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/lit/ - Literature

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953275 No.953275 [Reply] [Original]

My sis' B-day coming up. I asked her what she wanted. Surprisingly, she said, "A book".

Proceed, says I.

"The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella"

Well, at least she's reading, right? I figure I'll get her her twilight novel and another as well, one a little more... literary. What does /lit/ recommend? Any stuff out there in the same vein and yet higher caliber? She's turning 16 btw.

>> No.953278

Get her a book about rape. The Bluest Eye should be good. Has some nigger wincest rape in it.

>> No.953285
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Pick one of the YA fantasy books off this list.
I suggest Sabriel

>> No.953286

Flowers in the Attic should send her the right message about where you want this whole brother/sister thing to go.

your welcome.

>> No.953288

Nicholas Sparks! He writes some wonderful tragic-romance novels as if Twilight and Sophocles were mixed together.

>> No.953289

Seconding Sabriel.

>> No.953292

Get her some good stuff, steinbeck or faulkner. she probably wouldn't like anything philosophical yet.

actually, she might just look at the steinbeck as "school books" would would probably be a turn off. hmmm i'm trying to think what my sister used to read....

ok, carl hiaasen. yeah, get her one of his books

>> No.953300


What about Sophie's World. philosophical and awesome and good for raisins.

>> No.953317


uh, no. that's a terrible POS.

>> No.953318

Yeah, Faulkner isn't what I'm looking for. Steinbeck is definitely too school-ly. She says she hated of mice and men.

Will check out hiaasen though.

What I ideally had in mind was a kind of Vonnegut, but that had 16-year-old-girl elements. Is stardust by Gaiman any good? I've seen it thrown around a lot but I've never read anything by him.

Also, thanks everyone else for suggestions, except for the guy who recommended flowers in the attic.

>> No.953323


Yeah, teenage girls love that Gaiman shit. Get that bitch Good Omens.

>> No.953326

>>953318She says she hated of mice and men.


dude, yeah go with gaiman. if she can't dig him, then she'll never dig real books. not that I consider gaiman a real author, but at least she'll get used to something long and that isn't something by meyer

>> No.953342

attention neckbeards

girls do not enjoy urban fantasy stories
especially not the ones who like twilight

>> No.953349

I sadly must agree.

She isnt into twilight because its Fantasy shes into it for the retarded romance. Get her some trashy romance novels, you know the ones that always have a dude with an 8 pack on the cover.

>> No.953363


all paranormal romance novels are urban fantasy.

>> No.953367
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Knowledge is free.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

>> No.953364


So, what, like some Jane Austen?

>> No.953388

OP here, so what would you recommend? Besides trashy romance novels, that's the exact genre I'd like to avoid.

>> No.953397

Just give your sister the goddamn shiny vampire book and let her read it, she's fucking sixteen. If she moves on to better books later on in life, good for her, and if she doesn't, oh well. You don't have to try to indocrinate her when she's a teenager.

>> No.954217

The Blue Bloods series is pretty decent, it has some historical elements to it. STAY AWAY FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, YOU (OR YOUR SISTER) WILL DIE? HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?!

>> No.954233

>8 pack

wut, been doing my core strengthening workouts and lowering my fat percentage to starvation levels but all I get is a 6 pack

>> No.954258

Its extremely hard to get but it is possible.

>> No.956079

Hey faggots. You all should know this by now but Stephenie Meyer isn't a writer, she's a mental incompetent with a grudge against goths.

>> No.956089

sort of depends on your genetics, sometimes only 6 or 5 or w/e are visible, sometimes they are ugly and lopsided.
i dont believe you have ~4% bodyfat. (starvation)
post a pic and ill approximate.

>> No.956111

4% bodyfat? are you a pro road cyclist?

>> No.956119

I'm pretty sure my body fat is around 4 percent, but I don't even work out. I'm not anorexic I just don't feel hunger in any real way. I eat when I'm told to eat usually. I don't even think I know what it's like to be really ''hungry'' (like the sensation is alien to me)...

>> No.956122

Why not buying her Dracula? With this vampire fad going on, it might appeal to her and get her into better stuff.

>> No.956124
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Protip: Stephenie Meyer is the female form of Sutter Cane. APPROACH WITH EXTREME CAUTION!

>> No.956134


On most people the top pair of abs are partially covered by the chest muscles. Unless you developed differently so that they're fully uncovered you will not have an 8 pack.

Not that it matters. Most girls go equally wet over 3 or more pairs of abs.

>> No.956139

I don't really give a fuck about abs. Ugh, shirtless men. Give me a guy in a bespoke suit. Ohhhh yeah...

>> No.956144


Is he supposed to leave the suit on while you have sex?

>> No.956147


pretty sure you dont

>> No.956151

I'm just saying that I'm not that crazy about shirtless men and pubic bones as some women are.

I swear people don't *get* suit fetishes. At all.

>> No.956157

OP, the Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlane Harris is 1000000000000000000000000x what Twilight wants to be and pretends to be.

It's much better vampire fic than Twilight.

>> No.956159


I like a guy in a suit too, but I prefer them naked.

>> No.956160

Get her ''Let The Right One In" op, it's a vampire story with romance as well.

>> No.956176

I don't like abs on a guy, I prefer him to have an average type of body. Dunno why.

Also I've come to the conclusion that /lit/ is mainly women.

>> No.956177

Oh and as for the book, try Frankenstein or Dracula.

>> No.956179
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>> No.956181

That is a /tg/ term, the application of which to urban-fantasy-loving /lit/erati is dubious at best.

>> No.956187
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>> No.956192

Wow you're so cool and individual. You're so cool you don't even get hungry. Totally cool.

>> No.956199

>I just don't feel hunger
Are you on meth or something? I don't think that shit is normal.

>> No.956202

I didn't think it was cool but after that little comment I wonder, is it? Where would you get the idea that it is? I think it's rather unfortunate actually, to have such poor health as I do. I might have contracted Hep C at an early age or something...

>> No.956327


AS_prevIOuSLy MEnTIONED, tHEse_mEssSaGEs wILl CONTinUe unTil YOU_pERmanenTlY sTop ATtACkINg And_FUCKInG_witH WwW.AnONMoOOotaLk.se_(reMovE_thE_COW Sound), Remove_ALl_ilLeGAL ClOneS OF_IT ANd lIEs_abOuT_IT_anD dONAtE aT_LEAsT A_millIoN usD tO SYsoP_As ComPeNsATioN_fOR thE MaSsIVe dAMage_yOu retarDs_hAVe_CAusED.
c rv d wz vfsz ibuosc xajrj oejjjcns vx rpbx

>> No.956692

Get her Atlas Shrugged

>> No.956819

I'm a 20 year old girl, and while I didn't like Twilight, I did like a lot of other, less fucked-up vampire stuff. Maybe Sunshine by Robin McKinley? It's got vampires and a love story, the main character is a smart, pretty cool girl, and the characters are decently dynamic and round. It's got lots of funny parts as well. If she likes McKinley, her other books might make a good layover to other fantasy books as well.

>> No.957012

Maybe The Blue Girl, by Charles De Lint. Urban Fantasy. It's not the best, but it's decent, and fairly accessible to that demographic.