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File: 728 KB, 1920x1080, Immigration[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9513407 No.9513407 [Reply] [Original]

Any good immigration books that don't involve SJW/White supremacist arguments?

>> No.9513409

As if white supremacy and its arguments are bad things.

>> No.9513411

I'm not a white supremacist a I rock the house and sign the tits and that's it~

>> No.9513437

as if white 'supremacists' are the only people against mass immigration. kys retard

>> No.9513438

Lol what book on immigration would make white supremacist arguments hahahaha?

>> No.9513444

>implying /lit/ reads books

>> No.9513452

George Borjas

Cubans can't be racist, right?

>> No.9513456

Alain de Benoist. He's called a new fascist, but "ethnopluralist" or "federal communitarian" might be equally valid, less-loaded terms. He's certainly not a liberal, doesn't like socialism, and spent most of the nineties writing books to refute racism, so he definitely escapes the SJW/supremacist dichotomy.

>> No.9513552

You might be interested in the Center of Immigration Studies a think-tank /non-profit.

>> No.9513836

how not so

>> No.9513874

Camp of the Saints, cunt.

>> No.9513892

chilean here, lots of people hate immigrants and we are not white supremacists or white for that mater

>> No.9513970
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>t. plebbit
There are many arguments against immigration other than 'white supremacy'.
Only a person with the mentality of a child would think otherwise.
Saying that, white supremacy is the best argument there is.

>> No.9513976

>t. plebbit

There are many arguments against immigration other than 'white supremacy'. Only a person with the mentality of a child would think otherwise. Saying that, white supremacy is the best argument there is.

>> No.9513986
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>> No.9513991


Notice how much nicer it looks without the unnecessary line breaks?

>> No.9514000

I don't agree.

>> No.9514004


Well have you noticed that most people on the internet don't format their posts in that way? It's because it looks dumb and it's harder to read.

>> No.9514009

We're on 4chan, not the 'internet'.
Most people here format their posts like this.
It's easier to read imo.

>> No.9514030


That's fine, keep doing it. Just know that people like don't bother reading your posts most of the time. You're prima facie retarded and not worth reading.

>> No.9514037

Grapes of Wrath

>> No.9514046
File: 2.09 MB, 383x204, peterlookingdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people dont bother reading my posts most of the time

As proven by all the (you)s I get and the fact that you read my post despite not liking the formatting.
You're autistic as fuck mate.

>> No.9514056

grapes of wrath

actually p.right wing

>> No.9514057


Which is why I said "most of the time" instead of "all of the time." If the posts formatted this way are more than a few sentences I don't read them at all. There's nothing autistic about it, there's just no point in reading something that you know is going to be stupid.

>> No.9514065
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If people ignored my posts most of the time then I'd get less (you)s than average, not more.
You're just an idiot making unjustified judgements and thinking that you speak for others.
Pretty god damned autistic.

>> No.9514070


I just responded to your posts after only reading the first 4 words. The number of responses mean nothing, and it certainly doesn't mean that the people actually responding to you don't automatically think you're retarded because of the way you write.

>> No.9514074
File: 929 KB, 200x133, ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even be bothered with ya anymore mate.
Playing along with the baiter is only fun until you start getting repetitive.
Enjoy your autism.

>> No.9514080
File: 825 KB, 960x715, 16683500_10208473433538782_85017269_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek's 'Against the Double Blackmail'

>> No.9514081


Yeah enjoy your autism mate. Pretty god damn autistic. I also think you're repetitive on top of you having autism. Did I say you have autism yet?

>> No.9514088

This is the highest tier of autism I have ever had the misfortune of seeing, please kill yourselves.

>> No.9514240


>is an anti-immigration nativist
>Nigel Farage is descended from Huguenot refugees that fled to Britain in the 17th century

White supremacists will never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.9514250

You literally haven't got a clue what you're on about.

