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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 466x264, IQ-Bell-Curve[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9521760 No.9521760 [Reply] [Original]

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature
>Your least favorite work of literature



>> No.9521770
File: 30 KB, 648x495, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start.

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature


>Overrated piece of shit

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.9521830
File: 18 KB, 736x520, Screenshot (62).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite work of literature
Invisible Cities.

>Your least favorite work of literature
The Great Gatsby.

>> No.9521837
File: 7 KB, 647x123, chrome_2017-05-18_09-22-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white buildings
>anything from the beats

>> No.9521877

Not gonna waste 25 min so post a screenhot no one cares about anyway.

>> No.9521892
File: 26 KB, 646x411, Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 9.49.22 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of those questions that had the upside down T, circle, then a V on a platform stumped me.

War and Peace I guess.

Blood Meridian.

>> No.9521897

Hmm. My IQ was 117 accordong to that. And 116ish according to that mensa free home test they gave away a few years ago. I wonder how it compares to a real IQ test.

>> No.9521898

Good : Jayne Eyre.
Shit: : ms dalloway.

>> No.9521906
File: 165 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-16-54-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best: All quiet on the western front
Worst: Catcher in the rye

>> No.9521907

Btw, anyone that understands how is tests are conducted wouldn't waste time with an online test.

I was tested by a psychologist in august, it took 2 hours.

>> No.9521908


>> No.9521914
File: 120 KB, 480x563, Laughing_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bell curve
Fucking humaniturds

>> No.9521919

112. I don't read. Wait why am I on /lit/?

>> No.9521920

And how did your score differ from the online test?

>> No.9521938


>Your IQ
>Your favourite work of literature
Being and Time
>Your Least favourite work of literature
To Kill a Mockinbird or Harry Potter

>> No.9521945

>IQ is 101.
>Being and Time.

More like Wasting Time.

>> No.9521955


I know my iq from two real tests as a kid and teen. 127 was lower one 129 higher.

Favorite book: changes dresden files

Least favorite book: atlas shrugged

>> No.9521961


I should say my favorite book is the cisco asa one actually since it has brought me very very comfortable living

>> No.9521963
File: 29 KB, 788x631, 128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody sub-115 needs to leave /lit/.
The Fifth Head of Cerberus
>least favourite
The Kite Runner

>> No.9521966

129 (comfortably numb)

Favorite: Oxford Complete Shakespeare

Garbage: Life of Pie

>> No.9521970
File: 16 KB, 656x420, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite: Old man and the sea
Least: Norwegian wood

>> No.9521976

This is peak /lit/. Masturbating over your IQ and tastes in books.

>> No.9521979
File: 9 KB, 634x412, graph.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ: 100
>book: Republic (Plato)

I don't read fiction, come at me bros

>> No.9521984

This, and people are choosing books that they think correspond to their IQ scores as if they're obligated to prove themselves.
>IQ 135
>Favorite book is War and Peace
Yeah, totally your favorite. I'm sure you didn't choose that just because it makes you look smart.

>> No.9521995

Got 130. Didn't finish in time though.
Only started reading more these so i guess LotR.
No least favorite.

>> No.9522006

Fuck off cia nigger.

>> No.9522008

>The God Delusion

>> No.9522012


Thats a good point
>iq site
>not https

Really makes you think

>> No.9522039
File: 152 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170518-164628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna karenina
none specifically

>> No.9522041

>Either Lolita or Naked Lunch

>> No.9522047

Forgot about the least favorite piece of work.
>Perfume, by Patrick Süskind.
You know that book everyone tells you to read because it's OMG, SOOOO GOOD. It's fucking shit, and I don't read any recommendations i'm given irl anymore.

>> No.9522048
File: 27 KB, 740x536, smart boy iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fav: neuromancer

least fav: can't abide most post-structuralism

>> No.9522050

IQ threads belong on >>>/sci/ even if they're cursorily book related.

>> No.9522060

>favourite: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>least: The moral landscape

>> No.9522063

>americans and their iqs
>European smartass
>American dumbass

>> No.9522066

Portrait of the artist as a young man
Hunger games: catching fire

>> No.9522086

Last I checked it was like 119 or something. Not wasting 30 minutes on that.

Hard to say. The Pale King, maybe

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.9522099
File: 340 KB, 592x356, 2222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't dare to take an IQ test because I'm afraid that it will shatter my false belief that I'm actually intelligent

it's all I have left

>> No.9522108

high IQ didn't make the japanese win the war desu

>> No.9522109
File: 26 KB, 757x598, Bellcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your IQ
>Your favourite work of literature
The Daodejing of Laozi
>Your least favourite work of literature
Purple (Fucking)Hibiscus

>> No.9522113

As if winners actually win.

>> No.9522114

Mein Kampf

>> No.9522115

no, but I still live in a world where my worth is measured by either my dick-size or my IQ

And I already have a small penis

>> No.9522121

your worth should be measured by your devotion to god

>> No.9522122

>over-extending the analogy
Brainlet detected. Don't take an IQ test

>> No.9522126

>Das Kapital
>the rest of Economics

>> No.9522128

You asked for it. I cannot resist brainlets who doesn't consider this possibility.

>> No.9522136

>tfw to intejilent too won

>> No.9522140
File: 10 KB, 634x412, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favourite: epic of gilgamesh
>least: picture of dorian gray

>> No.9522142

Luther please leave.

>> No.9522145

>whenever we have one of these brain-cock measuring contests, everyone has iq at least in the 95th percentile
I'm forced to conclude that the test is faulty.

