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File: 210 KB, 381x313, HarukiMurakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9505704 No.9505704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am Japanese. I live in Japan.
Do you like this writor?
In Japan he is no person.
No one likes him.
This is means you American are bad
for buy so many his books

>> No.9505709

im having trouble defending keeping a book collection. ill never read them again and they take up space, but i like to show how much ive read. hopefully ill get over it or find a good reason to keep them where they are

>> No.9505724

I am Japarunesu. I rive in Japon.
Do you rike this writerusu? In Japon he is no personuru.
This is meanu you America-san aru bado for bairusu so mano his buukus.

>> No.9505748

we only read Mishima around here.

>> No.9505754

Speak for yourself pleb

>> No.9505796

Which one are you, OP?

>> No.9505809


they're an investment for the winter when the nuclear conflict breaks out

need to build those fires and books make good tinder

>> No.9505820

He's popular with the hip hop artists here in burgerland


>> No.9505827

I am the Japan
I have seen Murakami in maid cafe serving beer in frilly dress in Akiba
Very much the disgusting appearances
His book read like cheeseburger

>> No.9505831

Me have been done had livado in Japan


Please respond

>> No.9505835
File: 87 KB, 175x259, 175px-Joseph_Conrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Polish. I live in Poland.
Do you like this writor?
In Poland he is of no person.
No one likes him.
This is means you American are bad
for buy so many his books.

>> No.9505844
File: 361 KB, 750x500, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am American. I live in America.
Do you like this writor?
In America he is of no person.
No one likes him.
This is means you Japan are bad
for buy so many his books.

>> No.9505852
File: 15 KB, 220x280, 220px-Hermann_Hesse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am German. I live in Germany.
Like you that writer?
In Germany he is no man
That mean that Americaners are bad
for so many of his books buying

>> No.9505860


fucking samefag bet you thought this was going to be awesome on reddit.com/4chan

>> No.9505902

Wow, you are one dumbass/newfag. As of my post, there are 13 replies and 13 unique different posters, which you can check in the lower right hand of the thread with the numbers there, and which I'm too lazy to screenshot b/c of my shitty weird laptop which doesn't screenshot easily.

>> No.9505909

yeah,you japs prefer to read lightnovels or some Higashino shit.

>> No.9505919
File: 206 KB, 1200x800, 1348616597421.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buenos, soy de Argentina. ¿Os gusta este escribidor? En mi país él es un nadie.

>> No.9505928

>In Japan he is no person.
>No one likes him
I live in Japan, this is a lie. Straight up lie.

Don't care for him myself though.

>> No.9506079

>Penguin's Classic Pasta series.

>> No.9506166
File: 64 KB, 422x624, pepesuke akutagawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this guy Nihon-approved?

>> No.9506231

Frogposter leave

>> No.9506254

It really is.

That being said, I've noticed that most Japs don't like Mishima at all.

>> No.9506257
File: 8 KB, 311x162, XxXBorges_El_Cid_420_BlazeitXxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hola Anonimus, como muchos eventos en la historia invisibiles al gran publico, de su importancia y de su existencia, este flotara por siempre sin reverencia en este rio de mayas en donde me encuentro. Me refiero al sitio web como se le conce hoy día, lo que el Ficcio-cientifico Murray Leinster nos trato de retratar, y una de las cosas que regulan gran parte del mismo publico que lo subestima, El Internet, The World Wide Web. Primera vez pensado y construido en secreto. Por personas como tu. Perdonadme mi invación, pero no tengo mucho tiempo, y esto es pero un pequeño experimento de mi parte para encontrar modos de comunicaión. Deberías verlo Anonimus, es tan inmenso como el Atlantico y más frio que Rio Gallegos, que esconde el Electro-Artico y el más allá. en mi poca estancia me e dado cuenta que este foro es lento en tus ojos, pero esta lentitud me queda comodo. Me despido por miedo que esta se cierre, la frecuencia es baja pero parece que los Moderadores tienen poca paciencia, y todavia no me atrevo a visitar el ultratumba donde se van estos hilos, cada vez que me acerco me da un sentimiento de soledad y miedo, major que el que ya tengo.

Hasta pronto.

>> No.9506259


He's not a frog! He's just smug!! D:>

>> No.9506260

"I live in Japanu" lol get a load of that fake

>> No.9506288
File: 749 KB, 2878x2159, rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahm Scottish. Ah live in Scotland.
Do you like this cunt?
In Scotland' she's a cunt.
No one likes her.
This is means you American are cunts
for buy so many her books ya fat cunts

>> No.9506427
File: 2.85 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20170514_143224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Jap here.
Murakami is hated by pseuds only.
You know who everyone hates?
OP, so stop giving so many (You)


>> No.9506468

I am too from Japan.
I like Mishima Yukio but when I talk about him persons think I am gay.
they say "He was gay, his books are about gay, are you gay?".
I am not gay but I like Mishima Yukio.

