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947882 No.947882 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.947903
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>> No.947917

>implying natural philosophy counts
>god tier philosophy

enjoy your christfag filled retardation

>> No.947919

stephen hawking in shit tier?

this man knows not of what he ranks

>> No.947926
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>Hawking, Plato, and Buddha in shit tier
>my face

>> No.947927

How long did it take you to make that? Must've taken at least half an hour...and I doubt it'll work. 4/10 for effort I guess.

>> No.947938

>durrr i watch pbs and they told me he's a genius!

>> No.947942
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>> No.947977

Hating on Hegel? Come on man.

>> No.948062

>shit tier


>> No.948250

About 15 min. I found all the little face icons on one website and got the idea.

>> No.948261

buy me a book fags:http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/19JE4C8PIBM4M

>> No.948266

>implying buddha existed

>> No.948290


Feynman >>> Hawking

>> No.948307

Where the fuck are Euler and Gauss?

>> No.948310

ah, i see. someone is trolling all the threads with wishlists he has copy/pasted. clever.

>> No.948369


> Spinoza, Buddha, Plato, Hawking, Sartre shit tier
> No Kierkegaard

>> No.948384

stop, op, we already did this the past two days. Noone cares, noone cares. Saged, reported (why not?) and hidden.

>> No.948387

Rousseau and Marx?
Shit tier?

>> No.948397

Sure is critical rationalism in here.

>> No.948399

(cont' from last thread) Of what use is analytics without a comprehensive semiotic discourse? Logic obviously was never sufficient, and I argue this insofar as metaphysics came into being as a serious course of study. Analytics such as Wittgenstein saying of metaphysical thoughts that they ''lack cognitive material'' reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of the mind, and a total unwillingness to conceed that our language lacks sufficient ideograms, images, fricatives, etc. to capture the multiplicity of fragmented thoughts and desires and ideas, that new words and new images must be creative, that culture must be viewed from a productive paradigm. I use this analogy, Analytic philosphy is the Machine, and continental philosophy is the Machinist.

>> No.948405
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>shit tier

>> No.948408

Stirner? Shit Tier?

>> No.948437

>Logic obviously was never sufficient

Logic is not only sufficient and necessary but absolutely impossible for human communication to transcend. It is impossible to articulate, intellectually communicate, or argue anything without presupposing and employing the laws of classical logic. See Kant, Lorenzen, Quine, Blanshard, Putnam, Godel, etc. As Popper and others correctly point out, this does not mean that logic gets you to metaphysical ontology, however it is necessarily primary in human interaction with what we perceive as reality.

>and I argue this insofar as metaphysics came into being as a serious course of study

Metaphysics as such was never a serious course of study. See Ayer, Wittgenstein, etc. "Metaphysical" functional assumptions may be necessary for simplifying reality, but metaphysical ontology claims are religion.

>> No.948471

All you have said betrays an intellectual cowardice which is the trademark of analytic fanboys. I contend that to infer the sufficiency of logic inspite of the development of intellectual discourse which outmoded logic (especially the formal logic) is akin to burying your head in the sand. Also, you did not address the necessity of semiotics to fuel logic, or that analytics fail to incorporate scientific developments to the understanding of cognition (i.e. metaphysics represent in many way pre-cognitive processes, something which wittgenstein et al seem to want to ignore). The language is insufficient to convey human cognition entirely, logic is playing without a full deck of cards. Logical positivism is the bastion of hope for every student who has become frustrated by the complex rhetoric from Continental philosophers, and its rigid elitism gives them a sense of well-being, which is unwarranted.

>> No.948514

>No Diogenes of Sinope
>Hume not in God Tier

Get to fuck.

>> No.948535

>the development of intellectual discourse which outmoded logic

You mean the development/non-development/fargilop of intellectual/visceral/emotional discourse/blue/silence which did/did not "outmode" logic?

>the necessity of semiotics to fuel logic

"Semiotics" doesn't "fuel" logic. That's a positive claim, not supported by naturalized evolution of logic, metalogic, or anything else. It's silliness.

>analytics fail to incorporate scientific developments to the understanding of cognition

Analytics is not cognitive science. Cognitive science can't reach back around the epistemological wall and get us outside of our human evolved perception of and interaction with reality.

>metaphysics represent in many way pre-cognitive processes

Uh no. "Pre-cognitive processes" are either neuroscience or quackery. Functional assumptions that one may call metaphysical (e.g. the physical world exists, I exist, other humans exist, things cause things, etc.) are evidently and obviously necessary for any argumentation, but their ontology on any level is a matter for hard science.

>Logical positivism

Uh no. Popperian post-positivism is the standard metatheoretical position.

>> No.948538

analytic philosophy goes through kant, but not hegel. you're a disgrace for not putting kant ontop

>> No.948552

Kant was moved down for his ethics.

