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File: 143 KB, 1200x1475, Henry_A._Kissinger,_U.S._Secretary_of_State,_1973-1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9514383 No.9514383 [Reply] [Original]

You can absorb the knowledge of 3 intellectuals. Whose knowledge would you abdorb? I would absorb the knowledge of Henry Kissinger, Bertrand Russell, and Stephen Hawking.

>> No.9514387

what, why?

>> No.9514388

Just answer the question of it interests you.

>> No.9514391

Aristotle, Hegel, Wittgenstein.

>> No.9514483

Aristotle, Machiavelli, Aurelius

>> No.9514494

You would absorb the knowledge of a sociopath, a cuckold, and a cripple?

>> No.9514497

Riemann, Hitler, Feynman

>> No.9514499

william luther pierce, alex jones, and david foster wallace

>> No.9514509

russell is a cuck?

>> No.9514514

Someone post the picture already

>> No.9514515

joe rogan, dennis leary, mark wahlberg

>> No.9514531

Not that guy but his father was a literal cuck.
>His parents, Viscount and Viscountess Amberley, were radical for their times. Lord Amberley consented to his wife's affair with their children's tutor, the biologist Douglas Spalding.

>> No.9514867


John von Neumann, Goethe, Kubrick

>> No.9514902



his wife literally got pregnant with someone else.

>> No.9514917

>analytics are literal cucks, autists and repressed homosexuals
>continentals are sex machines, sticking their dicks everywhere, underage, men, bodies without organs, whatever

>> No.9514918
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Marx, Hegel, Adorno

>> No.9514921

St. Thomas Aquinas, John von Neumann and Jorge Luis Borges.

>> No.9514931

DFW, Chomsky and Zeno of Elea

>> No.9514938

Donald Trump, Putin, Theresa May

>> No.9514946
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>> No.9515544

Aquinas, Erasmus and Goethe (literary prowess counts as knowledge, non?)

>> No.9515600

Why? You're already a dumb faggot

>> No.9515606


>> No.9515629

Plato, Hegel and Nietzsche

>> No.9515637


>> No.9515650

>Georg Hegel, John Browning, Slavoj Zizek

>> No.9515740

JK Rowling James Patterson and Dan Brown

>> No.9515883
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>> No.9515923

Heraclitus, Duns Scotus, Gilles Deleuze

>> No.9515930

Imagine the inside information you could get from a person like Henry Kissinger, who's not only Harvard educated and was a professor, but has served under multiple administrations and probably is one of the most knowledgeable people about foreign affairs, and has inside information about the united states government that would be secret otherwise.

Bertrand Russell was an extremely educated man, whose knowledge of the entirety of philosophy was vast and deep, as well as an incredible grasp of math and logic. He also understood relativity in physics. He'd be an extremely interesting mind to possess.

Stephen Hawking is just a quintessential physicist, he's the first person who comes to mind when you think of people on the cutting edge of scientific thought. There may be people whose knowledge of science would be better to absorb, but I think that it would be incredible to possess his knowledge of the universe.

>> No.9516009

deleuze, deleuze, deleuze

>> No.9516023

>Bertrand Russel
Pls no.
Saint Paul, Gödel, Wagner

>> No.9516035

Couldn't you get most of Marx by extrapolating from Hegel?

>> No.9516038

Einstein, Stravinsky, Shakespeare

>> No.9516053

Aquinas, Kant, Heidegger

>> No.9516058


>> No.9516060


Having a bunch of knowledge doesn't necessarily mean you have the cognitive endowment to make use of it. If I have all the knowledge Einstein has, I still require the brain structure to connect the dots.

>> No.9516064

You literally can't, go with St Peter, Paul or Abraham (maybe Moses, but I wouldn't recomment).

>> No.9516068

Is this leftist self-irony?

>> No.9516087

Exchange hawking for Witten.

>> No.9516100

Grothendieck, Leibniz, W. Gaddis

>> No.9516115


>> No.9516136

Marx, Da Vinci, Alex Jones

>> No.9516196

Debussy, Heidegger, Feynman
Jodorowski is pleb tier, in fact is shit pleb tier at best.

>> No.9516498

Steven Bonnell II

>> No.9516517

Borges, Hawking, Chomsky.

>> No.9516520

along with this man which other two people would form the ultimate cuck trio?

>> No.9516549


Terrible shitpost.

