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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, goodreads_icon_1000x1000-aed808dec2093e20867b35cd56d9862d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9506563 No.9506563 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads friend thread?

>> No.9506726

I wish I had people in my immediate life to interact with on Goodreads. I have a guy named Lorenzo added from here, and he seems okay and reads a bit, but I feel like he's the template for anyone else I might add from here.

>> No.9506745

Jesus fucking christ you just spoke my mind. I have begged about 20 people irl to use it and non of them do, even the ones who read or want to read more books. It's my existential crisis because I would have an easier time finishing books or living if people did. And what the fuck here's my GR: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/21146342-jeremiah-carlson

>> No.9506758

>Lorenzo has us both added

>> No.9506767

Didn't post in there for a while. I probably have everyone tho.

>> No.9506773


>> No.9506780


>> No.9506788

oops https://www.goodreads.com/vodsel

>> No.9506796

add me f a m


>> No.9506805


>> No.9506825

If Lorenzo is the template for anyone else then fuck using this site.

>> No.9506843
File: 31 KB, 1258x108, Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 5.24.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I'm thinking about adding someone on goodreads I check to see what they rated The Great Gatsby, and if it's less than 4 stars that's how I know they're a pseud

>> No.9506852

Ha, that's a great idea.

>> No.9506854

youre thinking about it way too much faggot

>> No.9506857

I bet he's not.

>> No.9506859

and if they haven't read it?

>> No.9506861


>> No.9506894
File: 47 KB, 1067x600, u mett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rated Gatsby with 5* but i wont give you my profile :^)

>> No.9506898

give it to ME instead

>> No.9506905

same, so we're cool

>> No.9506919
File: 82 KB, 394x447, wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


add me :)

>> No.9506929


add me if u want i'm kind of new to goodreads

>> No.9506943


>joined the /lit/ group and then got a friend request out of the blue that I accepted
>instantly super self-conscious about anything I mark as to-read or read


>> No.9506955
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Looks like you'll be friending every pseud who reads Babby's first real book and loves it.

>> No.9506963


>> No.9506977

That's true for most people who love The Great Gatsby, but keep in mind these are /lit/ edgelords we're talking about, so it works the exact opposite way almost 100% of the time.

>> No.9506984

>everything 2 stars
seriously go fuck yourself

>> No.9507036

why dont we post our tumblr accounts too?

>> No.9507042

You can't add books there lad.

>> No.9507046

did you just start a fucking thread about it

>> No.9507049

i rated it three stars, but i only rate /lit/ literature, so it is in my opinion average

>> No.9507050


Fair enough.


>> No.9507054

No, not me. I did ask them if that was their reason for making the thread, though.

>> No.9507057

I rate all my books 5 stars unless I really dislike them.

>> No.9507069

>hating on lorenzo

castrate yourself you idiot

>> No.9507075

defend yourself

>> No.9507078
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I rate most 3-4 unless I really enjoyed them.

>> No.9507103

If you don't read science-fiction, you are too psued of a dude for me to bother with. Just be happy neither of us have to put with each other's shit - but KNOW that it is specifically because you are inferior in disposition to me, and that your self-seriousness will be abused by others to mock you and find true companionship with others in their mocking of you.

>> No.9507182

I saw science-fiction at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.9507196

Stop writing fan fiction about going to the grocery store and write a real shit novel like the rest of us.

>> No.9507229

I did, it's called "Supermarkets in California" and it's 270 of these copypastas with the name changed to a different literary figure every time

>> No.9507232


>> No.9507233

I'd actually read that.

>> No.9507244

How do you guys have 300+ read books? I have started reading seriously last year and I have finished only like 8 classics so far. How fast do you read? Do you speedread like mongrels?

>> No.9507245

Right? It could totally be the title of the next /lit/-authored book too

>> No.9507251

I think some people read multiple books at once, don't have other hobbies, read fast and don't retain anything, or simply have read a lot of books over a long time. I don't think it's likely that someone has retained much if they've read nearly 400 books in two years.

