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/lit/ - Literature

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9503797 No.9503797 [Reply] [Original]

anyone read it? anyone have an epub?

>> No.9503811

> Expected publication: June 30th 2017 by Zero Books

You have to wait a little bit more

>> No.9503819

my bad, heard her on a podcast and could have sworn it was released may 5 or something

>> No.9503824

why did she title it that?
waifu material?

>> No.9503902
File: 24 KB, 276x280, great liberator of berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman thinks her sociology degree will let her understand a discussion board used only by men

>> No.9503906

her article about the same subject was more on point than a lot of people have been when discussing 4chan.
so maybe this will be good, I'll probably read it.

>> No.9503916
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>anthropologist or sociologist or DIGITAL MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT "studies" 4chan
>read their article
>"Epic for the win XD 4chan culture is le memes reddit frog :P Pepe was created as a meme in 2015 to le epic hack the gibson. Moot for the woot, create an account on 4chan and post 'memes' today"

>> No.9503921

If there is one thing that annoys me from all this mainstream coverage from news and academics, is how they capitalize the C in 4chan.

>> No.9503922

>using reaction pictures will surely give depth to my inane, retarded 'arguments'

>> No.9503924

its the best most informed attempt at writing about 4chan so far

it still makes a ton of (mostly small) errors that will upset anyone who actually uses the site daily and followed the events described as they were happening

>> No.9503925

this post is non sequitur and out of place enough that i could see this being angela nagle

>> No.9503932

it would seem possible that she represents a new, serious interest in the topics of conversation that have been taken for granted as unrepresentable in standard media. Not unlike all the buzz of that Red Pill movie going around

>> No.9503935

4chan (and online culture in general) is inherently indescribable. Even regulars that have spent the majority of the last 10 years here are incapable of keeping up with all the meme dialectics, falseflags, and the general sentiment regarding any specific topic. There's no narrative to be told, only progressively more uninformed points of view

>> No.9503941

this, pretty much. Makes for some pretty good avant-garde bullshit like TLoTiaT and other similar New Insincerity crap. The whole "meme jihad" of the past 6 months or so and how beautifully misunderstood it's been, with Pepe and now Kek being flagged as 'hate speech' is another great example

>> No.9503947

>actually uses the site daily


>> No.9503960
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There is simply no discussion to be had on 4chan "culture", sure you can go and describe and explain all the memes, but that's not even the point of the entire website. People don't browse 4chan for the "dank memes" like they browse reddit, tumblr or twitter, that description can maybe describe your typical 14 years old that browses /b/, but not much else. You can already see how misinformed the author of the book is, using "kill all normies" and a frog, while the majority of people on 4chan are already starting to denounce Pepe and especially the word "normie", nobody that has used 4chan for a long time really uses "normie" anymore, it's either normalfag or a different abbreviation of it, simply because the majority of people outside of 4chan are starting to use normie ironically and unironically in their speech, and people on 4chan simply don't want to associate with this type of people.

If the book delves into /pol/ "culture", which it most likely will, then what is there discuss? Why people call Canadians "A fucking leaf" or why sudacas shitpost Peruvians with "el PeruANO", why Australians are despised but loved as well? The entire board is simply many different people with many opinions sharing their opinions on what is happening in the world, sure a lot of them are right wing, natsocs or something else, but what the hell is there to describe? "pol is a website where many nazis and right wing people go to discuss modern day politics" is pretty much the only honest description you can make without delving too far into describing memes.

The entire book will be either a ridiculous rant about the alt-right culture (which isn't even 4chan or /pol/ culture, but rather a red wing culture from reddit) or just an article about (alt) right wing culture in general, which again, doesn't even really apply to 4chan, and why not make just a book about the (alt) right in general?

>> No.9503962

Oh, can't wait to read some leftist try to explain 4chan for us.

All leftists ever do is attempt to frame everything in their narrative's favor. There will be no real insight or understanding.

>> No.9503965

this is pretty much valid - culture arises from expression, but in an anonymous setting where discussion is virtually erased after running its course, no culture can arise aside from the memetic twisted recall of individuals

>> No.9503969


I feel like understanding 4chan is a mindset. You would have to be on this site for years, probably like several years if not a decade. And it requires a certain temperment, one that prefers the anonymity and low moderation and lack of points/karma, to really understand why people use this website and what its about. Every time I read a write-up about 4chan it seems hopelessly disconnected.

>> No.9503982

its pretty comprehensible off the bat. I've been here for several terrible years and am approximately 90% less interested in it than I was when I was 15.

>> No.9503987

But all the words in the title are capitalized.

>> No.9503993

>implying you read books
>implying you don't spend all of your time shouting at strawmen on the internet

>> No.9504036

Shit, same here. Tbh I don't even know why I frequent this site anymore. I used to fuck with it 24/7 back in hs, but now I feel like I only come for the nostalgia factor. A testament to my not wanting to grow up. Man, fuck this place...

>> No.9504042

This website is just an indefinitely long Stand on Zanzibar sequel. I need to get out.

>> No.9504050

>her article about the same subject

link please?

>> No.9504053


>> No.9504055


i'm old as shit and have yet to find a better place to talk about literature that isn't uptight as fuck, it's nice to be able to blast of snarky opinions without getting attacked, sometimes i don't even fully believe the opinions that i blast off, i just feel like it's important to be contrary and get that shit off your mind, you have to keep some logically consistent systemic worldview held together irl it's nice to just come on here and each topic is atomic and can be viewed individually and not part of some grand narrative, it's pomo as fuck t b h, deal with it sincerityfags

>> No.9504058

>red pill movie
what the fuck

>> No.9504066


here you go

>> No.9504068

it's a thing, google it
the term "red pill" is used pretty erroneously (or, in a very limited sense) to refer to MRA/MGTOW ideas, or general anti-feminism

>> No.9504070

lol @ boxxy being resurrected as an alt-righter

>> No.9504072

>unironically linking a Shoeonhead video
go kill yourself you reddit fuck

>> No.9504081

Shoe is pretty plebeian but she does give a decent breakdown of the movie

>> No.9504095

4chan is a right-wing website. If you disagree you're part of the problem. Plus you conflated /pol/ with /int/ which makes me think you are a pseud.

>> No.9504100
File: 147 KB, 692x719, Babbling_Corpse_Zero_Books_Book_Info_-_2017-05-13_23.45.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero books
really activates ye olde braine

>> No.9504103

says who you little shit, 4chan is a maoist website now go back to the ricefield you round eye mofo

>> No.9504104

>4chan is a right-wing website

>> No.9504105

yeah but it's also super gay since most of the dudes are pervs who wack it to cartoons and traps, so for normies trying to put it in standard left/right it doesn't really fit, which i guess is what makes it "alt right"

>> No.9504112

This is going to be a book on "4chan culture" and completely misinterpret or misunderstand it.

>> No.9504114

member boxxy?

>> No.9504115

>4chan is a right-wing website
What the fuck are you even talking about? We have no way of knowing that.
Just because r/thedonald is the most obnoxious group on the entire website does not mean the majority agree with them.

>> No.9504117

What a shitty book

>> No.9504118

/lit/ is traditionalist and socialist but definitely not capitalist or right-wing.

>> No.9504125
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what a qt!

>> No.9504129

>not right wing
Fuck off faker.

>> No.9504130
File: 300 KB, 1265x1563, 1368288012539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of previous 4chan books ever got it right, and this one won't either

And into the trash can it all goes...

>> No.9504134

I hate this world in which everybody is always a fucking victim. Men are victims, women are victims, children are victims, faggots are victims, trannies are victims, students are victims, animals are victims, fucking trees are victims, etc. pp.

