea about the two girls surviving the fire. Shoot me down with proper depth I am dying to hear this.

>> No.9548852

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Idaho

A bright but underachieving internet sleuth with white skin and right-wing political views one night accidentally uncovers the secret etymology of the word "Idaho." The truth is that the word "Idaho" does not exist in any language known to man--like "Dasani," it is a completely artificial linguistic construction that was created by a power elite to sound blandly exotic and yet easily pronounceable to anglophone ears.

Suddenly the entire American geographical and political project is revealed to be a sham. As our hero learns more about "Idaho" and its purported history, its innocuous public image, its ancient past, it becomes increasingly apparent that the entire state is a mask for a shadowy oligarchy's sinister plot.

What's more is that there's another pseudo-exotic plastic word on the tip of everybody's tongue--"Obama."

>> No.9548863

A year where nothing happens: no birth, no death, nothing major is created, no war or current events, etc. Essentially the ideal our society is striving toward is fully realized and people's reactions to the desperate mundanity inherent within. It ends a year later, on the first day the world starts moving again. Someone dies, a war breaks out, and everyone is incredibly happy and relieved.

>> No.9548972
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There are two guys named Thomas that casually meet every night in a roadside cafeteria. Both are frustrated writers with insomnia. One of them is a depressive drunkard who says nobody is able to appreaciate his work while the other is a young guy trying to find time to write while working in a gas station nearby. They talk about the work they're supposedly writing. One day, the drunkard disappears and the other one tries to find something about him to find his work and read it. All this happens while an almost apocalyptic dustbowl like event strikes the country and threatens with killing a big chunk of the population of earth.

>> No.9548985

the fuck does the apocalypse have to do with anything

>> No.9548988


somebody already wrote Crying of Lot 49 buddy

>> No.9548993

Guy worried about finding the time to write while the world is ending.

>> No.9548996

My story is far more red-pilled than Pynchon

>> No.9549016


I am a leftist and I would fucking love to unironically read this, godspeed anon

>> No.9549021


>> No.9549436

Third Person/ First Person point of View of a King, who is Industrializing his nation and Declaring War on other weaker nations in order to have resources. Mostly going to be about logistics, ruling said kingdom and trying to modernize his kingdom

Third-person point of view of a Farmer's son Who was Conscripted into the army to fight for said, King. Mostly it's going to be about his life on the farm, the day he gets conscripted, A week or two on Training, and his first few battles.

>> No.9549475

a society of beings with no concept of death reacts to one of their species dying

>> No.9549488
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Setting: Near Future, say 40-50 years from now

The overall tone of the work is humorous and at times satirical but it still has a "spirit" to it and isn't just meaningless jokes, the underlying messages will be both about the advent of modern technology (and how it affects us as a social species) & fatherhood as well.

It will be written in a slightly abnormal way, with footnotes & nontraditional structuring for the presentation.

The story opens with a man getting high smoking some weed & going out for a snack. He gets somewhere and realizes he left his wallet at home, and freshly installed in the location he is at is a "vending machine" (of sorts). However it does not accept money, instead, it will literally "suck" you off (enclosed sanitary environment with a disposable receptacle, we're not talking about a sentient box with lips or some shit) and your semen is the payment.

Years later he finds out he has a kid, who, was born out of the semen that was collected from this incident.

Basically the premise for the story is supposed to be ridiculous and humorous along with many other elements and events that occur. But the piece as a whole isn't meaningless laughs and instead conveys a commentary on modern (and future) society & how we interact with each other as people and learn to accept reality (and the ridiculous) and one another.

Probably sounds kind of gay when described like this but I actually intend to finish this.
I've started it however, as with most things I write, I'm no where near done.

So I guess we'll see

>> No.9549746

is this fire emblem?