>> No.9514265


Nigel Farage is an immigrant refugee. Where do you think the frog eyes come form? Those aren't British genes.

>> No.9514274

How is that relevant to anything?

>> No.9514275

he immigrated from a white country

>> No.9514277

>Nigel Farage is an immigrant refugee
But he was born in England

>> No.9514279


So if an immigrant isn't white, but is more highly educated than you, why would you stop them coming in? Because you can't make the supremacy argument if the immigrant is actually more qualified than you. And I'm all for lowering immigration, just for different reasons, I'm just white nativism is retarded.

>> No.9514290
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Dude, don't you get it? After all, if we go far back enough, we're all immigrants from Africa and so this means that now Africans can go wherever they want and borders are stupid and races don't really exist anyway.

>> No.9514295
File: 48 KB, 607x553, happy harris1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Because they're not an anglo
2.Britain is overcrowded
3.No connection to this country other than "muh economy"
4.The qualification is probably from some shithole paki university which has much lesser standards than British ones
5.Natives should be trained rather than import people

>> No.9514314

>Because you can't make the supremacy argument if the immigrant is actually more qualified than you.

What does "more qualified" mean?
Because someone could say that niggers are less qualified for the simple fact that they're niggers.

>> No.9514323


>Because they're not an anglo

As I just explained, neither is Nigel Farage, he has French ancestry.

>Britain is overcrowded

Its actually not, that why London became majority non-White British in first place, because the white british working class got wealthier and moved out of the "slums" and into places like Kent and Essex.

>No connection to this country other than "muh economy"

Neither do most NatSocs, they support Hitler when Britain's stance is firmly against Nationalist Socialism. And a connection can be forged.

>The qualification is probably from some shithole paki university which has much lesser standards than British ones


>Natives should be trained rather than import people

They are trained. You get 18 years of education and the option to go to uni. Its just a lot of people don't want to. But even so, more educated people is better.

>> No.9514328



>> No.9514331
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I'm not against the existence of immigration.
(i'm half German myself)
I'm against unnecessary large scale immigration.
I'm against immigrants who are just here for the economy and not the country itself.
I'm against immigrants who want to change the country.

Also, a migrant could be more 'educated' for any number of reasons.
For example, having free access to university or having a dodgy degree (looking at you India).
Any country should be focusing on educating its own people, not importing others.
Immigration is not a solution, just a postponement of dealing with the core issues.

White nativism isn't retarded because racially homogeneous societies are almost always safer and countries become progressively less safe the less homogeneous they become.
Just as an example, since mass immigration began in the UK in 1997 rapes increased disproportionately to the increase in population (500% versus 20%).

Made me kek.

>> No.9514335

How do you make that out?

>> No.9514351

>more educated
qualified for what? to work some job? you fucking consumer.

>> No.9514354

I'm pretty sure white supremacists' arguments aren't about whites having better education.
(Maybe that's a small part of it, but not more than that.)

>> No.9514368

Having a handful of French ancestors doesn't make you French
Britain has a high pop density, we import half our food, everything is being built on. You probably don't give a shit, because you probably live in a shithole city and have never seen what cunt urbanites do to the countryside.
I'm not a NatSoc either
>more educated people is better
No, it really isn't. People with high qualifications will be competing for low tier jobs when no qualification is necessary or has any bearing on the effectiveness of the worker.
Why is your head so far up your own arse laddo?

>> No.9514373


Well I have nothing to say then. other than change, some change is always necessary and not all of it is bad. Depends on what the change is.

>For example, having free access to university or having a dodgy degree (looking at you India).

Well that's up to the government to investigate.

>Any country should be focusing on educating its own people, not importing others.

You can do both, and Britain does try to educate its people, but a lot of them simply aren't interested.

>Immigration is not a solution, just a postponement of dealing with the core issues.

Well its not either. As long as immigration keeps below the point its causing harm, it should be allowed. This isn't North Korea.

