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9539830 No.9539830 [Reply] [Original]

I like this guy, but it was't quite what I was looking for.

What should I read to convince myself that life is utterly meaningless? Give me the blackpill, /lit/

>> No.9539846

my diary desu

>> No.9539853

...wanna post some excerpts/scans?

>> No.9539874
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The meaning of life is whatever you make it. You have much more power over your existence than you think.

>> No.9539890


Maybe go full Buddhism, dunno. Apart from Schonpenhauer i would guess that has the most depressive authors are Cioran, Stirner, Camus and maybe Nietzsche. If you want to go full political mode, Evola. If you just want to get comfy admist chaos try Stoicism or Discordian.

>> No.9539916
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>The meaning of life is whatever you make it.
A nice platitude but if life really is meaningless, any meaning I pretend to give it will ultimately be in vain.

>full Buddhism
I have looked a little into buddhism and found some interesting ideas, perhaps I'll look again. Kinda prefer western philosophy though, desu.

I hate both Stirner and Nietzsche, does that mean I'll hate your other suggestions? If not what's a good place to start with Camus/Cioran?

>> No.9539965

>I hate Nietzsche
Go read Kant or something then I guess. Whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.9540149


No anon, it would not. Stirner and Nietzsche ideas are too agressive, Camus and Cioran are more reflexive. They have more similarities with Schonpenhauer!

>> No.9540211

Is "The Trouble with Being Born" a good place to start? Cioran seems interesting

>> No.9541331


>A nice platitude but if life really is meaningless, any meaning I pretend to give it will ultimately be in vain.

Well then you should stop pretending for once, anon

>> No.9541365

Poignant anon, good point.

>> No.9541391

Seconding this

>> No.9542237

Your own diary.

>> No.9542300
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>>full Buddhism
>I have looked a little into buddhism and found some interesting ideas, perhaps I'll look again. Kinda prefer western philosophy though, desu.
then your quest is retarded. western philosophers try to define the subject which means precisly trying to define a purpose, a meaning, a merit, something which matters, relevant worth of living for through the personality.

>> No.9542310

evola says stirner is the logical conclusion to the nihilists. i think stirner offers something greater, but you should check him out if you havent

>> No.9542329

>of living for through the personality.
while tying this to their fantasy of university, otherwise they sperg out at the idea that'' everything is relative'', become hysterical or suicidal

>> No.9542369

Read Phillipp Mainländer. He was very inspired by Schopenhauer, but took pessimism to a completely new level. Life is absolutely worthless and the dark nothingness of death is a sweet release of death. When the Will is guided under this knowledge, the only true ethical action reveals itself; suicide.

He killed himself on the day he received a pile of copies of his main/life's work, The Philosophy of Redemption, from his publisher as confirmation they would had been printed and would be published.

He stacked them on the floor, climbed ontop, wrapped the noose around his neck and kicked them away from underneath.

>> No.9542447

If your end goal is to be convinced of something regardless of whether or not it's true why read at all?

>> No.9543088
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Georges Bataille's "Inner Experience". I read that a few years ago and am only now beginning to recover from it. What a bleak view on the world! Not as self-indulgent as Cioran either.

Bataille was a librarian for most of his life, so it's pretty nonacademic, and whatnot.

>> No.9543283

Conspiracy Against the Human Race etc..

>> No.9544141

>reading philosophy to affirm your own preconceptions
Brainlets get OUT.

>> No.9544205

Sometimes you are looking for people to properly articulate things you can't.

>> No.9544880


Actually, just read Plato. He/Socrates pretty much demolished nihilism thousands of years ago in dialogues such as "Phaedo", "Meno", and the end of the "Republic".

Still not convinced? Read the neoplatonists (esp. Proclus's "Elements of Theology" and Plotinus's "Enneads").

STILL think those dudes were a bunch of shut-in prudes? Read Hegel's Phenomenology. Also Science of Logic.

THEN, after reading all that stuff, if you wanna say everything's meaningless and ascribe to nihilism, THEN read some Bataille, Kierkegaard, Deleuze, etc.

