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9491138 No.9491138 [Reply] [Original]

What was Dolokhov's fucking problem?

>> No.9493059

Asshole pseud of remarkable effectiveness that two women of my acquaitence actually liked. Go figure.

>> No.9493094

I'm thinking of reading this book. Is it any good?

>> No.9493193

It reads so quickly and clearly that youll be sorry when it ends. If (you) like tight novels, however, read Anna.

>> No.9493200

For a Tolstoy character it's cuck or be cucked. Did literally nothing wrong.

>> No.9493220

life and the human condition

>> No.9493527


I think he is a peso who suffers with what we call it today Antisocial personality disorder. Hewasa sociopath. See:

>Amagnectic charisma
>Ifluences other men
>Seen as desirableby women
>Uses others for their name and fame (most of the time he uses Antole Kuragin)
>Kills people in war without guilt
>Shows no fear in war
>"No prisioners"
>Feel almost happy when young and inocent soldiers die

>> No.9493816

What is a tight novel?

>> No.9493823


>> No.9493913

Tolstoy was a bit of a tease when he alluded to Dolokhov's activities in Persia/Middle East.

>> No.9493996

Most of Dolokhov's behavior makes sense once you realise he's so much poorer than most of the other characters, with no family money backing him up.

He knows the aristos will only tolerate his company as long as he entertains them, by being tougher and wilder than them. He needs to act out to keep his status in the group. He's like that guy at school who could make the bully laugh.
He knows he's never going to be accepted into proper society, won't get invited to Anna Pavlovna's, but he can get rich aristocrat men to hang out with him.
So he does those stunts like drinking the rum on the window to impress them. Fighting duels, cheating at cards, seducing wives, all to keep up his reputation and keep him that male circle.
This gives him a steady stream of rubes to fleece at cards, husbands to cuck, and access to the government work that was the main income for non aristocrats.

Superb character desu, any other author Dolokhov would be a one-note side kick, Tolstoy fleshes him out as much as any of the leads. You assume he's made a fortune at cards and has a plumb government role after the war, thanks to this stuff: >>9493913

>> No.9494019

Dolokhov is a noble though, just poor. Otherwise I agree, great character.

>> No.9494232

Just a fucking megalad having a bit of banter.

>> No.9494246

Who else here was in a state of extreme tension through the entire dolokhov Nikolai card game?

Poor Nikolai is a fool

>> No.9494900

Part answers part, discernible structure, hashed out themes, shape. Cormac made one- The Crossing. Compare it to Suttree or Blood Meridian.
I'm not saying 'tight' is better. Personally, I prefer W&P to Anna, and think Suttree Cormac's masterpiece. But both are 'all over the place'.