>White nativism isn't retarded because racially homogeneous societies are almost always safer and countries

Not always. North Korea, Russia and China are all ethnically homogeneous, wouldn't really want to live in any of them. Chile isn't ethnically homogeneous, its a fine country.

>UK in 1997 rapes increased disproportionately to the increase in population (500% versus 20%).

That's because the definition of rape has been expanded. Violent crime has fallen in line with the rest of the developed world. But an example of where its been taken to far is Sweden, where violent crimes have fallen a lot slower than the rest of the developed world and even may start to rise.

>qualified for what? to work some job? you fucking consumer.

Well yeah, I mean, what you don't want to do anything useful? Consumerism is a good thing. You can fucking go and sit on a rock all day and be "spiritual" if you want, but you're not achieving anything.

>I'm pretty sure white supremacists' arguments aren't about whites having better education.

No, they're based on pure nativism, which is an irrational concept for running a country. I have no problem if people want to voluntarily segregate themselves or some people don't, but as a policy, it makes no sense.

>> No.9514384
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>Change is good
>The government would never do anything wrong
>Brits are dumb lol
>If you disagree you're North Korea
>Believes government statistics about rape
>Consumerism is a good thing
>Nativism is an irrational concept
I feel sorry for you

>> No.9514402


>Britain has a high pop density

In cities yes, just like everywhere else in the world.

>we import half our food

Which is good because agriculture is a cancer to the environment. It makes me laugh how the government bans anyone building a small town in the countryside but will give out land twice the size for agriculture under the false assumption fields = "green".

>everything is being built on

Where exactly?

>You probably don't give a shit, because you probably live in a shithole city and have never seen what cunt urbanites do to the countryside.

Yes, I just don't give a shit because I'm just an evil guy who wants to destroy the environment.

>People with high qualifications will be competing for low tier jobs when no qualification is necessary or has any bearing on the effectiveness of the worker.
Why is your head so far up your own arse laddo?

You need more educated people to generate more high-tier jobs and to have a well-run country in the first place. The more educated people are, the more sensible decisions they can make, the more jobs are created and the more large projects we can undertake to do things like protect the environment or colonize the seas or whatever it is you want to do.


>Change is good

Well would you have rather the renaissance didn't happen and we stayed in the feudal system?

>The government would never do anything wrong

Never said that, but you're assuming they are, and I bet you've got some conspiracy to tell me.

>Brits are dumb lol

Never said that. Compared to the global average, working class British people are intelligent. But just not quite intelligent enough to become a nuclear physicist or an author (that makes good books not shitty meme books).

>If you disagree you're North Korea

Never said that.

>Believes government statistics about rape

So basically, you've just made up your mind. Empiricism doesn't matter, your truth is the truth and nothing can change it. Why, I didn't know you were a post-modernist!

>Consumerism is a good thing

It is.

>Nativism is an irrational concept

It is.

>> No.9514416

this is b8

>> No.9514424

>nativism, which is an irrational concept
It's pretty rational, actually. I'd say more rational than most political ideas.

But if you think you can apply pure rationality to questions of morality/politics you're very naive (or Sam Harris/troll).

>> No.9514448


>It's pretty rational, actually

Its not rational. In what way is it? So you're just going to ban anyone who isn't "Anglo" from Britain. But how do you even decide who is anglo or what is? And in the past, this has led to caste systems and revolutions. Why do you think we don't have ethnicity based law now?

>> No.9514454
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>up to government to investigate
>actually believing that governments have best interests of natives at heart
The only ones that do are non-white or Eastern European.

>britain tries to educate its people
If that were true than education would be free.
>people aren't interested
That's simply not true, the education system has left many people in a state where they feel inadequate, lacking qualifications and unworthy to go to university.
The government should be creating fast track courses for people to get up to speed and better educated like Germany managed to do in the past.
Also, unis are full of meme degrees which shouldn't exist. These degrees lead astray those who want the prestige of a university education.

