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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 1500x1000, jorge martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9502996 No.9502996 [Reply] [Original]

>responsible for the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation
>millions of fans eagerly awaiting the conclusion
>he can't finish it

What the heck is his problem?

>> No.9503071

>What the heck is his problem?
He's too fat.

>> No.9503080

He's grown very wealthy, and he knows that he doesn't actually need to finish it anymore, and that the show writers will complete the series with or without him, and that his legacy is already established, and that many of his book readers have already lost interest, and there are far more people who watch the show than read the books now, and so his incentive for finishing a ~1500 page book is lower than it ever has been in his career, and he is sad about it, but also secretly relieved because he can die fat and satisfied no matter what he does.

>> No.9503091

>What the heck is his problem?
Well how about:
>responsible for the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation
>millions of fans eagerly awaiting the conclusion

>> No.9503114

He's waiting to die so Brandon Sanderson can complete it for him.

>> No.9503122

>responsible for the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation

Millennials should be sent to reeducation camps.

>> No.9503128

How old are you?

>> No.9503147
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>autistic tolkien fanboy

Face it, George RR Martin vastly improved the fantasy genre with his sense of realism, adult themes, taxes, sex and violence.

>> No.9503157

but Malazan is better

>> No.9503160

He will die unfulfilled. He sold his magnum opus to the Hollywood Jew and the TV series will decide how the story actually ends.

>> No.9503169

I read the previous books when I was 17 and now I don't think I will bother to finish the further ones. Not because I've grown out of it or something but because all this waiting means that he doesn't know where to take it from here. He didn't have it all planned from the beginning as any great author would have, he just took some stories from european history, created a mildly imaginative world and that's it. He didn't mean to say anything with his books nor did he feel the need to tie it up somehow, it was only amateurish. When he does finish it it's gonna suck and he knows it (last 2 books already kinda do). Hell, I bet he even wishes he will die before he can finish it.

>> No.9503171

This. It is not published because they don't want it to be yet.

>> No.9503175

He doesn't want to do it. He's in a narrative corner, everything in the books slowed down and it's boring to write. I barely finished just reading AFFC, I'd kill myself if I actually had to write it and three other 1000-1500 page books.

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9503259

I will admit that I find his books very enjoyable but as soon as you get to the fourth book you realise something is wrong. He got so fucking bogged down in plot and wrote himself into a corner and its perfectly understandable in a way why he is so slow and probably hates writing at this point and just doesn't care but doesn't want to disappoint the millions of people who want to read the ending either.

He's rich, the last two books were mediocre, AWOW is also probably mediocre and he knows it, so he's just putting it off and hating it.

>> No.9503907

Kys pleb. The Sopranos is far and away the best and most iconic show of our generation.

>> No.9503919

That's what happens when you build a web of dozens of characters in a dozen places and juggling all their storylines. He's written himself into several knots and frustrated himself. He's also making bank off the TV show (and he told the TV writers all the big points so they'll complete it if he dies) and merch, so why even bother completing the books? He'll piss off book fans sure, but when you're rolling in money and TV fans, I doubt he really feels bad. He probably realizes he's near death, so he may as well enjoy the time that's left for him, instead of writing for a series that's lost to him.

>> No.9504080

Diner's dragons will kill the zombies and provide dragonglass to arm the soliders, then Sad Snow will become the King of the North and Diner will be the Queen of the South. The end.

Happy endings are basically at odds with his cynical style, so he's written himself into a corner.

>> No.9504087

He could always have the Others win. That seems more Martin-like.

>> No.9504111

too fat

>> No.9504384

>responsible for the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation

My sides!

>> No.9504400

He doesn't know how to finish a story.

He isn't an amazing writer. He knows he doesn't know how to write a decent conclusion, because it's one of the hardest elements of plotting.

>> No.9504417

You could argue that Martin modernized the fantasy genre or made it more commonly "accessible", but you could hardly call it an improvement.

