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9546066 No.9546066 [Reply] [Original]

Post-structualism is final philosophy, it perfectly
explains how the world is.
Society and the mind creates all these things we consider as "real".

Jordan Peterson can't get this into his tiny little head.

>> No.9546075

- rupi kaur

>> No.9546084

Yeah, we know, but it's not very helpful for everyday life, so let's move on.

>> No.9546090

where? what philosophy is better for everydaylife?

>> No.9546094

literally antyhing else, if you can believe in it

>> No.9546098

What fags who defend poststructualism and derrida and all these BLOODY neomarxists don't understand is that what post-struct proposes is very intuitive and accepted by most philosophers even before post-structualism emerged.

Peterson knows that we define reality, even the common person understands it.
There's nothing new.
The problem isn't the foundamentals of post-structual theory, it's their prescription theory.
"Since mind creates reality therefore EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE XDDD, sex differences is only a matter a perspective, if you grow up in a feminist society men and women will have the same inclinations to life choices :DDDDD"

Kill yourselves.

>> No.9546113

>Since mind creates reality therefore EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE XDDD

That's a modernist position, cuck

>> No.9546114

>presupposing utilitarianism

>> No.9546115

sorry, I'm still a bit drunk and sleep deprived.

>> No.9546116

You're stupid.

>> No.9546147

First post best post.

>> No.9546297

Whatever we consider "real" creates society and our mind

>> No.9546361

The cuck tries standing up for himself

>> No.9546366

Fuck everyday life

>> No.9546370

t. Brainlet

>> No.9546484

i fuking loev frnech philsodphyxddd

>> No.9546529

The eternal anglo's mind can't comprehend it

>> No.9546582

You are your mind, which creates society.

Why beat around the bush and not say, "I create things I consider real"? In which case, you hold great power over reality, and may shape it to your pleasure.

>> No.9546592

Could someone please explain the relationship of structure and agency in communication? Two-hundred word essay due next month

>> No.9546594

Also, please specifically mention Giddens and Bourdieu

>> No.9546596
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>> No.9546598
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>MFW reading this thread

>> No.9546620

>Society and the mind creates all these things we consider as "real".

And society and mind wouldn't exist if it wasn't for biology, so actually it's biology that causes all these things.

>> No.9546686
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Please ignore all previously stated opinions in this thread and jump straight to this

>> No.9546690

Scary BIG words
Can't handle
Overly complicated dickwaving

>> No.9546721

No that's post modernist.

>> No.9546727

French fry philosophy is not worth the time.

>> No.9546738
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oh look, another spook

>> No.9546744


>> No.9546749

absolutely Rupied.

>> No.9546754

hard material realism is the final philosophy

>> No.9546755

>some neo-german idealist cant understand some other neo-german idealist

What's new

>> No.9546768
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I think you should reconsider

>> No.9546772
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Seems you don't know what social constructivism is and its connection to post modernism. Sad. The poor boy only knows insults.


>> No.9546785

Kant is a social constructivist?

>> No.9546794

No, there is a difference between idealism and social constructivism mate.

>> No.9546797
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I am sorry but thats like equaling the Bible to a pangram of the english alphabet...
I mean you posting a wikipedia article excerpt that while inherenting the performant constructivist gesture is just memetic and in the context of legitimizing po mo as an intellectual endeavour worth of being pursued youre just being rhetorical and in consequence antagonistic

>> No.9546799

There's a difference between 'mind creates reality' and social constructivism too. Stop thinking in memes.

>> No.9546802
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>performant constructivist gesture

>> No.9546807

So post-structuralism is mere newtonianism of the opinions. It stops working in the same two ways newtonian world view did.
First, people experience more than what is explained by the theory. The believers of the theory then make a god of their theorem, and claim that "It's just fluctuations within the rules of the theory, which reigns supreme. If there is something it doesn't explain yet, it will."
Secondly, we will divide the atom. We will sail across the globe. We will find out about quantum mechanics, no matter how much it bothers Einstein.

>> No.9546811
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Wew lad, you drank too much of the kool-aide.

>> No.9546816
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>> No.9546826

Mind creating reality is a position that has existed at least since the 18th century. It's not postmodern, it's modern. You're drinking the anti-pomo Kool-Aid where four-panel comic strips speak more truth to you than the canon of Western philosophy.

>> No.9546833

https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/deleuze/#RecDel how does 4.2 not seem like a lot of fun?

>> No.9546841

In some sense yes, but back then we would think of them as schizophrenics.

But in an academic sense, no one was advocating that "bruh it's a social construct you can do what ever" until post modernism made social constructivism the mainstream opinion in academia.

>> No.9546855

>but back then we would think of them as schizophrenics.


>no one was advocating that "bruh it's a social construct you can do what ever"

Cool well that has nothing to do with what I was arguing. You're making a mistake by equating reality being created by the mind as models of truth being culturally relative. They're related but not the same thing. I was responding to the quote that said 'the reality is created by the mind therefore we can do anything' which speaks more to the utopian ideas of modernism as derived from the Enlightenment ideas of the 18th century than the postmodernists that were in 'reaction' to them.

>> No.9546876

>Peterson knows that we define reality

Is this board just people trying to be as dumb as possible to still bait people into arguing?

>> No.9546928

We may define reality, but we don't choose what we see. Or rather, the only choice we have is whether to open/close our eyes or turn our head.

>> No.9546936

your english sucks, foreigner.

>> No.9546944
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>> No.9546993

Ayy, maybe 'twas Welsh.

>> No.9547031

For the kiddos who may lack experience and an understanding of some of the west's post WW2 cultural machinations, I shall explain: postmodern philosophy, deconstruction, and Marxism in general = jewish anti-philosophy. You see, jews are desert semites who cannot create; like their Muslim cousins, jews can only destroy what white people create. When white men design philosophies, they use them for the purposes of advancing logic and meaning, and discovering truth; when jews are allowed to design philosophies, they use them to destroy logic and meaning, and proclaim that there is no truth ... and that's all postmodern philosophy is. It's in the name: deconstruction. What they are attempting to deconstruct is our language and our culture, because they are a mentally sick tribe of people.

Back in ancient Egypt, jews engaged in what has been termed "cultural inversion." This signifies how they would create "anti-cultures" and "anti-religions" by taking what was sacred to others and inverting it -- twisting it to destroy, or deconstruct, it. This was how monotheism came about as well: when jews came to power under Akhenaten, they inverted Egyptian polytheistic practices by only allowing the worship of one god. And they were expelled for this behavior, as they've been expelled for similar behavior over a hundred times. They've been doing the same thing for millennia.

So what is postmodern philosophy? It is the jewish inversion of western philosophy previously based on logic, meaning, and truth. Why do they do this? Since they are incapable of creating anything of their own, they must destroy the creations of others. It's really quite simple once you are able to understand how jews work.

>> No.9547062

So if society fucks you over for being of anything considered abhorable then that's all on the mind of the individual? There are frames of mind that are conjured out of nowhere once people start politicizing and compromising, half of these decisions are made on a whim or emotions. GOD. There are factors at work beyond our control within biology, inadvertent sociology, Darwinism, etc.

