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/lit/ - Literature

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9516437 No.9516437 [Reply] [Original]

Let's show off our bookshelves folks, I'll begin

>> No.9516456
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>> No.9516588


>> No.9516590

THAT'S the biggest problem you see there?

>> No.9516653


> genre fiction

>> No.9516668

>Touching Spirit Bear
I had to read that book in middle school.
It was shit.

>> No.9516692


Its dumbfounding, really. The whole irony of the situation, that is. I mean, these people are here devoting time to this endeavor of taking pictures of their bookshelves with carefully assorted books; who knows, maybe they want you to know who the author they like best is, or maybe they have OCD, or whatever, but they arrange the books so neatly. Then they take a picture and upload it, but they do ABSOLUTELY no discussion of literature. Its like these people are pretending to care about books to show off their bookshelves while their taste is saying "I don't really read books". So why do they take pictures of the shit? Its irony at its hyperbole.

>> No.9516758

>Its irony at its hyperbole

no it's not, sometimes people just want to share how they design their living space as it relates to the board without getting into a potential discussion of any book they show when they can do that about a book of their choosing in another thread.

stop being such a fuckin sperg

>> No.9516771

That's not a bookshelf

>> No.9516775

Are you retarded? Why would we discuss literature in the bookshelf thread as opposed to in the literature threads?

>> No.9516872

/lit/ is a bunch of circle jerking. I won't say its the worse offender on 4chan since I haven't been to every board, but its probably the worst out of the ones I've been to, You could have an entire bookcase of shit /lit/ agrees is good and you'll be accused of being a pseud. Have a few things that fall outside the norm and it'll be like 4 replies of

>[insert book/author this poster/lit/ has agreed is shit here]

It's a no win situation. Conform and be chastized. Don't conform and be chastized. I will say I have a lot more respect for the man who clearly has a shelf cattered to the type of guy he is, even if he has Ayn Rand or some shit, than the dude who posts a shelf comprising nothing but Joyce and DFW.

I'm sure people who only wanna read what /lit/ recommends exist, I'm sure. Half to 3/4 of my non-manga shit is because of /lit/ and most of it I don't regret, but threads like these always result in either bickering over who has shittier taste or who is less of a pseud when really it should basically be a recommendation thread.

>> No.9516897
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Muh shelves

>> No.9517103


>> No.9517109
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>> No.9517123
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Very nice

>> No.9517174
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>> No.9517214

>the I just heard about reading and came to 4chan starter pack

Kys get some taste.

>> No.9517241

>non ironically reads GOT and stephen king

we got a redditor here

>> No.9517253

I don't even give a shit about the fact that is is 90% shit, just put your Two Towers back in the box set. The fuck'S wrong with you you animal?

>> No.9517439

Wow this post is extremely autistic.

>> No.9517647
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>> No.9517670
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With some of these box sets it's almost impossible to get the books back in. A lot of the time I'm just tempted to throw the box out
some people are just interested to see the kinds of books other anons like to read

>> No.9517675

Bah, a bookshelf can tell a lot about a person, and there's something pleasing about seeing a neatly arranged bookshelf. I'll never post one myself because of an irrational fear of being (((doxxed))) but I can understand the appeal. It's one thread in a sea of many; if you don't like it, just move right along.

>> No.9517692

This tbqphf

>> No.9517715


eReader or bust.

>> No.9517740

Not him, but we all have to start somewhere. At least his shelf isn't full of Green and Rowling and Cline.

>> No.9517751

There's discussion about books that comes out of these threads occasionally. Usually when one anon sees another anon's bookshelf that has some books he knows about, and some he doesn't, and he asks about those books he doesn't know about.

It's kind of like browsing the shelves at a bookstore, except that here the shelves show selections from readers' personalities as opposed to anything else.

>> No.9517763

>calls /lit/ a circle jerk
>lists the ways in which /lit/ behaves which are the exact opposite of a circle jerk

>> No.9517774

This is why I come to shelf threads, tbhwy family.

It's neat to see a collection of books and gumshoe my way into knowledge of who else is posting on /lit/.

>> No.9517785

>Robert Jordan
>John Green
>Ready Player One

I haven't read RPO or Green, but I've only ever heard that they're garbage. Jordan I can forgive, we we're all teenagers once. But Rothfuss? Those novels are the worst non-franchise fiction novels that I've ever read. You have terrible taste. Also I bet you get yelled at for not having a lot of high minded post-modern or literary novels.

>> No.9519077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9519093
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>> No.9519104
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Poetry is at the bottom row

>> No.9519111
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>> No.9519115

I didn't know they made a MGS edition of Risk.