>> No.9507262

Not everyone's a brainlet like yourself.

>> No.9507265


>> No.9507273

a beautiful work of shitposting. It would sell dozens of copies. DOZENS!

>> No.9507282

I have been reading books since I was a kid and read comics, so my number is inflated and makes faggots like you feel insecure.
You don't have to read as much as Sebastian, but you definitely could increase your reading speed. 8 books in a year is pretty bad for someone who intends to be an active reader.

>> No.9507286

I'm 34 and read between 50 and 100 books a year, and have since I was about 10. I also dont count YA lit or books i read to my kids.

>> No.9507296

Well I took a long break from reading (5 months) to focus on my medicine studies, but still, how do you read 100 books a year like >>9507286 ? I am currently reading Crime and Punishment and I read around 2 chapters a day, so it will come down to me finishing it in around 20 days. I have finished the Growth of the Soil in around 20 days as well. It seems unfeasible to me to read as much as 100 or even 50 books a year, unless you read very short books.

>> No.9507303


>> No.9507304

What's your reading style? Do you read like 80 pages at a time often? Do you sit for hours and read? Do you have other hobbies? Not criticizing or anything, but I am curious how this is done.

>> No.9507309

ooks before I go to bed, in baths, while I wait for my kids to be done with gymnastics and swimming, and while I have coffee in the morning. I read a book a week. If you cant finish a book a week but finish 8 hours of garbage netflix or drink in the evening you are just a pleb.

Also, having gone through med school with my spouse, i can confirm that she watched at least 12 hours of gilmore girls or sex and the city or charmed a week and still read.

>> No.9507312


>> No.9507313

*i read b

>> No.9507314

No need to be rude.
Doesn't sound like a reading style I would like. You go through books too quickly, I imagine they don't really sit with you the way I think books sit with me.

>> No.9507336

Was only being ironic chum. Also you would imagine wrongly. i just dont watch TV or movies, and go to bed at ~930-10 and read till 1.

>> No.9507342

Hmm, sorry. Was a little defensive for no good reason. At this point, have you read most of the big books that you wanted to and most of the books you do read are not very lengthy? I can see reading like ~250-400 page books in a week if I really wanted to,

>> No.9507351

>around 2 chapters a day
anon what you need to do is sit down with the book for longer sessions than you're doing. focus only on the book. set aside maybe two reading sessions each day when you have a good chunk of time to do nothing but read. And try to make it not right before bedtime, you'll say "I'll read until I get too tired" and then you go not very long til you put it down and call it a night.

>> No.9507352

I read canon stuff until I was about 25, now I would prefer international award winners post 1950s. I dont really look at book length when I start.

>> No.9507405


>> No.9507439


I'm glad that there are a bunch of new people.

>> No.9507441

I like u, keep doin u

>> No.9507547


>> No.9507636

See >>9506767

>> No.9508005


>> No.9508027


im friendly

>> No.9508653


>> No.9508800


>> No.9508889


All I do is rate Gene Wolfe 5 stars. Does anybody want to discuss Gene Wolfe?

>> No.9508928


>> No.9508954

it's easy find authors you like to read and friends to talk to about them (not easy)

>> No.9509091

We did it on discord half a year ago. Gr isn't for discussion, but there are a lot of litcords.

>> No.9509093


>> No.9509309
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cthulu pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here actually do written reviews? feel like im the only one.

>> No.9509324

Sometimes, but rarely. I'm too lazy to do it.

>> No.9509368

haven't been on /lit/ for at least half a year, let's see if there are some new faces


>> No.9509371


>> No.9509386

I'm always impressed how people here don't get how to read, or how long it takes. I read about 300-400 pages a day, spend maybe 3 to 5 hours at it, reading mostly commuting or at work during dead hours. It's perfectly workable if you just read and don't spend all day shitposting or watching tv.

