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9530859 No.9530859 [Reply] [Original]

So what does it mean that Peter healed a man named Aeneas in the book of Acts? It's so weird that Aeneas is mentioned by name

>> No.9530879

>Aeneas leaves Asia minor for Rome
>Peter leaves Asia minor for Rome

Really gets the gray matter moving

>> No.9532144

Not really, I am confused as well

>> No.9532217

I think it's sort of a verisimilitude play. But maybe people at the time could have looked it up in the paper, then said, oh yeah, there was a guy who got better about that time. Could have been real. We should vote for Huckabee

>> No.9532253

Aeneas was symbolizing Augustus as the refounder of Rome, Peter was founding the papal office.
They were writing for a Roman pagan audience

>> No.9532280

But wasn't Acts written by Luke, who wrote his gospel for the Jews? Of course, maybe the audience changed.

>> No.9532329

ah, you're right I was mistaken about that. It seems he was writing this for Christians however and specifically about Christianity's place in the empire. I take it he's advocating for loyalty to the church before the empire, while also maintaining the idea of divine authority

>> No.9532351

>loyalty to the church before the empire

Isn't this the boilerplate Catholic answer to the church/state divide? It got them into huge trouble in America back in the day.

>> No.9532449

What's the name of the logical fallacy when you take the start of an argument and the end, but skip everything in the middle?

That's what you're doing right now

>> No.9533139

This is retarded. /lit/ is dying.

>> No.9533146


Begging the question.

>> No.9533149

This is why you start with the Greeks, so you can pick up references like this.

>> No.9534124

The question of the church's place in the empire wasn't clear at all at the time. Christianity was very different from how we view it today and
Luke considered it to still be apart of Judaism