Is liberal democracy based on the formation of interest groups who assert the validity of their stakes through self-victimization? It increasingly feels like it. Makes me wanna go on a fascist powertrip and put people in camps tbqh.

>> No.9504136

edgy title to get people like us to pay attention
her interview on chapo shows that she really doesn't understand 4chan that well at all, but i guess she gets credit for trying

>> No.9504137

>traditionalist and socialist

>> No.9504144

mook should just get rid of /pol/, that way we would be finally left alone

>> No.9504145

>implying 4chan isn't a website of insane contradictions

>> No.9504147

Id comment on this but i feel OP is really phishing for info here.
Makes me think op is nagel herself.
Stealing ideas from anons.

>> No.9504148

is 4chan really that hard to understand tho? ok yeah there's a ton of slang and jargon and everyone is just rude as shit, but beyond that what else is there to get?

>> No.9504153

/pol/ isn't even the main board of most /pol/acks. The problem would just migrate to /b/, /int/ or /bant/

>> No.9504156

>Stealing ideas from anons.
Why would she do that? My book is already written and printed

>> No.9504157

Some of the stuff that is ironic is hard for people to get.

>> No.9504158

doesn't /v/ get the most traffic of any board anyways?

>> No.9504160



I tried r/literature but was shadowbanned within a month.

>> No.9504162

Everything about this site is hard to understand because everything is so contradictory.
Browsing the site daily for years is the only way to "get" it but even then I don't think that means very much because the only difference is that you've been exposed to the contradictions

>> No.9504163

Has Zero Books ever published anything that wasn't complete garbage?

>> No.9504168

i think the fact that it kind of blends sincere opinion with shitposts and bait confuses a lot people who don't participate

>> No.9504170

Mark Fisher (rip) isn't bad. kind of a Jameson-lite with heavier emphasis on electronic music culture
Zero is mostly garbage pseudo-academic writing though

>> No.9504172

Only if you add the /v/ daughter boards. /pol/ is the biggest board traffic-wise.

>> No.9504179

I've been coming here on and off since 06. (initially with /b/, then only for pr0n (old-timers term for porn) , and now just /lit/.

I still don't really understand this place and I often still get confused who's being genuine and who's on 20 layers of irony.

Back in 06 it was so much simpler. There was only like 2 layers of irony max, and the memes were very simple, but quite retarded and embarrassing.

>> No.9504181

After reading a review of the book I gotta say, she gets everything. At least, she perfectly describes the political moment.

What is the left gonna do to stop the alt right from ending human civilization though?

>> No.9504182


i find it very difficult to perform in normie society at all, after spending nearly half my life on 4chan. i am being 100% honest when i say i find it intuitively strange that normies would get weirded out if i said nigger in front of them. sometimes i just want to say nigger. it doesn't mean i'm racist. sometimes i want to say a lot of things. sometimes i want to say things i don't believe, or i'm not sure i believe, or some version of me could believe and i want to try him out and see what he looks like.

normies are weird. they cry about obama not getting elected a third time and shit like that. they take their social lives really seriously. they get upset at 27 different violations of the normie dress code if you don't wear your clothes properly.

i used to think i'm fairly bland and normal but now i've realised that i'm scaring the fuck out of normies on a daily basis just by going outside and not really knowing the secret mysteries of how to dress like one of them.

i just put on a shirt my mom bought me when i was 15 and it still fits. it's not gross or anything. but i get the distinct impression, like a hairs on the back of my neck feeling of unfriendly eyes watching me, that something about my shirt, something about how it fits with all the other articles of my clothing that are just as bad, is immediately off-putting to normies. like when i look at a picture of chris chan wearing an autism beanie with a propeller on it. that's what i look like to normies, and all i did was select a t-shirt.

i had a girlfriend once somehow, and she told me that sneakers are "weird" and you're not "supposed" to wear them. i was really confused. she made me buy converse instead, which have no arch support and really hurt my feet. why would one pair of comfortable shoes be "weird" and another arbitrary pair of sneakers not be? what does "not supposed to" mean? she wouldn't explain, she just kept saying it

i don't understand. i've given up. if i try to go to another literature forum i immediately just want to say nigger nigger nigger nigger for no reason. the fact that they would get upset if i said nigger is like a normie stink on the air, and it just makes me want to say nigger more. i want to grab one of them and shake him until he fucking explains why his brain has internalized rules for other people's shoes. i don't like any of this fucking society

>> No.9504183

Everyone's a victim of existence, bro.

>> No.9504189


Fine as flour!

>> No.9504191

>What is the left gonna do to stop the alt right from ending human civilization though?
its just the current swing of cultural pendulum, the politics you talk of only exists for teenagers and YAs and is dismissable as a bump in the road. everyone thinks the things happening in their time will be the big change, but very little really changes, it just seems that way when you are a kid.

>> No.9504194

>i had a girlfriend once somehow, and she told me that sneakers are "weird" and you're not "supposed" to wear them. i was really confused. she made me buy converse instead, which have no arch support and really hurt my feet. why would one pair of comfortable shoes be "weird" and another arbitrary pair of sneakers not be? what does "not supposed to" mean? she wouldn't explain, she just kept saying it

Sneakers are weird, because they're shit, cheaply mass produced shoes, fucking plastic shoes, made to be replaced every year. The only thing wrong with what your girlfriend said is that she told you to get converse (which are only slightly better considering they're made from a natural fabric. But they're still shit)

Get some real shoes that will last you 5-10 years. Be a man.

Also, is this pasta?

>> No.9504199

That's just the slave morality talking.

>> No.9504202

4chan is not a rightwing website, it's actually a self-help website...look at all these fucking forums: fashion, lifting, reading, etc. that's the real reason ppl chill here, you pick up a lot of good shit the whole time but by acting like dicks the whole time you don't feel guilty for trying to better yourself

>> No.9504204

>That's just the slave morality talking.

There's nothing wrong with slave morality.

>> No.9504206

>4chan is not a rightwing website, it's actually a self-help website

Except for pol.

>> No.9504207

You're probably right. I'm just frustrated that it looks like I have to put up with global warming because of people's cultural insecurities. This shit should not be political.

Of course maybe it's all a Chinese hoax or we'll science it away somehow.

>> No.9504208

>getting self-help advice from greasy basement-dwelling shitposting virgins
No wonder this place is fucked.

>> No.9504214

>i want to say nigger nigger nigger

it's not so much that i want to say nigger nigger nigger it's that i want to say "marx is fucking retarded can't you see he misunderstood the french revolution, and got confused conflating industrial production with capitalism etc" but at the same time turn around and tell fags "historical materialism and class analysis is incredibly useful way to look at history and if you dismiss marx because the soviet union sucked then you are fucking stupid" then i get attacked by everybody and banned from whereever

the only other place that had the same spirit was old slashdot when they allowed unlimited posting ass "anonymous coward" but that was a tech site so you didn't have the diversity of shit to bitch about that one does here, but there were plenty of times i would heatedly argue for or against open source development as the feeling struck me

>> No.9504215

So Zyzz dressed as an insufferable pomo-reading hipster is the essence of 4chan?