>> No.9522151
File: 55 KB, 640x480, mickeymouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the guy who drew the comparison, but whether or not anyone "actually wins" a war is immaterial to the point. You understood it enough to unnecessarily belabor it, but not enough to take it for what value it has so you offered a trite opinion about the futility of war. Just accept the (perfectly salient) proposition that IQ isn't the total descriptor of physical success and leave it you fucking autist

>> No.9522166

>Art of the Deal.

>> No.9522169

>Hard Choices.

>> No.9522171
File: 63 KB, 720x729, IMG_20170518_113548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it enough to write a good novel? Asking for a friend who happens to have the same iq
Probably Don Quixote, but I don't really have a "favorite"
Anything murakami, but Im sure there must be stuff thats even worse

>> No.9522174

>Your IQ

Infinite Jest

>Least Favorite
Of Mice & Men

>> No.9522175

Why would you waste those 2 hours? What did you score?

>> No.9522176

Pretty sure Salinger's IQ was in the 110s, but I don't know if you consider him a "good" novel writer. It's definitely high enough to write a successful novel: hell, people with IQs in the nineties (Stephanie Meyers etc.) write wildly profitable works of fiction.

>> No.9522195
File: 13 KB, 640x712, I'm a smug fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 125 and I guessed around ~12 answers.

>> No.9522197

The questions 30 to 35 are frustrating as fuck. Explain your thought process if you do solve them correctly.

>> No.9522206

Which Murakami? I don't like Haruki at all, although I read most of his work.

>> No.9522208
File: 18 KB, 793x494, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite work of literature
>Your least favorite work of literature
I don't have an exact least favorite work, probably some shallow YA fiction I've read a long time ago and forgot about.

>> No.9522212

>IQ means literally anything
>a single probe has value unto itself in any measurable way

Shit thread for ego-inflation, but that's why more than half of you even pick up books in the first place.

>> No.9522213
File: 18 KB, 651x425, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is for fags.

>> No.9522215

Now I'm looking at things more calmly and I get 30 and 31, but 32 to 35 are maddening.

>> No.9522235

Now I do get 33 too.

I can probably solve them all, but my problem is that I'm losing my composure when I encounter even some slight resistance--and running against the clock doesn't help.

End of blog.

>> No.9522243

Why you didn't like Dorian Gray? It's comfy and beautifully written.

>> No.9522274

Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data. Remember that it is a good idea to practice tests such as this - there are many others available online.

Am I retarded or smart ?

>> No.9522286

Just tell us your favourite book and we will judge it for you.

>> No.9522287

Last time I took an internet IQ test I got 125, so it's probably 115-120.

Favourite is Moby Dick or Anna Karenina
Least favorite is I Am Number Four (terrible YA)

>> No.9522289

When I took that one I got 133, but I didn't save a screen cap
Finnegans Wake

>> No.9522300

I can understand every question except for the one with the lines with squares on top or hanging from the bottom, the one with stacked squares on either sides of the line, and the final one

>> No.9522305

Favourite is Parzival, probably runners up would be The Brothers Karamazov and The Count of Monte Cristo

Least is any of the YA that other 17 year olds read

>> No.9522306

Give the number of the questions you don't get instead of doing this, and maybe I'll help.

>> No.9522311

I was just recalling them from when I took the test weeks ago, I didn't remember the post numbers

I don't want help anyway, anon. I want my results in future tests to be accurate

>> No.9522315

IQ can't measure things such as emotional intelligence, social intelligence, creativity, etc- essentially a lot of the things that go into making and appreciating art.

>> No.9522318

I just guessed every answer and got 106
>Favorite Lit
Notes From The Underground
The Pearl

>> No.9522321

Actually there is a correlation along most if not all of those. Correlations of varying intensities sure, but correlations regardless

>> No.9522325

>I just guessed every answer and got 106
Fucking why? Make an effort, retard. It's not a long or boring test

>> No.9522326

I suppose to prove how garbage the test is?

>> No.9522332

>hurr look I used to test in a way it wasn't meant to be used and it broke lol what garbage
a 106 IQ is not that unrealistic an expectation when you randomly guess. It may be above "average" but that's still a p dumb IQ

>> No.9522334

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature
Gravity's Rainbow
>Your least favorite work of literature
nothing comes to mind

>> No.9522335

This test is not even standardised so fuck off
Stop masturbating

>> No.9522337

>not wanting to get better is "being accurate"

More like accurately mediocre lmao

>> No.9522339

>dude I got so much smarter after my teacher handed me all the answers to our test tomorrow!

>> No.9522340

IQ is something stupid people clutch at because they already "know" they are smart, they just want a number to prove it.

>> No.9522341

>I'm a genius with an IQ of 147 hurrrr

Okay. Explain the last question.

>> No.9522344

Oh no! You took the test and received a good score. Now I come along and guess on every answer (twice) and receive the average (twice).

>> No.9522347

I can't, having a high IQ doesn't mean I'll be able to fully understand every single one

>> No.9522350

It's actually how school works, genius.

>okay kids, I will not explain what you did wrong in the last exam lol
>here are your notes with no explanations whatsoever!!

>> No.9522352

I agree, that's the point I'm making. IQ doesn't necessarily determine the "goodness" (by any definition of the term) of a work of art.

>> No.9522360

That doesn't work for a test measuring inherent ability instead of memorization or skill, dumbass

>> No.9522369

Higher IQ should make you more consistent in goodness though.

