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/lit/ - Literature

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9532251 No.9532251 [Reply] [Original]

What is your daily schedule? I'm trying to live a /lit/ lifestyle, where all I do is write and read and shit.

It's summer, so I don't have to do much studying, so my days look like:

>6:30 Wake Up
>8:00 Read News
>9:00 Read whatever is on my booklist
>2:00 Write whatever project I'm working on
>4:00 Study Japanese
>6:00 Relaxation time
>8:00 Write
>9:00 Evening run
>10:00 Bed

Where can I improve? Is there something that I can do better? Is there a large time waste here, or something?

>> No.9532254

If you have a schedule and you're sticking to it, you're doing better than most people.

>> No.9532261

Studying Japanese is a pretty big time waste unless you plan on moving there to teach.

>> No.9532265

Don't ever live where you work. My schedule is beyond fucked and I can hardly make the time to read that I used to.

>> No.9532266
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i wake up randomly with the same thought of self loathing.

>> No.9532268

That is the plan, I'm hoping to teach at university

>> No.9532272

How are you contributing to society?

>> No.9532278


He's status-striving.
He contributes later down the road after he's achieved his patrician from and he's become someone for us intellectual inferiors to look up to.

>> No.9532279

Try this
>5:30 Morning Run
>6:15 Breakfast
>6:45 Meditation
>7.30 Head to the city
>8:30 Apply for job
>9:00 Get a fucking job
>12:00 Eat lunch
>12:30 Get back to having a job
>3:00 You stupid NEET fuck

>> No.9532283

I notice you dont work.

I envy you.

>> No.9532284

I'm in Uni, it's summer.

>> No.9532288


Here's what your schedule looks like after having been stripped of all pretension

>6:30 Wake Up
>8:00 Entertainment
>9:00 Entertainment
>2:00 Play Make-believe
>4:00 Entertainment
>6:00 Relaxation time
>8:00 Play Make-believe
>9:00 Exercise
>10:00 Bed

>> No.9532297

7 wake up
730 go to work
5 get home
530 relax and cook
6 wifey gets home and eat
7 watch and catch up on baseball/or watch filmstruck
8 practice and study Mandarin
9 write novel
11 read
1 take shower
130 go to bed

I would recommend learning to function on 5-6 hours of sleep. So much more time. Youll find that people's lives crash when they get a job usually. You just have to make time. Narrow your life to your goals and passions There is nothing I love more than writing/reading, baseball and film. So I dedicate everything to it. Hang out with my wife during the weekend.

>> No.9532310


and i suppose every entrepreneur that worked from home planning their business venture was also being pretentious until they finally got to a place where it became something legitimate, right? they never would've gotten there without that prior stage.

>> No.9532316

Can people seriously not read?

>> No.9532317


>staring at a screen for 12 hours a day makes me an entrepreneur

>> No.9532320

couple things:

1. don't try to do the exact same thing everyday, you'll fail.

2. running is kinda useless on its own. focus on mobility and resistance with some cardio here and there.

>> No.9532324


>everyone lurks this hole as much as you do

>> No.9532325

What's your major?

>> No.9532330

You should meditate before your run

It sets the tone for the exercise

>> No.9532334

interesting idea. I mean, the schedule is the same, but what I'll be reading or writing is different.

Comp Lit

>> No.9532335

Enjoy low sex dive, heart problems, depression, bad memory and impaired mental performance.

>> No.9532341

do you spend 6:30 to 8:00 sobbing uncontrollably?

>> No.9532345


Usually it's breakfast, showering, or going to the gym

>> No.9532349

>7:15 Wake up
>7:30 Go to work
>12:00 Lunch break
>5:00 Home, dinner, reading
>8:30 Workout
>9:30 Shower
>9:45 Shitposting or reading
>Midnight Bed

>> No.9532355

For a typical day:

>0700 Wake up
>0800 Read
>1000 Work on story or stories
>1400 Run, Exercise
>1530 Practice new language
>1630 Read
>1800 Edit/work on story or stories
>2200 Read until I fall asleep

That's how it's been the last two months. I miss having a job, but nobody wants a bum knee working for em full time, and I have no good connects since I'm a loner. If I was full time working I'd just cut out the first two reading sessions and the exercise, and shorten the time spent writing.

