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/lit/ - Literature

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9518972 No.9518972 [Reply] [Original]

HPG: / Harry Potter General /

>What is your favorite location in Harry Potter?

>Who is your favorite side-character?

>Comfiest memory of reading Harry Potter?

>Favorite Harry Potter book and why?

>> No.9518981

please keep it in the children's book thread, or kill yourself your choice

>> No.9519019

The lake in hp 3; lupin ; the third book

>> No.9519065
File: 3 KB, 100x125, DISGUSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking harry potter
instantly disregarded as a person

>> No.9519088


1. Hogwarts.

2. Ernie MacMillan

3. The first book was read to me by my sister was i was 7 or 8 or something. My dad had picked it up at a bookstore in Amsterdam while he was waiting on a flight in the late nineties.

4. GoF. It's a masterpiece. It's the first book to really show any of the larger magical world. Also, no boring quidditch scenes.

>> No.9519102


Virgin lol


Fatass lol

>> No.9519116
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>It's totally fine to keep elves as slave labour! Just live with it, Hermione! "Spew", lmao!

>> No.9519120


Not that crazy. I love animals. I also eat them. Life contradicts itsef. Life is weird. Your critique sucks. Kys.

>> No.9519132

>get to this part in the books
>"So wait it's just slavery? It's.. it's just slavery"
>ask people about it
>UHHH NO IT'S OKAY BECAUSE __________ [read: I would rather not have my appreciation of Harry Potter interrupted, so I will reflexively annihilate any criticism of it, even if it's as heinous as normalized slavery]
>learn valuable political lesson about whether revolution can come from the proles

Harry Potter wasn't all bad

>> No.9519156

This is then one of the few times i wish 4chan was not anonymous.
Just to see if op is le epic troll who wants to make pseuds mad or maybe a pan-sexual socialist who really likes harry potter or, even better, a pseud Who shit on other people Who likes books his dislikes but secretely loves ya

>> No.9519165

No socialist worth his salt like HP for exactly the reasons >>9519116 points out. It's rooted in upper-class boarding school establishments of power, and Rowling herself is disgustingly neoliberal.

>> No.9519175

>What is your favorite location in Harry Potter?
Cho Chang's tight pussy.
>Who is your favorite side-character?
They're all dweebs.
>Comfiest memory of reading Harry Potter?
Getting to the final page of each book before, knowing that I'd soon be throwing it in the trash.
>Favorite Harry Potter book and why?
None. They're terrible.

>> No.9519236

Mmh. Maybe not "socialist" by My ex girlfriend is the typical sjw (she move to england, dyed her hair pink and now she's even dating a girl, not even memeing) and she loves these fucking books

>> No.9519246

"don't worry, they love being slaves lmao"

>> No.9519255

I liked the movies. They were visually compelling. Not reading the books

>> No.9519259

>They were visually compelling.
For Kids. Yes.

>> No.9519261

Oh, okay, sure. SJW is a different thing, they just care about "count the women/POC and ree if it's too few".

>> No.9519269

At the urging of a girl I took the house sorting test thing and got Hufflepuff. All I know about Harry Potter houses is that one is called Gryffindor and the other has a snake.

Is Hufflepuff bad?

>> No.9519273

It's ok, just a bit boring. They're the sturdy, reliable ones who do most of the actual work.

>> No.9519277
File: 41 KB, 292x475, MethodsofRationality_Yudkowsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best HP book.

>> No.9519283

What's worse according to you?

>> No.9519287

Hufflepuff is the house of mediocrities. Gryffindors are brave. Slytherins are cunning. Ravenclaws are smart. Hufflepuffs are "the rest." You are destined to be a nobody, Anon.

>> No.9519290

wow we have a new meme guys

>> No.9519295

>girl gives you Harry Potter house test
>get Hufflepuff
>actually TELL HER you got Hufflepuff

She will never fuck you. No one fucks Hufflepuff.

>> No.9519375

>Gryffindor Common Room


>Release of the sixth book was pretty intense, I was a really excited kid, was fun finishing in one night then discussing next day in school


Didnt take itself too seriously, good pacing, interesting characters, interesting backstories, tasteful content without going overboard and being overtly emotional, genuinely funny in bits, Hogsmeade is comfy and the mystery suspense was fun.

I think the writing really suited the character's ages in this book, they sounded genuine compared to the unreal angsty stuff that came after. Bit biased tho I loved the game as a kid, movie fucking /lit/ too. Great enjoyable adolescent read, love reminiscing time to time

>> No.9519479


Sounds like me then.


Not bad.


Well gosh darn it.

>> No.9519597

>people posting on 4chan making fun of people for reading harry potter

>> No.9519641


>What is your favorite location in Harry Potter?
The great hall and specifically on Halloween, it just seemed like it would be maximum comfy.

>Who is your favorite side-character?

>Comfiest memory of reading Harry Potter?
I would listen to audio books while playing vanilla WoW, those were the days.

>Favorite Harry Potter book and why?
The Halfblood Prince
Voldemort was fleshed out more and it was the first time I feel like you understand the villain.

>> No.9519642


>> No.9519655

I got slytherin

>> No.9519678

I guess I am destined for evil Slytherin it is for me. Oh well it is definitely the whitest house :^]

>> No.9519806

> location

> side-character

> comfiest memory
Reading books late at night in complete silence.

> fav book
Second one, I liked the final boss.

>> No.9520179


What the fuck did I just read lol
Seek sunlight, you filth

>> No.9520190


What makes you think her strange isn't loose as a goose?

>> No.9520196

>"count the women/POC and ree if it's too few"

Thats the best description yet.

>> No.9520208
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>> No.9520220

>>What is your favorite location in Harry Potter?
Hogsmeade. Where Hogwarts was magical and mysterioud, Hogsmeade was magical and fun.
>>Who is your favorite side-character?
Hagrid. Really felt for this guy.
>>Comfiest memory of reading Harry Potter?
Best friend from childhood and I would trade off weekends with the books until we both finished about the same time. i miss that guy
>>Favorite Harry Potter book and why?
Goblet of Fire. Moody teaching about the unforgivables was like the very chapter the series began to mature. magical, mysterious, but just enough Dark to put you on your way

>> No.9520239
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Please don't even joke OP, remember that acting retarded attracts true retards.