Your inherent ability gets better if the correct reasoning is shown to you.

>> No.9522373

not the anon you're meaningfully talking to, but I don't see how an IQ test comprised of Raven's Progressive Matrices measures inherent ability or renders similar results over time. Intuitively, it seems like one can significantly improve his performance at pattern recognition... I'm open to read some literature on this, but I must confess, although I acknowledge the utility of IQ test I remain very sceptical as to their ability to measure ''''inherent'''' intelligence.

Any recs to lit on this?

>> No.9522384

Scored 131

Anna Karenina and Oblomov are two of my favourites

I really hate Kurt Vonnegut.

>> No.9522411


>> No.9522415

It´s bullshit, i´m still dumb as fuck

I don´t really have a favorite. The one writer i have consistently enjoyed the most, is probably Borges, so i´d choose his Complete Short Stories. If i had to choose on of his collections, it´d be Ficciones.
On novels, it´s i tie between Don Quijote or Crime and Punishment (I suspect i´d really enjoy The Brothers K, but i haven´t read it yet)

My least favorite is a Dystopian novel i read because i really liked this girl and she loved that book. It was horribly written and its sory very generic. I think it´s called Red Dawn or something

>> No.9522418

anyone willing to help out with this >>9522373 ?

>> No.9522441

"Inherent" ability is a meme, what counts is your actual ability (determined by genes + education and specific training for logic tests).

>> No.9522449

you btfo'd most of /lit/ with that last part, my dude

>> No.9522455


>> No.9522466
File: 18 KB, 669x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Your IQ

>Your favorite work of literature
For stuff that's "acceptable" by /lit/ standards, Godel, Escher, and Bach or Of Mice and Men.

Otherwise there's a lot of genre fiction I love, can't really decide between Worm, Alloy of Law, and The Martian.

>Your least favorite work of literature
Haven't actually given this much thought, mostly since I just stop reading books if I don't like them. I guess The Pearl?

Yeah 34 and 35 were just absurd. Interested in seeing what the reasoning behind the answers is, but god damn those were annoying.

>> No.9522482

IQ 130
The ego (Stirner)
Harry potter or meditations.

>> No.9522496
File: 94 KB, 983x648, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it triggers me that there are 4 people smarter than me in every 999 people. it feels bad to be adequately smart. it feels like being the king of manlets, and coincidentally my height is 5 feet 11 inches sharp as well. i am the king of brainlets and manlets.

favorite: the perks of being a wallflower / the absolutely true diary of a part-time indian (tie, both authentic)
hate: norwegian wood (pretentious)

even a small town in a flyover state contains a few thousand people. so there are at least a dozen people smarter than me wherever i go.

what's the perfect male IQ?

>> No.9522500

>perfect male iq
just kys

>> No.9522505

>t. below 100

>> No.9522511

t. wanna-fit

>> No.9522513 [DELETED] 

Is it good for 17 years old?

>> No.9522520

Same here, I finally got 133 and couldn't properly solve 34 and 35.

It looks like I could spend the entire 25 minutes on the last question without getting it.

>> No.9522525


Explain 34 or 35?

>> No.9522533
File: 15 KB, 661x412, file (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Mountain
Nothing coming to mind.

The top image shifted half across the field, so the full circle turned into a split circle and the _\/_ turned into a triangle in the second row. In the third row the right half was then rotated 180°.

Line squares confused me as well, I believe it was just the middle row's squares layered on top of the left row's.
Stacked square one was probably my favorite. When two colors were on the same side of the line they were added for the third one, when they were on different sides they were subtracted. Final one see above.

See above.

I used to feel proud about scoring among the best 4% on tests, then I looked at it as one out of 25 and just felt embarrassed.

>> No.9522541

Just saw that I was thinking of the wrong one for the final one.

Final one was like all the others where two lines in the same spot disappeared and only single lines remained, except you had to look at the top image as rotated by 180°.

>> No.9522551

I fucked up again. It's not rotated 180° but flipped vertically.

What good is a high IQ when I'm a retard.

>> No.9522552
File: 23 KB, 314x500, 41PcAMgyeaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible. With Robots.

>> No.9522560

>It's definitely high enough to write a successful novel
I don't care about succes as much as it being an authentic piece of art
I don't want to follow the steps of DFW. Also, what was his IQ?

>> No.9522566
File: 6 KB, 300x225, 34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's subtraction

the line is 0. above is minus, below is plus. it can be the other way around. it doesn't matter. math is like that.

you subtract the middle panel of each column from the bottom panel. the panel on top is the answer.

but it's not exact math. it's just asking you to think logically.

in the 2nd column, you'll see subtracting a small square from a large square will result in two small squares. it doesn't make sense but it doesn't matter. the 3rd column has the same result, so all you need to do is figure out the bottom panel that'll satisfy the same condition - "big square minus small square" so the answer is 1.

>> No.9522572
File: 6 KB, 300x225, 35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


35, this anon got it right. :>>9522551

>> No.9522576

big boxes shit small boxes.

>t. 138

>> No.9522577

>To Kill a Mockinbird or Harry Potter

>> No.9522581

wait no this is a different question

wait a sec ill provide explanation in a minute

>> No.9522585

I didn't even get to that one because of the stupid timer
Still got 131 which I guess it isnt that bad, but I can't understand that one. I guees thats the difference between true smart and just smart enough to see how actually dumb you are
just send me the helium senpaitachi

>> No.9522592

for this one, you flip the first panel of each column vertically and merge it with the second panel of each panel, and you know when there are identical lines in both panels, they disappear (think of it as collision), so the result looks like the third panels of each columns.