>> No.9532371

>3:00 p.m. rise
>3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills
>3:45 cocaine
>3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill
>4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill
>4:15 cocaine
>4:16 orange juice, Dunhill
>4:30 cocaine
>4:54 cocaine
>5:05 cocaine
>5:11 coffee, Dunhills
>5:30 more ice in the Chivas
>5:45 cocaine, etc., etc.
>6:00 grass to take the edge off the day
>7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jiggers of Chivas)
>9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously
>10:00 drops acid
>11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass
>11:30 cocaine, etc, etc.
>12:00 midnight, Hunter S. Thompson is ready to write
>12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies.
>6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo
>8:00 Halcyon
>8:20 sleep

>> No.9532377
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>> No.9532380

I have a weekly to do list and do the things on them when I feel motivated to do them.

>> No.9532382

>hit snooze from 10am-12pm
>shower, piss, down an energy drink to make me more functional in my hangover
alternately I wake up at 1 still in my clothes and boots and rush to work
>wagecuck from 2-11pm
>buy fifth on way home
>drink, stare at the ceiling and take notes I can barely read until I pass out
>rinse and repeat
Kill me please.

>> No.9532384

I was expelled from my University for inciting a riot. I am still facing charges. I spend my days working part time, reading and writing.
I have a highly chaotic lifestyle. My erratic work schedule does not help. I usually get a huge amount of reading done in a day, because the other options to spend my free time (phone filled with useless information, computer filled with useless information) are not as compelling. If I cannot sleep I get up and write. I usually can't sleep, and usually when I write I lose track of time and end up writing through the night.
How do I self-discipline into living normally /lit/? I suspect this is just symptomatic of me being young. I do not see myself living this life at 30.

>> No.9532385

>6:30 Wake up
>7:00 Drive to work
>Work till 5
>Drive home
>Eat Supper
>Yard work
>Read for a bit
>Go to bed

>> No.9532419

I have a real job

>5:30 wake up and write
>6:30 get ready for work
>7:15 leave for work
>I like my job
>6:00 get home from work
>All the stuff that isn't writing
>12 go to bed

On days I work from home, I can theoretically write all day.

>> No.9532425

Usually bragging about things you haven't accomplished yet is a really bad sign
You aren't an entrepreneur until you made some sorth of profit at the very least
Right now you are on summer break and you read a lot and try to write

>> No.9532431

>6:30 Wake up, stay in bed
>12:30 Still in bed, eat something meager
>7:30 Still in bed, commence drinking
>12:30 Fall asleep

>> No.9532444


>Usually bragging about things you haven't accomplished yet is a really bad sign
i know, and i wasn't.
>You aren't an entrepreneur until you made some sorth of profit at the very least
and you can never get to that place of profit without the initial work, doubt, overcoming. all that.

i agree that anyone bragging prematurely would be a bad sign.

>> No.9532445

what? no sex?

>> No.9532459

>10:00 Wake up
>10:30 make breakfast and watch some bs on TV
>12 bang out some reading/walk dog
>2 go to gym
>4:30 read and fifa
>6 dinner
>8 read
>9 band of brothers
>12 fall asleep listening to David Mitchell's soapbox

its like this until my job starts on the 5th

>> No.9532464

>1:00pm Wake up, drink coffee, eat
>Sit outside, perhaps take a stroll if the weather is agreeable
>Meditate and stretch
>Resume writing
>Watch a film or read more
>In bed by 5am

>> No.9532465


>> No.9532472

Stop drinking and watch your life significantly improve regardless of wagecuckoldry™

>> No.9532476

Looks terrible, you should try to get a life, see girls, travel, have fun, earn money, accomplish great things, etc.

Once you've done that, maybe try to relax and write down a couple of things.

>> No.9532512

Lived in Europe for a while
At this point, I don't really want things, so money isn't important, I travel pretty often with my wife (we camp a lot), and usually spend my weekends with friends

>> No.9532532

Sounds awesome, you do you man.

>> No.9532567

You didn't mention your family anywhere in OP, which is quite an important detail.

Seriously, I think a writer should not write every day (except his letters). Writing daily, even if you have nothing to say, is the dream recipe to be consistently mediocre. Read, get more knowledge, ponder about what you should write, and then get things done in a short period of time, when everything is perfectly built in your head.

>> No.9532580

not a bad idea, thanks

>> No.9532601

>>6:00 Relaxation time

You'll never make it.