>> No.9509457

>The Great Gatsby
>Five Stars
Welcome to /lit/
looks like you need to read more
you fucking faggot

>> No.9509483
File: 50 KB, 784x811, fFveNbQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodread threads are the only threads were people are no longer anonymous.

Every time I come here I realize there are a bunch of different profiles, and the old ones I remember are no longer here.
People come and go from /lit/. They have moved on with their lifes. And I am still here.

>> No.9509510

You're wrong, and you're upset that you were called a pseud and so now you're getting defensive.

It's like Shakespeare: you might not like it the fist time you read it, but if you wait until your older and go back, and you're still too immature and dense to realize that it's good, you could just think about how obvioisly canonical it is, and that should be enough to convice you that you're completely wrong.

>> No.9509549

I haven't read fiction for years until recently, I realized I was retarded for disdaining it

>> No.9509710

>It's like Shakespeare
>Fitzgerald is like Shakespeare
>you might not like Shakespare the fist time you read it

Seriously, read more.

>> No.9509715


only lit has this feels

>> No.9509777


add me yo

>> No.9510128

>tfw people say "old" /lit/ was better
>tfw you look at the catalog and just see continued reiterations of the same thread over and over and over every 6 months.

>> No.9510169

That's wrong you imbecile. /lit/ has seen a dramatic decrease in quality.

Why? Because all the good posters (myself included) now use the /lit/ discord for our main vehicle for literary discussion. Retards like you aren't tolerated there so thankfully the quality is maintained.

>> No.9510173

>now use the /lit/ discord

oldschool/lit/ or the pleb one with invites everywhere?

>> No.9510227

>now use the /lit/ discord
We don't need further proof that /lit/ is shit.

Why don't we also share our facebook accounts so we can chat on messenger? :) Or go to tinychat so we can see our faces while we talk

>now use the /lit/ discord
Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.9510229


>> No.9510236

>/lit/ has seen a dramatic decrease in quality.

/lit/ has always been about robust discussions of 1984, calling Junger a nazi, marxshit posting, and asking what the world would be like if DFW didnt neck himself.

>> No.9510562

pinkycord is moderated and the invites aren't handed out very much so it doesn't have more than 10 active posters and some lurkers.

>> No.9510578


>> No.9510589
File: 66 KB, 680x510, 9c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the same birthday.
I'm just starting out pls no bully

>> No.9510608



>> No.9510648
File: 61 KB, 465x620, 1494453883206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw ran out of friend requests

>> No.9510663


>> No.9510768

Supposing he isn't working a long con, invite this lad to pinkycord.

>> No.9510846

Classic Lorenzo.

>> No.9510893


I don't have most of you added, so add away. Always like to know what people are reading.

>> No.9510970
File: 248 KB, 769x773, 2342353634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fitzgerald is like Shakespeare
That's right, I made a comparison. It's a very simple literary device, it doesn't mean that A is exactly like B in every way, so if you reduce it to "A is like B," then of course it will sound ridiculous. "My love is like a red, red rose" is one of the most famous comparisons in literature, but if you take it out of context by changing it to "love is kind of like a plant," it's no surprise that it sounds silly. I named one specific way that Fitzgerald is like Shakespeare, and that's the extent of it. The way you're twisting my words isn't a rebuttal, it's just insulting, and I'm pretty sure you don't even know that you did what you did.

>you might not like Shakespare the fist time you read it
Most people read Shakespeare for the first time as children, and because they are children, they often don't like it.

Seriously, everything you're saying is so obvious and banal, if I were you I would be so embarassed of myself. I can't even imagine what type of person you might be. Figure yourself out before you worry about me and how much I read.

>> No.9511012

We'll see how he progresses with his reading. Membership must be earned.

>> No.9511033

pinky is a fundamentalist idiot, the /lit/ discord is way less pretentious yo

>> No.9511065

Is there a feature on goodreads or some other site that is like the "similar artists" feature on last.fm but for books or authors?