>> No.9522606

two small boxes eat each other and leaves no boxes. But big boxes leave a small box regardless of what they eat, neither a big or a small box. So you have to put 2 rows of big boxes and two small boxes to make the first scene in the 3rd column.

>> No.9522616

wait then i guess i got it wrong
i'm the 140 >>9522566 >>9522592

for 34 so i picked the 1st answer, but according to your logic it's the 5th answer

is there an answer sheet for this test?

>> No.9522617

1 I'm not taking an online IQ test
2 Leaves of Grass
3 War and Peace

>> No.9522620
File: 16 KB, 185x254, 1441418392096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite is Nine Stories. No clue about the least favorite, though.

>> No.9522633
File: 15 KB, 655x413, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what good is a high IQ when I'm a retard
Same. Literally.

>cropping the bottom so no one can see the graph's red percentage that you couldn't edit with f12

>> No.9522643

Notice the different font. He used Paint, not F12. He probably does not know what F12 does.

>> No.9522650

Fucking hell, now that I look at it again it's not even subtle

I'll trade my IQ for your common sense

>> No.9522652

Minus and plus logic applies for the first line based puzzle which involves hollow boxes.

>> No.9522680

So basically 34 is a trick similar to 29 (which I finally solved, once I stopped going mad about the big squares), and 35 is similar to 31 and 33 together.

35 is infuriating, because it forces you to do it vertically... while the others could be solved vertically and horizontally. (Hence the big trouble in question 35, if you took the habit to do stuff horizontally.)

>> No.9522688

well i exclusively resorted to vertical at around 24, it just seemed like the test was heading toward that direction

>> No.9522875

>do the test
>get 143
>re-do the test with the exact same answers, just to write them down
>get 97


>> No.9522878

You got a lot dumber. Sorry dude

>> No.9522891

you dumb dumb

>> No.9522896

Seems like the visual puzzles are what gives /lit/ the most trouble.

Checks out.

>> No.9522903

If the test was entirely visual puzzles, /lit/ would score 91 and /o/ would score 143.

Turns out smartest people are the dumbest if the hardest thing for them is the easiest thing for the stupidest people.

>> No.9522904

It's timed as well


>favorite is Candide

>worst is idk Don Quixote was a slog

>> No.9522905

>re-re-do the test
>143 again

Utterly relieved tbqh. So, is 143 the maximum score?

>> No.9522909
File: 9 KB, 634x412, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For My Legionaries
>The Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.9522916

143 here. After reading the thread I was probably wrong with 34 so a higher score should be possible.

>> No.9522918

Old man and the sea
Prince of thorns

>> No.9522922

>Prince of thorns
What an obscure book to dislike the most. Got a story to share, anon?

>> No.9522929

>Prince of thorns
Are you the same anon from here? >>9522848

>> No.9522932

128, may be tainted tho as i was doing it while working out
No real fav book and loathed. A lot have their merits.

>> No.9522936

After re-doing the test, I'm pretty sure something is wrong with my 32.

I re-re-re-did the test, provided another answer for 32, and still get 143.

What's your reasoning for it?

>> No.9522943

what answer did you pick?

>> No.9522945

anything higher than 145 is statistically meaningless. you probably got 34 wrong so that explains -2

>> No.9522946



The Fountainhead

East of Eden

>> No.9522948

Uncertain as well. I'm viewing the middle row as directions. Pointing up, one line moves up. Pointing sideways, one line moves sideways. Uncertain because the second line doesn't come into play, which is strange.

5. I suppose it works out if you read it as the second line being subtracted from the first one? On second look it may be right after all.

>> No.9522966

I'm the 143-Anon who can't get 32 right, and I chose 5 for 34 too.

>> No.9522980

Nobody who scores low is going to post it and if they post they will lie.

>> No.9522990

hey fellow 117 iq anon, gonna take your recommendation on this one.
seemingly good taste, thanks in advance

>> No.9523004

I was tested as a kid and had a 105 iq, now aprox 128, is this stuff bullshit?

>> No.9523007

People who score low (below 100):

>won't even go on a literature board in the first place
>won't even take such a test voluntarily (AYYOOOOO ITS COMPLICATED LMAO)
>for foreigners: won't speak English and will remain on their native tongue websites

So it's no surprise everyone here is at least average.

>> No.9523010

IQ isn't some magical intelligence measure that you carry with you for life, you can get better at taking IQ tests.
Studying the most common patterns and learning about the stuff one should watch out for would let anyone hit a consistent 130+. Getting a better one than years ago is only natural, assuming you're not in your 80s.

>> No.9523019


>> No.9523021

A few months ago went to /sffg/ looking for a recommendation. They gave me one and ive been bitching about it ever since because im an spergy faggot

>> No.9523030

The Illiad
I don't know, maybe Matt Ruff

makes me insecure to be entirely earnest ;P

>> No.9523035

I have high verbal IQ, I swear

>> No.9523038

Jokes on you, mine is low.

>> No.9523039

>the Selfish Gene and The God Delusion
>The ego and it's own

>> No.9523045
File: 149 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170519-084740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up, still in bed, did I do good?