Then read Lacan so that you can still function socially and don't turn into a sewer rat or vampire.

>> No.9544977
File: 2.30 MB, 2456x764, clean your room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meaningless of life is a pointless statement.
You wouldn't say the suffering caused by your bleeding arm doesn't matter, cause we'll all be dead in a million years and nothing matters.

Suffering and pain is real.
You can choose to assist the world in it's struggle to relieve humanity from suffering.
>Starting with cleaning your room.

>> No.9545051


Bataille has little to do with nihilism. About as much as Thomas Aquinas

>> No.9545362


LOL. And Stirner had nothing to do with solipsism (which is not nihilism) either, I'll bet.

>> No.9545772

i guess i'll be the one to mention peter wessel zapffe's "the last messiah"

seconding cioran, though as someone else said, it is a bit self-indulgent

definitely this, you need to know german though, there is a spanish translation, but i've heard it's no bueno. someone needs to make an english translation one of these days

ligotti is dece

david benatar's "better never to have been" is good too, a bit dry and academic but he makes his point

>> No.9545843

suicide is really an hedonistic thing

>> No.9545947

Baudrillard, Nick Land, Thomas Ligotti, Uncle Ted Kaczinski, Mark Fisher

For the music version, I suggest Death in June, Current 93, Boyd Rice, GG Allen,

>> No.9546015
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Honestly just studying raw academic history was the most emotionally dampening thing I ever did. Modern history eviscerates romanticism thoroughly, reducing man to his absurd rituals.

>> No.9546028

Read this frogperson
Especially Atomised
To end human suffering is to end the human race

>> No.9546033
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forgot pic

>> No.9546038

the blackpill isnt that life is meaningless, its that its hopeless. pandoras box slammed shut before it could get out.

that doesnt mean suicide is a legitimate response.

>> No.9546045

what degenerates which, soul the body or body the soul?

>> No.9546054

How fitting would it be for someone to translate a "definitive" version of mainländer into English then to hang themselves on a stack of the copies? Honestly might learn German and do it. Though I don't get why it hasn't been at least given a sloppy translation already.

>> No.9546133
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Here, this guy even managed to make Christianity nihilistic.

>> No.9546262

Stop reading and life will become utterly meaningless

I promise

>> No.9546270

This "whatever you make of it" attitude will drive you nuts. Don't do it.

>> No.9546663
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This "whatever you make of it" attitude will give you siphillis. Don't do it.

>> No.9546669

Try Cioran. In On the Heights of Despair he criticizes Schopenhauer's view on suicide.

>> No.9546691

If you need convincing, you're never going to believe it.

>> No.9546698
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>A nice platitude but if life really is meaningless, any meaning I pretend to give it will ultimately be in vain.

So? If you're willing to admit it then you're also willing to admit that the fact that these meanings are not objective bears no significance in a meaningless universe. your desire for truth is merely a prejudice: you're already justifying your actions by merely tuning your will on those frequencies that you like the most, that you desire by either istinct or conditioning (mainly societal).

This, by the way, should not keep you away from studying metaphysics and philosophy in general. Even if nothing is true, these ideas can still be of use for you: your problems may be all, ultimately, biological, but they still remain problems, things that you probably son't desire. In this case, contemplation of both the meaningless and the meaningfulness of the most detailed philosophical systems ever concieved, can still help you moving in the direction that you desire the most. Since Wagner was a composer, Schopenhauer was infinitely useful to him, and single-handedly bought him to achieve his dream.
Or you may as well read only for the aesthetic experience: once you can look him from outside, Kant's ouvre shines in a different way, in the way high art should shine.

>> No.9546732

If you are looking to be convinced of a notion you selected and seem to have embraced beforehand, why not write down your own reasonings?
Or are you afraid itll read like an angsty teen's diary?

>> No.9546851


soul doesn't exist, anon. Only thing you have is consciousness and your living body that sustains it. They are intertwined and affect each other all the time.

>> No.9546949

>these meanings are not objective bears no significance in a meaningless universe
>your desire for truth is merely a prejudice
Don't conflate meaning and truth.
You can be a nihilist and still desire to ~know~ reality.