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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 250x387, on the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
948047 No.948047 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for /lit/ which is similar to this or has themes to do with the American dream and finding one's identity.

Cheers /lit/

>> No.948049

Death of a Salesman

>> No.948059

The Great Gatsby

>> No.948069

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.948076
File: 54 KB, 600x351, photo_kerouac_cassady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else by the same fag. Big Sur.
"one time I knew this guy named Neal Cassady is was really cool and I always wanted to suck his dick, you know how some guys are like that. I sucked his dick on a train and his cum was like the sweet melody of a negro blowing on a jazz trombone. I wish I was a negro."

>> No.948078
File: 43 KB, 261x400, the-road-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.948081

fear and loathing

>> No.948084

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

>> No.949937
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>> No.949946

Kerouac was a cunt who couldn't write, read some Fitzgerald.

>> No.949948

Kerouac summed up perfectly

>> No.949952

kerouac is more popular than you will ever be and got laid more than you ever will

>> No.949956

Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey

>> No.949960

Weird how much Kerouac looks like Palahniuk there.

Yes, that reminds me: Fight Club. Fight Club fits the bill, better than Atlas Shrugged, actually, which is just cult recruitment 'literature', the longest crank litho pamphlet of all time.

>> No.949964

I was going to suggest this, read that.

>> No.949969

Thomas Wolfe is definitely what you're looking for.

Look Homeward, Angel and You Can't Go Home Again are two textbook examples of the great American novel.

>> No.949970

Basically any Fitzgerald. Especially Gatsby and This Side of Paradise; being the only novels of his I've read...

>> No.949971

Thanks for liking my summary. I'm thinking of expanding it into a full length novel called "On the Road to San Francisco". And Kerouac was a faggot. Read Gore Vidal's memoirs to find a delightful chapter about how he fucked Kerouac in the ass.

>> No.949986
File: 20 KB, 331x345, hipster!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him anyway. :l

>> No.949988
File: 43 KB, 295x475, an american tragedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American Tragedy

>> No.949991


Kerouac was bisexual, yes. And French-Canadian. If it weren't for these two facts, he wouldn't be one of the greatest American novelists.

>> No.949997

AS pReViousLY mENTioNeD,_These messsAGEs_Will CONTiNUe UNtil yOU_peRMaNently StOP_atTaCKINg_AND fUCKiNg_wIth wWw.anOnmoOoOTAlK.sE_(rEMOVE tHe_cOW sounD),_rEmoVe_AlL iLLEgal_CloNeS_OF IT_And liEs aBoUT_it aNd donatE at leAst a MilLION_usd_To_sYSOp AS cOmpeNSation fOR_thE MassIvE DAMAGe YoU_RetArdS hAvE CAUsEd.
rdrhabcaars kvnkv vax bmovqawccy xibx

>> No.950033

Don't let the pedophile Kimmo Alm end the thread, let's continue talkin' about Kerouac or whoever.

>> No.950049

I love him. I think he was just great, I think he was one of those people who wasn't really a winner, and wasn't really the coolest person in his group of friends, but he had a lot of appreciation for them, and for life. Maybe because of it. I've read all his depressing lovely nonsense, and I think he really did see true beauty in people and the way things are, depressing and pointless as they may be (as they have to be), and to the heart of things, and he did the best he could to share it and deal with it.

>> No.950087


Indeed, one of the things that makes him a great American novelist is that he's looking on, to an extent, on friends like Burroughs who are more radical, who will take the novel further out than he could, but he's just more approachable, he wants to change the world by praising it.

>> No.950303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.950324

On the Road has nothing to do with the American Dream.

It's a bunch of drugged up hippies riding around to meet more stupid drugged up hippies.

Kerouac sucks.

>> No.950336


Hippies? In 1947?

Ah, you are a perfect foole.