Favourite is cancer ward
Don't have a least

>> No.9523046

does being in the top .1% mean out of all people? i could see at a mid to top tier american college how 1 out of every 1000 people might have the same mental horsepower as me, but the average white person? the avg. american? the avg. world citizen? no fucking way

>> No.9523059
File: 30 KB, 836x627, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I think I got literally every question correct though.

>> No.9523066

Oh, and for favorite work of literature I don't really have one. I just come to /lit/ to shitpost.

>> No.9523092


I tested 128 on one I took in college in the 1990s....10 years later I took another and had a 105 and this one says 121

>> No.9523097

Those are some big words you used there ;)>>9523039

>> No.9523116

So, what did you choose for 32 and 34, since these are the two "contentious" ones?

>> No.9523121
File: 19 KB, 746x497, 1483674929079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't read I just jerk off to traps
>See above

>> No.9523135

There's no way there are this many people with 140 iq in here.

>> No.9523152

We're amazing, deal with it.

>> No.9523172

It's a fucking half hour online test.

>> No.9523187
File: 167 KB, 1056x1072, 1482494810337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we jerk it to traps because of our IQ, or does our IQ come from jerking it to traps?

>> No.9523194
File: 36 KB, 700x408, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 32 and 34.

>> No.9523203

You have to 18 to post here newfag

>> No.9523221

Remember to subtract twenty from your given score to get a better approximation of your 'real' IQ.

>> No.9523229

hell yeah 113

>> No.9523230

32 is wtf tier
34 is rotate 45 degrees anticlockwise and add the lines

>> No.9523232
File: 14 KB, 663x424, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>117. What does this mean? Am I retarded? How reliable is this test?
>I like lots of different works, but I can't choose a favourite.
>Probably some overrated piece of shit that I had to read at school (spaniard).

>> No.9523241

>34 is rotate 45 degrees anticlockwise and add the lines

lol wut that doesn't work at all

>> No.9523246


Nm I see what you mean now

>> No.9523247

The question on the right, is that 32?

>> No.9523250

>Favorite: Old man and the sea

oh my god

>> No.9523252

Basically every single person in an Ivy League has 130+ IQ

>> No.9523253


Nah, that's 34. You were right, I'm just a 144 brainlet

>> No.9523254

>norwegian wood
Not for everybody, I guess. I found it deeply boring (although there are a few interesting parts, especially the pedo lesbian sex scene).

>> No.9523257



>> No.9523259

>falling for the IQ meme
wew lad

>> No.9523263

Heh you were outsmarted by 130iq retart

>> No.9523265
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1343201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9523285

IQ is highly correlated with your SAT score
The average SAT to get you into an Ivy means you likely have 130+ IQ

>> No.9523295


Cool. Now go look at the actual SAT scores of admitted students.

Most Ivy students are pay-to-play, not creamy crop-tops.

>> No.9523392

just took an online IQ test by randomly selecting whatever as fast as i could and scored above average.
IQ proves nothing

>> No.9523419

I got 138 so I'm not even that upset, but I was expecting IQ tests to be a bit more legitimate. It seems like a bunch of bullshit "think outside the box" questions. One either gets the trick or one doesn't. This process is, to some degree, logical (e.g. in the last problem, seeing the remnants of the little square reappear in the bottom left box basically gives one the answer), but also has a lot to do with one's ability to generate possible interpretations for the pictures.

The former skill is pretty easily learned: it's just a matter mostly of being observant and then following things to their conclusion. The latter skill seems like useless horseshit in this particular context: people tend to think creatively about things they find interesting, which, for everyone except perhaps autistic people, definitely does not include IQ tests.

Maybe this is why autistic people score higher than average? It honestly freaks me out that this sort of stuff is used to determine the future of our children.

>> No.9523427

>rotate and add black and white geometrical figures
>this clearly defines your ability to experience and express complex ideas and emotions and your worth as a human being


>> No.9523431

All I did is literally click on any random option and took the test in 20 seconds and got an iq of 97.

Speed running iq tests makes me smaht.

>> No.9523436

fuck someone already did my meme

disregard the post below


>> No.9523438


solving captchas is more challenging

>> No.9523450
File: 25 KB, 792x562, im kyle im retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i've got chronic ADHD where my attention spindles so i stopped midway on the test to play some Bauhaus because it was boring as fuck and i ended up running out of time to answer the questions

if you got lower than me though you are probably legally retarded by national standards because i haven't attended school in several years and i only have a GED lmao

>> No.9523464

Five questions in and it's the easiest thing ever.

I took one of these before and got a 140 in twelve minutes. These tests are bullshit.

>> No.9523471
File: 202 KB, 1673x1270, stillstupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ: 143
Favorite: The Catcher in the Rye
Most overrated: 1984

seems like everyone here is ripping on the books and authors I like

>> No.9523476

You can pretty accurately test it, there's just a wider margin of error

>> No.9523479
File: 9 KB, 629x370, Screenshot at 2017-05-18 19-04-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk, probably something by stephen king

>> No.9523493

Possible but the fact that its's timed is the key
In fact the distributions of response times to a single question would be a pretty good estimation of IQ

>> No.9523502

how will pro-IQ hordes ever recover?

>> No.9523563

you should go to a mensa meeting if you want to feel better

its all loser librarians, pseud professors, and mediocre parralegals

>> No.9523567
File: 325 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170519-003548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do guys?

>> No.9523582

141 based on GRE. Ezekiel.

>> No.9523588

When I was a child I took an actual IQ test and received a score of 130, but yours told me I have an IQ of 140. It's probably closer to the original score.
The Stranger or Slaughterhouse 5.
The Odyssey or White Fang.