>> No.9504461

>Our generation

Get off the internet pops.

>> No.9504470

>A whole generation ago.

>> No.9504472

>responsible for the most iconic book series

Um. No.

Harry Potter, hellooooo?

>> No.9504514

Take this shit to >>>/tv/ or >>>/co/ or something
I don't even care if it's a book
it's still basically capeshit and the only people who care about it are Redditors

>> No.9504538

>most iconic
I don't like Harry Potter, but I have to agree, Harry Potter is ten times more iconic and influential than song of ice and fire.

>> No.9504613

Was he even well off before the tv show? Did he become rich only in his 60s?

>> No.9504810

Wrote himself into a corner boasting how his fantasy novel differs differently due to being realistic,

>Possible ending is a cliche

>> No.9505241


The miniseries contradicts the books so widely I can imagine that he has no idea how to resolve plots that involve characters still.walking around in the other media. Which is Canon at this point?

>> No.9505371


>> No.9505524

ten years isn't a generation

>> No.9505539
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>> No.9505815

Seems like he just wants to do his Targaryen Silmarillion or whatever.

>> No.9506510

>What the heck is his problem?
He recognizes that he's a hack who has written himself into a corner.

>> No.9506550

>Most iconic tv series


>> No.9506615

I heard a rumour that it was originally going to be a trilogy that ended with Jaime becoming king.

Might have been bullshit, I can't remember the sauce.

>> No.9506778

And Sanderson will write a better book than Martin, at that.

>> No.9506939

Fat man is playing hard to get

>> No.9507373

I think he just is waiting for the tv show to finish, see how fans react to the ending he told them he was heading towards and adjust course accordingly

>> No.9508091

He probably has a finished manuscript laying around to be discovered and published after his heart gives out during a particularly rough shit. That way if it sucks, he'll never have to know that people hated it and his fans can just respond to any criticism with "well, it WAS unfinished."

>> No.9508666

I'm pretty sure he said that they cut 1/5 out of Dance with Dragons because it was too long.
That means he already had a very sizable chunk of his next book finished 6 years ago.

>> No.9508677

My God, the PAGES and PAGES of useless fucking shit this man has produced. All that fucking walking, all those descriptions of food. "A Game of Thrones" was pretty tightly plotted. What the fuck happened?

>> No.9508689

It was originally going to be a trilogy then GRRM just lost his mind with too many POVs.
Ever heard of the Meereenese knot?
He was stuck on what was practically a side plot for over a year trying to work out what to do.

>> No.9508695


He's human and subject to the frailties of the human condition especially in an aging man. Success came too late for him. I imagine he has to pee a lot and then finds he can't go due to an enlarged prostate. That takes up the bulk of his time.

>> No.9508699
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>> No.9508704

>most iconic tv series of our generation
>not the wire or breaking bad

>> No.9508767


Most of the people who run around claiming GRRM is a great writer can't understand those classics.

>> No.9509397

and here i went around thinking that one spends time and not pages

>> No.9509415

breaking bad has sort of been forgotten about already, the normies have moved on to new things.

>> No.9509528

How realistic is A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.9509529


>> No.9509541
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>the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation

>> No.9509918

It's about as realistic as Harry Potter, only with more adult words.

>> No.9510053

And just for kicks, he'll do a whole series as long as GoT about something like the Dance of Dragons and finish it in under a decade, without breaking stride on his other projects at all.

>> No.9510360

He could have spent more time on Westeros' tax policies.

>> No.9510386

Honestly, I could take and leave the books as just an interesting, if overblown story about political intrigue, geopolitics and some interesting characters. Thing is, the actual world of Westeros is pretty fucking boring, being some sort of "fantasy, but not too much fantasy 'cause this is for adults", and then a shitton of characters you don't care about, dragging the plot down to a fucking halt.

Six books and he's finally, vaguely, starting to get into the endgame of the evil winter people. And god, the cliffhangers and the fucking bait-and-switch character deaths. I've already read six books you fat fuck, you don't need to fucking tease my interest anymore. Just fucking tell the story.

