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9536491 No.9536491 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT greentext your plot of your novel
post them

>> No.9536497

>A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well. But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush. Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.9536524

>a man meets a ratty looking asian guy in his creative writing workshop, the two slowly become friends discussing each other's poetry
>later the guy asks the MC if he can come with him to visit a 'friends' place and critique his work
>meets him at some house where a fat ugly neckbeard is alone on his computer in the living room, and when the MC attempts to introduce himself or talk to him the neckbeard ignores him - the MC reads his work, and the book goes aside to read the short story (think Canterbury Tales or Hyperion)
>finishes it confuses and tries to discuss it with the neckbeard, to no avail
>goes back to monotony of life until the next time he's contacted by his friend to meet up at another house
>this time it's a couple asleep on the couch who won't wake up, so the two sit on the opposite couch and read their story
>rinse and repeat with a further few anomalies (woman having sex off in another room while they read her story, crossdresser off smoking by the back door while they read his story etc.)
>all the while the structure and order of the MCs life is a very slowly breaking up

In all honesty it doesn't sound good through greentexting it but I know what I'm doing.

>> No.9536527

>Guy drills holes in wood for a living, goes around drilling wood. Then one day he's asked to drill holes in metal, begins crying. End.

>> No.9536558

>this guy has really vivid, awful dreams
>having body troubles (can't keep food down, not hungry, tired all the time)
>gets invited back to a funeral for a friend's pet dog
>thinks about his time in high school
>all his high school friends will be there
>he's sick of the world because he and his friends beat and killed a homeless man

>> No.9536570

>In a post-apoc world a naive young man accepts the position of a lawman on an isolated small island after the old lawman dies a mysterious death
>Everything is seemingly serene, only dealing with petty issues
>the village folk are often distrustful of those from other villages on the island, which makes it difficult for the lawman, they offer little help
>some stuff happens here
>develops a hatred for wicked poisons and immorality
>He gets seduced/captured by a witch and her followers but escapes and smashes her and others to death with a rock while they are engaged in a drugged up orgy
>One part of him is overly violent and willing to break the law, while the other is very mild and cultured(and is a friend of a warrior-monk whom he relies upon)
>something something his lord wants to kill him or something I don't know I haven't got that far yet

>> No.9536608
File: 303 KB, 600x600, touhoukazami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it literature?

>> No.9536691

YA af, but sounds kinda cute desu
would watch in movie form, probably wouldn't read

>> No.9536699

0 - 100 with that last line there

>> No.9538591 [DELETED] 

Stubborn teacher is better

>> No.9538754

>The last day in the life of David Foster Wallace
>1365 pages of stream of consciousness with foot notes (also in SoC) correcting and commenting on his thoughts
>the last page is a poem by Harvey, a typographical noose

>> No.9539682

>earth finds alien planet
>earth through propaganda machine ect convinces us they are our enemies
>we attack them (for land, resources ect)
>story is half pov from earth half from aliens
>alien side of things is them defending themselves from earthlings
>alien drugs get into circulation (weed lvl drug)
>trumps keep getting elected
>civil war
>everyone with a grounded understanding of life leaves to alien planet with the help of musk
>earthlings on earth die off
>alien planeties use earth for farming/building and basically storage
>aliens finally start coming out of the 1800's and start showing their knees
>ends in a musky orgy

>> No.9539954

>including trump in your book for le political commentary

>> No.9540022

why this pasta here?

>> No.9541044

Why bring modern politics?

>> No.9541190

Does my movie count?