>> No.9547066

>jews are desert semites
Wrong. They are inbred amalgam of Africans, Egyptians, Semites and Europeans.
>like their Muslim cousins, jews can only destroy what white people create
Muslims are destructive almost solely due to their religion. Look at the region and look at its history. Only some of it is 'white people history'. Mostly it is semites of varying tribes. Islam fucked them over, nigh permanently.

Read the book: Jewish revolutionary spirit. A parasite wants to eat, it does not wish for the host to die. The jew does. It is artificial, in this sense. Jews are anti-Logos.

>> No.9547113

Although they are obviously a mixture of other groups, it's their semitic desert roots that explain their destructive behavior best of all.

I should have said 'Arabs' instead of 'Muslims' but I disagree that their similarly destructive behavior is based on religion alone; Arabs would likely not be much more productive or capable if Islam hadn't come along.

>> No.9547141

>it's their semitic desert roots that explain their destructive behavior best of all.
False. Ancient Hittites, Persians, Assyrians, Babylonians... Those are Semites. Jews are cancer.

>> No.9547143

This comic seems more like Sartre's existentialism than any specific variety of post-structuralism.

>> No.9547206

Jews call themselves semites so let's keep it simple and not counter-signal too hard since we obviously agree on the general premise here, friend.

Main point is to convey as it relates to this thread is that post-structuralism / deconstruction are jewish conceptualizations designed to break down and distort western tradition and thought.

>> No.9547284

This is at most schizophrenic. Pityful.

>> No.9547300

No, it's true. Which is why it sticks in your craw, Shlomo.

>> No.9547358


>> No.9547363


>> No.9547371
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Look at this ugly French piece of shit. He wouldn't have gotten into all this trouble if he had just CLEANED HIS ROOM.

>tfw his father will never be rescued from the undeworld

>> No.9547376

You have never read any Derrida, since his conclusion is exactly the opposite.

From the difficulty of discerning truth what follows is an absolute care and responsibility to truth.

The problems with intentionality don't mean that any text means anything, but that it is your responsibility to take care of the meaning of the text because there is no algorithm/set of automatic steps that will get you from a text to its meaning.

Read a fucking book instead of spouting this bs just because you got annoyed by some undergrad on tumblr.

>> No.9547400

The irony of right-wing traditionalists is that they have to butcher and re-invent the western philosophical tradition to fit their account.
There is a straight line that goes from parmenides to derrida and they don't want to acknowledge it.

>> No.9547412

>The irony of right-wing traditionalists is that they have to butcher and re-invent the western philosophical tradition to fit their account.
That goes for any ideology and will do so until we 'love' philosophy and statements of others in every instance and with our fullest potential. Individualism is no different, nor whatever -ism you submit to.

>> No.9547420

Yes but traditionalism has at its core the value of conserving tradition.

No one cares if a nietzschean re-interprets western thought with a hatchet instead of a hammer.

Being a traditionalist and doing such a hack job in understanding philosophy is the equivalent of self-own.

>> No.9547421

>the believers of the theory then make a God of their theorem
But this simply isn't true. "Theory" in the post-structuralist sense is simply the amalgamation of various epistemologies the individual uses to perform a critique. My theory is neither better nor worse than yours, but are instead simply engaged in different critical enquiries. The entire point of post-modernism is to deny the sort of grand narratives you appear to be alluding to

>> No.9547427

Postmodern philosophy is not part of the western tradition; it is post-WW2 jewish neuroticism and exists solely to invert the principles of the western tradition. The reason you are confused and under the impression that it is anything else is because you don't understand the mind of the wandering tribe of sociopaths from which it originates.

>> No.9547433

Urgh i think im about to puke. But at least you are correct: conservation and irrelevance are analogue

>> No.9547435

>to perform a critique
I guess critique is your god, then. I wonder what culture sired such an aberration. Certainly not one that values intuition.

>> No.9547436

Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, DeMan, Deleuze, Lyotard aren't jewish you dolt

>> No.9547446


It's not Jewish. Worse, it's German. And then part French, part Jewish. But at its core they're the ravings of parochial Heinlichs whose little heads couldn't handle a life without some sort of bullshit transcendental reality.

>> No.9547450

And who are the luminaries of philosophy? The british? Let me scoff for a second

>> No.9547466

Neither are they postmodernists. As your understanding of the world evolves, your statements will backfire in your face less.

>> No.9547470
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The Greeks and Chinese, duh.

>> No.9547481

>not the 4channers
Plebeian normie detected.

>> No.9547488

How can someone who states that the Subject is not able to seperate by subjectivation invert any tradition and how can he be a sociopath at the same time. Do me a favor and accept that western transcendence is the most stagnant and intellectualy repulsing MODE of thought. While platonically you may be able to reduce it into some sort of pseudo object
Transcendence is the most anti structural thing imaginable as the multifacetted structure is not able to 'transcend' n-subject(1)

>> No.9547491
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I'm gonna have to ask you to delete this, friend.

>> No.9547497

Platon would read platon

>> No.9547498

Postmodernism is at its root jewish. It is certainly an extrapolation of other things like Nietzschean nihilism taken to its extreme, and various goyim have helped progress it forward, sure, but it is still fundamentally jewish. And it became so prevalent because jewish academia promoted it, and they promoted it because it's bad for the goyim, because it distorts and shits on the philosophical traditions of the goyim.

>> No.9547503

Go to bed Olavo, science is not supposed to define reaity, merely observe some of it's phenomena.

>> No.9547512

Lyotard literally coined the word postmodernism. Nietzsche and Heidegger are the two main influences on postmodernism.

>> No.9547513

Stop trolling and fuck off

>> No.9547521

But i don't quite get how Kant made the list. Would you care to elaborate be so kind.

>> No.9547525

See, only jews talk like this, and at the heart of the nonsense they try to project is a hatred of western idealism.

>> No.9547538

Kant is the main turn from the subject as a passive receptacle to being costitutive of reality. Nietzsche, Hegel and the rest of continental philosophy are basically an elaboration of the consequences of the critique of judgment.

>> No.9547539

It's not about who coined the term or introduced the first inklings of thought; it's about who promoted it as something legitimate and took it into the extremes of nonsense to where it presently exists. Jews like Derrida and the jewish academic establishment.

>> No.9547543

Quick point of rhetoric: constructivism is the wrong word here. You're both looking for constructionism. Please don't ruin constructivism with your ignorance

>t. Architect

>> No.9547546

Paul DeMan was probably the person most responsible for Derrida's fame in the US and he had written anti-Semitic articles in the 40s

Just go on lol

>> No.9547556

Being so young not to remember when in the 80s and the 90s right wingers were postmodernist because it was an effective critic of liberalism and Marxism.
If there is someone lying and making a fool of you that's those idiots on /pol/

>> No.9547559

>science is not supposed to define reality, merely observe some of it's phenomena.
Only philosophers think like that. Science is truth to all others. Unquestionable, even.

>> No.9547561

Literal nitpicking as you didnt even mention heidegger. However. It is still irrelevant
I couldve googled instead of you if you just kindly asked.
>different anon

>> No.9547564

Post-Structuralism is total pleb philosophy.

>> No.9547569

And De Man was right about jewish distortion tactics. You've made my point.

