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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 663 KB, 1120x1680, IMG_20170520_112306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9530675 No.9530675 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought this, never seen the show.
What am I in for

>> No.9530684

mediocre bullshit that filled a creative void in our culture, so it attracts a lot of people

>> No.9530685

You lose points for buying the TV tie in edition cover.

>> No.9530687

It's pretty much the same as watching someone else play Skyrim

>> No.9530700

Something better than the show, at least. Seriously though, ASOIAF is pretty good but the writing itself is meh.
That being said it will never get finished, so you probably shouldn't bother. If you like it, you'll stay frustrated forever.

>> No.9530705

Don't mean shit to me, books are usually better and if the show is close enough I may give it a watch

>> No.9530708

Damn totally forgot about that and bought on impulse but whatever I'm looking to kill some time since I don't have any vidya

>> No.9531117

Absolute shit writing, I couldn't get past the first chapter. I love the show and really wanted to get into the books too, was majorly disappointed.

>> No.9531123

>What am I in for
3/10 bait thread. Maybe a dozen or two (You)'s. All in all a fairly mediocre evening even for an autistic person.

>> No.9531154
File: 463 KB, 1120x1680, IMG_20170520_134217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just bought at bookstore for first time. Eat a back of dicks cynic.

>> No.9531174

>What am I in for
3 decent and influential books and 2 bloated tangled-up messes with no direction. And thats probably it since GRRM has realized how impossible it is to write the series to a dignified end from the current predicament.

>> No.9531651

>actually purchasing A Game of Memes
You're in for what you deserve OP

>> No.9531656

Read real medieval literature you garbage munching plebeian retard

>> No.9531678
File: 229 KB, 1000x734, Some+better+insight+into+who+exactly+diogenes+was+_0884835e465be269833ffff61cb1b823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using cynic as an insult

>> No.9531689
File: 103 KB, 403x720, 1494555861599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to realize how /lit/ used to be great, before beasts like you ruined it. Now the mods side with the mediocre, with the rabble, with you; they will ban anyone telling your kind to get the fuck out. They helped make this place more like reddit ; and it just keeps getting worse, as reddit users come, and just see the garbage, the retarded shit, the dumb sci-fi, fantasy, pleb threads, and go "woah this board is actually quite like reddit but with another template," so we have to deal with them, and they start to form sort of gangs, and will side against anything rare or noble to further wallow in their mediocrity like an animal in its shit. Most of them must be fat fucks, gamers and losers.

Some of them can be reared into respectable people, but they must encounter anons with unfathomable arrogance backed up by true knowledge of the subject matter. The good ones will feel terrible about themselves, and will remake themselves. They will read the good books, they will despise their former selves, and attempt to create a new personality, bringing about their maturity.

The others are just too low-blood to make it, probably the descendants of products of incest or the sludge of some peasant caste in a past age, the kind with big foreheads and squinted faces, who hunker through the streets and yell at anyone they deem "tryhard" or "hipster," words true for some but used falsely by them against anything or anyone remotely Olympian. These must be simply embarrassed with ad hominems, doxes, literary gang rape and dunce caps until they get the fuck out for good. That's all they can understand, so we speak their language.

Since we stopped doing this like we used to, the board now lacks the atmosphere of an old e/lit/e french salon fused with the violent Greek ἀγών which it once possessed.

We don't have experts to come in and shit on newplebs, tell them to go back to reading catcher in the rye: we've let people who fap off to DFW actually have threads and not shame them out of here, and the American election has made everyone care about petty politics more than the canon, so you get effete antifa wannabees and braindead alt-right meme-spouters bickering about who is more sophisticated when neither of them read anything written prior to the nineteenth century.

If we want the board to be good we have to shit on people all the time and cultivate a culture of elitism again.

In order to achieve this, we must make the reddit users feel not welcome, and ruin their chances at an actual discussion of whatever their mediocrity brought them to enjoy. They must lose all incentive to come here. This incentive is fundamentally that they find a platform which allows to partake in such discussion. This platform must be destroyed ; we must insult, humiliate and harass them until they can no longer find any pleasure in coming here.

>> No.9531690

And it's the live-action cover as well, kimochi warui

>> No.9531693

I think I'd probably enjoy some

>> No.9531698
File: 80 KB, 540x532, 1494572677213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to sum up this thread:

>/v/ manchild who has never read a book before buys a book because he forgot his nintendo charger

>Buys popular book with famous actor on cover

>Posts on literature board on 4chan about it expecting it would be like /v/ and there would be fanboys to get him keen to read said trash

>Gets memed on and probably doesnt understand why

>> No.9531709

Totally wrong. Been here long before I ever looked at reddit and I only use it because it has a large community for morrowind

>> No.9531721

Nope I don't even have anything to game on except a shitty android that can only run GBA games but barely touch it

>> No.9531724

No one who has been on this board for any amount of time would, in ernest, make a thread asking for opinions on grrm.
Or even reveal they plan to read him desu

>> No.9531754

Believe what you want it will just give more power to those you apparently despise

>> No.9531802

don't let people dissuade you here its a good series but drops off a bit in book 4

Just don't get too attached to the characters

>> No.9531820

Yea just want something to pass the time not really looking for something to get too invested in

>> No.9531834

Upper-tier pulp with some well drawn characters and a mostly entertaining plot. It won't be finished, though, at least not by Martin. You could read the first three, which are the best and have a somewhat satisfying ending, and then hold out on the next two until the next one is released. His prose is wince-worthy at times, and the themes are really like in your face and obvious, but they go quick and they're engaging. Just read them and decide for yourself.

