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File: 119 KB, 438x652, harrison mayes cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525735 No.9525735 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is this board filled with post-Christian values and its twin brother post-modern narcissism (and why is so predominant within „literature people“)?

No its not me. This board is representative of the shit state of "Western world".

Why dont you stop being an angsty druggie narcissist (=a cuck basically) and embrace Jesus? (or at least put your money where you mouth is and be an authentic nihilist with some non neutered balls).

>> No.9525751

I had a friend who would drink every day and drop acid and stay up all night even if he had work or class the next morning because he thought people would look at how disheveled he was and think it was cool/pity him for being such a tortured soul

He's on medication now and a lot better but still an atheist lmao

>> No.9525761
File: 133 KB, 1200x803, camus_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and think it was cool/pity him for being such a tortured soul

have any black white portraits?

>> No.9525782

Because the supernatural isn't real. But authentically defining your own values and living by them is difficult.

>> No.9525794

You live in a secularising society, OP. Organised religion will not survive the 21st century

>> No.9525824

anon, we're catholics, we can both do drugs and embrace jesus and your little upstart religion better get used to it because we outlived nietzsche and converted wilde and we will all be judged on latin in the afterlife.

>> No.9525832
File: 30 KB, 181x357, jesus275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Organised religion will not survive the 21st century

in West, probably, but Jesus still is the ONLY answer against nihilism, nascissim or nietzscheanims wont save you.


>anon, we're catholics

that explains the french noir obsession.

>> No.9525846

fucking protestants, i'm surprised they haven't incorporated vending machines into their act

>> No.9525852


can you stop meming like a subhuman retard and explain the theological faultiness of this belief?

>> No.9525863


You don't know shit about Jesus if you've been following mainstream religion.

Read the history of the church, it should enlighten you. Jesus was a pretty cool guy, but at the end of the day he was one of many messianic rabbis.

You've spent your life dogmatically pursuing a Paulician delusion that has nothing to do with the actual historical Jesus.

>> No.9525866

>justification by faith alone
You could make up God's mind for Him. You're giving yourself graces. You're also shit at languages which is how speaking in tongues came about. That's a hilarious story because the first Americans to do it set off across the world to find the place that spoke the language that understood what they had said when they had "fallen in the spirit". They didn't often find it, but a lot of them did learn new languages from humans. Or the ones that lived long enough to learn a language when stuck in China looking for someone who knows what gibberish means. I think they like to forget that episode.

>> No.9525882
File: 353 KB, 1695x1208, kierkegaard_common_filth_ignore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're also shit at languages

lol this is your theological argument? Put aside all the talk about faith in the Bible and just stick to redherrings?

And speaking in tongues is pentacostal gibberish.

>Jesus was a pretty cool guy

he sure was.


>> No.9525904

>lol this is your theological argument? Put aside all the talk about faith in the Bible and just stick to redherrings?
>only started reading a post three sentences in
>can't see the running joke about vernacular
>or else he thought the latin test thing was legit
>leap of faith justifies justification by faith alone
lol you can't quote people who read and write like normal people even in a language you don't speak. don't worry about it, buddy, i'm sure you try your best, but damn does that explain a lot.

>> No.9525914

>leap of faith justifies justification by faith alone

that is the joke. He saw it as a leap, while in reality God opens your eyes and you see that Jesus is the Saviour.

There is no leap, there is just fundamental truth of Jesus which you are unable to see unless God opens your eyes and you comply to it.

>> No.9525919

subservientist nonsense

>> No.9525922

What is an authentic nihilist?

>> No.9525930

that fucks a lot of history's people to keep your ass safe. kierkegaard is stronger than arguments you make up for yourself, wanderer

>> No.9525933
File: 457 KB, 600x336, samhYdeRACEWARNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is an authentic nihilist?

someone like Sam Hyde or Nietzsche, as a Christian I kind of respect/understand those guys.

>> No.9525940


Your average secular modern man.

>> No.9525947
File: 106 KB, 1600x900, Kierkegaard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your average secular modern man.

nope. secular modern man is post-christian/post-nihilist. Authentic nihilist is just nihilist.


dont just flex those pretty intellectual mucle, belive on Jesus.

>> No.9525957

>If I have faith to move mountains and have not love of my fellow man

>> No.9526303

Nah, the only thing secularism offers is more power to the state. It relies on religion in order to be interesting.

>> No.9526308


I don't see how that contradicts my statement.

>> No.9526346

Historical agencies need to offer "positive" values if they want to survive through history. Religion has no opponents.

>> No.9527077

Used to be hard core anti church, I like the pagan concepts, I believe Jesus was awesome and his teachings were a sort of a AddOn to pagan minded societies.
Now I really respect culture, I have kinda understiidiod some basics ofthe structure of human societies, and I still dont believe in God.

Get on my level.

>> No.9527080

That's the level everyone here are, I wonder what's next.