>> No.9547572

So what, doesn't change anything. If I was bothered by about what plebs think I wouldn't even keep coming to /lit/

>> No.9547573

Isn't post-structuralism the notion that every claim is pilpul?

>> No.9547578

Being aware of the jewish problem does not make one affiliated with pol. I've never posted there. But your awareness of what constitutes the "right wing" is off. The right wing of the 80s and 90s was encapsulated by jewish neoconservativism. Which is, of course, another good example of jewish subversion.

>> No.9547579

Radical Math?
Its an experimental self perpetual expendature, not a scientific complex per se.
there is no such thing as supersedual science.
Theres many ways to refute tho

>> No.9547583
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Anything french from the 19th century and beyond is just cringeworthy pretentious nonsense anglo college kids pretend to understand to feel smarter than their parents

>> No.9547593

Thinking there is a history running paralelly and yet intertwined with the very history it wishes to undermine. Are you by chance stupid???

Eco-egomanic paranoia is no tradition of thought at all, its just radical Subjugation.

I mean you even manage to kill the Schelling who for all hes worth is mostly refuted.

>> No.9547599

Postmodernism: a philosophy with ties to literal nazis -- Jewish conspiracy
Traditionalism: has its best defender in the holocaust refugee Leo Strauss -- good aryan philosophy


>> No.9547608

>thinking there is a history running paralelly and yet intertwined with the very history it wishes to undermine.

That's exactly what we're talking about here. Jews have embedded themselves in the west and they work to undermine it. It's quite simple. When you use convoluted language then try to insult your way to rhetorical victory, do you realize how that makes you look?

>> No.9547613

Too bad Anglo philosophy just failed in missing the point on anything relevant in the last 60 years. Even Heidegger on technology has been more illuminating.

>> No.9547617
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>tfw Derrida teaches you how to seek a theological ground of being by trying to teach you why it's impossible
>tfw Derrida leads you to God

>> No.9547619

So how do I know that you are not jdif? Trying to move us to the right with conspiracy theories that are ineffective while the right defends Israel and bankers?

>> No.9547622

If you think Strauss represents European traditionalist thought, I must assume you're beyond the point where sense goes.

>> No.9547633

I believe Leo-Strauss is how far traditionalist thought goes since most of you certainly don't think

>> No.9547635

I understand most here are jewish and will actively try to muddy any conversation where jewish subversion tactics are exposed by using fake terms like "conspiracy"; I'm only here to inform the goyim checking who may be under the false impression that jewish philosophies like post-structualism are in any way real concepts.

>> No.9547652

Strauss was a jew like you; he could in no way represent any European mode of thought, traditional or otherwise.

>> No.9547657

the convoluted language is instituted by our conversation alone*. You embrace a point of view that is even worse than rhetorical. From my perspecitve you are a platonic suprematist who fails to communicate in adequate semantic syntax and instead retorts into a in it self 'superior' autonomy(you?) or inferior autonomous object(the secret jews?) that only he is able to govern as he fails to expand it into his own paranoid vision. Therefore your western traditional bullshit and your idea of the jew are pretty much analogue if not the exact same idea under different face points. I mean if thats not post structuralist idk what is.
Seems like the jews have gotten onto you

If you didnt notice. we are communicating on an online webpage. As computers and machine man interaction or autonomous ideas become more and more indescernable you should get used to being 'rhetorically inferior'

>* it is an agreement we make trying to accomplish a certain subject(?)

>> No.9547669

So here is a conspiracy theory: a bunch of neet who are too stupid to even get a humanities degree have a hard time reconciling their self-love with the constant lack of success in their lives.

So they retire to entertainment as a form of escapism, but in a Hegelian twist modernity catches with them in the form of an expanded market base and better data research. Their entertainment starts to change catering to larger viewerships and reflecting newer ideas of what is edgy. They feel betrayed and angry. A politics of resentment from these wounded souls is born and quickly intercepted by white supremacists groups, the only ones capable of offering them a view of the world in equal parts flattering and stupid as they are.

How about that? Doesn't this sound more believable?

>> No.9547684

Seems too harsh

>> No.9547691

This is a remarkable display of communicative failure, but it highlights my point rather well. Some people intentionally take philosophical discourse too far and in turn find themselves unable to make sense of anything, and that's precisely what postmodern philosophy represents at its core.

>> No.9547696

All my grandparents lived in fascist Italy, trust me they would have known if they were ((()))

>> No.9547713

link your present hirarchy of abstraction to the one youre trying to defend be so kind. If youre able to COMPREHEND then there must be a grave difference between your comprehention now and your prior premise that should be all too easy to exemplify. if were still moving in rhetorical squishsquash. Youre hiding behind a nihilistical and anti aesthetical null-form and you dont elaborate yourself. Link your present ex-gestured hierarchy of abstraction to the one previously in stance or to any of any kind be so kind
While talking you mustvehad SOMETHING in mind

>> No.9547721

I think post-modernism as in the French makes perfect sense. I'm always baffled by ppl who think that language can confuse you. Especially big words: there are dictionaries my friend.

>> No.9547724

I have no idea what you're talking about. You see, one's reality, and in turn their ability to communicate effectively, is distorted by postmodern thought and the use of fake postmodern terms like "white supreemist". That's not a real term, it's a jewish media term. When you get caught up in this fake reality epitomized by linguistic jujitsu and postmodern philosophical diarrhea, you fundamentally cannot understand the world you live in. It's no wonder these people are unable to grasp the underlying basis for the philosophies they are pretending to understand.

>> No.9547736

Have you ever been to a museum? Everything comprehensible is an abstraction.
Not everything abstract is comprehensible tho.
I hope you dont fail to see the inherent hirarchy youre subjugating to and on which end of the ladder youre standing thxbye

>> No.9547740

This is another prime example of people who, by failing to think things out or even use proper grammar, fail in their attempts at effective communication.

>> No.9547743

Rare and obscure words can make reading tedious - especially if you are not fluent with the language.

>> No.9547748

Je peux parle francais, ami. But that's not the problem here, is it?

>> No.9547755

I understood him way better than I would have liked, since I absolutely adore aesthetics. You see, speech can be done with meanings, where words become these clumsy, hole-filled boats.

>> No.9547756

Simple and straightforward words can make a reading tedious if you are fluent.
Words have a memory, theybtrace networks, using the Greek ousia instead of nature opens up thought to new possibilities.

We should write for the best not the laziest.

>> No.9547758

I think you should focus less on communicating abstractions to others, and more on punctuation and grammar.

>> No.9547762

everything that could actually be useful to help you is much too 'weak', as in academically soft language or prosaic' not dictating enough as you seem incompatible to lucid thought, but i recommend reading
crowds and power by elias canetti
and a book for psychotic lunatics that need to learn how to constitute their own language (by this you also get 'immune' to 'sjw-propaganda')(immunology has many interlinks with nazi language fyi)
called the politics of experience by ronald d laing. its antipsychiatry which seems quite fitting for an antagonistic schizophrenic
Then re-read the art of war
then re read the bible and off you go

>> No.9547764

No i meant as in the key French thinkers to distinguish them from shitty grad students in the US

>> No.9547765

reddit be gone!