>> No.9511216


>> No.9511279


>> No.9511342

You can put a bunch of books in one bookshelf and it'll give you recommendations based on what you have there and what you rated them.

>> No.9511398


>> No.9511404
File: 13 KB, 352x384, bulgarian pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do written reviews for 99% of everything I read but I do read mostly shitty entertainment literature so be warned (also I do my native Bulgarian reviews in Bulgarian so you can't even scout out for good foreign books)

>> No.9511410


I'm a youngling, go easy.

>> No.9511421

>300 pages in 3-5 hours
I can tell that you don't read anything of substance. And if you do, you retain absolutely nothing. Reading isn't a race.

>> No.9511430

as opposed to liberal and unmoderated, which obviously has worked wonders for /lit/ itself.

>> No.9511449


>> No.9511454

My point was that it isn't a race, only that you idiots here take forever to read anything at all, and always assume that people who read more than you don't understand what they're reading.

>> No.9511468

300 pages in 4 hours is normal for experienced readers. graduate from high school already.

>> No.9511525


Here for the recommendations and that fucking challenge, add me or don't or whatever.

>> No.9511545
File: 26 KB, 350x289, duo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just made this account, add me or ill add you, whatever. I don't do reading challenges, but ill post reviews of whatever I have read, ill have to update my profile with books later.

>> No.9511575

There's the cute one.

>> No.9511692

Ok, alright.


>> No.9511751


>> No.9511806


>> No.9511886
File: 419 KB, 1075x531, LYX8UJI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Have a meme.

>> No.9511896
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>> No.9511933
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>> No.9512199

I hate your indecision but I can't decide whether to add you or not

>> No.9512644


>> No.9512777

pls be gentle, this is my first time...


>> No.9512903

Is the lit group broken?

Why the fug cant I join it? I just made my account the other day.

>> No.9512934
File: 27 KB, 284x423, 1493714944338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9513328

will do

>> No.9513871

God you people read a lot of junk

>> No.9514077

I don't

>> No.9514154
File: 195 KB, 850x1201, __cirno_and_tanned_cirno_hidden_star_in_four_seasons_and_touhou_drawn_by_baba_baba_seimaijo__sample-f066fabb28f53d46fd18b35f5a0cd8ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the summer of cirno so I haven't been reading as much lately but ok


>> No.9514932


>> No.9515042

It's dead and boring. No reason to join really.

>> No.9515063

I rated it one star because I've watched the 2013 movie first and the one star only represents my personal enjoyment of the book because I don't believe in objective quality.

>> No.9515066

Literally no other hobbies. No social life. 2 - 3 books a week.

>> No.9515073


>> No.9516184

I'll write more reviews so you won't feel bad

>> No.9516326


>> No.9516428

>I don't believe in objective quality.
Everyone knows that quality is somewhat subjective but only pseuds use it as an excuse for having the wrong opinions

>> No.9516587

I'd create an account to add you, but If I create an account I'd only be rating/marking read books I've read since it's creation
also I'm a pleb who started reading seriously again after a 4 year alcohol bringe from the ages of 16 to a couple months ago

>> No.9517506


Add me, I'm genre garbage.

>> No.9517515


Please, no bully

>> No.9517578

I do.

>> No.9517580

we got a live one boys

>> No.9517664


I like The Shadow, too.

>> No.9517886

Make one for yourself first. If you can't do that make one for me to have me see what you've read. I'm sure I can ask about some of the stuff you've read.

>> No.9518206
File: 178 KB, 353x263, 133832417521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do reviews from time to time

>> No.9518431


>> No.9518441

No bully

>> No.9518629


>> No.9518746


mostly read classics, occasionally some detective stories or gene wolfe.

>> No.9518885

Ive tried writing it a couple times now and it bugged out or something. No bully.

>> No.9518908

Add me. I read random shit.

>> No.9518927

You're into some kinky shit aren't you, Anon