>> No.9532605

>6:20 Wake up
>8:00 Work
>5:00 End work, go to summer class at uni
>7:00 Come home, do homework, browse threads
>9:30 Read
>10:45 Write
>11:20 Go to sleep

The weekday sucks. STEM is a farce.

>> No.9532630

>6:30am wake up, shower, eat
>8:00am work
>12:00pm lunch
>6:00pm off work
>6:45pm home, change clothes
>7:30pm have my bachelor's supper
>8:00pm vidya, shit posting
>11:00pm read
>1:00am go to bed

Day off edition
>7:00am wake up, shower, eat
>8:00am read, vidya, shit post (not in any particular order)
>11:00am to 5:00pm errands
>6:00pm to midnight, read, vidya, shit post (not in any particular order)

Oh yea, I fap on a daily basis, can always squeeze that into my schedule

>> No.9532653


>> No.9532666

You're hoping to teach at a Japanese university? Teach what? How? What country are you in rn?

>> No.9532683

>Play Make-believe

>> No.9532702
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11am : wakeup
12pm to 12am : csgo
There is shitposting scattered throughout the day to collect (You)'s

>> No.9532829
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>> No.9532835

stop being a faggot

>> No.9532996
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>wake up AM 8-9
>shitpost various places
>take a shit
>10am gym
>12pm lunch
>coffee and shitpost hand in balls
>1pm read
>5pm dinner
>6pm + youtube hand in balls and shitpost

>> No.9533022
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literally me even the fucking schedule

>> No.9533036

pure ideology strikes again

>> No.9533064
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this anon is right, unless you just want to run because you love it, but then it would be even better to stretch a bit, work on mobility and strength. I recommend this routine. It's simple, it works, and you don't need lots of stuff to do it.

>> No.9533087


You're trying so hard to get us to think you are doing the right things but there are no right things and you need to stop and breath and relax And realize that we care about you or at least some of us do and we want you to live and it can be imperfect it doesn't need to be just right maybe you'll get to do it again if reincarnation and all that is true, but if not you will still be you and that is okay, Too many people are obsessed with their own futures or planning their own time that they

constrain themselves,

Inside boxed walls of text with set structures.

Hours become physical processions, ceremonies held without love or feeling but for the sake of ceremony.

You lose your everything for some idiotic, viagra-fueled assertions of "who you should be tomorrow" you conquer yourself but do not win. You plan your time only to meticulously waste it.


>> No.9533095
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I get up, eat breakfast, drink mate and listen to music, draw a bit, maybe read or go for a walk, then around 1300 I eat lunch, listen to music or read again, draw a bit perhaps, in the evening I go for a long walk with a friend, get back around 2200 or later, read before going to sleep for an hour or longer, sleep until 0800.
I'll start getting up a bit earlier on my free days, at 0730 or 0700, especially during summer.

On the days I have uni I get up three or sometimes four hours before having to leave home, drink mate, listen to music and draw or read, then I catch the train, read on the train, and if I have some free time between classes I go for a walk and draw or read. I read on the train back home, cycle back home, browse /lit/ a bit, read and go to sleep.

>> No.9533106

>10 AM wake up and hate myself
>11 stop hating myself
>11:05 eat coffee and cereal and think of the shit i gotta do later
>11:30 drive to uni
>12 PM start studying, more coffee
>2 eat some shit, more coffee
>2:30 keep studying
>5 walk around
>6 drive home
>6:30 exercise
>7 cook and eat and shower
>8 start drinking and reading
>9:30 panic attack
>10 try to read again
>11:30 begin masturbation ritual
>3 AM heart palpitations and panic attacks
>4 sleep

>> No.9533130


I write when it explodes out of me, research hardcore whenever I feel like it (been amassing a huge archive for almost a decade), practice deprivation, isolation, social minimalism, and deep reflection.

Unless I don't feel like it

Who cares? At best, the artist is just a function of the muse. You'll get the masterpiece if you need it. Don't obsess, just refine your technique and enjoy the harrowing existential panic attacks

>> No.9533135

Who hurt you, darling

>> No.9533467

this man knows

>> No.9533522

>it's summer
it sure is

>> No.9533532

>6:30 Wake Up

>living the /lit/ lifestyle
>not getting up at the crack of noon

>> No.9533534

fuck off normie

>> No.9533537

nice blog faggot

>> No.9533572
File: 160 KB, 895x934, [Kagura] Urusei Yatsura - 099 [BDRip 1280x960 x264 Hi10P FLAC].mkv_snapshot_11.14_[2017.05.19_21.37.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ - politics and blogs

>> No.9533708

FUCK, I love that 80's/90's anime aesthetic so much. I just want to cuddle all the cute anime girls from that time period.

