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/lit/ - Literature

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9527675 No.9527675 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/, what's your best piece of writing advice?

>> No.9527690

Why be different when you can be yourself

>> No.9527705

If you don't like to have a lonely life, you're not an author

>> No.9527706

don't listen to anyone on /lit/

>> No.9527719

Read good literature. It tends to rub off on you.

>> No.9527745


>> No.9527752

Seconding this.

Also don't be afraid to experiment with your style. You'll fail a bit, but it will be worthwhile in the end.

>> No.9527754

Don't ask for advice.

>> No.9527758


>> No.9527766

"Show don't tell" is hands-down the worst writing advice anyone can receive. At best it's a red herring.
1. It's impossible to write without telling and I can't imagine a work in which there is no telling. It must read awfully.
2. It leads to Hemingway fetishization
3. 'Don't tell us how a character is feeling' is quite adequately covered by 'don't write like a retard'.

>> No.9527772

writing is two pronged; what you want to say, and how you want to say it

>> No.9527774

Most of what you write will be shit and that's normal.

>> No.9527775

Read more than you write

>> No.9527799

is it weird that your OP turns me on?

>> No.9527835
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>not fetishizing Papa

>> No.9528207

Don't use adverbs liberally like a faggot

>> No.9528350

Saying exactly what you mean > saying it in a pretty way.

>> No.9528357
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Karl Ove Knausgaard's "My Struggle V."

>> No.9528360

From threads here, the points go to.
Write constantly
Keep all that you write, you can save a hundred hours by changing the words
After you write, seek ways to be recognized for that writing.
Ask those who notice you what you should write, and then ask a publisher.
Write that
Get published
Use money do be better writer
Stop writing and be happy.

Anything anyone disagree's with here?

>> No.9528391

Don't, use, so, many commas. I swear that every new writer thinks that they absolutely need to add a comma every few words.

>> No.9528520

Don't think so much. Just write. Sit down at your typewriter and let the Muse do her work. Get an oral fixation. Cigarettes work. If you're a health nut chew a pen. Whack off beforehand. We're sexual creatures, big sex apes, and we've always got wild vine-swinging sex on our dirty brains. Purge yourself of that horseshit! Nothing good was ever written with a god-damn boner. Vary your sentence length. Don't waste the reader's time. He spent $29.99 on your blasted hardcover debut novel about your trip to fucking Paris or whatever, and if you foul it up with a bunch of horny nonsense he's going to chuck the book at the wall and curse your name. Write with your head, not your pecker. It's ridiculous. If your smartphone is a problem, put it in another room.

>> No.9528526
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>> No.9528572

Is this why I'm retarded? I post on r9k.

>> No.9528642

I'm afraid there's much more to it than that, anon.

>> No.9528698

dont take any advice by this guy >>9528520

>> No.9528713

Why would you post a gif of an autistic child with his caretaker?

>> No.9528717
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>> No.9528758

Write according to what you, beyond your habitually dictated body-activities, would deign to do

Don't discard, but transmute

>> No.9528792

You can't possibly compare to the great writers that existed in the past. Don't try.

>> No.9528800

be literate

>> No.9528804

Get acquainted with the grammar of the language you are writing in, specially if it's your mother tongue.

Read good authors that you like; learn from them, but do not imitate them in order to write like them.

Learn to discern the good from the bad, but do not dismiss the bad outright. You can even learn from it.

Try to turn things upside down; don't take your work for granted.

Do not be afraid to delete something just because you liked it.

>> No.9528812

oh you gotta be kidding me

>> No.9528871
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Stop thinking linearly.

You can make a novel out of scraps. Write interesting chunks of the narrative, describing scenes,characters and situations,and tie them all together in forging the first draft. Surprise yourself. Explore fearlessly and save all you write:what may not be useful now will be useful eventually, if only as a conceptual springboard. Getting those strange ideas onto paper is the point,because they do no good if they stay in your head.

>> No.9528887

Take a lot of notes.

Fine, everyone makes fun of the moleskin fags, but seriously, you will come up with gold... sleep, and lose it if you do not write it down. I've come up with killer dialog only to have it fade and come out limp-dicked because I forgot to write down the original diamond hard dialog that I had.

Write down everything. Then cull it when you're distanced enough.

>> No.9529480

>3. 'Don't tell us how a character is feeling' is quite adequately covered by 'don't write like a retard'.
This. The only advice people need to hear is "write well".

>> No.9529508

you and me both pal

>> No.9529528

Do you realize how circular this is?
>you wanna write good? Well just write good bro

>> No.9529558
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Please, we know who is the true /fitlit/

>> No.9529587
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>> No.9529977

>fitness and writing go hand in hand
>can't concentrate on writing if you've been doing fuck all exercise for the past few days
>daily masturbating will leave you unmotivated to write

>> No.9529992

Don't try to make a living from your hobbies

>> No.9530005
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All my favourite authors were depressed, killed themselves or suffered extreme hardship.

Coincidence or cause and effect?.

>> No.9530017

just don't bother, try to live a happy life otherwise

>> No.9530141

Im gonna need sauce on this. I'll paypal you $5 for it.

>> No.9530150

write. don't get too caught up in everything around it or you'll never end up actually writing enough.

>> No.9530243


>> No.9530300

Never write a word you wouldn't speak.

>> No.9530331

I won a book of literary criticism at uni for a few verses I wrote, but I won't share it because I know some people lurk /lit/. Also, it was quite bad. I was lucky others were worse.

>> No.9530335

All of literature except Hemingway and Carver BTFO

>> No.9530336

nice blog fuckfag

>> No.9530338

writing is not editing

dont be an assclown and write your shit for your own sake

>> No.9530340

One day when I am old and shriveled, don't worry.

>> No.9530592

>writing is not editing
what was being communicated by this

>> No.9530604

r9k is one of the most toxic, retarded, incel infested places on the internet. stop going there. they're all angry, miserable retards.

>> No.9530620

Write everyday. Even if you only have 15 minutes. Do it everyday until it becomes habit. Once you turn it into a HABIT like smoking or fiddling with your keys, then you can take breaks.

Doing anything for 30 days straight will turn it into a habit (on average).

>> No.9530666

If you would be a good reader, read; if a writer, write.

>> No.9530880

Read The Writing Life by Annie Dillard. Very short and easy read with a lot of advice.