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/lit/ - Literature

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9539773 No.9539773 [Reply] [Original]

Thomas Pynchon is one of the most overrated authors on this board. I can not make it through a single one of his books, even with annotations. The farthest that I've gotten is about 500 pages into Against the Day. Why is he so praised if he can't write coherently? Even Dostoevsky is more coherent.

>> No.9539785


>> No.9539789


>massive page counts
>math and science references

He's pseud-bait. Er, I mean... you're not smart enough to understand him. You have to be smart to read novels, btw.

>> No.9539804

It's not that he's overrated. You've only deemed him so because you're too dense to enjoy his novels. Take some accountability for your shortcomings.

>> No.9539806

He really is pseud bait.

>> No.9539814

What's the redeeming value to his works, then? That they show how good a recluse is at shitting all over a page?

>> No.9539863

Big and brainy so you look smart reading it but with "personality" and enough lowbrow jokes thrown in to keep you going.

Every /lit/ book ever.

>> No.9539876

>it's another insecure anon taking out his frustration and self-hatred on the books that he reads instead of recognizing that maybe the fault is in himself episode
I'm not a dogmatic Pynchon fan, and actually only really love Mason and Dixon, but the fact that you feel the need to put him down so much, and the fact that you had to make this angry post on a hentai board shows more about yourself than Pynchon. I can understand the frustration over Pynchon's onanistic stylistic tendencies, but the fact that you are completely ignoring the clearly great artistic things that he has accomplished is quite narrow minded of you.
For example, His dissection and exploration of the nature of interpretation and literature WITHIN gravity's rainbow, using the very form to demonstrate his thoughts, was brilliant. His stylistic inventiveness in Mason and Dixon, along with a great sense for creating rhythmical and lyrical sentences. His sheer force of imagination in all of his works. You can't deny that Pynchon's work was a massive leap forward for literature, even if you dislike the way that it has progressed.

>> No.9539892

on second thought, after reading "even Dostoevsky is more conherent," I have realized that this OP was indeed bait. Let's move it along to the next thread, folks.

>> No.9539899
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>even Dostoevsky is more coherent
Out of all the possible authors you chose Dostoyevsky to represent incoherent writing

>> No.9539915

maybe you got a shite translation or something, he's about as formally complex as Dickens

Also: How to into Pinecone

>> No.9539953

I really liked m&d the first time but couldn't get through it the second time. I don't believe in infallible authors, I can easily see why people dislike Pynchon's books, even the ones I liked. The reality is that the pseuds need to worship individuals.

>> No.9539977
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>dosto is more coherent
Did you try reading it Russian or something?

>> No.9540028

Pynchon is so great his out-dosto dosto, kys pleb, just because you dont like it doesnt mean he is a "hack" or whatever

>> No.9540163

You are a massive pleb lmao. Might I suggest you kill yourself or check out reddit?

>> No.9542201

There are annotated editions of Pinecone? Aren't you supposed to wait til someone's dead to do those?

>> No.9542215

>I can not make it through a single one of his books
if you can't at least finish Lot 49 you should probably give up on reading.

also you have to stop trying to avoid 'pseud' writers because of your insecurities about looking like a nerd. If anyone deserves to be pretentious and receive praise for it then it's Pynchon. You just need to learn to enjoy his wacky mind.

>> No.9542732

> Dostoevsky is more coherent

duh-doy, Dostoevsky is babby's first Russian, he's very accessible.