>> No.9547780

>We should write for the best not the laziest.
Industrialization has gone so far that we may be the last generation to even know of laziness.

>> No.9547803

Yes, I'm likely quite familiar with them. I do speak French and have read plenty of French philosophy in French. But I mainly came here to explain to some of the younger goyim tuning in how post-structuralism and postmodernism in general is the philosophy of jewish subversion and the inversion of western tradition.

>> No.9547814

Was Derrida a philosopher or an artist?

>> No.9547815
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The problem is the reason why they use said big words, usually being capable of making their "points" just as easily with more common terms: Cringy pomposity, wanting to make their shit seem more complex or deep than it really is and in the worst cases awarely disguising what they know is nonsense, which effectively makes them charlatans.

>> No.9547882

If a man's mind tells him that he can pass through a solid wall with no openings, that man then walks into the wall and is startled to discover he has not passed through, did he actually pass through the wall and fail to perceive it accurately or did his mind fail to construct himself or the wall in a way sufficiently permeable to pass through?

>> No.9548001

Mon negro

>> No.9548072

I'm very familiar with Lacan and Dawkins hilariously misses the point thinking that Lacan is saying anything about imaginary numbers, akin to believing that Saussure by writing s/S is talking about fractions.

The reality is that they are some of the most interesting philosophers and it's easy to prove...

>> No.9548170

Well as I said before I believe that your narrative is a lie and on top of that a silly one, but everyone is free to judge for themselves.

>> No.9548259

Anyway, the whole usage of imaginary numbers here is completely unnecessary, theres obviously no math behind it and it fails, like pretty much all of Lacan (and I've read quite a bit of it, unfortunately) to explain anything about the world or about anything at all in any way. It is , at best, literature, and pretty shitty at that.

>> No.9548581

The use of mathesis is a failed attempt at addressing very real problems in the teaching of psychoanalysis, but it's use is never thought as saying something on math but to be used as an example.

When medieval theologians described god as a sphere with infinite circumference and its center everywhere they weren't doing geometry, but using geometrical concept to grasp a theological concept by analogy. Philosophy always worked by complicated rethorical processes, and the fact that those denouncing post-modernism because of it are showing nothing more than how much their education failed them. And I mean it's no surprise, a lot of analytic's philosophy's effort was dedicated in convincing ppl that certain books are not worth reading. An easy sale considering philistines and authorities always like an excuse to avoid reading.

But yeah going back to Lacan: please tell me a theory of subjectivity that is deeper or more profound than his. I'll accept only three answers: husserl, Hegel, and Freud.

>> No.9548659

Anglo college kids misinterpreting Continentals is not something that can be blamed on the Continentals just because they didn't pander to Anglos.

>> No.9548665

>Jews are wrong because they're Jews

>> No.9548677

Are you starting to see diminishing returns yet? You've been at this for a while.

>> No.9548681


>> No.9548697

This is precisely why the Western tradition is actually a purposeful subversion of gynocentric societies. A bunch of fluffy hoo-hah meant to detract and deconstruct the fundamental underlying nature of everyday reality that men are subservient to women. You can still see pieces of this human nature in modern society but it has been perverted and degenerated so much by scheming men.

>> No.9548709

Deepness and profoundness are not measures of quality when it comes to philosophical theories.

>> No.9548720


>> No.9548742

Who said anything about right and wrong? Europeans use philosophy to acquire logic, truth, and meaning; jews use philosophy to distort those things. The former is a noble race responsible for 97% of human ingenuity, the latter is a race of nomadic parasites. It's simply a matter of human difference.

>> No.9548754

I am not the person you were writing with earlier. I am someone that is actually versed in philosophy and not impressed by pomo bs.

>> No.9548758

Well if Jews aren't wrong then they're right.

>> No.9548766

What are you struggling with? Maybe I can help.

>> No.9548777

Right about what?

>> No.9548782

How nice of you to ask. I am currently trying to come up with a decent first sentence for a German short story. Would you leave it like this or split it up?

Prunkvolle Wagen, dekoriert mit farbigen Stoffen und kunstvollen Ornamenten, machten, unter Begleitung feierlicher Musik, welche die, auf einigen der Wagen verteilten, Musiker voller Elan spielten, nun schon ihre dritte Runde über die große Hauptstraße, die die Stadt umschloss.

>> No.9548789

Their philosophy that distorts is actually right. Europe's is functional but Jews are fundamentally right.

>> No.9548793
File: 86 KB, 1000x643, IM HIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never know if this post is genuine or ironic

>> No.9548796

They're patrician as fuck. Anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves, operating with elitist pretensions and simultaneously dismissing anybody who puts to writing ideas against the grain. Cries of "gay Frenchmen" are clamors for the same.

>> No.9548821
File: 84 KB, 712x260, 1475688053782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Only philosophers think like that. Science is truth to all others. Unquestionable, even.
Define truth in math
define truth in science

>> No.9548828

If you are jewish and your intention is to atomize the goyim and run their philosophical culture into the ground by promoting postmodern ideas about subjective reality and the impossibility of truth and what not, it doesn't mean you're either/or in the right/wrong category; it simply means you are a mentally ill member of a subversive tribe that doesn't belong in a civilized western society. Point in a nutshell.

>> No.9548840

Their intention is to uncover the truth behind the truth. Consequentualism is retarded.

> it doesn't mean you're either/or in the right/wrong categor

How postmodern.

>> No.9548843

How is it possible to live in an era with an ideologized atheism, an I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE subculture, an embarrassing Bill Nye, and a smug Musk getting his cock sucked and not realize that the too-broad category of "science" has utterly failed

>> No.9548915

so because the proles like iflscience memes on social media sites, we need to reject science as a failure and return to... shitty French philosophers or insincere Christian traditionalism?

>> No.9548931

you are a true idiot and a know-nothing.

>> No.9548947

>we need to reject science

lol you're literally what he was talking about. What is 'rejecting science'?

>> No.9548953

>Their intention is to uncover the truth behind the truth.
Do you know the first thing about postmodern philosophy? Truth behind the truth? It's nice that you can write a coherent sentence, which is more than I can say for others who tried to challenge me on this earlier today, but perhaps you need to read up. Let me help you: postmodern philosophy posits, generally, that truth cannot be known because we all have different interpretations of it. It's a method that tries to squash the mere notion of truth and meaning from the start. No truth means reality is subjective which means that no one is more right than anyone else, and the effect of this is subversive because it exacerbates and takes advantage of the individualized self-conceptualization of the already individualized European, and turns him against the notion that he should be working toward a collective ideal within his society that represents the greatness of European man, instead of a subjective and selfish 'everyone is as right as anyone else' philosophy that was created to keep him away from such a collective sense of idealism since it's bad for the jew.

>> No.9548961

I should have worded it better. I think conflating "science as a too-broad category" with facebook memes and bill nye the engineering guy and complaining about it is questionable.

>> No.9548967

Postmodern philosophy: "The truth is, regarding the truth, that the truth is indeterminable." To me this is 'the truth behind the truth'. I'm not using 'truth' to refer to the same thing in both instances.