>> No.9549756

>Post apocal-

stopped reading there desku

>> No.9549850


a modern interpretation of sisyphus where a man is forced to live the same day over and over again and couldn't die if he wanted, eventually falling victim to madness and indulging every human curiosity in life within that day for the next 10 years of his life, until the m. night shylaman plot twist sets in and he awakens in an underground aquatic utopia lead by a still alive david foster wallace as it's benevolent dictator

it is then later revealed to the man who endured such suffering that his agony was just a conversion therapy to be more sincere about life and when he fully accepts this reality david then says 'welcome to the water' in a sociopathic undertone

>> No.9550109

No, it's an alternative Timeline from ours. The King is Supposed to Represent Mussolini. The Soldier is supposed to represent Italy

>> No.9550123

science fiction where the ever popular AG racing sport is being pushed to it's limit, one of the elites develops a buddist-lite philosophy from his constant grind and practice, and after exploring his own mind to eliminate human factors like stress and nervousness completely, he seeks to secretly train others the same in hopes of starting a renaissance in bio-genetic research to contrast the ever growing and ever popular interest in sentient AI and robotics.

>> No.9550127

Aging dectective is forced to reevaluate hos relationship with his deceased daughter after the suspects in a murder case are teenage girls

>> No.9550165

in this thread: fedoras sharing their genre fiction ideas while pretending to do it ironically

>> No.9550191

A young homeless man living in the tunnels under New York comes to terms with his mortality after an unknown cataclysm above ground causes his dwelling to be sealed by rubble. After 2 days he starts writing all his thoughts and feelings into a notebook. His ''tomb'' is found years later, his notebook becomes a cultural phenomenon.

>> No.9550679

I don't know what AG is, but this sounds okay.

>> No.9550866

Space probe Voyager 1, the most distant object built by humans, is suddenly hitting a transparent wall. Soon afterwards, the same happens to Voyager 2, Pioneer 10 and 11. Humanity tries to find out wtf is going on.

>> No.9550978


Go back to r/writingprompt, nignog

>> No.9551873

Definitely 11% of my personality is making literary references nobody gets. This is because I make literary references to my own literature, which remains unpublished. When someone does something outrageously stupid, I say, "Wow, you're really pulling a Gregory Berrycone there". I wait for somebody to ask who Gregory Berrycone is, and then explain that he is a minor character in my absurdist novella (untitled right now) about a man who wakes up one morning with a mysterious plastic knob on the back of his head.

>> No.9551878

anti gravity.

>> No.9551895


go to bed, vila-matas

>> No.9552611

>not about a secret cabal of potato farmers
you blew it

>> No.9553144 [SPOILER] 
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>the protagonist is happy

the book is called my diary desu ;_;

>> No.9554231
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>Story of a man trying to make a good life for his family in a cyberpunk future, taking place in rural central Manitoba.
Might use the setting in a cyberpunk 2020 campaign, but right now I don't have the time to write diddly squat.

>> No.9555556

A story about humanity's space endeavors but told from the point of view of space and also barely anything ever happens and it's just super dense prose describing simple things

>> No.9555578
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>off by one

>> No.9555980


>> No.9556435
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>You can unlock the shotgun at chapter 12

>> No.9556556

You're following the main character the whole time but then at the end he gets killed and it turns out he was an incredibly agreeable Villain all along.

>> No.9556611
File: 68 KB, 378x480, jeremey_prickles_by_jeremeyprickles-d6ie17r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremey Prickles and his friends stumble upon a remote society of noble warriors who suffer from Embarrassing Names. These are handed out by their Holy Stone Idol on their coming of age,and their culture allows no other action but to suffer their chagrin in stoic silence. An investigation and adventure later,it is revealed that the Voice of the Holy Stone Idol was provided by an angry youngster who was handed a particularly embarassing name. Suddenly,the warriors are free to choose their own names! And,of course,these turn out to be far more ridiculous than any they recieved before.

>> No.9556740

A guy decides to consciously 'delude' himself into thinking that he has written anything he reads. So as to not burden himself with conflicting works, he normally takes care to read as little as possible, to only talk or watch videos. But once he does read something he HAS (and this is a conscious decision he questions many times) to contrive how his background and history and whatnot has made him write whatever he had read, and make it coherent with his previous works. He doesn't write anything original until the climax of the story, and that is... predictably enough, writing this book itself.