>> No.9504220

stop projecting, loser

>> No.9504221

dude, did you watch hwndu? it was all brown kids, they are trying to adopt the better points of white culture, saying their own cultures didn't value hard work, education and respect for the law etc., but instead of just becoming liberal protestants they go too far and become nazis, also so much of /pol/ is trying not to get ripped of by the jews, which is actually just a way for otherwise right leaning people to moderate their consumerist impulses without sounding marxian

>> No.9504233

What irritate me is her mischaracterisation o de Benoist and the Nouvelle Droite which no one in the alt right treats with respect and nuance. She makes the same mistake in defining metapolitics as they do

>> No.9504242

This post brought to you by The Underground Man
But I think most of us can agree with this sentiment. Sometimes you just want to do shit that doesn't actually mean anything or we don't actually care/believe in and this is pretty much the only place you can do that.

>> No.9504261

>mfw Jackie, Jesus, Leafbro, Narutobro n tha gang have drifted out of my life

>> No.9504273

why don't they literally just frequent several boards on 4chan and other chans? fucking anyone on /lit/ (aside from the leddit immigrants) would write a far better insight into 4chan culture and history.

>> No.9504280

>normies will never understand me i'm so le unique reeeee xD

>> No.9504286

hi angela, enjoying your stay?

>> No.9504287
File: 1.40 MB, 4032x3024, jesus last supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504291

>no more late nights with Jackie
>no more undercover missions with Jesus
>no more autism with Narutobro
>no more rundowns from Bogdabro
It hurts

>> No.9504297

i had a small depressive episode when it concluded because my brain had gotten used to it as a friend simulator

>> No.9504304

...so this is the power of white nationalism?

>> No.9504312

HWNDU was an absolute nigger festival from start to finish.

>> No.9504313

no pls stop it is of much hurt

>> No.9504314

>most aren't even white

>> No.9504319

I began trying to write that as soon as I opened this thread
I think you have to know this place and live it to really be able to disassemble and examine this place.

>> No.9504320

and it was such a goddamn beautiful tragedy so beautiful omg

>> No.9504323

i member when jesus was doxxed and bolted home to tell everybody how much everything meant to him and to just forget about him if we could. i legit hurt from that.

>> No.9504324

It was okay before everyone showed up to yell KEK and spout teh epik memes. When it was just people talking politics in front of a camera it was okay.

>> No.9504332
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He didn't seem to care too much did he? He's some aspiring wrestler and film school student or something.

>> No.9504333

I think she understands one segment of 4chan's population very well, but that belies the various kinds of people that browse and post. For every political radical there's an apolitical consumer whose turned his pornography into a lifestyle. The fascist or male chauvinist parts of 4chan are mostly just a symptom of broader atomization and curatorial attitudes toward mostly worthless masturbatory activity. So in a way, 4chan is more representative of normal people (and the psychotic attitudes they display when not accountable) than she lets on.

>> No.9504334

I wonder if you legitimately have the 'tism. What shoes were you wearing?

>> No.9504346


Don't read this expecting anything but a cheap laugh at the author's shortcoming of understanding. I can already tell from the title that it will get nothing right. This book will read like it was written by a snooty anthropologist who gets to go home and take a bath after spending the day observing savages. Expect more and more books like these to pop up now that the last US election has legitimized this place in the eyes of the world.

You really can't make sense of this place as an outsider. Here's an example. I always laugh whenever I see a two paragraph plus post about the toll that 4chan's constant negativity takes on the psyche, about how casually toxic this place is. The writer has only just realized that his mind is a door with no lock and that he is carrying 4chan around with him wherever he goes. Invariably the post ends with a declaration (I'm leaving this place for good, guys) and maybe a warning (you will too if you know what's good for you). I laugh because several years ago I wrote something just like this, maybe even a few such posts, but I am here now writing this one, too. What is there to say? It's the closest thing we have to a scream. It doesn't help, though, because in the few days or week before we come back we start to get tired of reading anything with a name at the end, knowing that anyone with a job and an address is, out of iron necessity, only paying lip service to real sincerity. Most of all we miss the indignant sincerity in ourselves that can only be brought out by the stupidest (and cleverest) posts. How can anyone without a history here know that? I've been browsing this site for years and I still have no idea what's really going on, so what can Ms. Nagle possibly have to say? I don't know why we're compelled to come here - I do know that she's compelled to come here because she has a book on memes to finish. But fair warning to all the scribblers out there who think they can do a better job: there is no writing a good book on 4chan without writing a book on the people who browse it, in other words, yourself. And writing about that sincerely is too painful.

>> No.9504351

>conflating industrial production with capitalism
but theyre usually retards who think people have only woked in factories and can only work for other people

>> No.9504353

add a stack of doujins and a box of pocky that he eats from while a tranny blows him, yes thats pretty much the chans

>> No.9504358

"Sauce?" is culture.

Culture is a very wide net, and the very content of the morass you speak of.

>> No.9504367

>And writing about that sincerely is too painful.

The problem is that you assume that one can only have a good interpretation of this place if they're actively consumed by it. Writing about how you're a loser is painful for you, but it isn't painful for someone else. I mean, one can mostly just summarize 4chan as a place for losers to vent and masturbate. Perhaps in the past there was an exclusivity, but that's totally gone now.

>> No.9504378

>i want to grab one of them and shake him until he fucking explains why his brain has internalized rules for other people's shoes.
you're going in my novel

>> No.9504385

The fact that there are people who would self-regulate themselves to the point of avoiding saying an offensive word or something in as free a context as in a private space between two close friends saddens me, especially if they take this as a point of pride - and aren't Christians or something who believe in some instrinsic, completely real moral property to all actions and believe in a universal consciousness, rather than these secular robots who let themselves be limited by the empty, utterly powerless opinions and value structures of others, even with their most intimate confidant, even within their solitary consciousness.

>> No.9504388

>letting your girl friend dress you
thats pretty normie anon

>> No.9504397


>The problem is that you assume that one can only have a good interpretation of this place if they're actively consumed by it.

Is this really such a stretch? 4chan is a really crazy phenomenon if we're being honest. You can summarize it in a couple of words, sure, but you're not getting to the heart of the matter at all. I predict that this book probably won't get to the heart of the matter either.

Also, everyone is a loser in one way or another. Though you're right, maybe the spook is that browsing 4chan is an ultimately negative thing, but given the attitude most people who browse it have towards it, it's almost universal.

>> No.9504407


I mean that it's a universally held attitude.

>> No.9504418

yea write your own book then lul

>> No.9504424

You're mistaking the purpose of the author. She isn't trying to explain the cultural intricacies of 4chan, she's explaining its most prominent political expressions within the context of the broader "culture wars." And in the end the lowest denominator of 4chan isn't really that different from the broader trends of internet culture represented by reddit, somethingawful, anime and gaming forums, etc.

>> No.9504442

"chans are a bunch of edgy english speaking contrarians"
there, saved you several hours of reading drivel


>> No.9504453


>She isn't trying to explain the cultural intricacies of 4chan, she's explaining its most prominent political expressions within the context of the broader "culture wars."

I don't think these are separate things, really. Or at the very least an understanding of one without the other would be poor.

>And in the end the lowest denominator of 4chan isn't really that different from the broader trends of internet culture represented by reddit, somethingawful, anime and gaming forums, etc.

I think it can be argued that 4chan is more than just another mirror, as a large part of what we know as Internet culture had its start here. But it could just as likely be that I have tunnel vision.

>> No.9504492


Fucking this. And it will fool you into thinking it's not. I came here about seven years ago because it was le secret forbiden club with the freshest dankest memes composed of people who seemed to despise humanity as much as my edgy teenage self. Quckly realising how more comfortable I was with the anonymous slightly anarchic format than your avarge forum it became my go to place for discussing video games. Then /tv/ made me develop an interest in film I have to this day which thankfully replaced video games. /lit/ got me in to reading "serious" literature which is my main hobby now. /fit/ made me pick up physical excercise, /ck/ cooking and the list goes on. People taking everything seriously and calling people out on the most minor bullshit on this site is great for the overall quality of taste, fact and discussion, but the constant irony, memes and shitposting which you learn to filter ridiculously well after a while fools you into thinking it's just the most retarded timewaste ever. And it totally is at the same time.