>> No.948554

There is no logic to this chart. The OP clearly only has a superficial grasp of the thinkers involve.d

>> No.948557

Pretty shitty reason.

>> No.948560

It's subjective.

>> No.948563

Nice cop-out.

>> No.948565

Yeah, that's pretty much the only reason people take issue with his ethics, because they don't find it appealing. Fuck the reasoning.

>> No.948566


9/10. Obviously you know your shit and a lot of effort was put into it, but I didn't really rage that hard.

>> No.948567

The way you portray metaphysical ontology is limited by your inability to appreciate the urgency of creation of new images, and new concepts (not only for logic to be possible, but also for life itself to be possible) Your rhetoric is one of self-defeat. Parsing language into units of logic does not make art. This is the ultimate failure of the analytic school, it arbitrarily imposes a rigid structure where it is not useful. Language has not developed from utility.

>> No.948569

I hold ethical argumentation as the most inane and consequentialistically damaging of the parade of shit called philosophy. See Mackie and Joyce. It's subjective.

>> No.948570
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>> No.948572
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>analytics fail to incorporate scientific developments to the understanding of cognition

I love how faggots who dismiss analytic or continental philosophy never have any decent notion of what's actually going on in either.

>> No.948573

Ha, it's true. Your intellectual impotence defers to a base non-argument.

>> No.948577
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>Language has not developed from utility.


>> No.948586

>Parsing language into units of logic does not make art.

Oh fuck off. Do you really have nothing better to do than split hairs with anyone who cares about anything but art?

You are the most narcissistic, incoherent poster on the internet I have seen in a long time.

>> No.948588

Language is not nor has it ever been utilitarian. It is first a mode of aesthetic expression, and only later is utility imposed on it.

>> No.948592

So when YOU fail to use arguments or when you want to refuse someone else's argument, that's ok because logic is too limited and objectivity doesn't exist, but when someone ELSE uses a non-argument, you get on their case about it?

Troll. Ignore this poster. Seriously.

>> No.948593

What are you doing on a message board devoted to literature? The passive, impotent abdication of art by artists is the single most destructive current in western culture.

>> No.948598

Still have yet to see you justify this position. At all.

You know, against all the mountains of evidence that imply the contrary. Like how babies and infants use it to get life's necessities.

>> No.948600

Why are you trying to exsanguinate language?

>> No.948603

>The passive, impotent abdication of art by artists

Which has nothing to do with philosophy. This is a completely tangential and irrelevant remark.

I'm on a board devoted to literature to discuss art primarily, but that doesn't mean that I somehow think THE ONLY WORTHWHILE THING EVER IS ART.

My question is, what are YOU doing in a thread about philosophy talking about art?

>> No.948606

This is a bad example for your argument, because babies don't use language to get what they need, babies will get what they need regardless of if they are capable of language or not (extenuating circumstances notwithstanding) Their use of language illustrates perfectly that language is not utilitarian.

>> No.948614

Art is the only relevant topic for philosophers, philosophy is tangential to art. What would be the purpose of logic, if not to develop an ancillary theory for the production of art?

>> No.948615

>babies will get what they need regardless of if they are capable of language or not

No, not when what they need has to be specified by a sign. Further, just because language isn't NECESSARY to get what they need doesn't mean it's not SUFFICIENT to get what they need and that it is not used AS A SUFFICIENT CONDITION to get what they need.

Pay fucking attention.

>> No.948621

are you dumb. they cry -> means baww hungry, hows that not language. it is a sign just like a written word or whatever

>> No.948625

>It is first a mode of aesthetic expression

Standard evolutionary biology (i.e. not Gould) says different. Anyway, the evolutionary origin of languages is immaterial the axiomatically primary place of logic in the epistemics of human interaction with reality.

>> No.948627


No one accepts your idiotic ideas. You are the only one or one of a handful of people in the entire fucking world that thinks of philosophy this way. You reject actual argumentation and just shit up threads making unjustified assertions OVER and OVER and OVER again, slightly rephrased but never argued for.

>> No.948631

The needs of an infant are so limited that it is easy to assume that their use of language and the satisfaction of a limited number of variables is connected, but that assumption is incredibly simplistic.

>> No.948637

>philosophy is tangential to art

Define "art."

>> No.948641

Logic and the Analytic school are not inseperable or identical entities. Logic has a place, but aesthetics has primacy. Logic is an expression of aesthetics, it is an attempt to codify aesthetics, and it was never sufficient to do so. It is useful for some things, not everything.

>> No.948642

>it is easy to assume that their use of language and the satisfaction of a limited number of variables is connected

You're right, except I don't also assume it.

Go ask an actual fucking parent. The baby is hungry, it cries signifying its hunger to the mother, the mother receives the communication and breast-feeds it.

The baby has used language, a sign, in a manner directly aimed at utility. It's not hard to grasp. It's what actually happens.