>> No.9510447

>vastly improved the fantasy genre
"how much cleaner can we make this turd?"

>> No.9511655

>Tfw I got to the 4th book and realized it was shit
>cant stop reading the series though because I have already started it
I envy those who can read a series without finishing it. Shit drives me insane at night hoping the fat fuck doesnt die so I can know the ending. I'm 23 now. I may never know the ending to asoiaf and if I do with his pace it wont be till I am 30. Lesson learned. Dont trust meme authors or start a series unless its already finished.

>> No.9512611

He doesn't even talk about anyone's tax policy in the books...

>> No.9513287
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>Gets mad due to not knowing the tax policy from Tolkien.
>He himself doesn't have a tax policy besides some one-of-notes

>> No.9513296

Martin will always and forever be inferior to Tolkien because Tolkien has a vision, a transcendent vision, and Martin demonstrably does not.

>> No.9513301

he fucked it up, the books went to shit half way through, as did the show

actually you can find lots of narrative threads that didn't go anywhere/he couldn't make them do anything interesting. All throughout the books, especially in the 1st. It's pretty fucking messy.

>> No.9514051

Better than most fantasy novels. This includes LOTR

>> No.9514085

>the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation
It isn't even very good. "muh gritty realism" and "There's no heroes in life lol"

>> No.9514089

>zombies and dragons
Gee anon, I don't know.

>> No.9514748

People like that

>> No.9516211

>autistic tolkien fanboy
do you critisize Tolkien or a fanboy who has no impact on literature?
Tolkien was a badass motherfucker
Martin is a fucking Hack, even Stephen King can surpass that stupid fat cunt.

>> No.9516244

Most people have shit taste.

>> No.9517086

> never read a page of GGRM or watched a single minute of the show

anyone else continually amazed that normies consume nerd culture now?

every film or book is just = neckbeard capeshit, neckbeard fantasy

>> No.9517131

I agree that those books are all better than any of the GRRM books, but the quote is absolute bullshit. In my option one of the worst things aspiring writers can do is limit themselves to reading brilliant literature. It legitimately helps to see shitty prose to understand good prose. I do not consider the time I have spent reading shitty YA and fanfiction to be a wast because they taught me to better appreciate what makes the classics so good.
I can kind of see it from the point of view of someone who doesn't want to waste any time, but that's only if you have a natural talent for writing/understanding literature or if you have no interest in doing those.

>> No.9517160

Is it as comfy as LotR? I read the hobbit and LotR this spring and I must say they were just about the most pleasant experiences I've had just reading in a long while. It sort of reinvigorated my love of reading. Since April (when I read them) I have been reading like a madman. I actually am starting to be kind of happy again. It also inspired me to get outside more and I have started to hike out into the mountains near where I live and read up in nature. It's been a while since I've been this happy. I didn't even realize I was unhappy until I became happy again.

>> No.9517181

I absolutely fucking hate it. It used to be that fantasy and sci-fi shit was a semi-obscure genre that was a way for the truly autistic to recognize each other and even have a scale for who was nerdier than the ready. Don't get me wrong, this original "nerd culture" was pretty cancerous, but it was exclusive and actually required work to understand all the refernces (some of these people had damn near photographic memories for this shit). But now these normie faggots just watch a couple Spider-Man movies and act all proud of how "nerdy" they are. It has completely diminished the actual work part of being a nerd and just given Hollywood free reins to shit all over old classically nerdy franchises. I want to shit myself with rage.

>> No.9517592

>4,164 pages approx.
>Malazan is almost triple that

>> No.9517626

This is what I tell myself when I indulge in a guilty pleasure of mine that is listening to videos by female YA writers on youtube

>> No.9517988
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>post some low level bait
>come back few days later
>multiple people have took the bait
>I am left disappointed in /lit/

Sort yourselves out guys.