To sum up 4chan I would say it fucking garbage aware of being garbage, but I have yet to find any better website. I think that the biggest difference between regular users and neewfags is that neewfags still find the site cool and have yet to realize how shit it is.

I fucking hate this place but I keep coming back.

>> No.9504496

Asking why we're contrarian is a much more interesting question

>> No.9504502

>seven years ago

>> No.9504512

She wrote quite a good article about 4chan
I'm sure plenty of you will be outraged that it doesn't cater to you specifically but whatever.

>> No.9504516

no one cares about your shitty article
go suck your professors cock

>> No.9504517


When are those pussies gonna debate the TRS guys?

>> No.9504521

You write like a woman, Nagle. That's how we know it's you. It's also how I know you're incompetent.

>> No.9504525

Defining oneself by disagreeing on the anonymous forum is much handier than by agreeing.

>> No.9504528

>implying she didnt just buy a bunch of shills

>> No.9504549

wtf, is there even a *single* white in this pic?
they're literally all wogs

>> No.9504550 [DELETED] 

>no one cares
Nigger there were at least two threads about it with 200+ replies before.

Why would she want her book shilled here? The book is about you, not for you. Besides, you don't pay for books; just tendies.

>> No.9504554

>no one cares
Nigger there were at least two threads about it with 200+ replies before.

Why would she want her book shilled here? The book is about you, not for you. Besides, you don't pay for books; just tendies.

>> No.9504558

Chapo is an entertainment show. They shit over debates regularly because they don't think it serves any purpose.

>> No.9504560
File: 41 KB, 320x240, 1477442656576[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic of shill right now

>> No.9504563

>Why would she want her book about 4chan shilled on the 4chan literature board?

>> No.9504564

>Besides, you don't pay for books; just tendies.

you stand out like a sore thumb

this amateurish lack of understanding is exactly why no one gives a shit about your book

>> No.9504567

>The book is about you
>not "us" or "this website"

this is literally angela nagle kek

>> No.9504569
File: 364 KB, 1500x1129, 1307632436075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, why would she want to explain 4chan to 4chan? Are you seriously this thick?

You can see anything you want if you look hard enough, newfag.

>> No.9504580


If she learned anything at all from researching 4chan, it should have been that your work is only worth anything if it survives being torn apart by hundreds of arrogant assholes with no filter.

>> No.9504582

>listening to chapo

>> No.9504588

It's not literature though. It's sociology or anthropology or politics or some other bullshit. It's only being posted here because you're all so desperate to feel important. As though she'd be posting in this thread, just wishful thinking.

>> No.9504589

>is 4chan really that hard to understand tho?
It's utterly incomprehensible to machines built for obedience

>> No.9504592

C'mon guys, go easy on her. You can see she's trying hard to fit in: >>9504569

>> No.9504594
File: 433 KB, 800x533, tips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's utterly incomprehensible to machines built for obedience

>> No.9504595
File: 36 KB, 778x512, 1481315062174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Angela if you were an angle you'd be acute one

Will you go on a date with me? I'll buy your annoying sjw book.

>> No.9504597

Out of my way skeezix, I saw her first.

Angela can I lick the bottoms of your feet?

>> No.9504601

They've had episodes where they debated a libertarian Reason guy another where they debated a TradCath.

They were both boring, unedifying listens.

>> No.9504602 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 598x477, 1494750660790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit! You found me out, I am actually Angela. I was so hoping that you'd spend your neetbux on my book, but now I'm found out! pic related

>> No.9504605

Your definition of literature is a little off, mate.

>> No.9504606

i was looking for leftitst things comparable to ben saphiro, joe rogan with some of his guests and that kind of thing and tried listening to a couple of chapo podcasts, but i couldn't get into it at all. it looked like they were having lots of fun but most of the jokes i didn't understand or thought weren't very good, and they didn't really critizice a lot of things with arguments i could make sense of.

any other leftist shows you guys recommend?

>> No.9504609

depends if you mean literature as in all books or literature as in literature and the humanities where it's distinct and that's what this board is.

>> No.9504610

>why his brain has internalized rules for other people's shoes
They have been conditioned to mistake their fellow human beings for machines, in doing so they inevitably judge and fear and hate machines that do not function as they do, like in: >>9504594

>> No.9504615


4chan is legitimately the best way to get really into an interest beyond a surface level. These boards expect you to have knowledge of certain core aspects of whatever interest they are devoted to in order to properly take part, but as well as this the constant memeing and discussion of the same things over and over means you get brought up to speed very fast. It's fantastic for picking up new interests.

>> No.9504620

A publisher that lives up to its name

>> No.9504623

its just some retard baiting, 6/10 though

>> No.9504630

Classic Angela

>> No.9504636
File: 22 KB, 331x318, Barack-Cheesin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is legitimately the best way to get really into an interest beyond a surface level.

>> No.9504642

this american life?

>> No.9504649


Let me rephrase.

4chan is one of the best ways to get into an interest in an autodidactic manner beyond the normie circlejerk.

I don't think you appreciate how prevelant the normie circlejerk is on literally every single subject on the internet.

4chan is a circlejerk too, but contempt for the normie circlejerk tends to lead to a broader section of materials we circlejerkover, and one that is a bit more erudite than liking Mumford and Sons or Ready Player One

>> No.9504655

>I don't think you appreciate how prevelant the normie circlejerk is on literally every single subject on the internet.

If you think this, you're a normie.

>> No.9504660

yes, we regularly call each other niggers on the Fountainpennetwork

>> No.9504665

Yeah they said they're probably never doing something like that again

>> No.9504667

>Implying normies don't call each other nigger.

If you can't find places of in depth subject matter on the internet, it implies you aren't reaching any further than reddit et al.

There are far better places to get in depth than 4chan. Although this is a decent place for discussion and questions.

>> No.9504672


Sure, for most subjects. But 4chan is incredibly accessible for someone who is already familiar with another aspect of the site.

>> No.9504673

This desu senpai
From where I am now I can safely tell that browsing 4chan has bettered me considerably. I read more, I lift, I'm more confident, I can interact with normies better and I have more practical knowledge of some things. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel brothers.

>> No.9504675

>Implying normies don't call each other nigger.
no one under 60

>> No.9504684
File: 23 KB, 500x333, Laughing-Men-In-Suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being above 14 year old girls on facebook and reddit is an achievement
I'm sorry, but if you see 4chan as le sophisticated erudites' club then you must have never actually been interested in anything beyond basic bitch level. Enjoy your honeymoon period, I guess.

>> No.9504685

name a better english language anime forum than /a/

>> No.9504686


Name a better English language literature forum that has more than maybe 10 active posters desu

>> No.9504692

>Everything about this site is hard to understand because everything is so contradictory
That's because it's full of people with different opinions, who are often not being honest about their opinions anyway. That's not 'hard to understand' unless you start from the assumption that this website has a single point of view, which is an assumption a five minute visit (or even just looking it up on Wikipedia) will disprove.

>> No.9504699

Step outside sometimes, your hopeless autismos.
>English literature
Discussing Very Hungry Caterpillar with my little cousin has been more interesting and productive than months of browsing this shithole full of contrarian teenage pseuds.

