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File: 10 KB, 170x256, 170px-Nietzsche187c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9534704 No.9534704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I've seen proof, black on white, that Herr Dr. Förster has not yet severed his connection with the anti-Semitic movement...Since then I've had difficulty coming up with any of the tenderness and protectiveness I've so long felt toward you. The separation between us is thereby decided in really the most absurd way. Have you grasped nothing of the reason why I am in the world?...Now it has gone so far that I have to defend myself hand and foot against people who confuse me with these anti-Semitic canaille; after my own sister, my former sister, and after Widemann more recently have given the impetus to this most dire of all confusions. After I read the name Zarathustra in the anti-Semitic Correspondence my forbearance came to an end. I am now in a position of emergency defense against your spouse's Party. These accursed anti-Semite deformities shall not sully my ideal!!"

I'm not too well-versed in philosophy, but what on earth is this supposed to convey? Is this a liberal fabrication after his death?
Is there not an argument to be made that Nietzsche would've browsed /pol/ if he were alive today?

>> No.9534724

Nietzsche didn't give a flying fuck about nationalism or ideology in general. At best, he could've been described as an elitist, radical Aristocrat.

He also considered the Jewish presence in the Europe as a largely beneficial thing.

>> No.9534730

Is there not an argument to be made that you are indeed a liberal who is trying to convince himself of such an opinion to avoid dealing with the redpilled nature of Nietzsche's beliefs?

>> No.9534756

Is there not an argument to be made that you are getting reported and saged from now on until the time you fuck off to your safe zones / echo chambers?

>> No.9534765

What would be the point in creating a cover-up to make him seem not anti-semitic when he could just be discarded as an anti-semite, or accepted to be an anti-semite and still conceded to have some good unrelated thoughts like some other thinkers? The idea that there was a conspiracy to make it seem like there was a conspiracy to make him seem anti-semitic is convoluted paranoid insanity.

>> No.9534783
File: 26 KB, 600x315, f644e9382d69b21389baae293e4a475b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea that there was a conspiracy to make it seem like there was a conspiracy

>> No.9534795

derision for the pleb component of antisemitism and hysteric dissociation from something that didnt bother him as much in 1870s

>> No.9534808

Is there an argument to be made, then, that had he been alive today, he would have been a public figure advocating anti-semitic beliefs because he'd have been redpilled like you or me?

>> No.9534827

There isn't, I highly doubt Nietzsche would aprove of any form of government in particular, but I'm 100% sure he would be against one that tries to put the whole of the homogenized (in every posible aspect) population in subjugation to a single, all powerful and encompassing father figure.

>> No.9534894

if brought here via time machine he would see (((things))) in different light, but still hesitate to share a view that more than one or two other people on the planet can formulate.

>> No.9534968

Nietzsche understood how the jews operate as evidenced by his critique of their Christian slave morality and how they promote the weak over the strong. He did, however, make positive statements about jews so he obviously didn't understand the true extent of how malicious they are. I'm guessing this was based on personal conflicts. Regardless, the way the left has appropriated Nietzsche is disgusting and he is much better understood as a figure of the "right. "

>> No.9534981

For me, personally, I think he would've browsed /pol/ today if he were alive, and he would absolutely detest reddit and women with all his being

>> No.9534992

>hasn't read him
>thinks Nietzsche is some edgy alt-right kid
>thinks the same of Spengler (has never read him)
like pottery

>> No.9535005

trolled hard

>> No.9535004

His sister fucking edited shit to hate the Jews because it was the cool thing to do and made her fuckin shit loads of cash. Who cares if we throw in a dash of Jew hating? That guy went crazy and died. Who cares?

And so they didn't care until after the war.

>> No.9535007

No. Nietzsche hated all things common, like movements. The alt-right would have appeared to him as it is, as not even superficial ; not even worthy of mention. The fact that the alt-right is even discussed in the real world, only goes to show how low journalism has dropped.

>> No.9535018

The radical, almost farcical mediocrity and stupidity of the alt-right makes me want to be left-wing, even though I've been a conservative all my life. I can't even tell if they're not as bad as liberals, which are mediocre enough to almost reach the levels of animals.

>> No.9535019


>> No.9535020

Having read his works, I think there's definitely an argument to be made for Nietzsche supporting redpilled ideology and the alt-right movement, had he been alive today.

>> No.9535058

You have not read "his works", and if you have, you have misread them. Kill yourself.

>supported unified Europe
>hated nationalism
>hated movements
>hated the common-man, the man the alt-right wishes to defend from the mean jews and bad blacks aawww :'(
>liked Jews
>thought Islam superior to Christianity
How do you even attempt to argue that he would subscribe to your petty groupthink movement?

>> No.9535065

To say nietzsche "liked" Jews is a stretch, he appreciated some of their qualities but recognized in them the source of slave-morality.

>> No.9535066

Nietzsche didn't know shit about Islam and the few times he mentioned it pale in comparison to his intense dedication to the study of Christianity and its philosophy

>> No.9535067


>> No.9535070

But surely one can make the argument that these ideas where added by liberal commentators to defame and sanitize Nietzsche, no?

In my opinion, what I loved about Nietzsche, while reading his works, what exalted me, and stimulated me tremendously (intellectually speaking) were:
His hatred of women
His call for the white race to secure its future
His anti-semitism
His hatred of leftism and notions of equality
His focus on eradicating all race-mixing

>> No.9535080

>his intense dedication to the study of Christianity and its philosophy
This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all
walls, wherever walls are to be found--I have letters that even the
blind will be able to see.... I call Christianity the one great curse,
the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge,
for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and
_small_ enough,--I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human

And mankind reckons _time_ from the _dies nefastus_ when this fatality
befell--from the _first_ day of Christianity!--_Why not rather from its
last?_--_From today?_--The transvaluation of all values!...