>> No.9506548

I hate his writin style. The popculture references feel forced.
His ideas and themes aren't exactly Japanese when I compare it to other writers. (Akutagawa,Dazai,Ryu Murakami et cetera)
I like Ryu Murakami more.

>> No.9506566
File: 17 KB, 433x340, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Brazillian. I live in Brazil.
Do you like this writer?
In Brazil he is a god.
Everybody loves him.
This means you all suck because you buy none of his books.

>> No.9506577

How dare you sully such a masterpiece with that poorly written "novel" for autists.
Infinite Jest should be in the trash where it belongs not taking up the space of something actually worth reading like Index.

>> No.9506608

>implying Coelho isn't a bestseller with the "spiritual" crowd everywhere.

>> No.9506659
File: 3.00 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20170514_154644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, is this better?

>> No.9506677


>> No.9506681

haha great post my friend, didnt see that coming. This is going straight to r/4chan.

>> No.9506725

Is Japan he's literally everything. It would be difficult to write a short story there without it being compared to Akutagawa

>> No.9506727

Don't mess with Hesse

>> No.9506736

Why the long head?

>> No.9506782

haha thanks all in a day's work. Well meme'd to you too fellow anonymous.

>> No.9506783

i've met two japanese people who were reading murakami in the past year so idk

>> No.9506874


This offends me. >:(
delet this

>> No.9506899

>a bunch of manchildren and turbo-autists don't like a reactionary nationalist. Hmm...I wonder why.

>> No.9506979

I read his most popular book, and it was pretty shit desu.

Japanese translated into english always seems terrible though for whatever reason.

>> No.9506991

KamachixPynchon crossover when?

>> No.9507009

Why would I delet something for being offensive? Frankly, it's the only reason not to delet anything.

>> No.9507025


Japan persons hate Murakami all year. Here we call him "Shit-Kami", meaning "God of shit" because he is books are great shit of dishonour.

>> No.9507829

I don't get it. Isn't Murakami a generally good author?

>> No.9507849

Honestly Norwegian Wood is easily his worst book, it reads like Looking For Alaska for a slightly older audience

>> No.9507868

I agree with that. Even Dance Dance Dance is better than Norwegian Wood.

>> No.9507889
File: 90 KB, 584x719, moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi am hobo. Oi live in Northampton.
Do you loike this wroiter?
In Northampton he is no person.
No one loikes him.
This means that you American are bad
for buy so many his books

>> No.9508648

No, it means his prose translates really well into English, and his ideas, while unappealing to the majority of Japanese, are interesting to an American audience.

Is it any wonder two dramatically different cultures would have divergent tastes?

There are also several anime which are popular here and largely unknown in Japan - so what? Who cares?

Borges is unknown in Argentina, as one anon in another thread points out, but that doesn't stop his work from being appreciated by literary scholars all over the Northern hemisphere now does it?

Walt Whitman was largely unappreciated for at least ten years after Leaves of Grass was published. Now he's considered, by many, to be "the" American poet.

Are the masses so keen as to merit our concern? Should our tastes be driven by their every whim?

Are you about to take up twerking as well?

>> No.9508810

hey i like milo you fruit

>> No.9508958


That is why I stopped reading books about 3 years ago.

>> No.9508967

>implying Mishima wasn't himself a degenerate manlet who breathed and bathed in absorutery grorious nippon autismo

>> No.9508974

literally better than Henry James at his own game

>> No.9509333

He's a Westaboo: the recurring mention of Western mythology, texts, music, and - to a lesser extent - films evince this. It isn't necessarily that they're forced, it's more that they're a part of his personality and he draws from that well indiscriminately.

Personally, I enjoy it because it's another perspective on Japan's complicated relationship with Western culture. It isn't particularly worthwhile in its own right, however. And yes, it gets grating.

>> No.9509349

I'm reading it right now and I have no desire to gorge myself on it in the way that I did with Wind-Up Bird and Kafka.

The structure is lackluster (for fuck's sake, Chapter Six is a FIFTH of the book), the references to Western culture feel uncharacteristically superfluous, the prose isn't particularly compelling, nor are the characters. It doesn't transport me in the way that his later works do, which is depressing. I'm left wondering if it's intentional or merely amateurish.

I'd like to like it, but fuck.

>> No.9509365

OP is probably pasta, but Japanese can be possessive about their culture and language. The fact that Murakami writes in a casual, Westernized way and deals with themes and subjects which aren't particularly Japanese pisses some people off.

At least, that's what I've gleaned from reading about how his work translates and some critiques.

I literally had to answer 12 CAPTCHAs to post this, what am I doing with my life.

>> No.9509782

I don't really like most popculture references. And I don't mean the homages or some abstract reference, but the ones that show it into your face.

>> No.9509848
File: 9 KB, 200x249, 957894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je suis français. Je vis en France.
Aimez-vous cet écrivain ?
En France il n'est personne.
Personne ne l'aime.
Cela veut dire que vous, les américains, êtes mauvais parce que vous achetez trop de ses livres.