>> No.9527238
File: 584 KB, 1288x1732, Nice Doctrine Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le hesoos was le pretty cool guy eh was 100% joo and loved erybode and not afraid of anything he was definetely not god just a cool guy lamo just a hippie dude fuck da choorch and paul too or shol i sayth saul lamo bruh smoke wed lamoo i smert
Negate your existence peon.

>> No.9527273


None of those are things I said you pathetic memer. Stop getting angry at things that aren't there.

>> No.9527302
File: 147 KB, 358x398, 3d suicide pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Jesus isn't God
>Implying Jesus was a random Jew lad, undermining his godhood and importance
>"Jesus is a pretty cool guy eh is a hippie and doesn't afraid of anything. This is totally not me undermining his importance"
>"you don't know anything about the things you thought you knew surprise surprise"
>"read an book, nigger"
>Le historical Jesus meme
>Le nice Jesus meme
>Le Paul was an ebil joo meme
>Le bad mainstream religion/church meme
Wow you made me REALLY THINK MAN

>> No.9527322

It absolutely fucking IS real. People take photos of ghosts all the time, for example.

>> No.9527342


Proof he is God? Even Christian theologians cant make up their mind on this point.

Jewish millenarianism was pretty common at the time, which is why he gets minor mention in contemporary Jewish writings. I like Jesus because he was rabble rouser with good things to say, where did you get this hippie jesus thing from? Never said Paul was evil, but he has more to do with the actual doctrine and ritual of Christian faith than Jesus.

Maybe you should actually study some history if it bothers you so much, but I know you won't. You're just another dumb reactionary frog poster who lacks the intellectual capacity to critique his own faith.

>> No.9527360

Little Johnny, why don't you put your teeth where your pillow is and embrace the tooth fairy?

>> No.9527372

Essentially, someone who acknowledges that objective values don't exist but accepts subjective values.
Like Nietzsche desu.

>> No.9527378

how many levels of irony are you on my dude?

>> No.9527394

>Doubting Christ's Divinity
Gee anon, the only kind of antitrinitarian you can be is the kind that wonders if there really is a Father and Holy Spirit.

>> No.9527422
File: 38 KB, 422x600, 1470910463339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proof he is God?
What do you mean? He always claimed he was the Son of God, and God himself. Look up the trinity, don't fall for the meme heresies anon
I assume you think that the bible is a good source of what Jesus has said? Here is one of the many examples
John 10:30-33King James Version (KJV)
30 I and my Father are one.
31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Seems pretty clear to me mate. If the bible is not a good source of AT LEAST Christ's talks, then what is? The meme scientist-o-historians 2000 years later that somehow found out he was liberal and black?
>Even Christian theologians cant make up their mind on this point.
Toperino heckin' kek. You don't actually think that actual orthodox (non-heretic) Christian theologians do not think Jesus is God, right? Maybe you are confusing Christians with some sort of Mormons?

>which is why he gets minor mention in contemporary Jewish writings
Not because they deny Him, as Jews, his godhood, because he kept claiming he was God? Modern Jews deny Jesus because the modern Jew is basically defined by his denial of Jesus at this point, amongst other things. If they did not deny Jesus' God-ness, they'd be Christians, no?
>Never said Paul was evil, but he has more to do with the actual doctrine and ritual of Christian faith than Jesus.
I do not see what you are trying to say here. Paul was giving advice to the early church and explaining things to them, of course he would be talking about doctorine, ritual, faith but also Jesus, God and all that.

>Read a book nigger I smarter than u fgt
Lol k

>implying I haven't transcended the 4th dimension of memeness
>implying the words irony and level have any meaning to me right now

>> No.9527427

this is your brain on memes

>> No.9527436


Why even bother with this conversation, you're never going to change, it's part of your thinking, but on the off-chance a spark of reason exists within you then I highly recommend studying contemporary and biblical source materials with serious academic rigor.

>> No.9527439


I'm pretty sure this is Bible Tex from kc /int/, a well documented schizophrene.

>> No.9527448

Wow, man, you are like, super smart. Recommending me to read BOOKS and all.
However, pray tell me, an utter pleb, what was exactly wrong in my line of reasoning? I would really like to hear your expert opinion.
Oh man, that was an EPIN meme you just propagated my man :-) keep it up

>> No.9528900

Jesus is a meme but I'm working on formulating a kind of Post-Existentialist or Experientialist philosophy.

Basically I'm trying to dissect and provide a solution for some of the core questions concerning what it means to be a human and be conscious (such as the Ship of Theseus), since Descartes and others have only really managed to create self-referential proofs that only function solipsistically.

I'm also trying to defeat or at least undermine nihilism as a philosophical dead-end by providing a means of contextualizing the physical banal existence of things in a way that demands addressing Stuff as though it had purpose (Hofstadter's ideas that humanity displays Emergence similar to an ant colony is a key element of this, and I'm stoked to pick up some of his work soon even though I arrived at a similar theory independently).

>> No.9529256

Man I agree but you're not exactly pouring big cups of love right now

>> No.9529260

>Jesus is a meme