>> No.9516553

good one

>> No.9516559

look at this dag people

>> No.9516562


>> No.9516565

I'll bite, why?

>> No.9516568

Ed Witten
Alexander Grothendieck

>> No.9516574

>william luther pierce, alex jones, and david foster wallace
>not GL Rockwell,The Fuhrer (PBUH) and Donald J. Trump
Fucking leftist cuck

>> No.9516576

I'm overweight, and Arnold--in his prime--was the epitome of the fit man. Therefore, with his knowledge, I'd finally know how to properly lose all this weight.
>inb4 you cant just have the knowledge, you need the drive

>> No.9516578

Eat less food and train. Try intermittent fasting.

>> No.9516580

You could have picked Plato for that.

>> No.9516581

sounds like solid advice, tho i like the sound of intermittent fasting (for spiritual purposes).

>> No.9516583

>Therefore, with his knowledge, I'd finally know how to properly lose all this weight

honestly the /fit/ sticky is enough for you to know this. after that it comes down to you doing it.

>> No.9516597

It's not for spiritual purposes, all it amounts to is restricting food intake to a limited window of the day. Basically, don't eat breakfast. It was natural for me, I only later discovered that there was apparently a theory behind it.

>> No.9516603

Alex Jones, Jordan B Peterson, Mencius Moldbug

>> No.9516613

>George Friedman
>Warrent Buffs
>George P. Mitchel

>> No.9516620

>Da Vinci

>> No.9516627

Donald Trump

Adolf Hitler

Augusto Pinochet

>> No.9516632


Übermensch detected

>> No.9516633

Buddha, Descartes, Isaac Asimov.

>> No.9516638

Tesla,John Dee,Bruce Lee

>> No.9516656

Shakespeare, von Neumann, Godel.

Ancient Greeks are overrated.

>> No.9516661

Shakespeare is a must though, he basically founded existentialism too (NOT KIERKEGAARD) so there's that as well to consider.

>> No.9516662


Literally WH40k.

>> No.9516714

Virginia Woolf, Nikola Tesla, John Nash

>> No.9516727

Kierkegaard, Tolstoy and Augustine.

>Maybe then I'd finally be able to convert, desu.

>> No.9516866

Sarah Palin, Alex Jones, Michele Bachmann

>> No.9516873

lmfao, shit picks.

Von Neumann

>> No.9516932


You plebs know the man called Shakespeare was one of your own and there was close to zero chance he could know about certain topics he went into heavy detail about(daily noble life) to the point of having double and triple meanings to just about every line.He was the master of inside jokes and probably helped write the kjv.

I love the works of "Shakespeare" but he is like an Elizabethian Drake.His name was remembered but there is more to the story.

>> No.9516956

>ou plebs know the man called Shakespeare
This would be good if you had a point. You're not enlightening anyone.

>> No.9516957

this but with Goethe instead of Shakey

>> No.9516971

Ken Kessey
Andrew Jackson
Jordan Peterson

>> No.9516976

>All these people who want to absorb the knowledge of jesus
So you want to absorb the knowledge of some guy who went around the desert 2000 years ago claiming to be a prophet, I seriously hope you're not doing it because you think his knowledge would be useful. I mean, I might do it too just to show that he was a fraud, that is to say if he actually exists. I'm pretty sure I've heard that there were earlier versions of the bible which didn't even have a man called Jesus.

>> No.9516977
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Tesla, Wittgenstein, Rockefeller

>> No.9516983

Really crap list I know. Couldn't think of anything.

>> No.9516999


He's probably got some really deep personal knowledge or emotional intelligence that allowed him to be an effective spiritual leader. If you could survive getting crucified without being burdened by anger, you probably could suffer through anything without breaking your principles or getting distracted by hatred.

>> No.9517011

My point is you would absorb William Shakespeare's knowledge and be flooded with memories of all the wine and hookers you were able to buy with the money that nice Earl of Oxford gave you to say you were a drama fag.

>> No.9517019

>If you could survive getting crucified
what did she mean by this?

>> No.9517036

Idk man, it sounds like buddha had some actual philosophy going on. Christianity is just a bunch of contradiction laden shit, with rules about as nonsensical as Pythagoras not allowing his followers to eat beans because it makes them fart.

>> No.9517154


>> No.9517209

nice, dumb yourself down a bit with Jones so that you can still fraternize with the common folk

>> No.9517251

nice trips, bad thinking. Jesus was probably like Gandhi, a regular man being weirdly pacifistic for his time. You would absorb some real useful knowledge of archaic carpentry though.