>> No.9504701


and yet here you are

>> No.9504703

And yet you still browse here...

Really gives cause to ponder.

>> No.9504706

Yes, I'm here to post ebin memes, pretend to be retarded and engage in similar autistic activities. I'm not deluding myself into thinking my time here has any productive value. Unless you're completely new to literature it has nothing serious to offer really, besides maybe 1 decent philosophy thread a month.

>> No.9504715
File: 633 KB, 3658x2329, K-ON%21.full.1165135[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime > literature, loser

>> No.9504716

>4chan is not a rightwing website, it's actually a self-help website
There's no reason to think that it cannot be both, and I'd actually say that both are connected because the insecurity and neurosis that pervades the site, which leads to the self-help and therapeutic aspects of 4chan culture, really only make sense from a right wing perspective. The obsession with feminism, immigration, multiculturalism, and the pervasive sense of straight white men as victims who require empowerment (redpilling, lifting, reminder of our own natural supremacy in literature, etc.) is only convincing from a right wing perspective. There's also plenty of banal issues that get dealt with around mental health and the difficulties of transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, but so many 4chan obsessions really only make sense from an explicitly right wing political perspective.

I'll be interested to see how to author deals with the (comparatively) recent obsession with "cucking" which combines political and personal concerns.

>> No.9504720

>every subject I dont like is banal and a sign of insecurity

>> No.9504726

>muh teenage insecurities and victim complex are all very sophisticated and interesting topics

>> No.9504731

/pol/ and /r9k/ is not trve 4chan
they are mostly unconnected to the rest of the site

>> No.9504732

There are plenty of people on here outside /pol who are not right-wing.

I think calling 4chan a right wing website is misleading. Yes, it is far more right wing than it was a few years ago, but there are plenty of centrists and left-wingers on various boards.

>> No.9504733

By "banal" I don't mean "boring", I mean common and everyday - the problems experiences by huge numbers of people, and not tied to any political issues. Dealing with mental health is an everyday concern, and having some problems transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is banal because so many people go through it.

You're kidding if you think that there is not a hell of a lot of insecurity on 4chan...

>> No.9504737
File: 475 KB, 983x921, angela nagle tweet picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angela I know you're lurking and I bet you have delectable feet.

>> No.9504738

Yeah, that's definitely true. I wonder if that will be picked up in the book though. Zero are a radical left publisher and they wouldn't be publishing a book on 4chan if there wasn't a strong political critique in the book.

>> No.9504741

Yes, there is surely no racism or reactionary ideologies on the other boards, especially on big boards like /a/ and /v/.

/soc/ please.

>> No.9504742

>only by men
no i won't post tits

>> No.9504744

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.9504750

>people who arent lefties complainingabout whitey opressing are the real proffesional victims

>> No.9504753

>some posts express racist opinions, therefore entire boards are racist
why do you think "/pol/ is leaking again" is a thing?

>> No.9504756

>I'm a poltardian teenager who can't read

>> No.9504758


Is it wrong for me to not want her here?

It feel like she's voyueristically peeping in on us

>> No.9504760

I'm triggered

>> No.9504764

she's qt

>> No.9504770


Excuse my spelling, I'm rocking possibly the worst hangover of my entire life right now

>> No.9504771


Realistically it's the closest thing to female contact many of us will have.

>> No.9504772

Meanwhile on /lit/...

>> No.9504773


Speak for yourself loser I have a gf

>> No.9504778

cute attempt of falseflagging, angela
need more material for one of your articles?

>> No.9504784
File: 178 KB, 462x546, 1482009118362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is your "gf" a pillowcase?

>> No.9504804
File: 74 KB, 809x517, 544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falseflagging on an anonymous cartoon imageboard

>> No.9504814

i read The New Man of 4chan and it seemed decent enough, but the conclusion she reaches is totally incongruent with what was presented in the article

>> No.9504825


You mean the quotes she uses?

It just seemed like she didn't really get the humour

>> No.9504827

there's a p good book by a guy writing about every david bowie song if you're into that stuff

>> No.9504829

what, the left want that honor all to themselves?

>> No.9504840
File: 99 KB, 1024x559, IMG_1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mere man

>> No.9504843

This is superb

>> No.9504846

fuck off don't ever label this place as right-wing again

you're part of the problem

>> No.9504858

She understood /pol/ more or less well enough,
from the irony poisoning to the political nihilism brought on by the extension of trolling culture (what was formerly known as doing it 'for the lulz').

>> No.9504861


>> No.9504864

>doing it 'for the lulz'
>not absurdist

>> No.9504870

Is there any science behind why people do that?
Are they just conditioned by their parents and the media to respond in certain ways to "naughty" opinions?
Or is there perhaps more to this regressive way of living?

>> No.9504873

In my honest opinion 4chan is a place for young insecure men who are kinda, kinda not isolated from the outside world. We find it hard to speak about our emotions in daily life, so we do it anonymously on some imageboard. Hence the 'feel guy' and 'sad pepe' (before he was hijacked by the alt right). Besides talking about emotions, there is also a lot of repressed rage we experience in daily life. That rage we tend to express here as an outlet. This is why there is a lot of hate on 4chan, towards normies, minorities, women and anyone who is 'The Other' for us. /pol/ has nothing to do with politics, just self-hate deflected on the world.

We are people fundamentally unsatisfied with life and this website is our exhaust. We are simple products of this post-Cold War capitalist world. We grew up while everything was given to us on a silver plate, and now we find that we lack all responsibility and work ethic to actually make something of life. We are anxious beings who refuse to take part in the world because we simply don't really know how to. That's why we escape to 4chan where we can be no one: just an anon in a sea of anons.

>> No.9504875

It's impossible to understand /pol/ without understanding 4chan as a whole (where the main feature is the entwining of irony and sincerity to the point where you can't, nor need to, discern them)

>> No.9504879


>> No.9504887

>implying the alt right is not the complete negation of everything 4chan stood for
>implying the alt right does not signify the death of 4chan

>> No.9504889

This is pretty accurate.

>> No.9504890

y u here doe

>> No.9504895

honest: i use this site because i can't stand the self-destructive mentality that forms on any site that allows individual users to be in the spotlight

>> No.9504897


The alt-right is not the death of 4chan, but the birth of it.

>> No.9504899

>implying theres an actual definition for alt-right outside of anyone who doesnt have their lefty professors cock in their mouth

>> No.9504900

Not him but you are part of the problem. 4chan is not a sincere political website, just on an ironic level. Taking /pol/ seriously = negating 4chan and showing that you are actually a newfag

>> No.9504901

That mentality is despicable for sure, but why is it self-destructive?

>> No.9504906

because it leads to users trying to steal any content of value from others, which leads to the place becoming a shithole where you're either famous or someone famous is famous because of your misery

i like 4chan because when we make something on here, it's created by the community, for the community. no names, no recognition to any individual except the collective group that is you and your fellow board-users

on reddit and other sites like it, it's all a competition. people make content to boost their ego on there, not to actually make good content

>> No.9504908

hate to bring up hwndu again, but there was a guy there in its first iteration who once pretended to be on the phone talking about indiana jones 4 while shia lebouf was yelling beside him. he wore a red/orange jacket, dropped some amusing quips and was a little bit awkward

that's how i mentally picture every 4chan user outside of the kiddie boards these days

>> No.9504913

if you believe there is a 'problem' in the first place then you're the newfriend, newfriend

>> No.9504914

Did you listen to the Chapo interview?