>> No.9541445


>> No.9541467

>near future earth
>growing anxiety over AI development leads to a multinational moratorium on developing learning computer programs due to fears of military use
>some rich billionaire CEO uses his personal wealth to covertly build an alternative human entirely out of prosthetics and cloned genetic material
>the only computer components are simple enough to be grandfathered in the law and help regulate sensory information and body functions enough that the body is streamlined enough to function
>through some plot contrivance I haven't entirely nailed down, the developers have to prematurely awaken the android to avoid it being discovered and possibly destroyed
>the android, in a semi-conscious retard state, is put under the care of a career criminal who has no evident ties to the corporation, under threat of being exposed if he doesn't comply
>initially it's just a statue, but as it starts to come online and learn, the creator of the project uses the situation as a field test, demanding more and more information from the android's caretaker
>meanwhile the caretaker, who is avidly disgusted and afraid of the idea of machine life, walks the line on whether he can kill it or get over it's alien status
>the whole narrative acts as a dissertation on the nature of both artificial sapience, questions about determinism and free will, critique and satire of contemporary conceptions of artificial intelligence, and a whole slew of other shit
>envisioned ending has the criminal unintentionally shooting the android due to his inability to face the existential questions it raises, both as a nod to the Stranger and as a pastiche of the "robots head explodes when exposed to a paradox" thing
The narrative obviously needs a lot of refining, but I'm focusing more on the thematic elements. There's a lot I want to cram into the story if I can.

>> No.9541959

I don't know, but I think it will end in a suicide.

>> No.9542567

Stop, that's retarded

>> No.9542577

Already exists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g

>> No.9542613

>Mc is good hard-working southernman who's about to aks his gf to marry him
>gf does some dumb shit with this godlike entity and ends up losing her soul to the entity
>mc doesn't know
>godlike entity shows up at mcs house dressed like an old-fashioned southern house to house salesman
>thick Mississippi accent
>mc finds out he's a godlike entity
>has to kill this dude he knows because the dude owed the entity his soul but the dude got blessed by the entitys brother who is also an entity so he can't touch him, so the mc has to do it to save his future wife.
>He does it
>big plot twist
>his future wife was trying to get him killed because she wanted to be with the other dude
>she gave up her soul in the hopes that it would lure the mc to the other dudes house to kill him where the dude will be waiting with his gun
>little did either of them know the mc also had a gun, a bigger gun then the dude
>they also didn't know that the entity knew the mc had a gun and could kill the dude and they both gave up there souls to get a chance to kill him
>the dude gets killed his soul gets taken forever by the entity
>mc goes back to see his gf
>she freaks out
>they get into a scuffle she shoots mc
>entity brings him back to life and kills the bitch
>mc becomes a depressed little bitch
> entity dude doesn't care
> leaves
>mc gets blamed for 2 murders
>gets sentenced to death

There's a lot more shit in between but that's the general plot.

>> No.9542615

Why not STARTING with a suicide? I bet you never tought that, pleb

>> No.9543162

Pretty bad my dude

>> No.9543188

It's like a ridiculously unnecessarily convoluted episode of the twilight zone

>> No.9543202

>A penguin falls in love with a cardboard cutout of an anime girl dressed like a penguin.
>Based on a true story.

>> No.9543256
File: 841 KB, 1600x678, 2a4976bf6f7c640502f1b206771dbdb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy medieval not!Europe with a billion different races/cultures, mostly pastiches of real cultures, all in endless war
>asshole dragon-god necromancer of the world summons envoys and diplomats from all the world to his private island to hash out a permanent peace for no reason other than as part of an experiment he's doing
>main character is an undersecretary as part of the human envoys. other featuring characters include Victorian British gothic rat-men from the huge caves under the world, Anubis-like "egyptians", various other humans from other kingdoms, orcs, elves, etc. etc. basically every fantasy race, government system, or real life ideology that could possibly exist is represented in a group of diplomats, honour guards, etc, numbering ~1,000
>they all hate each other
>all their countries hate each other
>several of them belong to countries currently fighting wars with each other
>everyone hates the asshole dragon-god
>but when the asshole dragon-god speaks, the world listens
>they travel on his airship to his private island and start the agatha christie murder mystery dinner party
>except the murder is actually that someone is trying to sabotage the negotiations and topple governments and unleash an ancient evil and take over the world
>asshole dragon-god is set up as a red herring but is actually secretly trying to prevent it using the negotations without revealing it
>main character gets sucked into this "ancient evil" subplot while also being stuck in negotiations
>over the course of the novel he finds out he's actually the forgotten prince of his kingdom and heir to the world and the chosen one etc. etc. destined to battle the ancient evil
And so on.