>as long as immigration keeps below the point of causing harm it should be allowed

I literally said this you idiot. However, immigration has been beyond this point for over 20 years in the UK and most of the West.
Most of this immigration has been of uneducated, unskilled, unrelated and anti-western people.

>north korea russia china ethnically homogeneous
Only North Korea is. Also, I very clearly said "almost always". Fuck me.
By the way, North Korea is pretty safe when it comes to regular crime.

>definition of rape expanded
>using this ignorant excuse
The definition of rape changed in 1997 (and it barely expanded).
If what you said is true then how long does it take for the change in definition to take affect? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
I ask this because the number of rapes have been disproportionately increasing consistently since then on a year by year basis, sometimes the number of rapes jumps by 30% in a single year.

You're either baiting me or are an ignorant idiot.
Do you even know that the UK is a police state? Probably not.

>> No.9514463

It's probably not. He's probably just a guy who measures the value of his life by how many iPhones he can buy. Typical short-sighted and selfish consumerist mentality.

>> No.9514503

I would first of all discourage non-Europeans from immigrating into Europe. Most people don't really want dindus as their neighbors, anyway.
>And in the past, this has led to caste systems and revolutions.
We're not in the past and the way migrations happen now is very different.

>> No.9514532

>I ask this because the number of rapes have been disproportionately increasing consistently since then on a year by year basis, sometimes the number of rapes jumps by 30% in a single year.
Correlation and causation anon, correlation and causation.

>> No.9514535
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>being this blind

God I hate normies.

So why are people being raped so much these days then anon?
Please enlighten me,
Also, the official rape stats don't even including the thousands of young girls (of all races) groomed across the country.

>> No.9514541

Deutschland schafft sich ab by Thilo Sarrazin. But if you are not fluent in German then you won't be able to read it anyways.

>> No.9514544


>actually believing that governments have best interests of natives at heart

Of course they do. They have to, we're their source of income. Of course, they'd rather just oppress us and force us to work, but because of democracy they can't really do that. Well, not yet, if NatSocs get their way though they might just do.

>If that were true than education would be free.

Its not free because the Tories made it not free. Why did they do that? So they could take that money and use it to increase pensions. Much of the same reason they're allowing so much unskilled immigration, to pay for pensions. Why are they so obsessed with pensions? Because much of their voter base is 65+. The same "traditionalists" who rant that welfare is evil, "kids today" are stupid/immoral and immigrants are evil are on the same people sucking up all the money from public services so they can stay on the dole for 40 years.

>The government should be creating fast track courses for people to get up to speed and better educated

They are. They've just announced 2 year courses. And there's nothing wrong with "meme" degrees, the more choice people have the better, they just shouldn't moan if they can't get a £30K starting job.

>Most of this immigration has been of uneducated, unskilled, unrelated and anti-western people.

I don't disagree. Although I do disagree somewhat with the anti-western part, most Pakistanis and Indians aren't anti-western and know a great deal about how Britain works because they're former colonies.

>By the way, North Korea is pretty safe when it comes to regular crime.

Yeah because they're fucking terrified of government abuse. I mean, just because the government soldiers raping someone isn't technically a "crime" its still wrong.

>definition of rape expanded

>There was an increase of 21% in sexual offences recorded by the police in the latest year compared with the previous year (106,378 offences); this includes a 22% increase in rape and a 20% increase in other sexual offences....The increases are believed to have resulted from both an improvement in the recording of sexual offences by the police and an increased willingness of victims to come forward and report these crimes to the police.

(Chapter 9)

>Do you even know that the UK is a police state?

Its got fairly robust laws, some I don't agree with, but to describe it as a police state is woefully ignorant.

>I would first of all discourage non-Europeans from immigrating into Europe

But we're not concerned about Europe anymore. The anglo "natives" burned that bridge last year.