'Everyone is as right as anyone else' is a means, not an ends. It facilitates discussion and conversation in an attempt to understand each other. And I'm not sure how far you can subvert these ideas in a contract society which is functional so long as everyone agrees on the terms.

>> No.9548971


The only problem with living like this is convince people to not fixate on any particular as being the "ends", or even looking to meet "ends" at anytime. Most folks only want to be certain of things and don't think too much about it, which is something Derrida was profoundly critical of.

>> No.9548980


you're confusing post-structuralism with nineteenth century idealism, because you dont know anything about philosophy

>> No.9548982

It's indicative though isn't it? In the first place this "science" is a capitalistic machine that sells certainty and tricks people into absolute, gratuitous certainty. Its proles are symptomatic of its ideological disease

>> No.9548991

>I should have worded it better.

Postmodernism to me is basically asking modernists to word things better, but questioning how well one can word things to make it truly representative of the underlying reality to which it refers. Like if we point out the Holocaust or the atomic bombings or Stalinist famines maybe earlier philosophers that contributed to the modernist tradition would be saying 'I should have worded it better'. And this is what causes, in my opinion, the 'obfuscation' of Continental postmodernism; the need to be excessively specific with terms that end in -ise.

>> No.9549005

You have to understand this from the perspective of the jews who have been promoting postmodern philosophy in the post WW2 period. They experienced a collective uprising against their power: they were removed by a people expressing their collective will against what was, and still is now more than ever, a jewish occupation. What jews are guarding against by pushing this philosophy is another collective action against them. Philosophy is just one platform of this; they are spearheading mass immigration into every western nation for the same reason, promoting multiculturalism, etc. It's natural for them to do this, it's in their biological interest. And although you may believe they promote this individualized philosophy because they're interested in truth, I assure you they are not. They promote it because it's in their self-interest.

>> No.9549006

But they are.

Depth implies a measure of correctness + capturing an essential aspect + esplicative power.

Truthfulness is not enough or you would just go through the multiplication table and produce infinite but boring truths.

>> No.9549009


you don't seem to grasp the difference between an idealism for which "The Mind" (be it the individual's in confluence with others as in Kant or Berkeley or an absolute sum total of all individual minds in the state as in Hegel) "creates" reality (another thinly defined function but whatever) and a constructivism for which discourses produce power structures that are experienced by individuals as determinant.

it is easy to conflate these two positions if your worldview is a reductive, naively scientivistic materialism which downloads a few basic propositions from empirical science and thinks of philosophy as a thin glaze coating these at best and a hindrance to its progress at worst.

such a materialism cannot grasp the difference between production out of the mind and the construction of subjectivity in language, because it can only understand language as a production of subjects, and not as a semi-autonomous structure in its own right. but while we can borrow a biological metaphor to say that language dies without living subjects, we cannot reverse that metaphor to say therefore that the subjects have any power over the determinations of that language. this is empirically verifiable: babies do not "decide" to use languages; they understand that and how they are used and adapt them for expressing the content of their own subjectivities—but the range of that expression, and hence the "empirically" verifiable content of those subjectivities, is itself subject to the limits of language. so while the subject does bring something of himself to the table in the individual enunciative act, we cannot conclude therefore that the overall structure of language has anything to do with him, or any number of people like him—we cannot, in other words, reduce social constructionist positions to idealism.

>> No.9549013

>It's indicative though isn't it?
Not really, it's just a method of model-building to explain the natural world as best as possible. In the first place this "science" is a capitalistic machine that sells certainty and tricks people into absolute, gratuitous certainty. Its proles are symptomatic of its ideological disease

What better alternatives do you have? When you can build models of various phenomena in the natural world out to several decimal places, this is about as good as "true" as you are going to get (at least, when you are asking things about things for which you can actually build and test a model.)

So, what's the problem here? Since you're accusing science of being a capitalistic machine, are we supposed to somehow practice a more perfect Communist science?

>> No.9549017

google "peritrope" and then go fuck yourself

>> No.9549020

You're inferring intentions from consequences though. If something happens it's not because there is a will for it to happen. Or maybe that is a Jewish trick?

>> No.9549031

I think it's funny that we refer to creating 'models' of nature and intellectual 'projects' (and to a lesser extent, the 'craft' of the artist). It makes scientists and philosophers sound like hobbyists creating scrapbooks or knitting. Which is kind of true really.

>> No.9549057

When people say they fucking love science they're referring to new discoveries by specialists as a sort of spectacle that is interesting but no real bearing on their lives. It's also a product -- I went to the site once and there were two or three clickbait articles to tell you how to identify if you're smart. I'm not the guy who originally mentioned the point but to me to 'reject science' is to reject this commodification of science in favour of spending more time on addressing the science-derived system that resulted in this commodification in the first place, cool space pics be damned.

>> No.9549067

Levi-Strauss leads you to God, Derrida leads you to a dead end.

>> No.9549085

No, the more you study jewish behavior the more clear this becomes. Jews don't think like Europeans; jews think strictly in terms of what's best for jews. They are much more idealistically malleable as well, meaning they will mimic any ideology solely for the purpose of subverting it and making it safe for jews. It's very difficult for Europeans to comprehend this kind of tribal mindset/behavior because Europeans are so individualistic by nature. Now, I admire this aspect of jewish behavior. It's this kind of tribal mentality that has allowed them to be a cohesive unit since Egyptian times, effectively roaming from empire to empire for centuries and wiping people out through group strategy. So many other tribes have disappeared or been mongrelized out of their historic identity, but the jews remain. Not because they're the most truthful, honest, or logical. But because they're the most subversive and ruthless. Truth doesn't matter to them, only power over the host population, power obtained by atomizing their enemy. Atomization that in this case takes the form of postmodern philosophy. But they do it with everything, which is why once you understand how they operate and can view it as the evolutionary strategy it is, you see how they do it over and over with everything they are involved with.

>> No.9549092

german here. sounds like you've got a lot of Thomas Mann in you judging by the first sentence. i like it. be sure to share the complete short-story on here somehow.

>> No.9549099

>I guess critique is your god
just because the conventional slave morality you subscribe to needs a third party like God to mediate its function doesn't mean that critique supplants the judgement of god. You're drawing false equivalencies out of thin air. A successful critique always antagonises from the outside-in, rather than operating from within the immanence of self-judgement enabled by the crucifixion (IE. the pacification of man in the face of divine judgement). true critique blows apart your pathetic adherence to the terms of "god" you seek to define the world by.

>Certainly not one that values intuition
you mean the "intuition" of passively submitting to the dominant order simply because it claims its own sovereignty? any society which values such a deformed and belittled conception of man should rightly be condemned for its obvious weaknesses. the true "aberration" is that you are only able to perceive critique as negative or destructive, rather than bearing witness to its potential to reinvent the world outside of your petty ideological confines.

>> No.9549102

The more you study Jewish behaviour by its consequences.

>> No.9549112


Rejecting science is not rejecting useful models that establish useful relationships that we can use to achieve specific things we want to achieve. Rejecting it [as the be-all-end-all of knowledge acquisition] does not mean "not ever engaging in scientific endeavours again".

