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9525060 No.9525060 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about becoming a socialist. What's some good socialist literature?

>> No.9525074

The Soul of Man under Socialism - Oscar Wilde
The Dispossessed - Ursula Le Guin
The Road to Wigan Pier - George Orwell

If you want theory, start with Wage Labour and Capital. Don't read the Communist Manifesto.

>> No.9525090

The Gospels
Book of Acts

>> No.9525101
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If you have a decent grasp of classical political theory, especially Rousseau, start with the utopians: Fourier, Saint-Simon, Owen.
After that Proudhon and then Marx.

Of course if you want to skip the foundations you can dive right into Marx, but I feel like classical political theory and utopians actually have a lot to offer, especially in areas where Marx' theories are a bit lackluster, such as his conception of the state and his productivism.

Orwell is a hack and a liberal in disguise. If you're interested in anti-authoritarian socialism read Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta after Marx.

Most of these people have a few main works which should be easy to find out.
As for Marx & Engels, a good selection of texts is this one: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/sw/progress-publishers/one-volume.htm

Especially if you're philosophically interested you should also read Marx' early works, the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts in particular.

>> No.9525107

>Orwell is a hack and a liberal in disguise.


>> No.9525117


>> No.9525122

Gulag Archipelago
The Road to Serfdom
Capitalism and Freedom
The Fountainhead
The Art of the Deal

>> No.9525126


Also Mein Kampf and On Women

Take the redbull

>> No.9525133
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>that image

>> No.9525135
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>Orwell was critical of my bourgeois socialism, so this means he was a hack and a liberal in disguise

>> No.9525147

Why do you niggers get so immensely triggered every time someone calls Orwell out for the anti-communist crook he was?
"Bourgeois socialism" pretty much describes Orwell's political views exactly. He'd be a Blairite if he was alive today.

>> No.9525148

The works of George Orwell (particularly Homage to Catalonia)
Threepenny Novel by Brecht
Works of Marx and Engels
Mother by Maxim Gorky
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

>> No.9525156

You cannot possibly know what Orwell's political opinions would be today you fucking pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>> No.9525157
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He was anti-totalitarian and anti-bourgeois socialism. He fought for the Socialists in Spain which is more than can be said for the upper-class "" socialists"" he mocked.

>> No.9525159

Fuck off. His anti-(((totalitarianism))) went to the point where he sold out fellow communists to the liberal establishment.

>> No.9525169

>He fought for the Socialists in Spain
He should've died there like the other good little leftists. Franco did nothing wrong except sparing some of his prisoners. They should have all been vivisected to find the biological roots of the mental illnessess of Anarchism and Marxism.

>> No.9525573


>> No.9525580


>> No.9525582

>Orwell is a hack and a liberal in disguise
>He wasn't an authoritarian and wasn't a bourgeois cuck either waaah

>> No.9525583

first post best post

>> No.9525598

The Black Book of Communism.

Right up there with Mao's Little Red Book and Khadaffi's Little Green Book.

>> No.9525667

Grapes of Wrath
Sea Wolf
The Jungle (actually not that good desu)
Early Writings of Karl Marx (to familiarize yourself with alienation)

>> No.9525877

To understand socialism you need to know it's roots and what it is, a secular Christian cult. So I would start with some of Calvin's work, Institute of the Christian Religion is a good place to start, then you can move to some anabaptism, then to Rousseau and finally Marx. Maybe you're smart enough to realize that utopianism is retarded.

>> No.9525883

The Gulag Archipelago

You're wrong.

>> No.9525886


We already live in a Utopian society, dumbass. Unusually high standards of living and progress made possible by deferring unpleasant labor to a slave caste.

>> No.9525892

Unironically Mein Kampf

>> No.9525895 [DELETED] 

>becoming a socialist

they can think now?!

>> No.9525911

so why do utopian communists still exist

>> No.9525917

Obviously he will stop thinking once he actually becomes a socialist

>> No.9525924


Because you're using utopianism as an modernist adjective, not actually engaging with the text, which I imagine you haven't read.

>> No.9525934

I was a socialist, then the more I read pushed me toward anarchist thought. Small state collectivism > socialism. Admittedly they're on the same framework, but one means I don't have to put up with fucktards, the other gives fucktards power over me. Alot of the big socialist thinkers, despite agreeing with their intentions, are not very coherent in their thinking, and the hard root of protestantism in western society makes many socialists jump to asinine conclusions.

>> No.9526097

>Orwell is a "hack" because he named some fascist sympathizers once

>> No.9526104 [DELETED] 

>Thinking about becoming gay

I forgot you were one all along.

