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/lit/ - Literature

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9536537 No.9536537 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the dangers of democracy?

>> No.9536543

Search the archive. /pol/tards ask the same questions every day

>> No.9536546

>dangers of democracy
>donald DRUMPF

lol, epic xD

>> No.9536590

whatever, drumpfkins

>> No.9536595

>Any books on the dangers of democracy?

i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.

>> No.9536599


You could unironically start with the Greeks. What's with the short posts on /lit/? Have people forgotten how to transmit information by writing?

>> No.9536603
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How do we stop ironic-posting?

>> No.9536612

could I have some cheese with this pasta?

>You could unironically start with the Greeks
I've read all platonic dialogues, a few pre-socratics and aristotle's metaphysics and nicomachean ethics

> What's with the short posts on /lit/? Have people forgotten how to transmit information by writing?
the appeal of brevity seems to be lost on you
I've conveyed all necessary information in that brief sentence. why should I needlessly extend myself?

>> No.9536626

God I miss Mrs Clinton.

>> No.9536650

itt: democracy is bad when the other side wins

>> No.9536658
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my diary desu

>> No.9536660

It's bad when fascism wins.

>> No.9536672

the other side is always fascist

>> No.9536686

Yeah bro, preach. Brb goose stepping down to Walmart.

>> No.9536687

People pick their candidates based on charisma more than anything, so yeah, it's pretty fucking retarded and we'll keep electing "leaders" like Donald Trump

>> No.9536688

No, but Drumpf is.

>> No.9536692

>mfw everyone who doesn't share my opinions is a fascist

>> No.9536696

Trump isn't our leader, Putin is.

>> No.9536697

>democratically elected president

Literally retarded.

>> No.9536701
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>actually believing any of the MSM Russia fantasy

Look into the details of the murder of Seth Rich.

>> No.9536702

>everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler

>> No.9536712

It was the success of individuality over the custom. It's a tenant of classic liberalism. We look to someone who reveals a nugget of truth even within lies.

>> No.9536721


you people accept when someone changes their gender(Not physically possible, just btw), but a name change 2 generations back is constantly referenced and touted about as a bad thing?
You idiot liberals make literally no sense.

>> No.9536724

So what if he is? Putin is a way better leader than anyone in the West.

>> No.9536750
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I am sick and tired of seeing this /pol/ reddit bullshit on every fucking board

>> No.9536754

Nope. Hillary sounded like a stuck-up, moralistic, preachy cunt. Trump is your politically incorrect, but funny and relateable uncle.
There's no big metaphysical dialects in place, people just pick the candidate they feel a reptilian attraction to the most and then proceed to rationalize their choice.
It's how Dubya, a literate Ivy League graduate and son of an ex-president, had to fake a provincial Southern accent in order to accrue popular support. It's how intellectuals like Adlai Stevenson get massacred by populists like Nixon time and time again.

>> No.9536821


Adlai Stevenson lost the nomination to JFK.

>> No.9536874

>he fell for the Russia bait

>> No.9536894
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fascism is objectively good

>> No.9536900

>Any books on the dangers of democracy?

To even ask this question marks you as an illiterate. Read Plato.

>> No.9536907

>tfw /pol/ still tries to defend Trump after he stacked his cabinet with establishment neocons, married his daughter to a Jew, praises Israel, just gave a speech about how much respect he has for Muslims and gave the country that funds ISIS a 350 billion dollar weapons deal, didn't acquire funding for his wall... etc.

It's really getting pathetic.

>> No.9536912

/pol/ just fantasizes over a perceived alpha leader

>> No.9537036

Plato is fucking outdated

>> No.9537241

>hehe our western corporate wasteland was just fine before those idiots elected BLUMPF xD

>> No.9537258

Illegals are getting rekt and as much respect he has for Muslims, problematic Muslims countries are still getting banned.

>> No.9537273


His travel ban was

Trump is a failure and I doubt he will have the patience to sit through a full term, autistic manbaby that he is.

>> No.9537290
File: 40 KB, 574x542, 1469219701070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>> No.9537298

>slavery is objectively good
fuck off

>> No.9537305

Can't wait to see you posting about how he'll be getting impeached any day when he gets reelected.

>> No.9537320

whoa there kiddo, nice emulation of the ideal shit opinion

>> No.9537324

Fascism can be good as democracy can be good. Both can also be bad, it really depends on the state the country is in. A country that's hit rock bottom would benefit greatly from fascism, a country that's reached its apex will only see a sharp decline with democracy. Try not to strawman.