>> No.9518001
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It's an old bait picture from about 2011 or so.

>> No.9518008

I think he's specifically said he doesn't want anyone to finish it if he dies, and his notes won't be made available.

>> No.9518009

>age of mythology

This please me.

>> No.9518710

"“I will confess, I do wish I could clone myself, or find a way to squeeze more hours into the day, or a way to go without sleep. But this is what it is, so I keep juggling,” he added before listing his commitments: The Winds of Winter, five new TV shows for HBO, and four new Wild Card books."

This fat piece of shit just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.9519341

Man never cared to begin with

>> No.9519368

>amazing writer
You're joking right? He's made a fantastic story, that i cant dispute, but his writing itself is utter garbage a lot of his phrasing is purely for shock, i dont want to read "cunt" during a sex scene, its just lazy writing which has a slight taboo feel to the masses who in turn perceive it as good writing.
I tried to read them, but they are terrible books.

>> No.9519395

Sopranos belongs to gen x.
Our generation's shows are The Young Pope, The Leftovers and Avatar: The Last Airbender

>> No.9519407

Reread the dude you're responding to, for fucks sake.

>> No.9519465
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>embarrassing level of reading comprehension

Wew lad, get out of here.

>> No.9519573

How does The Young Pope belong to "your generation" more than to any other?

>> No.9519703
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I hope this means you fuckers will see the glory and beauty of the Church.

>> No.9519856

The pope in this show is not even Christian. It is a mindless caricature of generic intransigence with no purpose, made by someone who sees faith from the outside and hasn't the slightest grasp of it.

>> No.9519859

>Stalker and Dark Souls being grouped with the likes of lol, Cod and Elder Scrolls

>> No.9519938
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Yeah, and he sees Saints, performs miracles, and meats all requirements to be elected a Pope, how exactly? He's as Catholic as any other real Pope. Besides, show is fully Paolo Sorrentino, if you've seen his previous work, you'll know he is authentic in what he depicts. He will throw doubt and sexuality in it for good measure, but he won't go further.

>> No.9519954

You heard half right.
In the original trilogy Jamie was essentially Cersie and when Joff dies fighting Robb she takes the throne for herself.

People seem to think that his original idea was vastly different its essentially what we got with a few different things like Cat heading north with Bran and Rickon. Tyrion falling in love with Arya and Jon too. But other than that its exactly the same for the most part Jon was even a secret Targ in the original draft.

>> No.9520049

I read it just after holding down a 7ft autismo to yank his veins out, was a little jarred. My mistake lads.

>> No.9520050

can't write and eat at the same time

>> No.9520055

Martin has mentioned he has specific instructions to destroy all his manuscripts and forbid further works if he should die.

>> No.9520310

What about his browsing history?

>> No.9520392

You're right. Seven years is a generation

>> No.9520398

>Stalker and Dark Souls being on top row

This was meant to trick me

>> No.9520624

>implying that morrowind is bad

Kys shamalafam

>> No.9520635

Yeah, and Kafka told his friend to burn all his work.

>> No.9520802

>comparing Kafka to Marin
unironically kill yourself

also Kafka said that to his close friend who he knew would take it ironically

Martin's is a legally binding arrangement with his publisher

>> No.9521112

Not at all, Martin loves to brag about realism and such compared to the LoTR and other high fantasy books especially concerning taxes.

Would you like to know his elaborate tax policy?

>the mountains of Castilly rock are loaded with gold
>the Lannister mine the gold and turn it into coins
>this makes them rich,and they function as banks and Ursuring Jews all rolled into one
>Because we all know the royal government lets people print money Willy milky and doesn't mind inflation

>> No.9521149
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>> No.9521151

he says "for half a heartbeat" like every other page. he also reuses fancy words, like quidnunc, he will say it again on the next page, but it's not like he's referring to the same thing, so he probably just had it on his mind and wrote it again and didn't bother to change it during the editing process.

>> No.9521501
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>nipples on a breastplate

Truly worthy of competing with Tolkien.