>> No.9519118

I can understand owning multiple copies of a book, like three or something but why do you have nine copies of The Catcher In The Rye? Do you teach a class or give out copies to people who aren't into reading? Is it funny to own nine copies of it because he has a book called Nine Stories?

>> No.9519125

this is how I would like my library to look but with way less meme books and stupid anime dolls

>> No.9519134

>50 Shades of Grey
>Ayn Rand
>More than 5 copies of Catcher in the Rye (seriously what the fuck)
Kill yourself my man

>> No.9519138

I used to give it with an inscription to Tinder dates that hadn't read it (it's not as required of a reading in my country as it is in the US). But i've started giving it away at parties when people ask me why I have so many copies of Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.9519144

I can smell your pesudism from the US

>> No.9519170
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Everyone needs a copy of the Wordsworth edition of Crime and Punishment

>> No.9519208

>anime figs
thats fucking embarrassing. Nice Toys, manchild.

>> No.9519215

that covers still makes me laugh

>> No.9519234

Meh, people ask me about them sometimes but no one really seems to care.

That's not a word is it?

>> No.9519397
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Work in progress
Plan on replacing the shelf with something more economical soonish

>> No.9519402

hur var evangelion mangan genomförts med animen och var köpte du dem?

>> No.9519413
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Just some of my books. I'm going to try and read 50 of them over the summer. Can't wait to start hallucinating words.

>> No.9519431

Why do you only own 1Q84?

Also Senjougahara is shit

>> No.9519434

Why do so many of your books look unread?

>> No.9519446

You all have such deplorable taste in interior design.

>> No.9519461

Den fanns överallt för några år sen, inget att hänga upp i julgranen. Annan story än animen.

>> No.9519469

a) careful reader, I dislike broken book
b) I've repurchased some books that I read in Swedish in English and never read the EN version
c) Some of them were for school and I didn't finish them

>> No.9519504

ahh okay fair enough, my editions always become such tattered rags after reads and re-reads

>> No.9519517

Why do these threads always start with such disgusting bait? Is it a law?

>> No.9519520

I know, but I plan on remedying that soon.
What Id really love to do is make my one bookshelf
I already have a design in mind with a display case in the middle, which Im going to put a handwritten and illuminated Bible into.

>> No.9519549

god this is so pretentious and autistic

>> No.9519778
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>4 copies of hypersphere
Why anon, just why?

>> No.9519781
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>not liking Asuka
beta detected.

>> No.9519785

>exhibiting uniform behavior and falling to stereotypical reaction patterns
>not a circlejerk

>> No.9519880

After seeing Notes from Underground and Siddhartha I was surprised that Steppenwolf wasn't there.

>> No.9519903

>Mike Hunt
top kek

>> No.9519907
File: 681 KB, 500x281, 1484437489577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow dude, what shit. the only good thing there is the Watchmen, Dune and The Martian. throw the rest of it away.

>> No.9519908


>> No.9519942
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this thread is pathetic

>> No.9519950
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I couldn't afford a fifth one

>> No.9519955
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I pretty much swore off buying new books until I get through at least the ones I currently have.
It's a problem I have, and probably most of /lit/ too

>> No.9519963

Incredible collection of books.

>> No.9520102

i have a shelf to post but im scared now

>> No.9520112
File: 31 KB, 396x594, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that fucking pengun

too blurry but looks like trash

it's ok, looks like you have the potential to have good taste.

i had a kek

I'm not surprised desu
>all of that disgusting penguin

straight out of fucking plebbit, jesus christ

glad you joined lit in 2016

>> No.9520127

i usually use the pics for recommendations

>> No.9520168
File: 3.70 MB, 5312x2988, 20170517_193400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just my to read list. Has a bunch of books that I'm borrowing near the top. Far right 3 are ones I'm currently reading

Lots of Scifi and fantasy but fuck you I like it.

>> No.9520197

is this a fucking joke?

am i being trolled on some meta level I don't understand?

do you unironically intend on reading john green

>> No.9520207
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>itt: genre fiction and people who don't read
Rate mine nerds

>> No.9520218

learn how to take a picture

>> No.9520234
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>> No.9520235
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>being this triggered
>over john green

>> No.9520243
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tear me up boyz.

>> No.9520247
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>> No.9520248
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>> No.9520252


probably just got into the hype. relax you lil shit

>> No.9520254

aesthetic as fuck

>> No.9520255
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2/2 I got the leftie collection for a ridiculously low price, don't h8

>> No.9520256

most based in thread

>> No.9520266


>haha le trigger xD

>i promise i'm not from reddit

>> No.9520292
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>> No.9520300

these faces have to be photoshopped right?