People nowadays, specially and remarkably scientists (Tyson, Lawrence Krauss, Hawking, Dawkins, etc.), live in a dellusional empirical positivist entrapment believing they can (and ought to, perhaps even as a moral standard) declare that their models are the "why" of things. They impute ontological values to their empirical data and are far and wide victims to the induction principle.

This makes it all easier to turn scientific endeavour into a game of "selling you the next big truth". I can publish an article today about how magnets can destroy cancer in mice and tomorrow another research group will post about how their other medicine is the actual truth about magnet-based medicine. This can be repeated ad nauseam since these are all empirical and peer-reviewed "truths", which we conveniently claim as "not completely true or not complete" when the next marketable idea comes up. There is little incentive for scientists to actually question the work of others or even question nature, quite on the contrary, they have a much better time by "adjusting" or "improving" on previous ideas without really rending them "not true", as it would diminish the overall truth-value of their field. It is all a spectacle in the most literal sense, and the show must go on.

>> No.9549127

Consequences, history, and endless examples via action over centuries up to the present day. This is a strategy they've employed since Egyptian times, an example of which was highlighted in my first post in this thread earlier today. There's nothing new here.

>> No.9549137

Well your rigorous and exhaustive evidencing has convinced me so I guess your work in this thread is done.

>> No.9549261

Spinoza and Marx are literally two of the most universalistic thinkers in the history of the world. On the other hand people like Burke, and literally ALL of the Romantics, very german are particularistic and care only about their people.

You are lying straight out of your mouth, aren't you ashamed?

>> No.9549314


>it's difficult for europeans to comprehend tribalism
>>what are 19th century wars of unification
>>what is nationalism

>> No.9549324

Let me add onto that. Jews developed the universalist ideology that became Christianity and have been the leading force behind promoting the post-christian universalist religion of liberal egalitarianism. Did you have a point? Or did some half-baked reasoning mistakenly lead you to believe you were negating mine?

>> No.9549331

All people have tribal instincts; it's the degree to which those exist that varies.

>> No.9549359

transcendental idealism =/= social construtivism
what the fuck am I reading

>> No.9549374

Look if P and not P prove your point, you don't really have a point.

So are the Jews tribalists or are they universalits?

>> No.9549377

To a drunkard alcohol is god. It's the highest value. One you subscribe and/or submit to. If it is your ego or your will it won't make it any more masterful.

>> No.9549390

>define truth in math
Functional operation within the axioms given. Includes syntax.
>truth in science
Contemporary hogwash flirting with facts because sometimes it works and when it does, it gives us technology.

>> No.9549416

The interpretation of being fucked over is indeed your own mind, and its your mind's full responsibility to prevent it.

>> No.9549420

I think he's saying that the Jews pretend to espouse universalism as a conspiracy to bring down the white man, white actually practicing tribalism.

>> No.9549438

As I said earlier, jews are only ideological insofar as it's beneficial for them to be so; the contradiction you're looking for is not what it seems. Jews promote universalist ideologies for the goyim because those ideologies are beneficial for jews. Christianity pacified the pagan germanic tribes they were to live among from then on after they bribed Charlemagne to impose it on those tribes by the sword. Communism served as a coup against the European aristocracy that had been keeping jews from total power by creating a bottom up revolution against the monarchies and the historic families of Europe. And multicultural liberal egalitarianism has allowed jews to further minimize the power of their European male opponents by promoting less threatening and more obedient groups like women and minorities into positions of power previously held by white European men. All tribal strategies.

>> No.9549450

Except than they either attack Judaism (as in Marx) or they get attacked by the jewish communities for espousing universalism (as in christianity and spinoza).

>> No.9549455

All part of the conspiracy, of course - they were merely pretending.

>> No.9549460

Spinoza got fucking exiled to push his philosophy. Jews got bullied, massacred, ghettoed, destroyed, attacked with no convenience to them at all.
Even money lending was taken up because they were denied the right of having any other job in middle ages. The most convenient thing would have been for them to actually convert, and they often did.

Even the whole thing of the "jewish doctors" in 1920s austria it was mostly secular and converted jews (like kafka's father who converted to christianity to become a civil servant).

Again wtf are you talking about? All you are saying it's just so utterly false it's ridic, it's like you are not even living in our world.

>> No.9549501

It's you who is living in a fake world, one where you've been brainwashed into believing the lies created by your poor little tribe of innocent victims and eternal scapegoats ("FORCED into money lending," oh the humanity!).

This is a philosophy thread; I'm talking about large scale phenomena. If you want to curse and throw hissy fits and anecdotes around, at least have the sense to make a finer point at the end to which I can respond.

>> No.9549516

Being a moneylender is not a good job mate when they can cut your head instead of simply repaying your debt. Check out a history of credit.

I'm just pointing out that the facts prove you wrong. I'm not going to get into philosophy because there your whole argument is "when a conclusion contradicts what I think is right then I will just say that you are philosophizing too much"

Yours is not a theory of the world, yours is a convenient way to be always right.

>> No.9549537

Very cowardly approach. If facts prove me wrong then you should be able to provide those facts. And making a non argument based on what you assume I will say in response is a good way of saying nothing at all, which exactly what you appear to be saying. Please provide substance if you feel the desire to chime in again.

>> No.9549550

Here are the facts:
1) The jewish people stuck together against their own interest. In fact individual jews quite often converted to reap those benefits.
2) Being jewish mostly sucked throughout history. You were excluded from all public and business life.
3) Jewish philosophy is varied and has numerous mavericks, from socialist to nationalists to atheists to liberals and conservatives, all stripes of thought are represented in it. Claiming that there is a jewish thought is as ludicrous as claiming that there is a unified western thought that has a plan for the world (and yes that was the silliest of hegel's claims).
4) Jews have no interest in the destruction of the west since they are now respecting citizens in good standing and the west is the best ally of israel.

>> No.9549556

>I'm talking about large scale phenomena

>> No.9549576

dude but lol jews are inbred man
and jews are like, a hivemind bro. white europeans are individualistic becuse we invent shit and those dirty sand semites don't do shit besides usury and backstab and try to self destruct the west

>> No.9549592

where is Girardfag when you need him?

>> No.9549596

Post-structuralism was just an excuse for French communists to not admit they were wrong about Stalin and the Soviet Union.

>> No.9549617

I think there's a word or phrase for what you describe
It's paranoid schizophrenia. You believe you live in a world where you and only your group are "red pilled" or enlightened about the Jews, but you never think of all the feedback you get. You try to view things as you're right and people who try to prove you wrong are wrong, not trying to gain a better understanding of what's going on.

>> No.9549622

Jordan Peterson was right, when people start talking like this it's so incredibly dull.
You're just a mouthpiece for a dead ideology bro. You're just deadwood. Over and over the same exact things are spouted from puppets like you.

>> No.9549624

1) Good for them. They also became conversos and subverted through crypsis, as in Spain and with the Donmeh in Turkey.
2) Part of the problem with jews, which contributes to their false sense of historical discrimination and subsequent retaliation, is this sense of entitlement that you have a right to live in other people's countries. You don't.
3) I never said jews have a unified philosophy or way of thinking. But Hegel's claim was not silly; it was an appeal to greatness.
4) This is where your rosy but extremely shortsighted view of your people runs into a big wall.