>> No.9504917

The alt right is not a creation of 4chan, but from those outside it. Newfags swarmed here when Trump was running for president and mistook /pol/ for being serious. Look at the thousands of Pepe accounts on Twitter and Facebook, or all the shitposting on /r/The_Donald. It cannot even be distinguished from 4chan posts. The alt right had nothing to do with 4chan but they've taken over this whole fucking website and spilled the unique 4chan culture all over the internet, making it not so unique anymore. That's why we have shitty books now like the one in the OP.

You know what I'm talking about when I say alt right
>lefty professors cock in their mouth
ah, this explains it all

>> No.9504918

I see. That sounds true.
>people make content to boost their ego on there, not to actually make good content
Making content (and seeing it being used) actually does boost the ego. However there's nobody to bring down here, the only way to beat someone who made a content is to make something better.

>> No.9504919

pretty spooked

>> No.9504923

exactly! this is why so much fun shit has spawned from here, because people do it with some sort of passion

>> No.9504924

>a leftist can't (and thus refuses) to keep up with the competition
well color me surprize

>> No.9504926

I think it's problematic to push 4chan in some political category by saying it is a right wing website. 4chan does not adhere to political categories

>> No.9504927

>I've taken Intro to Psych and read some blurbs on Lacan: The Post
4chan is full of normal people, and it has been for many years. You could try and employ your shoddy quasi-psychoanalytical thing on an entire website of anonymous people, but it's doomed to fail because "we" are, in fact, many. How do you gauge intentionality out of an amorph, faceless crowd of people? You don't. Just shut up

>> No.9504928

I thought we were nihilists
thats what the lady with the useless degree says

>> No.9504930


i can't tell if you're making a meta-joke or being honest, but it made me chuckle either way

oh right how could i forget

>> No.9504935

>implying content isnt made for how many cancerous faggots post Lol after its posted

>> No.9504938

touché, but i don't think that makes my point invalid, since whoever posts the content is still anonymous, just like everyone else

>> No.9504940

No idea who that is

I have never read Lacan. There are a lot of different people on 4chan yes, but I think there is something people here have in common, or at least the people who frequented this website for years. A video games and anime image board attracts a certain kind of person, there's no denying that. There are a lot of recurring themes here: hate, isolation, envy, sexual frustration/axniety etc. Why is /r9k/ such a popular board? Why does /mu/ insist to not like what the mainstream likes? Why does /pol/ hate women? You have to be fucking blind if you think 4chan is full of normal people.

>> No.9504942

so your only value is inconspicuous consumption of media?

>> No.9504945


>> No.9504946

>she's read Gramsci
hnnng she's better than butterfly, how do i throw money at her?

>> No.9504947

youre talking about the same image board with users that range from bailey jay to irish women who shag their professors for a jumper from penny's

>> No.9504948

yes, but the particulars do not deny the existence of a common thread on this website

>> No.9504953

that everyone speaks english?

>> No.9504958

Who's the Irish woman who shagged for Penny's?

>> No.9504959

These themes lie in the psyche of almost every human being; they end up posted here because 4chan is an anonymous forum. That's all. Notice how that level of not so socially acceptable discourse increases exponentially with the anonymity provided. Youtube's comments section is significantly weirder than Facebook, but still way more kosher than some subreddits, and so on. 4chan is not really a niche website and it hasn't been for a while. If you want actual communities for weird, dysfunctional people, try out the PUAhate forums or wizardchan.
PS: /mu/'s greatest idol is fucking Kanye West

>> No.9504962

>what are "normies"

>> No.9504969
File: 155 KB, 394x464, benedict-disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revering an autist respected only by most retarded marxists and clueless muh heritage liceo classico fags

>> No.9504975

Lmao normalcy is just the average mean of society. If you do not deviate in some regard from what is considered normal in society you yourself do not embody normalcy.

>> No.9504976


Yeah lads I need to know who this Irish woman is

>> No.9504984

>he hasn't read Gramsci
>he hasn't even watched Spaced
It's like you don't know suicide would be better for you.

>> No.9504985

most of the users of this site post 2009

>> No.9504990

I just listened to that. There was no substance whatsoever beyond "The 15 year old sexually frustrated virgins don't even know what patriarchy is lul". The only point they covered (briefly) was the distinction between the alt-right and alt-lite, which, the author couldn't even do in a concise way.

Typical shallow shit where much is assumed about your 'opponents' character and nothing is said about their views. The only interesting thing said, which the alt-right frequently talks about, was when one of the hosts alluded to how the alt-right formed due to late capitalist alienation.

Just horrible.

>> No.9504992

>he hasn't read Gramsci
Actually I have, that's why my opinion isn't derived from shitty sitcoms allusions and skimming wikipedia articles, fagtron.

>> No.9504993

These people are intolerabley self satisfied to listen to. I think Angela has some nuance and is interesting but the ideologues she hangs out with are just John Oliver esque pseuds

>> No.9504996

You're not totally wrong but there's still a certain sameness of attitude to the userbase that isn't shared so widely on other sites. A lot of the Internet is a hugbox, or doesn't have the same standards of language. Most normal people believe the media's idea of "the asshole of the internet".

>> No.9504997

>He doesn't worship King Yeezy

Get out

>> No.9505004

....4chan is a collection of niche hugboxes
theres just no rule against shitting on something

>> No.9505007

>he doesn't like Gramsci
>he thinks Spaced is shit
It really is like you think there's hope for you when there's not and your continuance is just a net loss.

>> No.9505010

Yeah but you don't get banned or downvoted just for disagreeing with someone. Have you tried going elsewhere and behaving the same way? The world's full of softcunts.

>> No.9505013

....how fucking new are you?

>> No.9505017

I don't really care about you or you ebin memetext opinions, my underage friend. Fuck off.

>> No.9505018

Ten, maybe eleven years now? I think the difference is that people on other, non-imageboard sites are less able to take a joke.

>> No.9505024


Spaced is great but Gramsci can suck my nob with his commie nonesense

>> No.9505029

they can, it just cant be provocative, its the inverse here

>> No.9505034

Hah, you really don't know how void your life is. I'm sure all your efforts to despise Gramsci will stop the media processes he describes. I'm sure if you hate him and fun enough, history will reconsider letting Hoggart publish years later, and there will never be Deathcab for Cutie fans who know nothing about libel laws. I should hang round for you victory over materialism, but if you'll forgive me, I'll spend the interim devoting my own energies towards a tulpa of my future waifu, Angela Nagle. Good luck with the whole usurping taste and record thing; I've been having trouble with details too, like the feet, so I do sympathise on that front if not on the other oxygen thief one.

>> No.9505041

Doesn't "taking a joke" imply that it's provocative? It's still a difference. They don't have pissbottles, "we" do.

>> No.9505046

>look I was pretending to be retarded all along
Yes, okay. You win. Now fuck off already.

>> No.9505048

if you want to be eaten by a dog I think you're looking for a different board.
>commie nonsense
He's not that incomprehensible or Communist.

>tfw anon is worse at reading than some newspaper girl
I can't even say I'm disappointed because I have to force my suspicions away often.

>can't even read a 4chan post
>expects me to believe his hate of Gramsci and accusations of wikipedia scholarship don't sound like too much protesting from the lady
Still holding hope that your life stops being sunk cost, I see. Don't worry, I don't expect more from you.

>> No.9505054


>Not that communist
>"He was a founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy"

>> No.9505056

I'm not sure if you're LARPing as insufferable pseud or actually are a delusional halfwit. Either way strongly consider suicide.

>> No.9505060

He's highly critical of most mainsteam Marxist ideas, especially with regard to everything economic and material.
>believing everything that wikipedia tells you
We need a board for people who want to discuss wikipedia articles.