>> No.9520303

they aren't kek

>> No.9520304

>le epic bait

>> No.9520309
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>> No.9520314
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>> No.9520318
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>> No.9520326
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>> No.9520334


>4 copies of hypersphere
if this is you anon, ge mig ett exemplar pls

>> No.9520335
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>> No.9520342
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6/7 (Phil)

>> No.9520357
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>> No.9520388

nice fichte

fuck your russell

>> No.9520402

I've read almost all of these books and I am still an uneducated swine. I get no gains from fantasy feelsbadman.

>> No.9520411

>bioshock infinite
ayy someone else other than me who's read this. its actually not that bad.
also i like the knickerbocker lovecraft collection.
>john green
explain yourself

>> No.9520418

disgusting shelf organisation-wise. get rid of all the other misceallaneus books and legos.

>> No.9520495

I like the set up of a few of these. Right now i have 6 27 gallon storage bins of books I've held on to since high school and when I'm a home owner I'd like to have a study or library room so my children can enjoy reading as well. At the very least a book cove and have the books tiered by complexity and age appropriateness.

>> No.9520600

serious question: how is and the ass saw the angel? really intrigued since it's from nick cave, but not sure if i want to spend the effort to try tracking it down

>> No.9520626
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my australian lit shelf :-)

>> No.9520629

nice dubs

honestly I don't know what all the fuss is about John Green. Not all literature needs to be Ulysses or Moby Dick.

I read them back in high school and liked them then, its on my to read list because I want to see how it holds up.

>> No.9520644

I really like it; it's like a very depraved Faulkner.

>> No.9520657

and that's exactly what i'd read elsewhere. k, going to try scrounging around for a copy then

>> No.9520671
File: 221 KB, 1536x2048, 14599896_1229677333771618_290038179_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have 9 copies of catcher in the rye?

also i have this image that you posted a few months ago

>> No.9520682

Buena colección.

>> No.9520722

its on Amazon for $10 m8, not hard. if you can't find it, listen to the Birthday Party track Swampland, its basically the same thing

>> No.9520758
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>> No.9520761
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>> No.9520764
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>> No.9520765

There are 10 copies.

>> No.9520768
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>> No.9520771
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There's more behind that layer, and a lot of stuff in my drawers. Hard to take pictures of it, though.

>> No.9520814

what is the best e-reader? i looking for something extremely light in the sense that it feels like a book instead of a computer.

An e-reader that has only one screen with every book, a search funtion for books in its drive, brightness options, and a usb port would be ideal.

>> No.9520816
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>> No.9520819
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>> No.9521123
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>> No.9521156

den guddommelige komedie, min negermand

>> No.9521175
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>> No.9521197
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what should i start next

>> No.9521449
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Pls no bully

>> No.9521520

I edited and published it and had to order one of each edition (later turned out I didn't have to).

>> No.9521525

Pretentious is my middle name!

>> No.9521788
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my empire of dirt

>> No.9522127
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Rate my organization boyos

>> No.9522204
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Y'all mind if I almost exclusively read genre fiction :^)

>> No.9522498

>not owning Runelords

>> No.9522504

EVA statue kek

>> No.9522510
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>> No.9522570

Are you British?

>> No.9523022
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x2048, 1BB910BD-D892-47B8-A2A6-492306ECA743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your worst

>> No.9523332


>> No.9523460

Ken Park? *shudder*

>> No.9523468

How's that book on Italian Cinema?

>> No.9523524


i'm right there with you anon :)

>> No.9523599
File: 2.26 MB, 846x1710, moi shelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit on me boys

>> No.9523853

interesting topic, author sort of sucks

yeah movie isnt great

>> No.9523855


>> No.9523860

Misato > Asuka >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rei

>> No.9523869

Kindle Paperwhite

>> No.9523888
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>> No.9523889

wow so many memes hahahahahaha

>> No.9523924
File: 641 KB, 696x522, whats good bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao at all those supps u fucking gunner

>> No.9523932


>> No.9524211

Go back to that other website.

>> No.9524264


>> No.9524272

>Using a book as a book stopper
This whole picture is bait

What other Gene Wolfe novels should I read after I finish The Book of the New Sun series?

>> No.9524277

>all those bookmarks
Do you ever finish the books you read?

>> No.9524311
File: 20 KB, 256x357, vmcl07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really sweet, I salivated even

>> No.9524448

when i finish a book i usually just leave my bookmark somewhere in it. sometimes i leave a new one if i reference the book and want to save my reference. ive been working on a piece of non-fiction.