>> No.9522134

Publishing a portion of an artistic project, then knowingly abandoning it, is the most irresponsible sin an artist can commit.


>> No.9522150
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I agree if the work actually has artistic merit.
GRRMs work does not.

>> No.9522155

Is this an example of a bad part of ASOIAF?

>> No.9522165

It's from one of the last Dany chapters.

>> No.9522670

kek almost had me there m8

>> No.9522689
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>> No.9522720

Martin added nothing though?
Like any Jack Vance short story from the 70s has a more indepth take on all of those.

>> No.9522892

>falling for such blatant bait

>> No.9523033

What's funny is that traditionalist Catholics fucking love the show and wish someone like Lenny were actually pope.

>> No.9523859

Medieval times had far less centralized monarchies than the absolute ones we usually think of. Vassals could do what they wanted within their own domain.
One thing GRRM really got right in his first few boks was that mindset amongst the nobility.

>> No.9523956

Ehm, no they couldn't. They were vassals. Vassal absolutely can't mint coin, and promises fealty to his lord in exchange for the land he gets. It's what made medieval monarchies as absolute as they come. Furthermore, king's since Charlmagne were anointed, so going against them was also going against God, pope, and local Church, that alone kept bickering to the minimum. English civil war is almost an exception. You also have Byzantines and few succession wars, besides that there is nothing.

What he does get right are various robber barons, hedge knights and bands that roamed the countrisides in wartimes. His civil war, and his battles are absolutely unrealistic though. One battle will kill a faction as quickly as he kills his characters. That was never the case in history. Even total defeat would not decide the conflict. All he has are absolute victories for one side in battle. No draws, no regroups, no minor conflicts, no realistic sieges, just gimmicky tricks that win the day, and completely remove one faction from play.

>> No.9524210

>he's not the rich-ass bitch who made fifty shades of faggotry

>> No.9524227

Because we're the most conservative generation since WWII

>> No.9524234

Am I the only one with a sense of foreboding?

Literature went high and beyond anything else for a while, now those who know of literature (let alone comprehend anything more complex than an expository essay or the informal-formal media voice) are so far in the minority I'd be surprised if even 1% of humanity has read more than a single piece of literature of their own will.

Remember what happened to SciFi?
>It blew up publicly, and now it's shit, with only a few good things coming out in a decade.
Remember what happened to Rap?
>It blew up publicly and what little good was in it went down the fucking drain.
Notice what's been happening in HipHop?
>Blowing up publicly, on the tail end it's going to shit and pulling funk and jazz with it.

Mark my words, motherfuckers, fantasy is nigh at a peak before a steep 89 degree decline.
>the breaks are fucking wrote
>the fat bitch >>9524210 is singing

>Nostradankus out.

>> No.9524245

Literature seems to be just a platform for virtue signaling now. It's all about "diversifying.".

>> No.9524248

>What the heck is his problem?
He's addicted to video games. I'm not kidding.

>> No.9524265

Didn't literature start out as a way to pass on morals and ethics and philosophical virtues to children? How is it any diff now?

>> No.9524974

I know which chapter it's from but wasn't sure if you thought it was bad or good.

>> No.9524976

Too rich, too feminist, too fat, too political. And he has a writer's block

>> No.9524979


It's passing on shitty morals.

>> No.9525111

Having read both Berserk and ASOIAF in my teenage and young adult years and suffering through the tormenting wait that their authors have thrown on anyone that follows their work is a very unique and torturing experience; In fact I would go as far as to never pick up those serious, for the suffering is too great and outweighs any advantage that you could have gotten by reading them in the first place.

>> No.9525139

The same reason why early-access games never get finished. Once the person working on it has acquired enough money there is basically no incentive to finish unless you're really passionate about the project.

Spoiler: Most people just do it for the money and fame

>> No.9525244

How could anyone think that it was good?