>We're not in the past and the way migrations happen now is very different.

Fair enough. I do think immigration needs to be reformed, I'm just saying nativism at the state level is irrational.

>> No.9514548

The burden of proof's on you pally, all you've done here is gone
>immigration has increased
>rape stats have gotten higher
>so immigrants are doing all the rapes
which is a huge leap.
I don't have to provide an alternative explanation (though there are many), you have to fill in the holes in your argument.

>inb4 gloablist liberal reeee
I'm in favour of lower immigration, just for less stupid reasons.

>> No.9514549

They are

>> No.9514558
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>i don't want racism even though it is scientifically correct

>> No.9514591

>I'm in favour of lower immigration, just for less stupid reasons.

Not that anon, but what are your reasons? Purely out of curiosity.

>> No.9514599

Speaking specifically for the UK, infrastructure investment hasn't kept up with the pace of population growth.

Now, to my mind the issue there is lack of investment, but until we get over deficit obsession and start funding things properly it makes sense to limit population growth for a little while.

>> No.9514608

>Decended from someone 400 years ago
>is an immigrant

Shut the fuck up fag.

>> No.9514611

>immigrated from one white country to another white country
This disqualifies his white supremacy how?

>> No.9514612


Well if you're making a nativist case, then yeah he is. Or maybe not, where do nativists draw the line?

>> No.9514618

His ancestors were Huguenots.
Last I checked, white supremacists weren't that into Jewish people.

>> No.9514624


Because again, where do you draw the line. Many of the people I've been speaking to are Anglo-nativists, so the argument would apply to them. But furthermore, what do you define as white?

This is why the term "race" fell out of favor, because races don't really describe human population very well. For example "blacks", well blacks are incredibly diverse group and many "blacks" such as Somalians are more related to other groups such as Arabs. And Arabs are heavily related to Europeans. In recent years, the term "cline" has been used, but race is a dead concept in anthropology.

>> No.9514625

>I'm against immigrants who are just here for the economy and not the country itself

You realize that we now live in very advanced capitalist society and basically no hierarchy of values such as religion and tradition have literally no place in current world other than a means for entrepreneurs to make profits of? (we can argue about whether this is a good thing and I dont think so but building an argument about this nonsense is a plain fallacy)

>> No.9514627
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>government have to care about natives
>they have to because democracy
No, they only have to pretend that they care, which is what they do.
Why do you think that they're so interested in controlling the media as best they can?
>we're their source of income
If MP/civil servant salaries depended on the state of the country then you might have a point.

>uni fees to pay for pensions
>immigration to pay for pensions
Is that why New Labour introduced uni fees and mass immigration when the economy was in one of the best states it had been in for half a century?
Boy, I didn't know!

>2 year courses
Which are expensive as fuck and hard to do whilst supporting anyone other than yourself.
They're only really available to new and young students.
>more choice the better
I don't have a problem with them existing, but meme degrees shouldn't be called degrees.

>pakistanis arent anti-western
You're kidding yourself mate. All hardcore Muslims are anti-western.

>rape increase in 2016
Rapes have been increasing every year, bar one, since 1997. Not just in 2016.
Also, they didn't say that increase was due to a definition expansion.
>due to better recording and willingness to come forward
They're not going to say, "due to our own terrible immigration policy", are they?
They've been using that excuse for decades.
They want to stay as far away as they can from blaming immigrants.

>to describe the uk as a polcie state is ignorant
Look up Tommy Robinson.
If the way he's been treated doesn't scream police state to you then you're an idiot.

>> No.9514630

stop replying to the b8

>> No.9514641

Lets say you're right. If you replaced every single white Englishman in Great Britain with Arabs, would the country still be Great Britain do you think?

I don't.

>> No.9514646

Are you one of those idiots who says that the UK has no culture and that the natives have no unique way of life?

>> No.9514658

No, I am not from UK and I dont engage in a conversations like these.