I'm not pretending it's anything deep, I just like writing comedy-of-manners stuff and I like fantasy and I'm interested in politics, so I put them together.

Sorry it's not "the world hates me and then I killed myself" like most of the shit here.

>> No.9543455


Yeah, honestly I think it would translate better as a short film or something, just because Louisiana in the 1960s aesthetics.

>> No.9543460


Yeah, I thought of it while I was on salvia. Or more or less I remembered it when I came to.

>> No.9543559

It's pretty fucking bad my dude

>> No.9543584

>tiger escapes a cage
>runs away and goes on a journey to find his "home" and his "people"
>dies at the end

>> No.9543585


>> No.9543737

>1930s USSR
>Man arrives home, discouraged from trying to find his retarded dog (a red chow) that steals, chews ups, and buries shoes, and discovers his wife has left him, leaving a note saying "do not look for me, it's useless."
>Starts asking questions, trying to find clues on where his wife is
>On the surface, seems to be searching for her out of love, hurt, anger, etc.
>Deep down, it's only because the "don't look for me, it's useless" is a challenge he wants to beat because how dare anyone tell him what he can and can not do
>Powerful politician sends police after him because husband's retarded dog keeps stealing shoes and burying them - a crime
>Husband is annoyed at the interference from his hunt, doesn't care that his retard dog is running around stealing people's shoes
>Gets closer on the trail, because powerful forces - a witch, for instance - starts attacking him
>a cat attacks him with guns
>sheer anger and will power pushes him along, despite getting his ass beat
>Secret police get secret orders to stop them, but at the moment a raid is going to occur, they can't find their shoes and it gets cancelled.
>Finally, after discovering Walpurgis Night, (the magic required to peer into it caused him to recover memories of his past lives, including one as Max Stirner) the Devil shows up
>Publicly denounces husband in crowd as capitalist pig, detailing his crimes
>Devil takes a step forward, Husband's retard dog comes out of nowhere and steals his shoes and runs off
>His hooves are exposed
>Crowd panics
>Furious, devil disappears
>Husband on the run from law and hell
>retard dog shows up
>They break into local museum
>dog gets into ancient middle east collection and chews up sandals
>sandals belonged to Jesus, dog attains powers and talks to husband
>Dog pieces story together, says she probably rules in Hell
>Husband wants to go there, dog has the power to take him.
>Dog, meanwhile, ascends and is welcomed back to heaven
>Husband arrives in hell, faces Devil, finally sees his saddened wife and her new lover, forces of an angry hell arrayed against him.
>Husband says, "You are all my property."
>Everyone bows. He laughs forever.

>> No.9543750

I'm not even sure if this is intended as a joke but I would read the fuck out of that.

>> No.9543974

Sounds interesting

>> No.9543997

it's retarded enough to be a masterpiece

>> No.9544014

How come?

>> No.9544067

Because it'll hurt his penis

>> No.9544091

>mid-aged woman pianist still single, starts to go out , in hopes of finding someone
>she eventually ends up meeting 7 different people, each of which will fail because of a reason, and each failure will add to her sorrow
>as she saddens during the story, she becomes a more and more virtuosus pianist
>due to her great piano playing, she makes a lot of listeners happy and inspired
>she ends up being single and sorrowful all her life and playing the piano virtuously, making everyone around her love her

>> No.9544756


These both sound really interesting, are you guys posting somewhere?

>> No.9545751

Mademoiselle Reisz?

>> No.9545770

Noway someone already had my idea :(

>> No.9545835

sounds cash man.

>> No.9545879

It's a fucking /a/ meme you dips

>> No.9545894


Substitute ratty Asian guy for paternal substitute and u literally have my novel


>> No.9545971

already 100 pages in baby, see you at the finish line ;)

>> No.9546172
File: 17 KB, 577x631, 09ZGvA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyberpunk crime mystery
>set in the four Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Seoul)
>follows an augmented Private Eye out investigating a murder case for HKPD (who are overwhelmed with cases)
>plot goes deep into the cliche corporate paranoia politics of the genre
>all throughout the story however, an increasingly disturbing series of events that follow the prediction of Nick Land's 'Meltdown' will start to occur
>later murder case is swept aside as the book turns into a horror-scape of accelerationism and AI bringing about the 'end times'

I just want to scare cyberpunk/steampunk-kitsch plebs and possibly darkly enlighten them.