>> No.9517316
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Alan Turing, Jean Baudrillard, Elinor Ostrom

>> No.9517335


If a man's beliefs are based on the information available to him, will absorbing a man's knowledge, who has much more exposure to information than you, change your own viewpoints to fit his? Or would it be the individual's methods of processing information that shape the viewpoint based on that information?


>> No.9517351

How to spot pretentious shitposts.

How to spot ironic shitposts
>Alex Jones

>> No.9517404

Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash

>> No.9517417

Gauss, euler, von neumann. The fusion that saves mathematics

>> No.9517424

Why does mathematics need saving

>> No.9517425
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All in the name of being a well rounded individual.

>> No.9517705

joyce, deleuze, von neumann

i would be unstoppable

>> No.9517706

Aquinas, Schiller, Lonergan

>> No.9517707


>> No.9517709

you'd be wasting your time by picking dead mathematicians. The correct answer would be Tao, Perelman, and Wiles.

>> No.9517719


>> No.9517729

>Hesitating to absorb the knowledge of the sun of God
I get why you're scared but come on

>> No.9517744


So you don't think there's anything special about a person who is able to withstand torture without a lick of spite for his tormentors? You've totally missed the point.

>> No.9517750


What is this supposed to be? The insane Renaissance Man? All three of these people had severe mental issues.

>> No.9517771

>I'm pretty sure I've heard that there were earlier versions of the bible which didn't even have a man called Jesus.
Yes, the Old Testament predates Jesus. How is that relevant?
Fuck off, STEMsperg.
>contradictions are bad becuz they hurt my feelings

>> No.9517779

Solid non-meme option. The downside is that cutting-edge knowledge of the universe is mostly mathematical physics ans so less useful than one may think.

>> No.9517788

Sargon of Akkad, The Amazing Atheist, Neil Degrasse Tyson

>> No.9517850

now this is is shit posting

>> No.9517880

Stephen King, rupi kapour, and Greg Farshtey

>> No.9517914


What's the feckin' point man? I know fuck all, I intend to spend as much of my life learning as possible, these guys know so much already. It seems to me that'd be like getting a lift instead of walking down a scenic country road, you'd be further a long the road but you miss the experience.

>> No.9517916

Stirner, Nietzche, Marx
Who/what do I turn into?

>> No.9517918


>> No.9517947

Warren Buffet
Ptolemy Soter
Kurt Tank

>> No.9517949


>> No.9517986

Lin, Kaur, González

>> No.9518003

Guenon, crowley, mosley

>> No.9518374

>Neil Degrasse Tyson
This would not be anywhere near as bad as the other two.

>> No.9518700

Otto Rank, Aristotle, Carl Sagan

>> No.9518702

Jordan Peterson
Milo Yiannopoulos
Stefan Molyneux

>> No.9518727

Da Vinci

>> No.9518732

>3 intellectuals.

>> No.9518748

Plato, Elon Musk, warren buffet

>> No.9518749

rb woodward, orgo chem
lacan or freud, probably lacan, for psychology

and the third im blanking on.

>> No.9518788

Low tier means a big variety and a big base.

>> No.9518869

Standing on the shoulders of giants and shit. Gauss was a genius, but if it's about inheriting knowledge and not talent then Gauss, Einstein, Leibniz, etc. can't hold a candle to regular modern day mathematicians.

>> No.9518883

This is what I don't get about 12 year old Jesus with the teachers. Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature." How can the literal God learn something?

>> No.9518900

Buddha, Rimbaud, Baudrillard

>> No.9518943
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Beethoven, Rockafella (last one), and Hawking

>> No.9518953
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Julius Evola, Plato, Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.9518991

Jesus was a man.

>> No.9518995

>What is the holy trinity.

>> No.9519005

Kubrick, Grothendeik, and Pynchon

>> No.9519028
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>> No.9519129

if you've replied accordingly to OP, think about this:

have you even read a book by each one of those people?


>> No.9519149


i fucking hate you so much.... look at you collecting obscure intellectual heroes, obsessing over their idiosyncrasies and impressed by their accomplishments as performances of genius.

fuck you, hipster trash. grothendieck, my god, fuck you. did you even take abstract algebra? fuck you.

>> No.9519151

What the fuck made you so stupid?

