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9542244 No.9542244 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still possible to write something so controversial it will be banned?

>> No.9542273

certainly, depends on where you live though.

>> No.9542281

In some countries holocaust denial and other forms of "hate speech" will land you in prison and get your book banned.

I'm sure Herr Hitler would have seen the logic in this kind of censorship, he not being especially fond of free speech himself.

>> No.9542291

True. Let's enable hard mode: is it still possible to write something so controversial it will be banned in the United States?

>> No.9542294

Lucifer Niggerbastard exists.

>> No.9542297

Child pornography is prohibited, so maybe if you write something like that

>> No.9542298

People generally ban books because they contain taboo information that people may use to act on, that they'd have trouble doing without. Your best bet would be to write something containing taboo, or "classified" information that might be used to damage the state.

>> No.9542299

ywn be part of the beat generation and get your works banned for obscenity

why live

>> No.9542305

Writing about child abuse is perfectly legal.

>> No.9542312

Turner Diaries 2: Electric Boogaloo.
>plot is about a series of assassinations and terrorist attacks
>name irl public figures as targets, include as much personal information as possible, motives and home addresses are a must
>vivid descriptions of killing these people and internal monologues justifying these actions
>protagonist constantly spouts Nazi ideology but in a fashion so blunt and concise that it's impossible to take as anything but sincere Nazism without any trace of satire or commentary
>Protagonist clearly explains how they do what they do, instructions on bomb-making, how to effectively stalk somebody, improvise weaponry, acquire firearms when you shouldn't legally be able to
Pretty much write The Anarchist's Cookbook with a plot and you'll never get published. Also if you're Australian include a chapter where the protagonist allows his sick grandmother to overdose on sleeping pills because chemotherapy is too painful for her and all of her friends are dead and she misses her husband too much to live.

How did I do?

Clearly satirical.

>> No.9542313

Nazism/fascism/racism. They won't be banned officially but you will be heavily discriminated against.

>> No.9542323

In France, Alain Soral wrote a book with Eric Naullean called "Dialogues Désaccordés" which has been withdrawn from sale.

Why? There was a line or two about a political man being happy for women to be able to sell their children, the author asked why someone that old would be that happy about that.

>> No.9542352

Lolita(book) is legal
A direct opposition to any president with layers of terrorstic systematical encouragment to the reader to wipe out all crippled women of color

>> No.9542364

Sorry, I misread, that's in the UK, although writing about child abuse and writing for pornographic result are different things.

>> No.9542368

Child porn (pictures). There is also a tendency for schools to do so because they are cowards in front of parents

Utterly false, I can purchase any book suggested by you without any legal ramifications.

Except neither the Turner Diaries, nor self-published holocaust denial stuff is banned at all in the US


>> No.9542375

Just write a book about immigration and the inevitability of it leading to the death of a civilisation.

>> No.9542390

Are they? I'm sure plenty of people can get off to technical descriptions of court transcripts detailing what Bulger did, or things of the like. Is Lolita "writing about child abuse" or "pornographic" ? How about that scene in IT? When Alex drugs and rapes two preteens in A Clockwork Orange? How old is the Mexican boy in Naked Lunch? Have you read The Liar by Stephen Fry? What about Anais Nin? Brave New World?

>> No.9542391

The Anarchist's Cookbook is.

>> No.9542393

That's literally the exact plot of Camp of the Saints, a book which is more of a series of essays framed around a hypothetical scenario than a novel. It's widely hated but has been published multiple times.

>> No.9542402

Yes, but would it be published today?
I'm saying no.

>> No.9542406

By a mainstream publisher? No, of course not. But COULD it be published today? Most likely yes. It wouldn't get banned, but you'd have a hard time convincing anybody to publish it for commercial reasons.

>> No.9542412
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Not being published is practically a softban.

>> No.9542417

Yep. I don't know how much of the 21st century you have skipped, but thoughtcrime is on the rise.

>> No.9542428
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k bro.

>> No.9542441
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Yes how could something like that EVER be published now.

The powers that be have long realized that banning something gives it power, unless they are complete cucks like australian conservatives, German liberals, and American far left academia. Otherwise everyone else has realized that you dont need to ban something or stop publishing it to castrate it.

>> No.9542449

Sure, a non-trivial number of idiots here think that Hitler's boring writings shouldn't even be sold on Amazon and should be in effect banned.

So just kill a shit ton of people and write something.

>> No.9542455

Pierre Berge, let's name the dirty cunt.

>> No.9542457

Peter Sotos, Babyfucker etc. Cases in point./

>> No.9542482

Yes. Probably not in the way you're likely thinking, however.

Irwin Schiff wrote, "Federal Mafia," a book designed to teach Americans how to legally stop paying taxes, and it was banned.

He was also jailed and permitted to rot and die in prison without ever having committed a crime.

