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/lit/ - Literature

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9518108 No.9518108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>DFW was 24 when Broom of the System was published
>Zadie Smith was 25 when White Teeth was published
>Marek Hlasko was 23 when Eighth Day of the Week was published
>F.S. Fitzgerald was 23 when This Side of Paradise was published
>Carson McCullers was 23 when The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was published
>Tao Lin was 24 when EEEEE EEE EEEE & Bed were published
>Italo Calvino was 23 when The Path to the Nest of the Spiders was published
>Kerouac was 20 when The Sea is My Brother was published
>Goethe was 25 when The Sorrows of Young Werther was published
>Musil was 25 when The Confusions of Young Torless was published
>Hemingway was 25 when In Our Time was published
>Tatsuhiko Takimoto was 24 when Welcome to the NHK was published
>Ryu Murakami was 24 when Almost Transparent Blue was published
>Garcia Marquez was 20 when Eyes of a Blue Dog was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Napoleon III as a President" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Fate and History" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when Free Will and Fate was published
>Nietzsche was 19 when "Can the Envious Ever Truly Be Happy?" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "On Tendencies" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "My Life" was published
>Saramago was 25 years old when Land of Sun was published
>Dickens was 24 when Sketches by Boz was published
>Dickens was 25 when The Pickwick Papers was published
>Huxley was 25 when Limbo was published
>James Joyce was 25 when Chamber Music was published
>Proust was 25 when Pleasures and Days was published
>Mishima was 23 when Confessions of a Mask was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 21 when Less Than Zero was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 23 when Rules of Attraction was published
>Kenzaburō Ōe was 23 when Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids was published
>Emile Zola was 24 when Contes à Ninon was published
>Balzac was 20 when Cromwell was published
>Baudelaire was 24 when Salon of 1845 was published
>Hitomi Kanehara was 20 when Snakes and Earrings was published
>Stig Dagerman was 23 when Ormen was published
>Strindberg was 22 when The Outlaw was published
>Ibsen was 22 when Catiline was published
>Milan Kundera was 24 when Man: A Wide Garden was published
>Adam Thirwell was 24 when Politics was published
>Ned Beaumann was 25 when Boxer, Beetle was published
>Norman Mailer was 25 when The Naked and the Dead was published
>Eleanor Catton was 22 when The Rehearsal was published
>Robert Walser was 23 when Schneewittchen was published
>Noah Cicero was 23 when The Human War was published
>Jorge Luis Borges was 24 when Fervor de Buenos Aires was published
>Tolstoy was 24 when Childhood was published
>Johan Harstad was 23 when Amublance was published
>Mira Gonzalez was 21 when i will never be beautiful enough for us to be beautiful together was published
>Mira Gonzalez was 23 when Collected Tweets was published
>Kim Insuk was 20 when Bloodline was published
>Evelyn Waugh was 25 when Decline and Fall was published
>Ben Brooks was 18 when Grow Up was published

>> No.9518110

>Luna Miguel was 22 when Bluebird and Other Tattoos was published
>Luna Miguel was 23 when La tumba del marinero was published
>Nathaniel Hawthorne was 24 when Fanshawe was published
>Masuji Ibuse was 25 when Yu Hei was published
>Philip Pullman was 25 when The Haunted Storm was published
>Alice Hoffman was 25 when Property Of was published
>Aaron Sorking was 24 when Removing All Doubt was published
>Sergei Yesenin was 25 when The Scarlet of the Dawn was published
>Michel de Ghelderode was 23 when Voyage Autour de ma Flandre was published
>Patrick Modiano was 23 when La Place de l'étoile was published
>Rupi Kaur was 21 when milk and honey was published
>Spencer Madsen was 23 when You Can Make Anything Sad was published
>Ellen Kennedy was 19 when Sometimes My Heart Pushes My Ribs was published
>Jordan Castro was 21 when Young Americans was published
>Andrew McMillan was 21 when every salt advance was published
> Barney Norris was 24 when To Bodies Gone: The Theatre of Peter Gill was published
>Tennessee Williams was 25 when Candles to the Sun was published
>JD Salinger was 20 when Young Folks was published
>Nabokov was 24 when The Encounter was published
>Bukowski was 24 when Aftermath of a Lengthy Rejection Slip was published

>> No.9518112

>including Noah Cicero and Mira Gonzalez in this post
you're more into "alt lit" than you should be. you're probably some wispy fag.

>> No.9518114

I'm 5'11 brother. *Do not* fuck with me, k?

>> No.9518115

oh and Jordan Castro and Ellen Kennedy on top of it. just saw that. gay

>> No.9518117

im 6'5. i will gladly stomp the life out of you.

>> No.9518121

*unsheathes beyblade*

Ummm, you *may* want to consider that statement.

*gets ready to let 'er rip*

>> No.9518124

Have we reached the point when male authors need a female pen name to get published?