>> No.9525253

>we went from "ugg kill barkbark with throw stick here how" to "we should have more people of color and women in literature simply because they are people of color and female by the way straight white men are evil DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY"

Oh how far we have fallen.

>> No.9525262

Performance anxiety.

>> No.9525277

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9525280
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>responsible for the most iconic book series and TV series of our generation
stopped reading

>> No.9525506
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>> No.9525600


That's a funny way to misspell jaded and apathetic of all social and political ideologies and endeavors.

>> No.9525603

Not a critique

>> No.9525604

>at all good

>> No.9525607

I refuse to take the bait.

>> No.9525624

You literally can't tell me what's wrong with it can you?

>> No.9525660

Tell me what's wrong with JK Rowlings prose.

>> No.9525677

You'll grow out of it. I was total GRRM fan when the books first came out. Even learned English mostly from them, now I couldn't care less. I've the second to last book, still haven't opened it, and I've watched maybe ten episodes.

>> No.9525679
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Ya know it's really pathetic when someone makes a point and can't even defend it.

>> No.9525683

It's really pathetic when you have to defend the notion that water is wet.

>> No.9525685

>68 years old and obese
He ain't gonna make it.

>> No.9525687

I'm pretty sure it starts with some walking.

>> No.9525701
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Still not an argument. You're doing a merry little dance to avoid admitting you know nothing and just like complaining about things. It's ok you'll grow out of it.

>> No.9525703
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>Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense.

>> No.9525706

Na I just shitposted myself into a corner.

>> No.9525717
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same same but different.

now stop treating 4chan like a place you can just vent your shitty opinions without having to back them up.

>> No.9525730

>my shitty opinions
Do you even know what shitposting is?

>> No.9525742
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>> No.9525755

Only autists cannot comprehend the concept of shitposting.
You probably don't understand roleplaying either, which is basically what shitposting is.
Tis a bit sad actually.

>> No.9525756
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Ill let you know I studied literature on most prestigious universities and dropped out after I found out it doesnt interest me. Started writing in early days of high school and became an instant afficionado of french noir cinema, learned foreing languages just for fun and experimented with hallucinogenic drugs regullary (most of my novels are written under the influence btw).
Right now Im living in a crappy flat in NY city that is full of books Ive read and fall asleep with a ciggarette and different nasty hipster girls every night (occasionally a different boy – yeah, I dont care, does that trigger your middle class morals? )!

literally, do you even write!!?
PS-Ive read more books than you basicnigger!

>> No.9525770
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>occasionally a different boy

>> No.9525828

Pretending to be shitposting when you're just incapable of defending your opinions is pathetic.

>> No.9525834

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.9525838
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>> No.9525842

>Less pre marital sex
>Very few pregnancies out of marriage
>Lower rates of drug use

Basically all young men are centrist to conservative in my university. Girls are still lefty, but women care about what men care about. So eventually that will change as well.

>> No.9525844

>stuff that triggers /lit/
The Gurm has created some really deep and honorable characters

>> No.9525850

>tfw most of that is us being shut-in NEETs

>> No.9525865

It isn't. A part of it is a whole new level of vanity and narcissism. An astounding number of instagram models and whatnot are virgins, simply because they think they're too good for everyone who has approached them

>> No.9525905
File: 17 KB, 582x189, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uh madonn'

>> No.9525907
File: 53 KB, 492x468, sickfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern """"art""""

>> No.9526480

>he's rich enough that he never has to work another day in his life
>has so many characters and storylines that he's wrote himself in several corners
>most of those storylines seem to be in their middle/early ending phase, so everything will have to end around the same time
>the tv series have surpassed the books, so every revelation and plot twist he comes up with is already known to the majority of the readers
>he apparently types very slow and uses an old crappy computer
>he's fat as fuck

I mean, he's a hack and it's ridiculous that he's taking this long to finish the series, but I can understand why he doesn't bother working on asioaf. I wouldn't care about it at this point if I were him either.

>> No.9526674

He should just summon meteor and smash irrelevant characters