You are not an upstanding people, you are wandering tribe of parasites. You rely on usury, coercion, and a wide range of destructive practices to promote your group's interests at the expense of your host society, and this is why you have been kicked out of over a hundred polities. Your media institutions advance lies, your lobbying groups bribe politicians to get Europeans fight wars for Israel, and your lynch mob organizations like the ADL and SPLC destroy the lives of whites who try to promote their own group's interests. Jews are also the leading force behind the promotion of mass immigration into the west and the pervasiveness of other cultural sicknesses like pornography.

The fact that you are unable to see this reality and the negative effect your people have on the western societies that invited you in as guests is indicative of your deep selfishness as a people. And it's why you will soon be forced out to wander the earth yet again.

>> No.9549627

All post-structuralists were anti-communist leftists with the exception of Althusser

>> No.9549631

I'm making arguments; you are calling people names. That fact is indicative of your failure, not mine.

>> No.9549636

So you skip all four points and your only reply to 4 is: *chuckles* you poor naive soul.

And that's it?

How are they more parasitic than any other group? Let's say italians in the united states?

>> No.9549639

>No, the more you study jewish behavior the more clear this becomes. Jews don't think like Europeans; jews think strictly in terms of what's best for jews.
>1) The jewish people stuck together against their own interest. In fact individual jews quite often converted to reap those benefits.
>1) Good for them. They also became conversos and subverted through crypsis, as in Spain and with the Donmeh in Turkey.
Which is it?
> their false sense of historical discrimination
Interesting, tell me more? Who has the false sense of historical discrimination? The person who bends facts to justify his narrative?
>3) I never said jews have a unified philosophy or way of thinking. But Hegel's claim was not silly; it was an appeal to greatness.
>As I said earlier, jews are only ideological insofar as it's beneficial for them to be so; the contradiction you're looking for is not what it seems. Jews promote universalist ideologies for the goyim because those ideologies are beneficial for jews.
>universal thinking
>No, the more you study jewish behavior the more clear this becomes. Jews don't think like Europeans; jews think strictly in terms of what's best for jews. They are much more idealistically malleable as well, meaning they will mimic any ideology solely for the purpose of subverting it and making it safe for jews.
I wanted to call you names before I made my argument.

>> No.9549641

What ideology? I'm an historical centrist. I believe in national homelands for all people and the hierarchy of nature. That is the natural order of the world.

>> No.9549650

>What Ideology?
The one you're fucking espousing right now, faggot.
I've read national socialist doctrine, you can't fucking fool me.
>Natural order of the world.
Yes, you're acting like a mouth piece of nazis.

>> No.9549651

I replied to all four. What are you talking about and why are you replying to me with no substantive argument?

>> No.9549654

They were "anti-communist" only because they considered the Soviet Union not good enough a representation of their communist ideals. Still they didn't want to admit that actual anti-communists, they likes of which they call worse than dogs in the past, were right, and the French intelligentsia was wrong. Hence post-modernism.

>> No.9549659

>which is it?
>they also...
Also would imply...? Please read more carefully next time.

>> No.9549666

Were you going to only respond to one point I made and intentionally ignore the rest?
why are you replying to me with no substantive argument?

>> No.9549674

I'm not a national socialist and the notsees haven't been in existence for 70 years. Name calling is no veil for ignorance, friend.

>> No.9549681

I'm pointing out your contradictions, pay attention next time.
>Jews don't think like Europeans; jews think strictly in terms of what's best for jews.
>Whats best for jews
>The jewish people stuck together against their own interest.
>Good for them, they also...
No, it's not good for them it was against their own interest.

>> No.9549685

You can say that all you want, but you're espousing national socialist ideology, and you're repeating ver batim what it says in nazi doctrine. You can act all cute with your fucking pet names for nazis but I see right through you.

>> No.9549688

It's a nice story but it's really not how it went. Post-structuralism, for what it is since it's mostly an american invention, came simply as an application of certain methods and developments in science that happened during those days.

That is:
-Structural linguistics meets heidegger and phenomenology: Derrida
-Scholem's reprisal of judaism with heideggerian existentialism: Levinas
-Bloch's long view of history plus canguillhem's epistemological raptures: Foucault
-Catholic reception of kierkegaard + surrealism = bataille
-Saussure + Merleau Ponty + Kojeve + Freud+ Bataille = Lacan

And so on. I mean it would be very hard to see Derrida's disquisition about whether writing or the voice has precedence in the beginning of language as having something to do with a re-habilitation of the left after communism, seriously...

>> No.9549697

Perhaps you should clarify. It's been historically very difficult to get rid of jews without force. Was going crypto in order to continue to control a nation like Turkey or Spain beneficial to jews as a whole? I think that's your answer.

>> No.9549702

Jews don't think like europeans, except when they completely think by europeans to the point that every european current of thought is represented in jewish authors lol

>> No.9549703

You're clearly not very bright, so I'll limit my response to that.

>> No.9549704

I'm just pointing out how you contradict yourself, not the anon that's making the arguments. He can reply whenever he wants. I just hope you realize that you're bending facts to fit narrative and not building a narrative out of facts. Stop espousing the ideology of dead men.

>> No.9549709

>I'm making arguments; you are calling people names. That fact is indicative of your failure, not mine.
This is something I'm fairly certain you said earlier.
Another contradiction, which is proving to me you are not here to enlighten other people about jews, you're not here to have a discussion about jews, you're here to "talk at" people about them, and whenever they don't agree you're feeling vindicated in you're bleak black and white view of red pilled and blue pilled.

>> No.9549714

You have not pointed that out; at least not clearly. Where did I contradict myself?

>> No.9549722

I must now assume you don't know what a "contradiction" is based on the highlighted text.

>> No.9549723

You can reread the post if you didn't comprehend it.

>> No.9549730

You don't see how a philosophy that denied reality and asserted the primacy of discourse over fact could rehabilitate a political movement that was discredited by an obvious failure of its pretensions?

Because that's exactly what happened, anyway. Most communists today make plenty of use of Foucault, Debord, Baudrillard, Deleuze etc because it is so useful to them.

>> No.9549735

And unless I'm mistaken, I believe that was addressed here: >>9549697

>> No.9549738

One point, you can reread the post if you didn't comprehend it.

>> No.9549747

What post, dude? Where's the contradiction?

>> No.9549758

>can uncover the hidden jewish cabal conspiracy
>can't follow 4chan posts
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9549761
File: 7 KB, 236x240, 1494681249828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final philosophy

>> No.9549767

You're covering for the fact that you didn't know the definition of the word "contradiction."

>> No.9549769

Tell me one french philosopher who denies reality. Baudrillard denies the Real, not reality.

Also there is plenty of analytic philosophers that argued more cogently the primacy of discourse over fact: Quine, Putnam, Rorty, Davidson in a certain way, and even Wittgenstein. You don't see the left taking much from them.

The reason Foucault, Baudrillard, Deleuze are used by the left because they pose good critics to liberalism.

Again that's a story that sounds good and many americans probably made it to explain the traction of philosophers they didn't understand. But it's a simple story that has no basis in reality.