What do you even know about culture

The fact is, there is no culture other than what you pay for.

>> No.9514663
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I cannot describe how much I hate you right now.
A bit embarrassing really, considering i'm on /lit/.

>> No.9514665

White supremacy is a stumbling block on the road to a society designed around psychometrics and biological determinism, brainlet

>> No.9514666

feel free to elaborate

>> No.9514670
File: 64 KB, 500x338, colorwheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do you draw the line
This is a political question that doesn't really require a scientific answer.

Kinda like drawing lines between individual colors. It's a philosophical/scientific mindfuck, but it doesn't stop us from calling things red, green, blue...

>> No.9514674

Are you joking? Latinos are racist asf, very much so including Cubans. We are talking about white Spanish colonials. They often look down on black people, darker-skinned latinos, etc...
I am half Cuban.

>> No.9514677

Of course whiteness so referred is an approximate concept that refers to the culture in which a person was raised, as well as certain inherited characteristics about intellectual capabilities, temperament and so on. Colour of skin is actually marginal. The fact that there's no strict definition for this does not mean that these characteristics are not essential for the functioning of the society.

>> No.9514695


>No, they only have to pretend that they care, which is what they do.

No, they don't, because if they don't look after the population, they can't make enough money from the population. And furthermore, to say that they absolutely don't care is conspiratorial thinking. I have no doubt that there are unscrupulous actors and even people who are good but do unscrupulous things in government, but the fact is, life is pretty good in Britain.

>Why do you think that they're so interested in controlling the media as best they can?

They aren't, if anything, the Murdoch media controls the government because it has the power to make or break a party. Freedom of the press is very heavily enforced in Britain, a little to heavily enforced if you ask me because the press often takes it as freedom to make up bollocks.

>If MP/civil servant salaries depended on the state of the country then you might have a point.

It doesn't, but it kind of has to. If the country goes to shit, so does their salary because they won't be able to harvest enough tax.

>Is that why New Labour introduced uni fees

....At the behest of Conservative MP John Major who said tuition fees were need to fund higher education. However, when the bill was passed, tuition fees were £1000.

>mass immigration when the economy was in one of the best states it had been in for half a century?

The "mass immigration" was largely students and it still is. Anyone who is staying for a year or more is included in statistics. The Polish for example, who were seasonal and were moving back and forth between Poland and the UK. But that still doesn't explain why the Tories have kept it up. I'm not a fan of Blair, but the Tories have been in power now for 7 years and nothing has changed. I'm just explaining why.

>Which are expensive as fuck and hard to do whilst supporting anyone other than yourself.
They're only really available to new and young students.

Well that's the adult learners fault, they can still take out a loan.

>but meme degrees shouldn't be called degrees.

But they are degrees.

>Rapes have been increasing every year, bar one, since 1997. Not just in 2016.
Also, they didn't say that increase was due to a definition expansion.

Well what paper are you getting this from, maybe they explain why?

>All hardcore Muslims are anti-western.

Most muslims aren't hardcore enough for terrorism though. Almost all of our terrorists were home-grown.

>They're not going to say, "due to our own terrible immigration policy", are they?

Well if you're going to deny statistics outright, then I can't convince you can I?

>Look up Tommy Robinson.

Yes, he's an ex-convict football hooligan. But other than that, when has he done time for protesting or expressing his opinion?

>> No.9514710


Yeah but no-one is doing that are they?

>> No.9514717

Have you been to London?

>> No.9514718


>This is a political question that doesn't really require a scientific answer.

Of course it does. You can't advocate a policy that's effectively meaningless.

And as I've just explained, defining race by colour is meaningless. Japanese people are white skinned, but I'm guessing they're not the "whites" you mean.


>approximate concept that refers to the culture in which a person was raised

Culture isn't inherited, so its biologically irrelevant.

>Colour of skin is actually marginal

But that's not what white supremacists think.

