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9529596 No.9529596 [Reply] [Original]

What's your moral stance on abstaining from sex? Does any philosopher discuss this?
Pic unrelated

>> No.9529675

morality is for spooked people and people who want to rule over people.

Sex is the the plebeian thing a man can do and normies think that ''the only thing which connects us to beast is sex'' which is super retarded and actually is clue to spot normies. Sex for humans (well men more than women) is the opposite of what animals do.
Your life would actually be better if what you call sex would be what animals do: a bit of fight for men (like they love to do now to feed their spook of merit), but once year and it may or may not lead to pregnancy in a roastie.

Also, normies imagine that sex and orgasms (since it wall they know to do) is the way to stop pessimism, >muh schopenhaeur did not have sex enough, some gateway to the spooks of ''transcendence'', immanence'', or for the smart-ass circlejarking over the stop of any dichotomy by oxymorons, the ''immanence through transcendence'' or ''the transcendence through the immanence''
this is all cute and right if you want stay a normie, but if you want to stop being unhappy, and actually do something relevant once in your life, the first thing to stop doing is sex money, entertainment, lying and caring about what men do to feed their spoook of compassion and their opposite spook of dominance and hierarchy.

>> No.9529683

But of course liberals being hedonists like anybody on earth, they cannot stand hearing that ''sex is for reproduction only if you want to stop being a plebs'' which reminds them too much of being ruled by christians. women can see and experience sex as sex, meaning physical pleasure,, but sex for men is never ever about sex which makes them oddly enough so pathetic that it could be an exit for them to all this desire of impressing women and ''improving'' daily life with more pleasures (physical and intellectual) and less pains and use this as means to boast.

Stick to fapping if you can, but do not expect to achieve anything (at least on your own) in your life if you keep caring about sex (while claiming that sex is nothing sacred, like the liberals, yet, still like the liberals, spending your day whining about rape and creating rules about sex, believing that is is an activity worthy of discussing so much at diner (with friends before a swinger party) and in their entertainment since they have been reducing the will to the libido to the sexual libido after centuries of having faith in the individual will whose pinnacle is the consent through freedom called by them the self-determination (by studying nature or society or having no boss)) .

The most famous way to stop the sexual libido is to watch for hours the girl you want to give pleasure to, without touching her, until you see that there is nothing interesting about the body itself and the dispassion occurs naturally. get a HR photo of the roastie you like and display it in full screen to contemplate it.

The other punter tied to sex is to see that lust lies at the base of the erected cock. You clearly see it by comparing an erection without lust. THe way to kill the lust is actually to be still: pleasures (and pains) are created by (first physical) movement and the way to stop them is precisely. A roastie does not feel any pleasure from a cock form a man who does not move. It is the thrusting which turns the tiny lust at the base of the erected cock into pleasure which turns into all this fucking drama about sex. When lust arises, watch it without moving the body (move only due to the breath) and then get a deeper stillness by being still wrt the breath itself.
Once there is a good performance of contemplation, decreases the libido like liberals calls it. To kill it requires more work but normies do not care about this and claim it would be death.

Do the same with a dead corpse to meditate on death.

>> No.9529693
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Totally abstaining from sex for moral reasons is retarded. I'm just really afraid of STDs and the effort I need to put in to get the reward is too uneven for my taste so I don't bother.

>> No.9529848

>>morality is for spooked people and people who want to rule over people.

morality is for spooked people and spooked people who want to rule over spooked people.

>> No.9529859

God says not to have sex before marriage so I don't. It's honestly not hard thankfully and will pay off when I marry a qt Arab virgin.

>> No.9529883

Being ruled by your fears is also retarded. Unless you're having unprotected anal with African prostitutes then the only STDs you're likely to catch are curable or inconsequential.

>> No.9530714

Will girls stop trying to ride my dick if I shave my head?

>> No.9530739

Are you a Muslim? I'm Catholic, we're not allowed to have sex before marriage either.

>> No.9530816

How do you even find a girl who would accept that? I feel that finding a girl outside of church would be impossible, and even in church most people just ignore difficult moral precepts such as abstinence.

>> No.9530841

You have to be willing to be both picky and patient. You have to believe it's all going to be worth it in the end. And, of course, you have to believe that in the end God is more important than getting your dick wet.

>> No.9530854

I'm a Catholic. I don't have premarital sex. Didn't have many chances, but I also managed to completely quit porn. Most women I know are dull so I'm not trying to have it atm, focusing on college and reading.
For authors, John Chrystosom (sp?), Justin Martyr, Augustine, Aquinas.

>> No.9530904

Does abstaining still have any point if you're not a virgin anymore?

>> No.9530914

never have s*x. female body is a rotten pit, a toilet with nine holes pouring all sorts of filth

>> No.9530922

"Worthless man, it would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a poisonous snake than into a woman's vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a black viper than into a woman's vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into a pit of burning embers, blazing and glowing, than into a woman's vagina. Why is that? For that reason you would undergo death or death-like suffering, but you would not on that account, at the break-up of the body, after death, fall into deprivation, the bad destination, the abyss, hell..."


>> No.9530943