>> No.9556749 [SPOILER] 
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Van Helsing type character takes contracts to hunt paranormal monsters but secretly seduces them to build a harem of nightmare creatures which he uses to take over his hometown and create an independent city-state.

>> No.9556751

i wrote a short story like this when I was 14

>> No.9556756

I think we all did

>> No.9556804

A blind Argentine academic is a talented writer but is too lazy to write a novel, so instead invents fake authors and novels and writes synopses of them. The book consists solely of these synopses

>> No.9556817

>17th c. Scandinavia
>two whalers walk through the wastes for weeks
>arrive at a forlorn port in Lapland
>sail to the end of the earth
>one copes with the fact that "deserve" isn't a thing
>the other commits a murder
>sea floor vomits up women with lights in their mouths
>stars flicker out
>both freeze to death

>> No.9556831

Would read

>> No.9556846

fucking kek

>> No.9556859


>> No.9556867

a gay guy and mike "take it in the crapper you get the zapper" pence are the last people alive on earth. can the gay survive?

>> No.9556882

Man discovers the secret to being happy

>> No.9556891
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>Main character lives a 'normal' life
>realizes he's fucking up his own life due to retarded choices he's made that he didn't realize were retarded until now
>begins to change his life and make the right choices
>makes more retarded choices
>accepts that he's probably retarded
>realizes the truth that he wasn't retarded but everything was just a result of being taught about the world incorrectly and essentially being misguided
>things start looking up for a change
>all the damage he's done in his life in the past catches up to him and fucks everything up
>in lowest point somebody comes up helps him but he's busy right now so maybe later
>must survive in shit life for a undetermined amount of time until he can get out
>finally gets out of his past life and starts a new and doesn't fuck it up this time

>> No.9557148
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Semi-biographical depictions of mundane things and observations, but written in a groundbreaking way that redefines the entire genre. It is absolutely hilarious but at the same time, heartbreaking in its reality. I am hailed as a literary genius. I spend the rest of my life cultivating an interesting and fascinating persona to ensure my legacy as an acclaimed author will be eternal.

>> No.9557179
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>> No.9557187
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>> No.9557347
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>> No.9557379

A man faints while waiting in line to use an airplane toilet on a flight from Ljubljana to Helsinki. He recovers quickly but feels too ashamed of himself to walk back to his seat. For the rest of the three hour flight he stays there, sitting next to the toilet in the front of the plane, pretending to be too dizzy to stand up.

He gets talking to a flight attendant and they find a connection in the fact that they both lost a young daughter to a rare bone disease. They agree to meet again in Helsinki but they forget to exchange further contact information and they never get together again.

It is later revealed by the narrator that this departed daughter was one and the same girl.

>> No.9557426

One character
This character can't suffer any profound injuries
There cannot be any other living creatures mentioned in the story other than plants.
There can be no descriptions of the character's emotions
There can be no dialog

>> No.9557531

There needs to be some more to it, but conceptually it's pretty freakin' neato. I second the anon who suggested styling it after Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.9558268

>be me
>lonely virgin loser
>at 4th of July party
>accidentally blow myself up trying to impress girls with fireworks
>in hell
>meet lit people
>"where's Wallace?"
>"he's hanging around somewhere"
>Dante takes me on a journey
>tells me of ancient battle between immortal wizards
>two remain, but there can be only one like Highlander
>I must find the good wizard and help save humanity
>back on earth
>good wizard appears
>its Thomas Pynchon
>he's shape shifted throughout time, and is Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, etc. and most recently the 44 President of the United States Barack Obama
>through time he's learned the only way forward is with goofs
>trains me to be a goof master like him
>travel to a far away land on top of volcano or something to find evil wizard
>evil wizard is also shapeshifter
>has been Caligula, Hitler etc. but is now Instagram Poet and Voice of a Generation Rupi Kaur
>fight begins
>we are winning
>Rupi sheds her clothes
>seduced me with her Indian Charm
>I'm too weak
>fall to the pressure of my erection
>literally fall and cum in my pants
>Pynchon prevails and casts her into the volcano
>humanity is saved
>"I'm sorry I was weak master"
>"it's okay my child"
>pulls a quarter from behind my ear
>"now go back to sleep, his world is saved"
>"thank you Pynchon"
>be back in hell
>Heroes welcome
>all my lit heroes celebrate me
>have great time with all those I admire
>Flannery O'Connor violently takes my virginity
>all is well