>> No.9505065


I can't fathom why you're taking me and that other guy seriously desu anon

>> No.9505067

>original insults quick!
>tell the anon who spotted my worthlessness to kill himself like i've been told this whole exchange
I know you probably seriously think you have hope in your life but it's just one more of the many infinite things you are wrong about. Which is probably why you're afraid of Gramsci, if one thinks about it.

>> No.9505072


Why do you have such a fucking boner for Gramsci?

>> No.9505073

>he didn't completely agree with other communists'
>that means he wasn't a communist himself
We need a board for retards who can't into basic logic.

>> No.9505074

It's good to remind you you could have read books but instead slowly waste your life away trying to pretend you read books. If you pretended you were Batman, I might even take you more seriously. Show some verve, even the sociopathic vigilante kind.

>> No.9505078

>These themes lie in the psyche of almost every human being; they end up posted here because 4chan is an anonymous forum.
True, but those themes are emphasized here on 4chan.
>Notice how that level of not so socially acceptable discourse increases exponentially with the anonymity provided.
I disagree, the difference is that 4chan is actually anonymous and Reddit/Youtube/PUAhateforums whatevs revolve around a fictive online identity.
>PS: /mu/'s greatest idol is fucking Kanye West
Yes, they worship him and all of his work. The mainstream hates Kanye West but will tell you that 'yea, I liked that song Heartless, I miss the old Kanye'. Blatant Kanye worshipping is going against the mainstream, because Kanye is an eccentric weirdo with psychological issues.

>> No.9505079

Converse are shit and they fall apart within months

"sneakers" is a pretty wide category ranging from fashion items like common projects to utilitarian objects like flyknit racers to walmart autism shoes

guess which one he was wearing

>> No.9505082

Because he writes comfy discussions of culture and myth.
>he doesn't know the difference between "not that... Communist" and "not Communist"
Thank you for enlightening me.

>> No.9505083


You're very angry

>> No.9505087

>everyone who replies to me is the same person
My only reply to you was the last one. You are literally a 12 year old cretin repeating 'kys stupid cuck xD' in a deliberately pseud verbiage. You belong on /pol9k/ or reddit. Now leave, please.

>> No.9505089

I'm not the person you're replying to.

>> No.9505094


You're still very angry

>> No.9505098

You're a very bad psychic hotline. Lie about things that might have plausibility to their intended audience. What's so angry about asking for verve?

>> No.9505101

>my formulation was vague enough to shy away from being outright called out a clueless retard
>haha I win the Internet again
neck yourself underage imbecile

>> No.9505104

I don't think you understand. I didn't post >>9505074, I'm someone else entirely.

>> No.9505105


The verve had like one good song dude

>> No.9505111

>kys is a boring insult
>in defense of using kys as an insult
I think you'll find that virtue ethics like that is more appropriate to the places you name, Mr Boring Mark Two.

>> No.9505123

You guys ruined the thread with your endless namecalling. It's autosaging now and I thought this discussion was interesting ;_;

>> No.9505133

>I misread a simple sentence

[audible groaning] much like the verve

Somehow, you're more lost than anyone else in the quote chain.

>not being saged by anon for namecalling posts
It's on the first page now.

>> No.9505134

I didn't name-call anyone.

>> No.9505135

>virtue ethics
Are you genuinely 12? This is hilarious and sad at the same time.

>> No.9505137

I'm not lost, I'm just being unhelpful.

>> No.9505140

keke I fucked that quote up
>[audible groaning

With due apologies to >>9505104

>> No.9505141

Gramsci was a commie hack

>> No.9505143

if your problem is people who use kys, responding kys to them to prove it's a bad post when they do it alone does require some form of belief in your own elect virtue which transcends your actions.

I appreciate your efforts.

>> No.9505147

Get the fuck out of here, Angela.

>> No.9505151

>halfway decent thread gets completely shit up by autistic /b/-tier teenage "marxist" spamming smug greentexts and baseless insults
I hope you get ass cancer soon, human garbage.

>> No.9505161


>> No.9505165

I've never seen anyone so disturbed by Gramsci as ITT; it's surprising there could be multiple anons who find what's a pretty unobjectionable set of works to be so objectionable, and all these anons seem to base their objections around the same key words. It's as if they never read him, but all read the same retarded blogpost. I wonder what it was advertising that it needed them this mad.

>> No.9505169

>pretty unobjectionable
>literally one of the pillars of "cultural marxist" bullshit going on in latin america and many other places
dirty commies deserve only the boot

>> No.9505178

>Croce comes after Gramsci
>Gramsci's hardline enough to be a pillar
Are you trying to pretend history runs backwards in protest of Croce or something?

>> No.9505179

>surprised /lit/ is shitting on everything
you should stick to reddit and digg

>> No.9505184

who are these autists

>> No.9505186

>it's /lit/
>not a reddit or digg advertiser who would rather Gramsci not be right about what he's doing
If it scares you less, he's something of a relativist and you can probably find many people in the places you advertise who have never heard of him.

>> No.9505187

saviours of western civilization

>> No.9505192

I miss the old kanye

>> No.9505208

>if you have an opinion different to mine on something then you're stupid doo-doo-head who didn't read or haven't """really understood""" the author
Go back to plebbit already.

>> No.9505219
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do you not understand what we do here?

>> No.9505227

Once again, fuck off to plebbit.

>> No.9505232

>not sure if misquoting or just the same desperate samefag that's been trying to pretend to GramsciAnon he has read a book
Maybe you're the unhelpful anon or a bumpbot from Zero Books, but the thread's way funnier if it's someone samefagging this hard because someone called him out on reading Gramsci. The only way it would be funnier was if it was Gramsci anon trying to falseflag as part of the middle class superstructure.

>> No.9505252

I agree with this almost entirely, except that we were brought up with high expectations of what adult life will be like. The rage and hatred against women and minorities is partly because we realize we can't have everything our own way.

>> No.9505300

No matter how hard /pol/ tries to push this meme it will never be true.

>> No.9505319

Don't let the fellow putting (you) in his novel disturb your composure, anon. YOU, brah, with your fine articulation of a minute point are too 'the novelist'. Might I suggest a novella wherein the mc's an OL\IRL fellow whom everyone is theoretically putting in their novel? These comments cd accompany rants and odd (but not so odd) actions occuring over the week in the life of someone like...?
At any rate, good post. Such a following validates your perspective.

>> No.9505324

>book about internet jokes
>titled like it is about a genocidal cult
Normie author reee

>> No.9505332

Because of muh cultural hegemony. Basically cultural marxism.

>> No.9505338

The nice thing about 4chan is that it allows people from all over the world and all over the political spectrum to express their opinions uninhibited. No matter what opinion you express, no matter how "obvious" or "common sense" it may seem, there will always be someone who appears and debates it, even if it's in the most batshit conspiratorial way. It wasn't a "left wing" site ten years ago and it's not a "right wing" site now.

>> No.9505359

>4chan is a right-wing website
Nope, unless you count everyone who isn't an SJW as right wing. And we have some SJWs here as well.

>> No.9505361

Perhaps, but /lit/ was and will ever be a Christian board. Okay? Peace be upon you

>> No.9505366

>everyone is samefagging and falseflagging
Nobody is really interested in your kindergarten shit-throwing contest, gramscitard.

>> No.9505372

Is Angela Nagle /ourgal/?

>> No.9505401

Post those feetsies Nagle

>> No.9505430

If he's a really a committed Gramscitard and samefagging both, it's a funny exchange. That might not be so since you think I'm him.