>> No.9523614

>In Search of Lost Time but I'm only up to The Prisoner
>can't say

>> No.9523617

I don't see why timing wouldn't be subject to improvement. Still waiting on literature that suggests the reliability of IQ tests in determining native intelligence - or is it a mere corruption and misrepresentation of what they measure?

>> No.9523630

Ask yourself what's happening in the head of someone who gets a 90 score at this test.

Do you really think he can be "actually intellgent despite being unable to notice huge patterns lol"?

>yeah lol I clicked on the wrong box 14 times in a row but I swear I'm a genius anyway bro

>> No.9523645

>tfw I legitimately like romance novels
I think this test might be off

>> No.9523650

supposedly male iq is lower when theyre kids

>> No.9523651
File: 3.60 MB, 531x354, 1489808814668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw too smart to be successful

>> No.9523661

>Fav: The dispossessed
>Least fav: Neuromancer

>> No.9523664

Boys don't develop as quickly as girls, yeah

>> No.9523669

I don't know is the answer - I'm sure improvements would have their limits, but again, if untrained, or unfamiliar with pattern recognition due to a lack of formal education, or a lifestyle that didn't require those capacities, I don't see why an improvement of a whole standard deviation is out of the realm of possibility even for such a person.

>> No.9523713

Isn't intelligence entirely about "pattern recognition", though?

>> No.9523722

I don't know, but I suspect not - apparently independent mental faculties like memory come to mind. If I bring up cognitive categories I'm assuming you'll tie them to pattern recognition somehow so I don't really want to have that conversation with another layman.

How is your question related to my post though?

>> No.9523734

the education system is for indoctrinating 90 iq plebs, not teaching them how to learn or see patterns

>> No.9523760

right, that might be, although I suspect that pattern recognition is still required in sciences and even as part of the indoctrination process. even if it isn't, how is that furthering the conversation about the possibility of improving IQ scores? are you socialising or something?

>> No.9523772

yes, im very lonely

>> No.9523777
File: 19 KB, 692x513, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have a least favorite

Wasn't expecting 131. I scored a 124 when I was a teenager, that was almost ten years ago though.

>> No.9523783

>pro-IQ hordes

>> No.9523784

>untrained, or unfamiliar with pattern recognition
you can't be trained in pattern recognition. it's an innate attribute
you could memorize particular questions regarding pattern recognition which is something entirely different

>> No.9523787

>Pedro Páramo (I'm Mexican)
>Any Stephen King book

>> No.9523790

surely, being shown patterns, understanding the underlying rules that govern them, making abstractions and extrapolating from them would lead to some improvements. I am no pedagogue, but it seems more than plausible, in fact we do it every day in various disciplines.

I am not denying that there is an innate element to intelligence or pattern recognition, I am merely saying it's not static and training seems capable of improving it up to a certain threshold.

Can you recommend any literature that argues for its 'innate' quality and inability to improve it? or are you self-indulgently spouting opinions as facts?

>> No.9523806

read literally any book on psychometrics

>> No.9523810


literally kys

>> No.9523814

>hurr i'm too lazy to actually inform myself so I'll try to discredit any opposing views while spouting retarded platitudes durr
read literally any book on psychometrics, brainlet
IQ just werks

>> No.9523817

I have read several. The best argument for your hypothesis seems to be that IQ scores don't vary by a factor larger than one standard deviation in one's lifetime, but this doesn't satisfy me as it's an observation devoid of rigorous factor analysis. Are there any studies that involve training designed to enhance one's scores, or any other thorough methodology that strengthens the argument for an innate or static IQ?

>> No.9523823


>literally too incompetent and unknowlegable to do anything but refer to a group of work be doesn't even understand, and merely to prop up his deflated ego on an etc etc etc

>> No.9523831

>I'm Mexican
what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.9523836

It explains why he's so smart

>> No.9523838

I was aksing in relation to pedro paramo

>> No.9523840
File: 120 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite work of literature
Finnegans Wake

>Your least favorite work of literarure
Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.9523846

IQ tests are meant to assess your ABILITY in pattern recognition
if you train yourself by increasing your KNOWLEDGE of patterns via rote memorization, you're doing something akin to frauding. There have been several studies where the subject takes several IQ tests over a period of time and, like you said, the results stay within the standard deviation

>hurr i'm too lazy to actually inform myself so I'll try to discredit any opposing views while spouting retarded platitudes durr

>> No.9523868

>IQ tests are meant to assess your ABILITY in pattern recognition

I know what some claim they're meant to do. I disagree, I though I made that clear. I believe their strength lies in assessing your CURRENT ABILITY in pattern recognition which is highly correlated with other cognitive categories, thus making it an effective predictor for success (although, other psychological categories seemingly independent of intelligence can hinder success).

>There have been several studies where the subject takes several IQ tests over a period of time and, like you said, the results stay within the standard deviation
I've only seen the localising of IQ scores within the same standard deviation as a flippant observation of subjects' repeated testing over the course of their lives, but again, I'd be grateful if you could point me towards a study where improving IQ scores is a goal in itself. You seem to have read some, so please do share.

>> No.9523872

should have studied anon

>> No.9523941


>platitude platitude platitude, platitude platitude platitude

>> No.9523949
File: 15 KB, 558x395, dbca33d053a2f7c900e7c802fb3f882a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was the answer to the last one?
Do not have a least favorite.
Maybe something by Balzac for my favorite.