>> No.9542489

Yes, just write something even remotely pro white in today's western society.

>> No.9542494

The Australia Post banned sale of Lady Chatterley's Lover in their stores in 2009.

Also an Australian man got convicted for child porn possession for having a copy of some 19th century erotica on his computer, which is actually sold in bookstores.





>> No.9542503

This. Disprivileging it from academia and ignoring it / pretending it doesn't exist, is the primary tactic now. That's because they couldn't possibly censor these ideas today.

>> No.9542513

Something that describes in detail the destruction of the United States, a detailed plan that would look like a terrorist conspiracy.
It doesn't need to be explicit, though, you can cover it with some disclaimers/fiction.

>> No.9542516

His fate aside, you are misrepresenting what happened with the only true "banned" book.

>The court rejected Schiff's contention on appeal that the First Amendment protects sales of the book, as the court found that the information it contains is fraudulent, as it advertised that it would teach buyers how to legally cease paying federal income taxes.[28]

>Schiff, Neun, and Cohen were barred under the injunction from selling or advertising material advocating nonpayment of tax, from preparing a tax return for others, and from otherwise providing assistance or encouragement to others in violating tax law. Schiff and his associates were additionally required to provide a copy of the injunction to each of their customers, post it on their website, and provide the government with a customer list.[29]

>Schiff and his associates responded by providing the book for free on their website.[30]

It was the sale to support fraud that was banned, not the book.

>> No.9542520

Turner Diaries, unintended consequences by ross or Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy pilot drives 747 filled with explosives into joint session of congress with president and vp in attendance

>> No.9542523

>sale to support fraud that was banned

Rather, the supposition of the book (Legally avoid paying taxes) was fallacious (what it told you to do was illegal) and thus fruadulent

>> No.9542524


Advocating violence against a specific person is illegal, so a book calling for assassination of someone in detail would be banned.

>> No.9542527

I didn't read those, but I'm guessing they're too unrealistic to be taken seriously.
I really like that tax avoidance example that was mentioned, that's something more realistic that could also be part of a US destruction plot.

>> No.9542536

Any scheme to undermine the US govt to the point of existential crisis would be a coup d'état or Jericho style nuclear plot, which requires power in govt.

This is typical political thriller stuff.

Turner Diaries is race war, Unintended Consequences is a rise of militias to power, Clancy novels have lots of shit like that in a more innocent genre title.

>> No.9542672

they dont ban literature anymore. they just refuse to publish it. they refuse to retweet it. they let it die in your hard drive.

try to write anything (right wing) controversial. i guarantee the agents you send it to wont even respond.

>> No.9542687

You can write something so controversial it becomes illegal, like holocaust denial, bomb making, or that one book about kid fucking.

>> No.9542739
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all three not illegal in the US. pic related

if it makes money they dont care. pic related

>> No.9542748


with everything being so intersectional and tied up into itself, the capital has developed censorship into a much more efficient form by having the majority ostracize you instead of directly banning your words. You can publish just about anything, but good luck living in peace with that if anyone finds out.

>> No.9542755

Sure, anon
just write
>memoirs of a cannibalistic pedophile

In gratuitous detail.

>> No.9542761

I wanna _________ Lexi.

>> No.9542773

It really isn't.

>> No.9542790

that'd be a bestseller in Germany.

but then you'd get sued for plagiarism and emotional damage by Armin Meiwes or some other gimp

>> No.9542803

>interact with

>> No.9542888
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>> No.9542890
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what do you think was going to her mind when she preformed in this film?

>> No.9542897


>> No.9542916

"I cant wait to buy more drugs with this money."

>> No.9542919

Write a book about that represents the proper behaviour of a woman one hundred years ago.

I'm sure the feminists will try to ban it.

>> No.9542936

Like the suffragettes?

>> No.9542947

This is the best answer.

Also if you publish state secrets, directions for making WMDs or even low grade terror weapons

>> No.9542956

So this is what 30 year Olds master bate too?

>> No.9542970

>academia and ignoring it / pretending it doesn't exist


Its funny they don't know what do do with the book

>> No.9542974 [DELETED] 

>academia and ignoring it / pretending it doesn't exist


Its funny they don't know what do do with the book

they are so impotence

>> No.9542981

>implying that the Nazis wanted to kill people
>being this ideologically brainwashed

>> No.9543000

I enjoy the bald guy.

Submission is ultimately a criticism of the secular west

>> No.9543010

Holocaust-denial books

>> No.9543015

>>implying that the Nazis wanted to kill people
>>being this ideologically brainwashed

>Implying that nazis existed
>Being this cucked

>> No.9543841

Are there any good discussions of the book anywhere?

>> No.9544143

Snowden got run out of the country after publishing his anthology of classified NSA documents if that counts

>> No.9544184

not surprising in the least