Intrinsically there should be no more choice between
Islam and Christianity than there is between an Arab and a Jew. The
decision is already reached; nobody remains at liberty to choose here.
Either a man is a Chandala or he is not.... "War to the knife with Rome!
Peace and friendship with Islam!": this was the feeling, this was the
_act_, of that great free spirit, that genius among German emperors,
Frederick II. What! must a German first be a genius, a free spirit,
before he can feel _decently_? I can't make out how a German could ever
feel _Christian_....

>> No.9535088

>His hatred of women

>His call for the white race to secure its future
Include citation or leave.

>His anti-semitism
See hitherto.

>His hatred of leftism and notions of equality
Which the alt-right most vehemently defends... among whites. The alt-right is protestant and mediocre, like all mass movements its purpose is to defend the common man. The alt-right always hates people like Merkel. Nietzsche would admire the woman. Nietzsche would say race-mixing is a good thing if it helps an elite of people dominate the mediocre masses and gain power from it, which is exactly what is happening.

>His focus on eradicating all race-mixing
Add citation or kill yourself.

>> No.9535093

kek, nice bait

>> No.9535099

You are showing yourself to be much les well-read in the area of Nietzsche's writings, judging by your ill-conceived ideas about his beliefs. I suggest that you take your butthurt somewhere else, if you can't handle being told the truth.
Dares one make the argument that you are perhaps frustrated and can't articulate said frustration with evidence to back up your claims.

To quote Nietzsche "savages who speak or act from impotent feelings rather than employing the white man's rationality and logic is a poor soul".
Think about it

>> No.9535109

he would've torn both the left and the right, neocons and alt right included a new one

>> No.9535110

The whole of your petty suburbs, I would gladly turn into race-mixed shitholes, if but fifteen people could take control of the whole thing and dominate, crush the dumb cattle that you are into submission. Breed away with blacks; anyway you offer nothing, you produce but memes. How is your existence of any worth? How is it redeemed? Why do you plague the earth with your ugliness? Alleviate at last the old earth from your baseness. You spout shit about the white man, but you're an insult to what this "white man" once was, a poor imitation ; you should die away, so that you'd no longer sully the greatness he once was. The alt-right, like all movements, is leftist garbage.

>> No.9535120

Is Nietzsche the most honest atheist in history?

>> No.9535122

>to quote Nietzsche
>a quote which goes on to praise logic and reason about explosive feelings

I don't even have to google this to know it's not him, you're not even trying anymore

>> No.9535123

I'm a WN and don't like signaling against white interests or white interest movements, so even though I do have qualms about the alt right, it's needed and probably a net benefit to white people's long term interests. With that said, I have to agree that Nietzsche would have been a fellow traveler. His diagnosis of how the jews create an army of the weak masses to use against the aristocratic strong few is so important. But it's actually nit new. Jan Assmann, an Egyptologist, wrote a book called Moses the Egyptian wherein he describes how the jews were said to engage in something he termed "normative inversion". I.e. jews essentially invert the norms of a society so to weaken it and take it over. This is the evolutionary model of their behavior.

>> No.9535131

>still no citations
>no knowledge of Nietzsche whatsoever
I hate the misreaders, both from the left and the right. Especially voluntary misreaders, the worse of them.

see >>9535110
I wish I could beat your dumb face to pulp, you leftist fucking piece of shit. You're talking about the "white man" the way liberals speak about minorities : as a mass that must be saved. You are nothing but a new version of the petty, revengeful ideas that so permeate the West.

>> No.9535134
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-05-21-00-14-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted these in another thread but important to this conversation. (Actually my dad's book and notations btw lol).

>> No.9535137

>I'm a WN

What's that?

>> No.9535138
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-05-21-00-14-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. That's pic #2

Attached here is pic #1

>> No.9535139

>At best, he could've been described as an elitist, radical Aristocrat.
He was a wannabe aristocrat at least. I love how he made up the fact that he was a descendant of Polish nobility because he hated being German so much.

>> No.9535141

white nationalist i guess

>> No.9535143

White nationalist.

>> No.9535144

Well his whole family believed it, and he was raised being told he was a count of Nietski ; he didn't make it up himself.

>> No.9535146

>powerful people are evil!!!

what a leftist cuck

>> No.9535148

>what are quotation marks
Can't tell if you're trolling.

>> No.9535149

this is bait
this whole thread is bait after bait
save yourself and close this tab now

>> No.9535150


>> No.9535151

You're misreading that passage. What Nietzsche is saying is that jews promote the weak over the strong to destroy aristocratic values.

>> No.9535161

Thanks for clearing that up. Feels great knowing Nietzsche is supports anti-semitism unlike the fabrication in the OP

>> No.9535187

His sister and others conspired to make it seem like he was anti-semitic, as is shown in OP's post. OP is implying that there was a conspiracy to make it seem like that conspiracy took place. Are you stupid? It's not complicated.

>> No.9535245

Sure. But remember "antisemitism" is a fake word. Disliking jews or being opposed to jewish subversion and their malicious actions against you is not only natural but necessary.

>> No.9535257

Would it be fair to assume that these people are the ones who made him write the quote in the OP? Or indeed, did they do it after his death. One can scarcely imagine him bowing to their will, being so redpilled and all