>> No.9547285

>MC is a straight-laced guy with a crush on his neighbor
>Neighbor is a beautiful serial killer
>Together they meet a person who doesn't exist
>Their realities fall apart
>Local cult wants to sacrifice MC to bring their nonexistent god into existence

>> No.9548340

Is this jusf pasta

>> No.9548618

>a hedonistic man with no sense of self control is sentenced to a year in prison for downloading cp
>there, bored and looking for any sort of meaning for his sordid life, he scours the prison library for philosophy
>he comes across a book on the history of samurai, and obsessively reads through it
>he then grows obsessed with Samurai and following the bushido code, requesting his mother brings him more books on samurai
>he constantly meditates, aiming to teach himself the value of self control
>before his release he is shanked by another inmate in the face, giving himself a horrible scar
>after being released into the outside, he donns a mask and calls himself "Dual Richard" claiming that he is a man who has abandoned his past
>then he secretly travels to Syria, with the aim of spreading the bushido code and protecting innocents from ISIS

>> No.9548970


>> No.9549059

>"angels" vs "demons" backdrop
>too many fucking characters, mostly humans and through a human perspective
>too much fucking plot, it'd be like giving you a brief run-down of every individual story of the Old Testament, ever.
>Towards the end, you discover that the demons are actually just monsters, the angels are fallen angels, and that those obscure creatures that humans call "elves" are an endangered species of sentient beings, remnants of a once highly-advanced race that had decided to terraform the now-medieval world they live in, and let humans, angels and lesser fauna and flora breed freely, but that their civilization degraded on this planet because the angels wiped them out, and that afterward the demons showed up and almost wiped out the angels and humans. Also, their home planet was wiped out by a cataclysmic meteor shower event.
>the current leader of one of the angel factions is actually an amalgamation of one of the "elves" and a fallen angel that gave his life-force to save him from a human-borne pathogen that his immune system couldn't handle. He currently plays god by trying to cultivate humans whom are one of the two necessary ingredients to controlling the angels. He also had a bad history with the other angel faction, who control their own human nations in attempt to topple him. A lot of bad blood involved.
>every nation is trying to survive against these fucking demons
>an actual God-backed angel comes down on his own behalf because he wants to redeem the aforementioned leader of angel faction.
>human, angel, and elf characters dying left and right.
>other humans are trying to just move as far away from the nations that are besieged.
>one of the moons comes down from the sky and more "elves" descend from it, in search of the 'leader' in hopes to reprimand him for helping to sabotage their survival thousands of years ago.
>a motley group of courageous, reluctant, and unwitting men and women manage to reach the demon leader and rip out his brain.
>demon's body is a parasite with its own brain that is trying to find its head-brain, manages to find a certain former antagonist half-demon half-man character to reluctantly serve as its brain, by hooking itself to him.
>peace is restored in the world, as this character commands all of the demons back underground, forever.
>that aforementioned angel faction leader is reprimanded, but only after a lot of main characters are killed in a four-way showdown.

>> No.9549155

>Fantasy setting
>Goblin lives his life, trying to keep his place in a goblin society.
>Humans loom on the fringes, threatening their survival.

>> No.9549161

Holy shit this is garbage of the best kind

>> No.9549178

Thanks anon that's exactly what I was going for

>> No.9549232

That last twist is incredible. It's great sequel bait as well as being retarded

>> No.9549243

I'm not sure if I actually want him to make it to Syria or just get stopped at customs

>> No.9549268
File: 140 KB, 540x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret group of christians and neoplatonists send a man back in time to witness the dawn of consciousness
>wacky hijinks ensue

>> No.9550575


>> No.9550581

>earth finds alien planet
>>earth through propaganda machine ect convinces us they are our enemies
>>we attack them (for land, resources ect)
Warchild Karen Lowachee

>> No.9551338

>Pretentious dweeb has to go through a bunch of personal trials and views all of them as personal attacks on himself.
>They're all things that literally anyone else could probably do.