>> No.9534058

I'm a NEET and practically a hermit.I wake up at about 4:30-5:30 every day to eat and read the bible for about 30 minutes. Then I'll dick around on the internet for a bit and do some reading until 8:00AM where I'll do at least 45 minutes on a stationary bike. After that it's just a mix of internet and reading until dinner and bed time. Sometimes I'll watch baseball but normally only if it's an afternoon game.

>> No.9534060

I honestly have no routine, I'm a savage.

>> No.9534064

Here is the tip: Dont have any schedule. Do whatever you think needs to be done and be flexible with time.

>> No.9534089

/lit/ btfo yet again

>> No.9534100

does anyone have a /lit/ schedule that involves lifting? i need to up my energy levels

>> No.9534282

Being a NEET is the new normie.

>> No.9534283

Go to the gym 5 days per week and that's it.

>> No.9534300

>Seriously, I think a writer should not write every day (except his letters). Writing daily, even if you have nothing to say, is the dream recipe to be consistently mediocre. Read, get more knowledge, ponder about what you should write, and then get things done in a short period of time, when everything is perfectly built in your head.
>hardly any reading
gee what a surprise

>> No.9534305

>asking an imageboard what you should do with your lufe instead of finding your own path.
You're not really living a "literary lifestyle" whatever the fuck that means,
you're just copying a way of living so you can look interesting and feel like your life isnt a total waste.

>> No.9534316

How can someone's life be this inauthentic and meaningless?
Sounds like you don't understand the things you've read at all.

>> No.9534317
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>04:00 wake up, yoga, coffee/matcha
>04:30 walk out to the coast to watch sunrise, run along beach/forest for ~10km
>06:00 stretch, shower, breakfast
>07:00 read, coffee
>08:00 still life warmup in studio
>08:30 project work in studio
>12:00 lunch, coffee, read
>13:00 walk along coast, find quiet spot to meditate
>14:00 studio/study/write
>17:00 evening meal
>18:00 evening walk/games (chess/go/cards) and music with boyfriend
>19:00 skincare, read
>20:00 bed

>> No.9534319

>>8:00 Read News

>> No.9534327

Also who reads the news for 2 hours?

>> No.9534342

>video games in the morning
what a terrible activity to start the day with

>> No.9534349

>0630 Wake up
>0800 Leave for work
>1530 Finish work and get home
>1600 Cigarettes, coffee, sit in the garden
>1700 Dinner
>1800 Usually do some general chores or shopping.
>1900 Do something entertaining and stimulating (read, write, draw, whatever)
>2000 Bath
>2100 Watch TV or lectures on YouTube
>2230 Bed

Work in a school so I have weekends free and they pretty much consist of waking up and reading all day. Plus the holidays mean I have plenty of days where my schedule is just wake up and do what I want.

>> No.9534380
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>6:00 Wake Up
>6:10 Breakfast (coffee, toast, butter and marmalade) + news
>6:40 Shower
>7:00 Leave the house
>7:15 Work
>11:45 Lunch
>12:00 Work
>17:45 Leave Work
>17:55 Library
>19:00 Library close
>19:10 Gym (3 times per week +shower)
>20:30 Leave le gym
>20:40 Back Home+bake dinner
>21:00 Dinner
>21:30 4chan or Movie or ...
>23:00-23:30 ZzZzZz

>> No.9534400

No particular order, but my days consist of 4-6 hours of studying, 3-4 hours of reading, an hour walk, and 2 or so hours of listening to instrumental music combined with introspection before bed to calm down, but usually just results in me realizing I hate life.

I work like 16 hours a week

>> No.9534413

How fucking miserable. I would kill myself. In fact, that's what I plan to do after uni ends and I get forced into a 50 hour engineering job. I refuse to live for somebody else.