>> No.9558346

I could tell that you had that idea -- you write poorly

The idea is garbage -- two survivors, a 19yo heroin addict and a 7 year old?
Why would there be more than one book?
What joys would there be in being groomed into sex slavery?
>quest in the wild
>only survivors of a fire
what equipment do they have? If its the wrong season then they die, it doesnt matter how much knowledge she has, and shes 7, thats not old enough to remember knots, plants, firemaking, fishing, trapping, and orientation.
Why would they breed a woman for sex slavery, then abduct a girl? Why bother having to breed them? Why would anyone give birth in the house?

>> No.9558359
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Is this an actual plot? If not i would read this

>> No.9558383

A candidate for president bases his campaign on trying not to appeal to any member of the population, he later loses the election. It represents the novel itself, how I do not appeal to my readers by making a terrible story, thus making the novel a complete failure.

>> No.9558399

Don't you think you should wait a few years before so deliberately ripping off Ben Carson?
At least wait till he's out of public memory

>> No.9558593

It's not horrible.
Average vidya plot.
Dumb shit like that could actually work.
Sounds boring tbqh.
Not too bad.
Sounds cute. Best so far.
The twist is pretty good, rest not so much.
>genius high school girl
Tone down on this shit and make her work with charisma and it's pretty good. My favorite at this point.
Has some potential.
Gay, Hollywood-type of shit. So at least it could work commercially.
Meh. Though it sounds original.
Maybe as a comedy.
Could be worse.
>I guarantee it would sell wildly and become the next Twilight
Not if it's written by you, no.
>The only problem is that she is a heroin addict
Skip that shit and it's not bad.
Sounds dumb.
Eh. Why the fuck not.
Why is the reader supposed to care about them?
> the underlying messages will be
If you have to point it out at the start, it's usually going to be preachy, self indulging shit that doesn't consider both sides. It also sounds too much on the ridiculous side to enable humour or reflections.
Sounds boring.
What's the point?
Not bad if your explanation holds up.
Could work as masturbation manual for failed writers.
Actually funny. Sounds good.
Could work as writing practice.
Not too bad sans the predictable ending.
Sounds like a self-help book for middle class white women if not the male MC.
Pretty decent.

>> No.9558660

I only included what the "message" will be so the plot summary isn't taken at face value of "hurr it's wacky humour xD"

I'm not going to so much force it into set pieces but let the narrative itself have the underlying themes and turning points that reflect a society overridden with technology & excess.

As it stands virtual reality (and thus virtual sex, obviously not to the degree of say the matrix but still) is nearly a marketable reality .
Yet 30 years ago proposing such a thing would have been laughable.

It's supposed to be semi-plausible and as a whole the world very much reflects our own. And what is seen as ridiculous by the reader is seen as commonplace by the society within.

And the fatherhood aspects that come into play also touch on how parenting has changed and continues to change in the face of the modern world.

Not going to be some sappy shit about righting wrongs and that kind of crap.

It's not going to be a fairytale but a balanced look on what is actually feasible in our modern world.

Hopefully that explains what I'm going for a little bit better.

The ridiculousness isn't in your face constantly making you think "what an odd story this is."
It's more subtle (hopefully) and hopefully will inject some humor, uniqueness in style, and just a little credibility to realism (as life itself is often times ridiculous).

And if you're still skeptical of the concept perhaps either a) you're not the right kind of audience for it or B) there is no right kind of audience.

I'm trying to write something that I myself would want to read, and to write something that I actually want to write.

Popular fiction is overdone and fame isn't what I'm searching for.