>> No.9537348


>he hasn't heard of the mamluks

>> No.9537386


>> No.9537390

like I said earlier, I've already read all socratic dialogues
why would you recommend fucking plato for someone interested in learning about the shortcomings of democracy?
how about something that expands upon all the shit that has happened during the several millenia between socrates taking a stroll in athens and drumpf being ellected?

>> No.9537405

>approved by less and less people with each passing day

>> No.9537443

What were the stats on him winning in the first place? Wasn't something like 1%?

>> No.9537461


He doesnt even have support of the baseline conservatives anymore. Going by his demeanour and the things he has said i doubt he will even run for a second term.

>> No.9537466


You wouldnt put the contents of your lunchbox up to the will of the general public so why put your country up?

>> No.9537470


Stop lying, you havent read shit

>> No.9537475


Who will the democrats run?

>> No.9537482

>he thinks that because I'm opposed to fascism then I must be a leftist muslim apologist

>> No.9537484

Democracy the god that failed is the most brilliant book that demolishes democracy

>> No.9537486

the general public isn't eating my lunch

>> No.9537488


Somebody who will repeat Clintons mistakes and lose to whoever the RNC run instead of Trump

>> No.9537495


Woah woah woah, slow the fuck down. I wasn't accusing you of being anything, I was just pointing out that slavery can be quite nice.

>> No.9537500

I, for one, think it would have been pretty cool to be a berber slave to a nice patrician family

>> No.9537504

whatever, brainlet

>> No.9537512

>Hans-Hermann Hoppe (German: [ˈhɔpə]; born September 2, 1949) is a German-born American Austrian School economist, and libertarian anarcho-capitalist philosopher

>> No.9537514

>slavery can be quite nice.
case in point: the american working class

>> No.9537589

>I was just pointing out that slavery can be quite nice
I doubt the sort of slavery that follows from the establishment of a fascist regime would be nice, in most cases at least

>> No.9537623

we will never know unless we try

>> No.9537644

Nice to meet you

>> No.9537912

The problems of democracy are blatantly obvious. People not thinking for themselves is the most obvious one. The people that shape thought and policy are unelected, unaccountable, and largely unknown by the electorate.

>> No.9538271

stop larping

>> No.9538304

Democracy and Its Critics by Robert A. Dahl. Dahl isn't strictly opposed to democracy but he gives it a harder time than most. He's very thorough and easy to read.

>> No.9538393
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I concur.

>> No.9538404

Democracy: The God That Failed - Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>> No.9538412

Plato was right about literally everything, you fucking pleb.

>> No.9539387
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>> No.9539400

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books, short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/

>> No.9539435

It Couldn't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis

>> No.9539946

Not a book, but Nick Land's essay on democracy is pretty interesting.
Also seconding the anon's that posted Hoppe.

>> No.9540285


God, this is Facebook-tier political analysis

>> No.9540311

>Fuck off! Givin all that power to a leader? Limitate fredoom! Ugh
> no thanks, I'm communist
> but not like Stalin (who was really a phasheest) I mean I society were workers democratically choose what's for the best


>> No.9540316

The Landmark Thucydides

trump is strengthening democracy,
in that the elites have gained fear of the populace, and institutions are strengthening in response to some of his policy. his positions are one thing, his competence is another.
He is not competent enough to enforce true tyranny

>> No.9540322
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>> No.9540323

So you don't like Blumebrkdjebmpf cos he's a wannabe dictator, therofore you oppose democracy now

Y'know, maybe reading and thinking are not your thing

>> No.9540346

Well, if people like you would work till they starve in concentration camp would be quite nice for all the people who have a nice job and house and collaborate with the regime and respect their leader.
They wouldn't be free, but they wouldn't die or live like actual slaves

>> No.9540348

how did this meme start? cuz its dumb

>> No.9540358

Nope, first it's a critical of authoritarian populism and how democracy is perfect expect when some stoopid (or smart but evil) people wanna elect Le ebil fascist.

Also, the book is good until the guy gets elected, so the first 150 pages or so. From that on, it's shitty and boring and painful to read

>> No.9540369

>no trump,no kkk,no fascist USA!
>I'm a real rebel coz I listed to Green Day!

>> No.9540437
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Read everything by Plato and Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes for an introduction into anti-democratic thought.

Check out the wikipedia article for a lot more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_democracy

>> No.9540476

don't forget
>pushing against liberals is like the real punk rock

>> No.9540648

Is this a meme? Or are you implying that this is my stance?

>> No.9540731

Is it really worth reading? I read his essay on Marxism and a piece about his argumentation ethics and they both seem absolutely atrocious, which makes me think that his other books are just an entertainment for brainlets. Is he a meme or not?