>> No.9514724

>what paper am I getting this from
Official government statistics.

Anyway, I really can't be arsed going around in circles with you, as I have to babysit today, so I'll only address one point.
You clearly know nothing of Tommy Robinson.
If you have any desire to become less ignorant then watch this.

>> No.9514729


Yes, and as I explained, the whites weren't "replaced", they moved out because most people don't choose to live in places like Peckham or East London. As soon as they got money to, they buggered off. Those whites are still around, they're just living in places like Kent and Essex now. And if was an attempt to replace whites with arabs, then why did the government allow so much Polish immigration into London, its now majority white (albeit not White British) again?

>> No.9514733


I don't disagree the government are too heavy handed, in fact I'd campaign for free speech and less government surveillance if the British public weren't so against it, but at the same time, that surveillance is what allowed the police to immediately arrest everyone involved in the Westminster attacks across the country in one day.

>> No.9514736

Well either way, I think a policy that both the ruling elite, capitalists, AND leftists support is suspicious to say the least.

>> No.9514737

>its biologically irrelevant
It's relevant when we talk about immigration. Immigrants bring their culture with them, and without sensible assimilation politics they tend to band into ghettos where their culture thrives and is passed down on their children.
>But that's not what white supremacists think.
It's like saying that football fans are the fans of that particular club they like because they like the club colour. Surely they like the colour of their club, but it's a consequence, not a reason.

>> No.9514740

>You can't advocate a policy that's effectively meaningless.
Politicians kinda do this all the time. They're full of vaguely defined feel-good slogans with ambiguous meanings. Again, politics isn't science.

>defining race by colour is meaningless. Japanese people are white skinned
Are you retarded or just pretending?
Nobody said Japanese people are white.

>> No.9514749


Suspicious why? Have you considered the government thought about it and decided it was beneficial?

>Immigrants bring their culture with them, and without sensible assimilation politics they tend to band into ghettos where their culture thrives and is passed down on their children.

I agree, but its not really relevant to the conversation on race.

>Surely they like the colour of their club, but it's a consequence, not a reason.

Well we're talking to different white supremacists then.

>Politicians kinda do this all the time

They do, and i call them out on it to. For example, Theresa May forcing companies to release pay statistics.

>Nobody said Japanese people are white.

You used an example of a colour chart.

>> No.9514758

>Suspicious why? Have you considered the government thought about it and decided it was beneficial?

Yeah, and do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that it's a coincidence that something people who are normally enemies of each other all agree on?

>> No.9514767
File: 362 KB, 475x347, cant even.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I fucking said.
Watch the video.
It goes above an beyond the government simply being "too heavy handed".

>> No.9514774
File: 36 KB, 600x812, awwwwshit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9514783

while not directly dealing with it The Origins of Political Order have some good bits about immigration through the ages

>> No.9514784

>You used an example of a colour chart.
To illustrate the point that colors aren't clearly separated or defined, just like "races".
That doesn't mean saying something is "blue" or some person is "white" is meaningless. Both have practical meanings. For example, a "white" person is unlikely to come from sub-saharan Africa.

>> No.9514903

>no culture other than what you pay for
I'm sorry, what?

>> No.9514911

Watch the video

>> No.9514966

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

>> No.9514998

>Alain de Benoist

>google him
>books: On being a pagan

no thx f a m

>> No.9515064

But, that's the problem, a large part of them are not qualified nor educated also insteae of flying to another country why don't they (and we) try to fix their country and make oportunities for them in their own land?

>> No.9515074

As a Communist, how can you actually be against immigration. It's literally a net gain. It gives more diversity and a cheap source of labor

>> No.9515111
File: 100 KB, 620x387, jeremycorbyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want diversity or depressed wages?
Dirty fucking commies.

>> No.9515117

Fuck off /pol. Nosane people care about wages

>> No.9515167
File: 1.77 MB, 300x174, brianblessedcackle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