C'est la vie my friend

>> No.9558704

A) is very likely, though regardless it sounds very tricky to pull off with the right balance even for the right audience, which definitely exists.

How far are you into with world building/general progression and how long do you roughly intend it to be?

>> No.9558727

a guy and a girl meet each other and they do the sex

>> No.9558759

A Japanese high school girl found out one of her classmates who was known for being emotionally listless was actually a military-grade prototype cyborg, having an arm that does a literal 'rocket punch'.

She tries to befriend her at first with an ulterior motive to manipulate her into controlling the school as an overcompensation to get back to her bullies and while in it have grandiose delusions of taking over Japan as some kind of an accelerationist technological singularity preacher.

Turns out the 'military grade' rocket punches and other 'high-tech' feats are triggered through intense 'emotional responses' such as anger or something. The Jap high school girl then end up going through this cyborg girl's 'repressed' 'emotions'.

I know it's almost a Terminator 2 knock off and was more of a Japanese light novel (young adult) series but lately I was thinking this could work as a Miike / Sion Sono inspired screenplay

>> No.9559126

> >science eventually realizes the edge of the universe wraps around and the perceived threat was their own bomb from the future
> but when bomb actually returns it appears that humanity ascended so much that bomb can do damage future post-humans nearly as an egg blown up in a microwave owen.

>> No.9559134

>unironically want to read this

>> No.9559158

World where there are two civilizations where one oppressed the other but as time progresses they reach quality, but the before oppressed group still pretends to be oppressed and lie their way to power under the illusion of oppression

Oakhui dont steal my idea faggots

>> No.9559162

Human beings willingly placed themselves in a gigantic computer simulation that allows them to experience any emotion they want at any time resulting in a chaotic wonderland of emotional stimulation.

Main character is an edgy bug fixer that has to psychologically trick rogue programs into returning to their jobs. Is not as wired into the simulation as hard so he is able to place his concisenesses into robots that also maintenance the outside. Earth is basically a giant dust-bowl and the machine is solar powered.

Its very obvious that there is no guarantee you are talking to a genuine person or a computer program. Its maybe three generations of people Humanity has basically lost all meaning.

Main character has to stop terrorists who can also leave the simulation. Finds clues to their existence, and their plan, in character quirks the computer programs have.

>> No.9559167

>oppressed group still pretends to be oppressed
>/pol/tards don't even realize that their own bubble is inconsistent.

>> No.9559215
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What style is gravitys rainbow written in? I kinda like the idea and want to put it into prose (German prose that is) but I am not sure what I am to make of the suggestion a couple of Anons have given in this thread.

>> No.9559273

Futuristic world where the Ottoman Empire achieved world domination and we're a type I civilization on the Kardashev scale.

Also every "religious" demographic is culturally a member of their religion rather than spiritually.

>> No.9559276

Med-fan world is dying. Plants are rotting, animals are going crazy etc.

The hero is a drug addict who constantly hallucinates while doing his favorite drug. He's an alchemist because only them have the right to own vials of the stuff. His parents are really rich and he lies to them constantly, saying that he's doing some really important research to get money to buy some more drugs.

Since he's supposed to be a great alchemist, his father asks him to investigate this whole world is dying thing. He gets a bodyguard, paid by his family. He has no clue what to do, but he decides to follow some random clues from his hallucination.

In the end it was God who was bored of this world and wanted to commit suicide, luring the hero to kill him (because God can't kill himself).

Well except that I'm not too lazy to write it myself (English is not my first language).

>> No.9559281

>(English is not my first language).
how is that relevant at all

>> No.9559285


Because I'm not confident in my English and don't want you to think I'm retarded. I'm sensitive.

>> No.9559293


>> No.9559383

So fucking what? Why don't you write in your native language?

>> No.9559465

>Tone down on this shit and make her work with charisma

The point is that she's one of those borderline autistic savants, who could go on to become a groundbreaking scientist, a life-saving doctor, a philosopher, another Sherlock Holmes, or some such, but instead dedicates 200% to living a life of luxury and indulgence, unshackled by morality, and never doing a day of honest work.