>> No.9523958

>Favorite work is Siddhartha
>Thinks Catcher in the Rye is overrated
Fuck off

>> No.9523960


Yes goy be successful and put your money in our banks and buy our media

>> No.9523995
File: 11 KB, 1139x149, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boundless intelligence
>100 years of solitude
>the alchemist

>> No.9523999

What is your problem mate? You socialising too? I was having a conversation about how static IQ is as I believe there is little evidence to suggest that's the case. As far as it being correlated with ability in other cognitive categories and by association occupations and consequently economic success to a lesser degree - there's no doubt about that. If you don't want to contribute to the variance debate that's fine, but socialise with your friends or parents, I'm not here to be either of them.

>> No.9524001
File: 26 KB, 654x400, muh-iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Favorite work of literature
Anything by Poe

>Least favorite
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.9524005


>> No.9524032

oy vey, you can tell 4chan is on ameriburger time zones. I'll leave you to it.

>> No.9524041

Seems more likely that brainlets won't post results. Also what kind of brainlet spends all of their time in a place that talks about books? People who still read non-YA regularly by 2017 are probably on the whole smarter than people who don't.

>> No.9524055
File: 451 KB, 2196x1762, 1476823523104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ: 70

Favorite book: Art of the deal.

>> No.9524061
File: 23 KB, 387x531, blocks ur path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get the one with the blocks on the lines but I unironically found this to be one of the easiest ones.

>> No.9524106

91 (stopped half way through)

don't have a favourite book, never read the same book twice

Don't think I've read a book I disliked

>> No.9524116


Does the rule change for each column? I mean, generally it's 'rotate, superimpose, remove overlap' or 'mirror, superimpose, remove overlap'. And the first column follows the former rule. But the second column, though it looks like it might follow the latter, doesn't, and can't follow the former. So it's operating on a different rule than column one, meaning a common pattern between the columns is absent, unless it's at another level of abstraction.

>> No.9524128

>notice me senpai

>> No.9524138

>Steps by Jerzy Kosinski
>Ulysses by James Joyce
This isn't to say I believe Joyce to be bad, just that of all the books I've attempted to push through, Ulysses brought me the most headache. It was my least favorite, but by no means the worst.
>tfw life has placed the greatest works of literature beyond your grasp.

>> No.9524139


Shit, you just flip the figure along the horizontal axis.


>> No.9524221
File: 150 KB, 1440x1721, 20170518_232457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I waste my time on a dumbass test
I have work in the morning

>> No.9524235

Was funnier when it was posted yesterday without the accompaniment of a frog cartoon

>> No.9524246

The chances of you having a 100+ IQ and not having a GED are insanely low.

t. The Bell Curve

>> No.9524253
File: 15 KB, 649x423, onlineiqlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite work of literature
The Myth of Sisyphus
>Your least favorite work of literature
A Farewell to Arms

>> No.9524476

Im retarded af and scored a 117

>> No.9524502
File: 14 KB, 673x427, Sans_titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw IQ is less than 200
Favorite is The Stranger
Can't think of a particular least favorite. Although YA litterature would be a good candidate.

>> No.9524562

Columns. Flip the topmost one, superimpose, any lines overlapping cancel out.

>> No.9524578

IQ gives a general notion of how smart you are, but imo, creativity is more important than being purely logical. I would write a long post but it's late and I gotta wake up in 6 hrs.

>> No.9524590

There is a correlation between IQ and openness (in the Big Five model), which includes creativity

>> No.9524592
File: 79 KB, 1304x980, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this test have any validity whatsoever? Have I wasted 15 minutes for a meaningless screenshot?

>> No.9524600

It's considered the most credible of all the online test types but it still isn't credible at all. The real ones are very long and grueling, and professionally administered too

>> No.9524662

Do you think that maybe there is more to intelligence than pattern recognition?

>> No.9524671

I don't know the first thing about IQ tests, IQ measuring, hell, IQ in general.
That's why I've asked that question.

>> No.9524693

Exactly my sentiments. If I find out I am anything below 120, my heart will shatter and my entire life will be meaningless.

>> No.9524717

>implying youre gonna get published in either case

>> No.9524768

128 bro

>> No.9525211

>All Quiet On The Western Front
Love you, man. Have you read Storm Of Steel? Also top tier WW1 setting wise.

>> No.9525251

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature
Lord Of The Rings trilogy
>Your least favorite work of literature

>> No.9525268

>all those dickheads who think they have bragging rights with a sub 130 yet dont have synesthesia

>> No.9525270
File: 28 KB, 812x670, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130 boys in the house!

Favourite book: Children of Hurin
Least Favourite: Anything by Terry Goodkind

32 is add the squares but it cant get bigger than the big squares.

>> No.9525323

>in the 2nd column, you'll see subtracting a small square from a large square will result in two small squares. it doesn't make sense but it doesn't matter.

it fucking should matter.

>> No.9525348
File: 119 KB, 1142x771, MensaIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was dumber than I thought.

Fav book: Probably Stoner or perhaps Blood Meridian.

>> No.9525438

Obviously you need both, one without the other will lead to nothing more than mediocracy.

>> No.9525468

High IQ and conscientiousness are better markers of success tbqh.

Nobody really cares about creative people, they care about smart people who are willing to work 80 hours a week.

>> No.9525486
File: 109 KB, 500x375, brock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame that there's no correlation between IQ and the ability to work hard.

>> No.9525488

>start test
>doing okay, understanding most
>begin not understanding any of it and just wing it
>IQ of 121
All righty.