Even more so if you consider that those stories were born in a time of historical strength of the left in France.

>> No.9549773

You: jews always follow their own interest
Also you: yes jews didn't follow their interest by staying jews.

>> No.9549776


>> No.9549778

traps are gay anon

and all the things society and the mind create ARE real, whats not real is feminine penises, im deeply sorry, you are homosexual, deal with it and stop trying to one-up western history

>> No.9549779

You're covering for the fact that you don't know shit about jews, and you're just parroting stuff from /pol/

>> No.9549785

Blending in with the local population is a trademark of the jew. There's no contradiction here. But you wasted half a dozen posts of our time trying to pretend there was one. You failed.

>> No.9549788

cut detected

>> No.9549792

I've never posted on pol, and little if anything I've said in this thread was picked up from my perusing there. You're wrong.

>> No.9549793

>3) I never said jews have a unified philosophy or way of thinking. But Hegel's claim was not silly; it was an appeal to greatness.
>unified way of thinking
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9549796

How did you come to be a nazi?

>> No.9549799

That's why you stop at Strauss and pick up Jung.

Jung is the only person who studied Nietzsche, understood him and then figured out a way for the modern man to find his soul.

Too bad he didn't write in a way for most people to understand what he was on about, but then again, neither did Nietzsche.

>> No.9549804

You got nothing.
And you got less than the guy with nothing.

Don't know how much more there is to say here, fellas.

>> No.9549808

Meant you were the guy with less than nothing. Apologies for the misattribution.

>> No.9549815

Here's where I'm coming from.
I've read national socialist propaganda. National socialists were pretty famous for their racism against jews.
You're speaking out against the jews in almost the exact same way Hitler and the nazis did.
When asked about this, you say no I'm not a nazi while in the same sentence espousing nazi rhetoric "natural world order" nonsense. I don't know if it was just tongue in cheek or you're just trolling, but you're still acting like a nazi whether you say so or not.

>> No.9549836

But if your mother is not a jew, she converted, you are not considered a jew anymore. So it's not disguising.

>> No.9549842

Hate to break it to you kid, but hatred of jews goes back a real long way; it didn't begin in 1933. Everyone throughout history has come to hate the jews because jews are bad people. This is pre-biblical; Exodus? That's the story of how the jews got kicked out of Egypt and inscribed their first victim narrative, blaming others for why it happened. Now I already know your knowledge of history and the world it claims to describe is more limited than most; and I don't care if you call me a notsee or whatever. But if you are a jew I hope you will one day be able to confront the truth about the sick band of gypsies you belong to; if you're a goy, what the hell were you doing in the first place?

>> No.9549849


>> No.9549859

Some jews blend out; some jews blend out because they hate being jews. There are outliers in everything, but that's really inconsequential here. Jewishness is a genetic disease, and someone like Tim Wise is a good example of how one can be only 1/4 jewish but still fully carry on destructive jewish policies and hatred toward whites.

>> No.9549868

Apparently not one of the kabbalists...

>> No.9549873

Look the contradiction is: for jews not to exist they had to chose the least convenient course of action, so it's not true that they always choose the most convenient course of action or they would have all converted to christianity.

>> No.9549878
File: 754 KB, 1273x1920, tumblr_oqgs6aoGhJ1tf6qobo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"society and the mind creates all these things we consider as "real""

society has already always interpellated (gripped) the subject (the mind) with ideology (false-consciousness) from the economic base in the final instance, which is to say material structure is articulated by way of the subject as ideology of a real - making ideology actually material.

>> No.9549889

>le science meme

>> No.9549902

Jews choose to do what's best for jews; whenever a situation pops up, they ask "is this good for the jews?" Now, that's fine; I expect jews to act that way, it's natural. But that has always come at the detriment of the host society. I ultimately don't care about jews, I care about white Europeans. And what's best for white Europeans is to get rid of the jews controlling institutions and working against us in our own nations. I don't want to live around black, jews, or anyone else; I want to live around whites. But if I express this opinion openly, jews will attack me and call me names. So there has to be a split. Jews have to go to Israel and whites have to be allowed to have their own homelands again, free of jews doing bad shit like lobbying for mass immigration into our countries. Can you as a jew understand this? Can you as a jew respect that?

>> No.9549911

It's funny when Nazis start acting like Jews. I'm not a Nazi I swear! *Works in the interest of Nazis*

>> No.9549927

You see why this problem arises where jews get kicked out of their host countries again and again? Because they can't respect other people's desires to live among their own. They whine and squeal and call people names.

And this is why it's going to happen again. It sad, you guys just don't listen. That's why your history repeats itself over and over again.

>> No.9549932

Yeah they are so good at that the romans fucking razed their whole state because they couldn't stop misbehaving.

>> No.9549941

These are a cursed people with a mental sickness. But someone's going to finish the job one day.

>> No.9549946

Strange how you went from referring to Jews as 'they' to outright calling me a Jew after the Reddit space. If I'm working in the interests of Jews I'm a Jew. If you're working in the interests of Nazis you're a Nazi. That's the kind of logic we are operating on in this exchange. If you would like to be more careful with your wording in the discussion let me know and we can try to have a conversation that isn't based on misdirection and equivocation. You're not that smart.

Some people don't desire to live among their own. That's a truth as relevant as the desire to live among your own.

>> No.9549971

non sequitur

>> No.9549974

"They have a very cunning and specific plan that has fooled the most educated and informed generation on earth"

Discrepancies get pointed out

"Goddammit these people are just sick, they can't keep their shit together! Why don't you just believe me already?"

>> No.9549995

Whites choose to do what's best for whites; whenever a situation pops up, they ask "is this good for the whites?" Now, that's fine; I expect whites to act that way, it's natural. But that has always come at the detriment of the colonised society. I ultimately don't care about whites, I care about indigenous people. And what's best for indigenous people is to get rid of the whites controlling institutions and working against them in our own nations. I don't want to live around whites; I want to live around indigenous populations. But if I express this opinion openly, whites will attack me and call me names. So there has to be a split. Whites have to go to Europe and indigenous people have to be allowed to have their own homelands again, free of whites doing bad shit like lobbying for mass immigration into their countries. Can you as a white understand this? Can you as a white respect that?

>> No.9550059

It's over, white boys
Jews have the resources, they control the media and they have bigger IQs than you. Your race is done

>> No.9550262

>Cringy pomposity, wanting to make their shit seem more complex or deep than it really is and in the worst cases awarely disguising what they know is nonsense, which effectively makes them charlatans
Literally /lit/

>> No.9550267


>> No.9550279


>> No.9550371

>This is being read in college these days.
Classic Irigaray.

>> No.9551344

your face is a non sequitur

>> No.9551358

If it ends mankind, culture, knowledge, being, consciousness and thought, as is its purpose...

>> No.9551385

Didn't expect to see this.

I'm here. Just taking a break from /lit/ for a bit. Reading religious stuff. Listening to Peterson lectures. Trying not to care so much about Trump. Same as usual, I suppose.

>> No.9551537


nice semicolon bitch. and your little pop psychology thesis isn't impressive enough for that sentence structure. get a job, pussy.

>> No.9551579

b-b-b-but we gave you toilets and roads you should be thanking us