>> No.9519153

Based Anon.
Deconst af

>> No.9519331

Nietzsche just so I could continue his work.
Lao Tzu so I don't go crazy.
Da Vinci for his creative and scientific ability.

>> No.9519344

Not him but relax, retard

>> No.9519359
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Igor Bogdanoff
Grichka Bogdanoff

>> No.9519643

Either Leopardi, Copleston and von Neumann or Nietzsche, García Bacca and Bloom.

>> No.9519660

Mike Tyson, Terry Francona, and Marx.

>> No.9520142


This board makes me want to puke sometimes. The endless obsessions with pictures, biographical details and accolades rather than actual work is nothing but posturing coming from kids who want to chat philosophy or literature but dont want to do any work,

I hate your guts anons.

>> No.9520187

Hitchens, Newton, Hawking

>> No.9520214

Kant, Kierkegaard, Von Neumann

>Lao Tzu
he's not real dude

>> No.9520293


I would have gone for these exact three if the prompt was for rigorous thought processes, rather than knowledge.

Tesla, Gaddis, Bourdieu

>> No.9520321


I can tell you're an autistic analytic because of your atemporal style of thought. Can't you understand that Pythagoras' proscription of beans was one of the earliest connections (if not the earliest recorded) between ethics and aesthetics, a connection that determines Greek philosophy for half a millennium, and runs all the way through to Keats (ugh) and the depiction of of ugly villains in movies. Jesus, how can you be so somnolent.

>> No.9520330


Not even Christian, but your argument is so easily rebutted by the concept of apotheosis, it's funny.

>> No.9520341


>> No.9520352


I'd pick current people because their knowledge would be current.

Warren Buffet, Chris Hirata, then a rando comp sci guy

>> No.9520374

I gagged

>> No.9520383


>le progress trash man

Tesla knew shit that would make any fucking AI hack's head spin.

>> No.9520386

what do you expect to learn besides reinforcing your already held beliefs? How to lose a world war, be ousted from power, and be a unpopular president?

>> No.9520395

Parmenides, Patanjali, Pythagoras

>> No.9520396


We're not inheriting the brain abilities though and I don't think there's any knowledge he had that would be of great use at this point. Sorry, this is tech.

>> No.9520407


He built a machine that started an earthquake.

>> No.9520421

Wait, do people itt really think alex jones is dumb? Holy fuck, wake up.

>> No.9520444

kissinger and hawking are current (although now that I look through this thread a bit more, I think I would exchange kissinger for chomsky, and hawking for Witten). I just feel like Bertrand Russell's knowledge of old stuff like philosophy would be really useful, he was incredibly good at mathmatics too, but then again you could probably get something just as useful with chomsky and witten combined. I'm not sure who my third choice would be, maybe one of those savants who memorizes thousands of books like Kim Peak. Maybe even Harold Bloom.

>> No.9520488

Matt groening, dan harmon, seth MacFarlane

>> No.9520613
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James Joyce, Thomas Pynchon, and Joe Rogan

>> No.9521341

would we just get the knowledge and not the associated IQ/problem solving ability possessed by the individual?
In that case absorbing the knowledge of mathematicians, physicists or logicians would be of not that great usefulness.
You'd just suddenly become over-educated relative to your intelligence.

What use would someone be who happens to know all the math theorems of von neumann or possess all the physics knowledge of feynman but when given a new problem to solve would be worse at solving unseen problems than an average PhD student?

The only thing that this absorption ability would be good for is absorbing intellectuals with a lot of shallow, easily accessible knowledge like languages biology , humanities and other subjects that are structured more like a city full of 2 storey buildings than a space elevator.

>> No.9521357

ezra pound, rilke, shakespeare

>> No.9521364
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I'd rather have Steve Reeves' knowledge

Steve wasn't as big as Arnold but he was 100% natural, Arnold has admitted to using roids.

>> No.9521372

Joe Rogan, Sargon of Akkad, Jordan Peterson

>> No.9521481

>he's not real dude
Laozi, whatever

>> No.9521597
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Do you think you could absorb knowledge without absorbing the biais that come with it?

>> No.9521612

>tfw no qr bwo

>> No.9521740

patrician. we Deleuzians have to stick together

>> No.9521750


Martin Heidegger
Gilles Deluze
Arthur Schopenhauer

Imagine giving all this to a robot before activation, imagine what type of being it would be.

>> No.9521910

Prokofiev, Gauß, Nabokov