>> No.9526183

Bad joke, even worse execution. Pick it up, anon, your annual performance review is just around the corner.

>> No.9526332
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Jacobin's ABCs of Socialism


>> No.9527580

I bet you haven't even read this.

>> No.9527590

Here's what makes it hard for me. Purely for economics, I support socialism. I support using the means of production to make society better for everyone, I support tax funded healthcare, I support environmentalism.

But what kills me about the left is their strange desire to destroy the culture, import millions of third worlders and make it a sin to actually want your country/culture to be strong and persist. Socialsits have a freakish tendency to support their own demographic suicide. I don't get it.

>> No.9527595


hence why small state collectivism is a better solution

>> No.9527619

There are different types of socialism, you know. Anyway, I associate the tendency towards demographic suicide more with liberalism than socialism.

>> No.9527643


> I associate the tendency towards demographic suicide more with liberalism than socialism

It is for the most part. Unfortunately those are the types who tend to make policy. Loose borders and unstable populations make planned economics impossible, thus undermining the whole point of a socialism.

>> No.9527657

>Thinking about becoming a socialist.

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.9527667


Literally everyone who advocates for socialism/Marxism today also advocates for very loose immigration standards and multiculturalism. There isn't some huge gap between liberals and socialists in 2017.

>> No.9527744
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>> No.9527876

Alternatively, could any of you cucks propose some anti-socialst readings? It's always good to get both perspectives

>> No.9527912


>> No.9527989

Except Zizek, the single most prominent Marxist on /lit/?

>The left’s silence, Žižek believes, originates in a mistaken belief. “I never liked this humanitarian approach that if you really talk with them you discover we are all the same people,” he explains. “No, we are not—we have fundamental differences, and true solidarity is in spite of all these differences.”

>> No.9528002


Don't confuse academic socialists with tumblr meme "socialists" who are just welfare state New Deal revivalists who don't seem to realise our economy is going to collapse bringing that pipe dream with it.

>> No.9528348

Heligobter da gommies amirite?

>> No.9528351


>> No.9528372

Start with these
>Sex and Race, Volume 1: Negro-Caucasian Mixing in All Ages and All Lands -- The Old World
>Sex and Race: A History of White, Negro, and Indian Miscegenation in the Two Americas, Vol. 2: The New World
>Sex and Race, Vol. 3: Why White and Black Mix in Spite of Opposition World's Great Men of Color, Volume I: Asia and Africa, and Historical Figures Before Christ, Including Aesop, Hannibal, Cleopatra, Zenobia, Askia the Great, and Many Others
>The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures

After finishing those, you can probably move onto LGBTQIA issues.

>> No.9528373

>the n-word

>> No.9528376
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>Thinking about becoming a socialist. What's some good socialist literature?

>> No.9528380

>Thinking about becoming a socialist.

What does this even mean? Like are you going to start dressing and speaking differently, changing your whole life direction?

(I know this is actually how it works, but think about it)

And why would you "think about becoming a socialist" if you're not one currently, aka don't even know much about it yet? Do you just like the idea of the self-image it would give you? Does it just jibe with your genetic disposition?

>> No.9528392

The Nazis were socialists. Are you saying you want to become a Nazi? Because Nazis get punched.

>> No.9528411
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>> No.9528424
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Try Nietzsche you intellectual dwarf

>> No.9528427

Excellent recommendations. Rogers is indispensable.

I'd also throw in Chinweizu's "Anatomy of Female Power", available here: http://therawness.com/AFP.pdf

>> No.9528530

>Try Nietzsche

Hmmm no, don't think I will.

>> No.9528547

I want to toss away my prole cap and take up the hammer and sickle.

>> No.9528849

>reading books
You're doing it wrong. Just start hating rich people.

>> No.9528906


Too sophisticated for a brainlet like you anyways

>> No.9529050

Everyone who's encountered a rich person does that instinctively anyway. Much like when you see a venomous snake or spider.

>> No.9529075

It's the corporations, maaaaaaaaan...
Your inferiority complex is showing.

>> No.9529157

Hmm, sounds like you support aspects of both nationalism and socialism.

A kind of National Socialism, if you will...

>> No.9529244


And rightly so, the wanted to topple the state and install a dictatorship

>> No.9529272
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>The road to Serfdom
>also watch Tak zhit nelzya by Govorukhin

>> No.9529277
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fucking nazi racist scum

>> No.9529323

The Law by Frederic Bastiat

>> No.9530603

>"liberal: a power worshipper without power"
>t. Orwell
we have a pretty good idea anon