>> No.9534441

I can ensure that your perspective will change with ageing

>> No.9534458
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>wake up
>go to work
>come home with take out
>eat and post on 4chan
>cry sometimes when I lie in bed
repeat ad infinitum. I havent read a book in months

>> No.9534463
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> 01:00am wake up read whatever i can reach from my bed
> 02:00am coffee + cigarette
> 02:15am fruit
> 02:45am coffee + cigarette
> 03:00am eggs + toast
> 03:15am bizarre neurotic stream of consciousness writings
> 04:00am coffee + cigarette, then more writings
> 05:00am cheese + coffee + cigarette + read
> 06:00am walk to uni campus (i don't go to the uni tho) wait outside for library to open + cigarette
> 07:00am study in library
> 08:00am coffee + cigarette + small dose amphetamine, then more studying
> 10:00am snack from vending machine + coffee + cigarette
> 11:00am chain-smoke in the park + amphetamine
> 00:00pm coffee + lunch with friends
> 01:00pm back home, write short stories about animals (usually subterranean rodents) who live like people
> 03:00pm coffee + cigarette
> 03:30pm cheese
> 04:00pm coffee + cigarette + last amphetamine ration
> 04:30pm walk in park + cigarettes
> 05:00pm swim
> 06:00pm read + 1/4 bottle cheap port + cigarettes + masturbate to ID magazine
> 08:00pm benzo + joint + listen to SWANS + fall asleep

>> No.9534498

>wake up 7-9
>yoga and exercise
>breakfast, eggs or beef with some fresh made juice
>study/reading, right now I am working on Cymatics by Hans Jenny and a few other textbooks, one on Acupuncture...
>clean the house, go outside for errands and a walk, chat with neighbors
>art, sketching
>prepare dinner
>yoga meditation
>eat dinner with my SO, exchange rubs
>luxury reading, Sherlock Holmes
>bed time, usually sex

It's p good I like it
I'm getting a lot done with my studies and my art work

>> No.9534585

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.9534631

Of those three I would choose breakfast. Which one do you choose the most?

>> No.9534645

>more ice in the Chivas


>> No.9534646

im thinking of going out and living in my car for the next few months and writing when i camp out. anyone ever do something like that before?

>> No.9535121

>1300 Wake up, shower, eat
>1400 Read
>1600 Play Vidya
>1800 Read in whatever language I'm starting to get fluent (Spanish right now)
>2000 eat, down some booze, smoke
>2200 Learn a language (Russian right now)
>2400 Read
>0200 Write in front of the TV

It's ridiculous that I write so little, but I can't force myself to it.

>> No.9535130


>> No.9535160

>10:30 Wake Up. Read whatever. Prepare breakfast
>11:00 Translate
>15:00 Eat
>16:00 Translate
> 18:00 hug wife, talk for the first time in the day, translate
>20:00 Gym
>21:00 read, movies or videogames, eat
>02:00 sleep

Living the dream
>10:00 Bed

>> No.9535163

Why'd you include me in your list? I spend roughly six hours reading each day.

>> No.9535167

>>4:00 Study Japanese
This is why you will never become a writer

>> No.9535182
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08:00 wake up, browse the Chan on my phone
09:00 masturbate
10:00 resume Chan browsing
11:00 get out of bed
12:00 eat
13:00 play video games
19:00 masturbate
19:15 resume playing video games
23:00 do some college stuff
00:00 get in bed, browse the Chan
01:00 masturbate, sleep

It sure feels good typing all of this out, makes me realize just how shit my life is.

>> No.9535186

doesn't matter, anything

>> No.9535430

If you read two newspapers (one general + one financial) from cover to cover, it can take almost two hours.

>> No.9535440

I don't even exercise

>> No.9535447

>8:00 wake up
>8:30 browse chan and news
>9:00 get off bed, take breakfast
>10:00 try to study, browse chan
>12:00 lunch
>13:00 try to study, browse chan, make memes
>18:30 have bath
>19:00 rest untill dinner
>19:30 have dinner
>20:00 try to study again
>22:00 watch series
>23:00 go to sleep

>> No.9535464

1900 wake up, evening prayer, eat breakfast, check twitter, watch the news
2000 lift
2100 read
2300 Work (Im a nurse and get a lot of time to read/phonepost if my ward is quiet for the night)
0700 knock off work
0800 cook dinner, have a few beers/glasses of wine
0900 morning prayer
0930 bed

>> No.9535470

>i was expelled for inciting a riot
Lol wtf man

>> No.9535490


>> No.9535516


>> No.9535534

10am: wake up, tea, video games.
11: ?
12: ?
1: ?
2: tea, french reading
3: ?
7: writing
8: editing:
9: sleeping drugs
10: movies and shit
12: reading then bed.

>> No.9535555

What does your authentic life look like?

>> No.9535647

Are you Japanese?