>> No.9525513

If you went to sub-Saharan Africa then you'd be in the 99th percentile.
Not too bad mate.

>> No.9525535
File: 245 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-19-17-14-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crime and punishment

>> No.9525545

I probably could've done a lot better but time limits make me nervous.

>> No.9525546

>80% of the thread has over 135 IQ

Seems legit that members of the uppermost cognitive elite congregate on a Persian tapestry-making forum.

>> No.9525548
File: 26 KB, 670x559, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature
Sakura no Uta by Sca-ji
>Your least favorite work of literature
Nothing comes to mind

>> No.9525564

The time limit is friggin 20 minutes, it may as well not even exist.
I did the test in about 6 minutes.

Before the great reddit migration, users of 4chan all had a higher than average IQ.
It doesn't surprise me that /lit/ has a bunch of high IQ autists or faggots willing to lie.

>> No.9525574

>Before the great reddit migration, users of 4chan all had a higher than average IQ.

Well higher than average I can accept, but 99.9th percentile?

I'll buy that perhaps 1 guy out of 200 posters here in reality has that kind of IQ.

>> No.9525586

I finished around 11 minutes. I tend to overthink things

>> No.9525596

Well judging by some of the posts here the questions don't change, so it's possible that some people have done the test before and remember some answers to the harder questions from post-test discussion.
That could easily add 10-20 points to their score.
I think that 115-135 is a perfectly normal range for a board like this though.
Also, I scored nine points lower on this online test then I did in real life a few years ago, so it's not exactly a perfect test.

>> No.9525645

Either Lolita or Dubliners
I don't really have a least favorite, if I don't like it I don't read it.

>> No.9525678
File: 799 KB, 1423x1095, 1493716373871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 119 iq brainlet who took all 25 minutes to take the test

>> No.9525820
File: 270 KB, 750x728, 1494047468310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your IQ was measured to 119, which is equivalent to the 89.7 percentile.

Should I kill myself? Is is worth living anymore?


>favorite book

Aristotle's Poetics

>Least favorite

The Stranger by Albert Camus.

>> No.9525826

>Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.9526594

My test took 6 sessions of an hour each.
I'm a mensan btw

>> No.9526667

>that picture

- Live within walking distance of your job
- Walk instead of doing sport
- Eat at home instead of eating junk outside
- Don't drink coffee

Ur welcome

Tell us stories about your Mensa membership.

>> No.9527056

121 by exam...idk. Verbal is higher than spatial from test as a kid.

Anyway, Favorite: IDK, Ulysses for the language, Ender's Game for the lulz

Least Favorite: Last Harry Potter book. You're gonna have this hero you built up over the past 6 books go and die like a bitch? Really?
>Oh I have to die to kill the final horcrux
>Please kill me voldemort
>Oh look, I'm magically alive again.
Master of Death huh...wait that book just started to make sense. IDK I still feel it could have been better.

Anyway, the test was weird. The images were decomposing strangely. At first it was simply patterns, then it was acid patterns.

>> No.9527058
File: 120 KB, 439x600, chairseed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Fountainhead

Scarlet Letter

>> No.9527104

143, I hate reading

>> No.9527124

>don't drink coffee
I'm too low energy for that.

>> No.9527205

>Your IQ
>Your favorite work of literature
The Great Gatsby
>Your least favorite work of literature
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

>> No.9527221

I have similar IQ and the Hatchet was enjoyable. At least it was when I was 11.

>> No.9527236

What do you have against coffee? Everything I've read says that drinking it in normal amounts is healthy.

>> No.9527269

I wish I could say the same. When I read it around the same age, I ended up hating it. Maybe I should go back some time and see what I think now.

>> No.9527279

>detecting simple mathematical patterns with shapes and colors
This is an autism test and you all passed with flying colors

>> No.9527309
File: 1.25 MB, 300x254, mick mccarthy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scored 100

It's okay if you're dumb anon.

>> No.9527321

I will never, ever take an IQ test, because I am too emotionally fragile to be able to deal with having a lower IQ score than anyone. God forbid an average-ly high one (13X).
Honestly if you get to ~120 you're okay. At that level, with hard work (and luck and good upbringing and networking etc.) you can get to most places anyone with a good IQ could get to.
Fuck you and all you stand for.

>> No.9527331

>I only have

>> No.9527337

>Knight in Anarchy
>anything Joan Didion

>> No.9527349

>The former skill is pretty easily learned: it's just a matter mostly of being observant and then following things to their conclusion. The latter skill seems like useless horseshit in this particular context: people tend to think creatively about things they find interesting, which, for everyone except perhaps autistic people, definitely does not include IQ tests.

This is a good point. It seems common for people to be dumbfounded when they're confronted with something they find boring or too far outside their range of experience. Like if you try to explain something computer related to an otherwise intelligent elderly person who's a bit technophobic, they sort of shut down and tune out what you're saying, so you have to go over it multiple times and they still don't get it, even though a millennial with an objectively low level of intelligence would understand right away.

>> No.9527482

You're literally the most attention-focused person here.

>> No.9528356
File: 14 KB, 640x456, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand
I've always considered myself a flaming retard
something must be off with this test

>> No.9528464

Jesus Christ that website's code is fucking horrendous. I'm not trusting Pajeets freshly cooked Italian pasta of horror measure my IQ.

>> No.9528501
File: 20 KB, 775x564, suck me off daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek more like anyone sub 129 should just jump off their local bridge