>> No.9505448
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No. Guaranteed SJW from feet to teeth.

Also I don't see her being spooked enough.

>> No.9505456

Incorrect. The reviews of her book and her podcast appearances suggest she's just as hard on SJWs as she is on the /pol/tards

>> No.9505829

But they had the same point as you did.
>/pol/ has nothing to do with politics, just self-hate deflected on the world.

>> No.9505840

Yeah, Vice did a review of the book and criticized it for being harder on the left then the right. And her "New Man" article near the end criticizes this feminism that's been going for getting rid of free speech and creating the alt-right.

I don't think that the book is all about 4chan, but a history of misogyny on the internet. From PUA's, men's rights, r/TheRedPill, /pol/, and #gamergate.

Her thesis about how the counter-culture has a misogynistic tradition is a interesting one, and I might read the book because of it.

>> No.9505867

>woman author


>> No.9505884

There is a lot of hate, but that's not peculiar to this place. It's only because you are isolated that your view of the "real world" is skewed. I work at a hospital at the intersection of people that differ vastly by social status and intelligence but one thing that unites them is a need to put down other people and an interest in the failings of other people. This is human, maybe it's sad, I'm still unsure on a way to profit from it, but it doesn't define 4chan.

I think 4chan is unfortunately mostly adolescent males that are heavy into computers and STEM, but it's also people that think anonymity and a statement without an identity giving it authority or making it questionable from the outset is interesting. This is also a big thing in normie world - who do I like, have all the other people agreed on whether this person is to be respected or to be looked down upon, etc. - and this aspect doesn't exist on 4chan. Except that you can notice a fool by his spelling sometimes. The anonymity should also make people be more honest, although there is still a lot of pointless bragging. So there's that.

>> No.9505885

If I would put her anywhere, I think I would put her in a new movement I think is emerging online. Right now, I think you'd call these people "brosocialists", as she's mentioned before. Guys who supported Sanders and Corbyn.

This movement is leftist, but rejects the mainstream feminism and other regressive left traits. Sanders even came out against "political correctness" (which is hard to define, but I think what Sanders means is the arbitrary rules for language set up by privileged college intellectuals). The mainstream neoliberalism I think is there biggest enemy, as neoliberalism as co-opted the soc justice talk as a strategy to gain votes that backfired by alienating middle America. This movement sees that the only real privilege is economic class, and minorities can oppress if they are rich.

This movement seeks to gain the sympathy of the white working class, instead of making fun of them which is what the neoliberal mainstream #resistence seeks to do.

>> No.9505939

This movement saw the inevitability of Trump due to the neoliberalism of Obama and the Clintons. They may differ in a few ways, but I think there are figureheads in this movement.

-The Chapo guys obviously, I think they are feminist in a way (and are friends with Zoe Quinn I believe) but are sometimes accused of misogyny and used as shining examples of brosocialists and Bernie Bros

-Shoe0nhead and Armored Skeptic, the couple who became famous on YouTube for being gamergators and mocking feminist/sjws. Although they may seem right-wing, they supported Sanders and were pretty anti-Clinton. They also seem comfortable talking to their political opponents and criticize the anti-SJW community they are technically apart of.

-David Auerbach, the Slate writer and leftist who supported gamergate. He rountiely criticizes online soc justice movements.

-Secular Talk, aka Kyle on YouTube

-Joe Rogan and Michael Tracey are usually described as libertarian, but I think are good allies of this movement. This movement is okay with allying with libertarians on social issues.

-Glenn Greenwald and the Intercept website, along with the Current Affairs website, criticize the mainstream neoliberalism and their tactics.

This movement isn't Communist, but ascribes to the social democracy of Norway and other Scandinavian countries. They'll make fun of alt-right guys like Milo and Cernvoich, but are okay with protecting their free speech and see these guys are nothing compared to neoliberalism.

>> No.9505962

You could also say that Colbert, the Daily Show, and John Oliver were apart of this movement, but grew out of it once Clinton got the nomination.

The movement refused to support Clinton, and either wrote in Sanders/Warren or Jill Stein.

They definitely want Gabbard to run in 2020, and they believe this will stop Trump.

>> No.9505978

When comes to stances on issues, it's pretty much the same.

Free healthcare, free college, better education, secularism. They don't like trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP and see them as destroying the working class, they even criticize the EU and were okay with Brexit. Enivormentalism and renewable energy too.

They aren't Marxists though, and reject the anti-fa for being too militant and crazy. They want to work in the system.

Heck, even Sargon can be apart of this movement, although I think he is becoming more right-wing.

>> No.9506009

Calling these people alt-left isn't accurate. The alt, for both the left and right, should just be replaced by far, as that is what they are. The alt-left is pretty much anti-fa.

The brosocialists movement as I'm calling as I can't think of another name, is also skeptical of the whole Russian-Trump conspiracy (rightly so due to Louis Mensch) and think that Trump is a slick salesmen who bumbled his way into a job he is too incompetent to do.

>> No.9506048


>> No.9506049

the donald is absolutely distinguishable for /pol/. I am convinced that people like this just don't post on /pol/, or you would never say something like this.

Common consensus views on some issues may be similar, but even then the posting style and mode of communication is completely fucking different. No one who has been on /pol/ more than 6 months would mistake a ebin rebbitfag for a /pol/lack

>> No.9506052


So long as she doesn't conclude that misogyny is bad, which it obviously isn't.

>> No.9506065


/pol/ mostly hates Trump now, and indeed already - it hasn't been very long.

I regularly see people being told to go back to /r/the_donald and things to that effect.

I suppose credit should be given where it's due: /pol/ didn't really lower itself to making many excuses for Trump once it became obvious that he was not the President they expected from the presidential campaign.

>> No.9506074


>> No.9506112

The "DONALD IS THE GREATEST NUKE SYRIA NAO HEHEHE NEOCON AMIRITE" shit is the same as the "LOL HILDAWG FTW AMIRITE DRUMPTERFKINS BTFOOOOOOO" shit. Aka, /pol/tards troll /pol/tards troll /pol/tards.

>> No.9506123

I think it's more right than left but depending on the board you're on that can vary wildly.

>> No.9506150
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hi angela

>> No.9506240

i relate so much to this it's ridiculous

you do you man
you do you

>> No.9506274

Hello Angela.

Fuck off.

>> No.9506279


if these are the saviours of american leftism then the movement is in ever worse shape than i thought. the fucking alt-right frog spergs have a higher chance of grassroots influence than these clowns

>> No.9506379

Somewhat unrelated but can culture on 4chan be somewhat likened to culture pre-writing as long term storage of discussions/threads/events are forgotten as there is no way of storing that info long term?

>> No.9506425

>sometimes i want to say things i don't believe, or i'm not sure i believe, or some version of me could believe and i want to try him out and see what he looks like
>i want to try him out and see what he looks like
I think normalfags don't understand this at all. I have lived my whole life like this. I remember once in ethics class in high school I passionately sperged out and argued for utilitarianism, shutting down my whole class, and then the next day showed up and when some kid tried to take a "utilitarian" approach to a problem we were given, called him a immoral piece of shit and spent the whole class arguing in the other direction. After class the teacher was walking out with me, and asked me what had changed my view, and I couldn't answer him, because it hadn't even occured to me that he would consider what I was saying either time to be my view.

What I'm saying basically is I have spent my whole life wrapped in so much irony andpost-irony and pseudo-irony and ironic shitposting and it still being shitposting that I don't even know what is a shitpost anymore. And I like it that way.

>> No.9506715
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