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/lit/ - Literature

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9496326 No.9496326 [Reply] [Original]

How much money can you make self-publishing 2 novels a year?

>> No.9496328


About 10 dollars

>> No.9496339

Maybe a lot. Maybe not so much.

>> No.9496372

bout 3.50

>> No.9496399


>> No.9496481

I published a book (admittedly without marketing it because I don't really care about the money) in September last year and up to now have made $30 from 3 book sales, one of which was from my Mom.

>> No.9496499


>> No.9496581

Absolute or relative terms? Good question.

My advice is not only to find out what you're good at and stick to it. It's also to log the hours you're working with it.

Yeah, calculating the hours you're working may be a drag. So my second advice is to make it as de-personalized as possible. Get the Office suite (forget about OPen Office and make sure to make plenty of backups) and just enter start and stop time of your sessions in Excel. Then you just let it calculate what you earn per hour.

>> No.9496611

whatever your mom buys them for

>> No.9496613

lol this post is so annoyingly dumb i cant even know how to feel but im not lying when i say that i laughed 50% through this response

>> No.9496646
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>muh inspiration
Ok, fgt! Writing is just another work. Especially if you want to make a living on self-publishing.

>> No.9496660


>> No.9496689


>> No.9496726

Recently on the ABC a publisher explained that the average author in Australia makes about $5k a year.

Get a job, writing is a hobby for 99.9999999% of all Authors. The probability is that you are not special.

>> No.9496738

depends more on your business savvy and marketing skills than your writing talent, sorry /lit/

Vox Day or Heartiste had a blog recently with a look at the best-selling crap for women (by far the largest literary market) and it was dominated by romance tales involving millionaire cowboy viking types. Alpha-Male Ravishment rape fantasies, or what we once called "bodice rippers" in other words.

Find out what sells, look at some of the big names, shamelessly follow their model, relentlessly self-promote, nab a publisher deal or go the Amazon Createspace way if you've the means to do it all yourself. and wait for the ca$h money to roll in while you churn out the next one.

>> No.9496742

Remember OP: it's like the top 5% of authors who make 95% of the money in the /lit/ business, i.e. Stephen King types, pseudonymous Mills and Boons hacks, and people who hit gold writing school textbooks and the like.

>> No.9496743

I self published a book three years ago and it's made me about $600 US

>> No.9496754

more details please.

>> No.9497755


is that a boy

>> No.9497758

No, it's light emanating from your monitor.

>> No.9497787
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Writing is gambling, that's all you have to know.

Self-publishing two books a year?
I'll give you odds of 10/1 for you to make more than £1000 per annum.

>> No.9498919

Probably not a lot. The key to self-publishing as far as I can make out, is to just saturate whatever your chosen genre is and have good covers.

>> No.9498984

How much money can you make? Literally millions of dollars.

How much money will you make? Probably enough for a couple McChicken sandwiches.

>> No.9499028


>> No.9499103
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How long is a piece of string?

>> No.9499111

People who have multiple novels on the NYT bestseller list make like 50k a year

>> No.9499142

not the self-pub ones. an indie author with "multiple novels on the NYT bestseller list" would be easily making mid to high six figures if not seven. and please point me to all these authors who have multiple novels on NYT or just shut up you cunt

>> No.9499168

>waaa spoonfeed me

Keep deluding yourself with fantasies of "making it big" as an author. Especially pathetic since you are in it for the money

Get a real job, kid

>> No.9499177

nice memes with no substance. not surprising really.

>> No.9499559

You are both lame.

The correct response isn't sulkposting. You should be pointing out that he is bullshitting and shying away from posting a shred of evidence, while pretending that it is childish to call him out on his bullshit.

You are both thin skinned idiots. I mean, what is this, lunch hour for middleschoolers? Why are you two even presuming to talk about writing books? Someone should break your iPhones in two and thereby force you to commit suicide.

>> No.9499591



>> No.9499707

There's something especially pubescent about the way you sulk, anon. I was just being accurate.

*Shrugs in his leather trenchcoat*

*Goes off to smoke on the balcony of his New York loft while drinking black coffee and contemplating the sorrow of his tragic life*

>> No.9499718
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I am not the guy that you think I am.

>> No.9499743

well, have you ever bought a self published book? do you know anyone who has?

>> No.9499749

Nor am I, anon. I'm never the guy people think I am.