>> No.9535717

Ok. Have a shower. Sorry!

>> No.9535785

I wish I was rich as you

>> No.9535792

>coffee, toast, butter and marmalade
You're a fat fuck, and no amount of gym can change that if you keep eating like that

>> No.9535801

Not him, but I'm mining Peercoin.

>> No.9535804

I know

>> No.9535806

>drugs are so kewl, rite, guise???

>> No.9535808

I'm glad to see someone else has time allocated to cheese

>> No.9535810

You sound kinda unhealthy, but...
My guy.

>> No.9535814

>giving clicks to Guardian

>> No.9535846
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Fake newzz!!!

>> No.9536061

masturbation ritual lol

>> No.9536079

are you a rodent living like a person?

>> No.9536127

I find that if I try to stick to a schedule, I'm very productive for the first few days but then I get angry that every day is the same and I don't have enough spontaneity. If I don't follow a schedule, I do more spontaneous and "adventurous" things, but then I get disappointed that I'm not accomplishing things like language learning and reading.

Anyone else deal with this? I'm thinking of trying to randomize my schedule every day using a computer program, so I have some freedom but still get things done.

>> No.9536155


>> No.9536190

t. gamer

>> No.9536320
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Actually thinking about doing this pretty soon desu

Fuck paying rent

>> No.9536423

Ayyyy lmao

Hitler wins once again

>> No.9536471

Probably. I'd really like to be a rat honestly, or maybe a mole. The little creature from Kafka's 'The Burrow' would be ideal. I fantasise about it most nights when I lit in delirioum. It's warm, it's cozy, like being back in my mothers whomb, down there surrounded by soil and earth. The smells just overwhelm me. Sometimes when I wake up I'll go outside to where the rabbits have there holes and crouch down and take a handful of the freshly excavated soil and press it into my nasal and take long deep huffs of the stuff. It's fucking wonderful.

>> No.9536482

Saw them in Glasgow yesterday. They were phenomenal. Although I really should have worn earplugs. My tinnitus has gotten worse. Oh well. I got a hug from Gira :)

>> No.9537872

which mining pool?

>> No.9537885

>reading the (((news))) for an hour
tell me how i know youre never going to accomplish anything

>> No.9537925

Fuck off tard. If anything he should be reading news for 2 hours. (Different sources and topics of course)

>> No.9537934

unironically browse the /pol/ catalog for 5 minutes and you'll have a better sense of whats going on in the world than if you watched CNN all day

>> No.9537939
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 1446959852559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing /pol/ for news
>not /gif/

>> No.9538535
File: 39 KB, 400x687, the-suns-retirement.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


8:00 Wake up
8:30 Reading or music on commute
10:00 Start work. Get 3-4 hours downtime daily, often read, listen to music, or write
6:15 Commute home with music or reading
8:00 Eat, shower, disintegrate my brain with 4chan, anime, and porn, too tired for anything else
12:00 sleep, repeat

Weekends I do social stuff to keep myself sane. When social plans fall through I usually read, browse, write, or listen to music. I'm pretty happy with my life, just wish I could write more.

>> No.9538587

what's your job?

>> No.9538775 [DELETED] 


I work in Hong Kong as a English tutor at a private tuition center. Mostly younger primary, one to four kids at a time, so not that stressful. I'm making the creative writing course, so my job half consists of looking up writing methods and writing example stories for students. The pay isn't great but it's helping me towards my first book. I look at the stories I wrote two years ago and laugh at how bad they are, gives a nice sense of improvement. I also get feedback on my writing from the other staff which is nice.

>> No.9538780


I work in Hong Kong as a English tutor at a private tuition center. Mostly younger primary, one to four kids at a time, so not that stressful. I'm making the creative writing course, so my job half consists of looking up writing methods and writing example stories for students. The pay isn't great but it's helping me towards my first book. I look at the stories I wrote two years ago and laugh at how bad they are, gives a nice sense of improvement. I also get feedback on my writing from the other staff which is nice.

>> No.9538899

>wake up
>do breathing exercise and meditate
>workout depending on the day

This is the core of my day, I never skip out on this, no matter what. Then in no particular order:

>shitpost on the internet/engage in communities that cater to my interest
>consume a piece of media (film, animu, mango, read a book, etc.)

Then before bed I once again stretch and meditate.

>> No.9540455

quit cafeine if you dont like heart palpitation and panic attacks