>> No.9518125

im willing to spare your life since you showed deference to me by making a joke. but you dodged a bullet. when someone mentions those alt lit cretins i start seeing red.

>> No.9518127

>Tao Lin was 24 when EEEEE EEE EEEE & Bed were published
Go to bed Tao Lin...

>> No.9518130

What the fuck just happened....

>> No.9518133

Go to bed, propagator of retarded meme.

>> No.9518135

Seriously... Go to bed Tao Lin...

>> No.9518136

we came to an understanding. learn to extrapolate.

>> No.9518137

Well I guess I won't make it into that list when I get published at 3X

>> No.9518140

Seriously, you're not remotely funny. OP was already taken to task for their alt lit proclivities by a superior poster. Your input is not only superfluous but in the way. Kick rocks you faggot.

>> No.9518149

you *came* to an understanding.. i know how to extrapolate alright.

>> No.9518152

Roland ..or Jack...I know one of you are here. Show yourselves cowards

>> No.9518153

Fuck, that's literally EVERY writer there has ever been

Alas! my hopes of becoming one are doomed

>> No.9518155

wow.. you know big words. you're a big boy.

>> No.9518156
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1494286910436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 26

>> No.9518158

ive never had an orgasm in my life.

>> No.9518164
File: 24 KB, 492x475, 1489053704557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 20 and getting more and more intelligent and creative, week by week

thanks for the encouragement OP

>> No.9518166

That takeaway is revealing of your character. You clearly have a feeble mind. Especially since those weren't even particularly big words. Unintentionally funny and revealing reply. Bet you thought it was going to be a snark comeback.

>> No.9518170

Oh, it shows...

>> No.9518174

i know what you are but what am i?

>> No.9518179

Delillo was 35 at his debut and George Saunders 38. What's the point of your post. There's no standard path for a writer. You could pull examples from all over the spectrum of age and lifestlyes. An author, statistically, hits their stride about 8 to 10 years after they've been writing consistently and with discipline, regardless of the age they start. Not to entice most of the books you mentioned aren't fit to be toilet paper.

>> No.9518181

mention. Not "entice".

>> No.9518193

Only decent reply in this thread lol

>> No.9518203

If you want another legitimate contribution Peter S. Beagle was 19 when A Fine and Private Place was published. It's not that interesting and feels like a warmup for The Last Unicorn but it's cool to see how he developed as a writer.

Also Gene Wolfe didn't get published until he was almost 40.

>> No.9518209
File: 395 KB, 574x758, 1487793278247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most authors produced shit works in their 20s

>> No.9518309

you're a fucking faggot, kys.

>> No.9518656

>have plenty of time

>> No.9518666

the people ITT need to start making their way down to the rope store and buying some rope.

>> No.9518671

>>Bret Easton Ellis was 21 when Less Than Zero was published
it shows

>> No.9518672

>tfw you don't publish your first book until age 44

>> No.9518701

The only one that hurts is that Joyce wrote Dubliners when he was 20

>> No.9518735

thank you for this post about authors' first books with great trivia value.

>> No.9518738

jokes on you lad my shitposts have been read by millions around the world

>> No.9518750

>Ernesto Sábato was older than 40 when he published his first novel
There's always hope

>> No.9518954

>rupi kaur

>> No.9518965

So in other words, most good writers suck in their twenties, producing mediocre forgettable stuff, and it takes time to become a good writer? As a 19 year old writer, this gives me hope, thanks OP.

>> No.9518999

>Rimbaud complete gave up writing by 21, published A Season in Hell at 19

>> No.9519004

Keats was 25 when he DIED.

>> No.9519008

I'll fight u

>> No.9519035

is there a website that people use to make these posts

>> No.9519049

Yes it's called 4chan

>> No.9519067


>> No.9519092

Keats is thoroughly unimpressive.

>> No.9519101

so... THIS is water? huh

>> No.9519106
File: 38 KB, 485x802, ranelid01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have we reached the point when male authors need a female pen name to get published?
Interesting idea...

>An author, statistically, hits their stride about 8 to 10 years after they've been writing consistently and with discipline, regardless of the age they start.
Then there's this drama queen. He constantly tells people that it took him 14 years to become a writer. He strives to make every sentence unique. It shows. The "ranelidian" language sucks the oxygen out of the air. He has written numerous books that says that bad things are ungood.

Sick burn!

Nah, he was 37 if you count El Túnel.

>> No.9519123

I am 24 and I will make it this year. I've got everything ready. My 140 IQ, ADHD hyperfocus, and the innate literary aptitude coming from being INFP are all coming together. I'll be a multi-millionaire by December this year.

>gold digger

In this capitalist world where being rich is important even in North Korea, I have concluded that commercial success is in fact the effective gauge for one's talents. Literature is no exception. Many canonical works were bestsellers when they were published. Stop deluding yourselves. This board and your pseudo-intellectual rambles that are in fact poorly disguised frustrated virgin cries, force derision out of me on a daily basis. I'm off.