>> No.9531842

>I love the show.
Get some taste.

>> No.9531847

A small part of the history of a fictional world as seen from key characters POV. Pretty fun. Durrgons, political intrigue and prophecies everywhere, but it feels like he's losing more and more control of the plot the further in you get

>> No.9531862


This is 4chan. If it's popular or nearly universally likes/loved, then 4tards will shit on it.
It's easily one of if not the best fantasy series out there.

>> No.9531904


>> No.9531928

Not that guy but...do you care to explain why you think it's bad? GoT and Breaking Bad are the only two shows worth watching on TV imo

>> No.9531942


You have it backwards. I think you mean that it attracts a lot of people 'because' it's mediocre. And by that logic, doesn't everything fill a creative void?

>> No.9531999

>not watching Rectify or Bloodline

>> No.9532037


Bullshit, you wrote on your own book you motherfucker how dare you

>> No.9532070

Dude I buy them so I can write in them. I rarely do but if I want to analyze it and write about it I'll underline like hell in that bitch.

>> No.9532073


Not him, but 'Once and Future King' is pretty fantastic. For something not directly Arthurian you might like 'Ivanhoe'. I trust you will find the best writing is in opera, which is too lit for /mu/ and to mew for /lit/.

>> No.9532096

If you want to get into Game of Thrones, buy A World of Ice and Fire, read the first two books, listen to the Dunk and Egg series on audiobooks, look up the plot summary for the rest of the series, and play the CK2 mod. Don't read the latter three books, except for specific chapters (the new Aeron chapter was p. decent).

...Or, just don't into genre fiction.

>> No.9532115

This. When it starts out, you'll enjoy it. It just becomes an insufferable mess as it goes on though.

>> No.9532118

A rollicking good time.

>> No.9532127
File: 44 KB, 441x332, 77231462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not encouraging people to read more books.
>Simply mocking them instead of fostering their interest.

Yep. You sure take this board seriously.

>> No.9532244

This post gave me a seizure

>> No.9532421

politics and really boring fight scenes. i was losing faith when i started reading but thought i'd at least stick around for the fight scenes and it was terrible.

some people love it though. i'd probably have finished it if it weren't part of a whole series.

>> No.9532426


>> No.9532579

A new reader reading shit like ready player one or grrm will only serve to bring the quality of discussion on this board down.
Its literature not /r/books

>> No.9532737
File: 102 KB, 630x627, gki48dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not coming out this year is it.

>> No.9533373

In that case go ahead, it's a fun story with an involved plot. It ties itself in knots and grinds to a halt in the 4th and 5th books however, and there's no sign of books 6 and 7 ever being released, so feel free to drop it if you get bored.

>> No.9533413


What's the point? Even if it gets released, it's unlikely that A Dream of Spring or whatever the last book is will be released.

I regret picking this series up.

>> No.9534351

Just don't do it to library books, I hate the fuck out of people who underline in books for everyone else, especially when it's in PEN.

>> No.9534363

Stuff like GRRM got me into reading again. A year later I was a literary snob. It's okay for people to get into stuff like pop fantasy, especially when they need to train themselves how to read again.

>> No.9534772

Fuck no I'm not a douchebag

>> No.9534812

Gj on contradicting yourself. Being a redditor isn't a thing you do, it is a who you are. Even if you never once went to reddit you can still be called a redditor due to the way you 'talk'. basically stop being a faggot. his post is 100%

>> No.9534813
File: 45 KB, 296x405, martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, all of you are just hating on George R.R. Martin because he's a best-selling millionaire writer, while none of you have managed to get any of your works published, or taken seriously by any mass of people. Admit it, you are jealous because this LARPing manlet managed to become a massive success, while most of you will probably die in obscurity with no one having read any of your work.

>> No.9534951

Wow what a faggot you are

>> No.9534959

How's middle school treating you?

>> No.9534967


>> No.9535336

Same fag

>> No.9535653

Canterbury Tales obvs

>> No.9535674


You're in for about 6,000 pages, politics, sex, death, diarrhea, and at the end some wintry blue balls
I assume, not having read it

>> No.9535682


Oh and you're also in for looks like 8.50 + tax based on >>9531154

>> No.9536465

fan fic fap material