>> No.9551707
File: 48 KB, 300x300, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man travels to china in order to pursue his study of ritualistic sex magic
>while participating in anal sex with a man for the first time on a beach he summons the ghost of himself
>he must now find a way to get his ghost back before his death or he will be condemned to eternal nonexistence

>> No.9551795

>on peaceful and highly advanced world it is understood that all biological processes have sentience
>i.e. all life in our universe is a china mind that goes on infinitely
>discovered by humans - famed alien therapist goes adventuring into humans mind, finds and cures ancient disease that turns out to be present in all of humanity and is holding us back from connecting to a collective unconscious and thus preventing us from progressing as fast as we could
>humanity progresses incredibly quickly ane convinces itself of manifest destiny, destroys alien civilization as they are far more powerful

is this the worst thing ever guys?

>> No.9551880

i get the impression that you understand very little about biology

>> No.9552266

I hope this gets published.

>> No.9552500

thanks! i can't write it because i'd need to study linguistics of proto-language, anthropology (not the meme sociological kind), more religious texts, etc. to be half as competent as the idea demands.

i wonder if this problem is a major concern for authors—that they need to study non-fictional works in order to fully realize their stories.

>> No.9552555

>tfw just came up with an idea for my magnum opus
>far too good to post on /lit/ for criticism in case it is stolen

i guess ill be doing this one myself

>> No.9552568

>tfw you post your idea and nobody even responds
At least it won't get stolen, r-right?

>> No.9552694

>there, bored and looking for any sort of meaning for his sordid life, he scours the prison library for philosophy
He wouldn't be bored in prison seeing as he'd be getting the everloving shit beat out of him everyday. Prison isn't friendly to pedos.

>> No.9552720

I take it you've never been in the system before.

>> No.9552752

I stole a couple of lollipops in another life.

>> No.9552784

I was locked up in a blue state. The system there had plenty of havens for SOs. And some of the places they are actually the majority. It's all about how good your behavior is. The only places pedos can't go to are low sec camps, which are off-limits for them and lifers.

>> No.9552795

>And some of the places they are actually the majority
Interesting. If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to get locked up?

>> No.9552869


this premise actually sounds kind of cool to me as long as you can tighten up everything after (and including) the plot twist, which seems a little loosey-goosey.

idk if this one is intended as a joke, but yeah, this would be a definite purchase for me. would read, 100%.

>> No.9552911

>Backdrop is a land with a history of a native people being driven from their lands by an invading kingdom
>Main character is a descendant of the natives, attempting a hermit's life after a disease took his sister
>Is approached by his people's "conquerors", asking for his help
>The natives had inherent abilities, his is something of a clairvoyance/dowsing combo
>He's basically key to locating the leader of a rebel faction and discover his plans
>Agrees to help at the price of of riches and a title
>Put into a small team with the function of efficiently getting through rebel bands and traversing the hostile landscape
>Consists of a master swordsman and his student, a wizard that specialises in manipulating the weather, a beserker, another native with healing abilities, all led by a disgraced nobleman's daughter

I'm putting a lot into the lore behind the natives and the things they left behind, make them more mysterious. I really want to emphasise how they're key to most of the conflicts and revelations in the story.

>> No.9553018

how were the natives driven from their land if they had wicked esp

>> No.9553027

This sounds like something I'd write

Here's one I'm working on:

>Boy grows up in an isolated post-apocalypse town on the edge of a region known as "West"
>Its a little bit like the Zone from STALKER but more trippy and less bleak at times
>An old man comes and lives with his family, basically becomes his grandpa
>Grandpa gives him a manhood complex, maybe molestation or beatings or something
>The Zone starts to expand right after the boy reaches manhood, swallowing up the boys town
>The boy is the only survivor
>The boy ventures into the West for reasons he doesn't really understand. Over the course of tbe book he gets raped, fights wild animals, accidentally kills a kid, and kills a bunch of cultists and nudist savages. He also gets a cool dog that he almost beats to death after a bad mushroom trip.
>He gets all fucked up mentally and physically as he goes. By the end he's only going on because he's convinced there will be some kind of revelation at the end of his journey that will explain everything and redeem him
>Eventually he reaches the center of the West. Reality breaks apart and he meets the heart of the West. Book ends abruptly.
>It is hinted at that since the West is infinitely complex and both hates and loves him, the boy is sent back to his village and is his own grandpa. This creates an infinite cycle in which the West gets to keep him forever, but he is trapped perpetually in his journey.

I finished the first draft yesterday. 30,000 words so far but I'm going to edit in additional events and flesh everything out so it'll probably end up at like 50-60k. It's not nearly as edgy as my summary makes it sound.

>> No.9553044

Fuck I meant to say "the West expands" not "The Zone" I'm a fucking idiot

>> No.9553079

it would be a fantasy novel
wrinkle in time core

>> No.9553681

>Welcome to Sandland, something akin to North Africa, the Middle-East, and the American West
>We got cowboy mercenaries riding dinosaurs with magic and guns while kangs fight pseudo-WWI in the backdrop.
>We got little dino-people to the south doing magic shit
>We got some biblical exodus shit to the north; mages and shit.

It's a concept more then a story, but I defiantly want to expand into it a whole lot more.

>> No.9553774

It was mostly a numbers game, also partway through the war, a few folks kept dabbling in magic they couldn't handle. Namely shit that involved spirits and things that could fuck with reality. So they had a large invasion force to deal with AND "fires" that were going on in their backyard.

Sorry it took me too long to reply. Just got off work and was tired.

>> No.9553776

>antigone set directly after the American civil war

>> No.9553793

That actually sounds like a comedic masterpiece

>> No.9554827

Go on.

>> No.9554914

>Context is years before the start of the story woman discovered she was lesbo and took her youngest son to Southern California while abandoning her oldest due to the fact that he's a Mexican asshole like his dad.
>Youngest also turns out to be homosexual. Washes up with the river beaten to death.
>Oldest has to leave his adult ass life in Northern California to play peacekeeper between his macho dad and his hysterical mother while also looking into why his brother got beat to death.
>The answer to the mystery is meaningless and kind of obvious and at the end of the day his dad and mom learn nothing.
>Entire story is about how the brothers turned out. In a violent and hopeless environment the older brother became a self assured by necessity adult living a quiet life and the younger brother living in a loving environment that encouraged him to do whatever he wanted crashed and burned horrifically.

>> No.9555105 [DELETED] 

how big does a neckbeard need to be for you to think honorfagging in dominion is a good idea? just had two in one game

>> No.9555138

>Disillusioned youth starts a psychedelic cult focussed on crafting sublime experiences
>Begins to pursue further hedonistic experiences in the attempt to feel connected to the universe
>Still working out the rest

At the moment all I know is that it will be set in a small coastal town, the kind of place people come and never leave. I'd like to work in some surreal, almost magical encounters, such as a seer who haunts the industrial area and a junkie that claims to see into a parrallel universe

>> No.9555141

Sounds like garbage trying to be profound, tone it down some.

>> No.9555213

>character is trying to find a girl he saw once.
>everything is cyberpunk and a bit weird
>everything is a comic exploration of the nature of "identity"
>other character is lost and being chased
>spends most of his time questioning the nature of reality and if he can draw any meaningful conclusions from his experience
>third character who sort of contradicts all of it just in the reality she inhabits and appears to cohabit with the other two despite it being impossible
>her situation is equally strange but she doesn't really question it, just gets on with life.

Do you remember that guy who posted on /b/ that he was planning to go and kill Osama Bin Laden, then a few months later got picked up by the police in Pakistan or something, he'd gone out there with a sword?

>> No.9555373


It's a work in progress. I really have just started working on the actual plot around a month ago, before I had written a short story with a vaguely similar plot, except it was a different time period and the main plot revolved around the entity figure.

But anyway, thanks man!