*Blows smoke rings that represent the transitoriness his melancholy existence*

>> No.9499761
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>> No.9499788
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if you can't get a publisher you're probably fucked man

anyone who writes a full novel has tried to get a publisher to do all the dirty work for them, but they turn it down because it's fucking garbage... you'll either write forgettable love novels for housewives (and you'll release one every month) to have any hope of sustaining income

I'VE FUCKING BEEN THERE DUDE. I tried so hard to make it as a writer but I kept getting assfucked by my shitty agent and no publishers would take my shit because it was too loose in scope, so i'm told

write for passion, but listen dude have plan B be because this shit is fucking impossible for all intents and purposes

>> No.9499956

Most aspiring authors on here probably would be too nervous to even contact a publisher/agent or simply have no idea how to.

>> No.9499970

i re-read>>9496581
think its pure genius

>> No.9500404

legit publishers are going to bin anything you send them directly unless you have some weight to your name. Finding an agent who believes in you is, in my mind, the only way to proceed because self-publishing is a waste of time unless you really know what you're doing (bin horror/romance) and trying to turn a quick profit.

If you want a shot at this, you need an agent. Have your first novel ready to go by the time you start seeking one and read up on finding a legit one otherwise they will screw you.

>> No.9500579


The key is to shill yourself constantly on every possible digital channel, stalk popular people in the hopes of getting noticed, attend all kinds of desperate scribblers' meets, make friends with other pathetic fat nerds and tell everybody about your self-published turd even as they punch your face and scream at you to shut up.

>> No.9500611


That's actually only two sales and one loan from your inheritance.

>> No.9500616

About tree fitty.

>> No.9500617
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Well with inflation and whatnot the same amount of money from his inheritance would be worth more now than in 30 years

And if Anon is smart and invests the money he could increase it's worth even more and reap multiples of what he might have received upon his parent's demise

Also "the man" would probably take a cut greater than what Anon had to surrender to amazon

>> No.9500626

How is that possible?

Don't tell me you're charging $10+ for a book no-one has ever heard of?
.99 cents, anon, then raise the price after you get reviews.

>> No.9500630

I should add that if you care about being read, price is still important for that reason.

People don't respect free books unless they're established classics, and they don't buy expensive ones unless they are given motive to do so.

>> No.9500645

Anywhere from zero to five dollars.

>> No.9500668

Depends on the genre.

>> No.9502489

This is where the Excel-magic pays off. If you want to constantly tweak the prices, you can monitor your profit. You can also monitor the cashflow to see if some internet ad-campaign paid off and so on.

But most important of all is philosophy and psychology (actually a subset of philosophy).

What the Bagel Man Saw
An Accidental Glimpse at Human Nature
The New York Times Magazine (June 6, 2004)

>He knows a good deal about the payment rate, too. When he first went into business, he expected 95 percent payment, based on the experience at his own office. But just as crime tends to be low on a street where a police car is parked, the 95 percent rate was artificially high: Paul F.'s presence had deterred theft. Not only that, but those bagel eaters knew the provider and had feelings (presumably good ones) about him. A broad swath of psychological and economic research has argued that people will pay different amounts for the same item depending on who is providing it. The economist Richard Thaler, in his 1985 ''Beer on the Beach'' study, showed that a thirsty sunbather would pay $2.65 for a beer delivered from a resort hotel but only $1.50 for the same beer if it came from a shabby grocery store.

>> No.9502584

She's not the prettiest but she's definitely cute.

>> No.9503351

its a lesbian who doesnt like too much make up

there the only women im attracted to
cuz they look like young men

>> No.9503411

Technically, there's not any limit. In practice though, you likely won't make very much. If you like writing, write, then publish if you want to. If you make any real money, that's great, but don't count on it. Most people who think they'll make bank end up disappointed.

>> No.9503434

Really not much at all. More if you're doing romance. A lot of it's more about the cover and name choice and general bullshit. Generally if you can hack it even halfway in literature you can learn how to do genre fiction. People who don't really read can't tell good from bad so you can halfass it pretty hard. Series generally churn out more cash since you can develop a fanbase especially if you get your readers emotionally attached to the characters which is trivially easy. You basically just have to write it like you're writing for TV.

Anyways really the key to success in that genre is more being seen and noticed. So bullshitting generally.