>> No.948648

>my face when this philosophy tier list appears a few hours after the first one died

>> No.948650

You might also find out that babies cry constantly some times, and they cry and are not hungry and they cry and none of the limited variables are satisfactory to stop their crying or seem to correspond to their language at all.

>> No.948652

>aesthetics has primacy. Logic is an expression of aesthetics, it is an attempt to codify aesthetics

Unsupported claims are unsupported.

>> No.948656

Art is a desire-producing machine.

>> No.948660

You care to give a citation list for every post you make?

>> No.948663

Just because the communication is imprecise and inefficient does not mean it lacks a utilitarian name. The baby cries to have its desires satisfied.

Still, let's step it up a notch. Let's take an infant that can signify that it wants a specific toy with a word or gesture. This does not meet your criteria of being too diffuse a phenomenon and having too narrow a range.

>> No.948666

Should have put Plato up on top, to BAN the retarded poets/artists out of the country like this one.

>> No.948669

Citations aren't needed, actual arguments, justifications or reasoning is necessary, though.

>> No.948671
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>Art is a desire-producing machine.

>ontology of "desire"... a mental term
>defining art as potentially everything

hoookay then, kiddo

>> No.948673

>lacks a utilitarian name

I have no idea why I typed "name" here, I mean't "aim".

>> No.948680

You know, using jargon terms in order to clarify something someone is unfamiliar with is really backwards and useless.

>> No.948683

Guys, guys. Haven't you noticed that there's one buffoon always babbling about aesthetics in every philosophy thread? Just ignore him.

>> No.948684

I am not saying it is too diffuse, I am saying that the baby's cries are not only for utility.

>> No.948692

What the fuck else are they for? What intentionality does the baby have other than one aimed at the satisfaction of its hunger or removal of its discomfort?

In any case, even if it's not only for utility these examples still support my claim that it is primarily for utility which you deny.

>> No.948694

Keep on trollin', man.

>> No.948697

Define "utility."

>> No.948708

The aim of the baby when crying is to cry. This is not too difficult to understand is it? Crying as a signifier of need is an aesthetic application, and not arrived at logically. Only in certain cases will it hold up that there is a logical correlation between these two phenomena (the baby is crying, the baby is hungry), but you can't just ignore that this is not always the case. The baby cries because it wants to cry because crying is beautiful to the baby, because crying shows that it is alive, that it is human.

>> No.948713
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>> No.948720

>crying is beautiful to the baby, because crying shows that it is alive, that it is human.

It's funny: you're trolling, but this is the type of stuff that continental philosophers actually believe. 10/10, sirrah.

>> No.948724

>Only in certain cases will it hold up that there is a logical correlation between these two phenomena (the baby is crying, the baby is hungry)

No. A baby's crying is always associated with some discomfort the baby has. The baby's crying is predicated on the instinctual logical connective of the conditional:

If I cry, then mother will remove the discomfort.

>The baby cries because it wants to cry because crying is beautiful to the baby, because crying shows that it is alive, that it is human.

And what the fuck makes you think that? Seriously, what possible support could you have for that kind of inner life in a baby?

>> No.948725


>> No.948740

>No. A baby's crying is always associated with some discomfort the baby has. The baby's crying is predicated on the instinctual logical connective of the conditional: If I cry, then mother will remove the discomfort

This just is not true, empirically. Babies will cry even when they are not comfortable. Human behavior, if it were logical, would not require or even produce ''logicians''...would it?

>> No.948744

I meant, of course, even when they are not uncomfortable. you get it...

>> No.948755

>Babies will cry even when they are not comfortable.

That's what I just said.

Maybe you meant to say that they will cry even if they are comfortable. In which case, I should ask that you provide evidence supporting your claim it's not empirically true (and bear in mind that comfort is not merely physical). 'cause there's a shitload of evidence indicating that crying is the biological response to discomfort.

>> No.948760

>A baby's crying is always associated with some discomfort the baby has.

When I say "Slab!", typically I mean that you ought to bring me a slab. But in another situation it could easily be the command to put little paper hats on chess pieces.

Similarly the case with the baby. The sign need not mean hunger!

>what possible support could you have for that kind of inner life in a baby?

Crying takes effort, and in a baby produces an effect much like a runner's high. This is why (as someone else has already pointed out) a baby might be crying to rejoice in its humanity and life.

>> No.948764

Babies cry to assert power over their parents. There's an amazing passage in the Illuminatus! trilogy about this that I can't find right now...

>> No.948770

What kind of evidence could support the idea that crying is purely utilitarian? Crying is not the best way to satisfy desire, yet it is a way to do so. Crying may result in comfort, and yet this is done because of culturally assigned, aesthetic responses to crying as a signifier. The idea that the baby cries because it is uncomfortable, will make your kid a brat, because you shove comfort down its gob each time it cries. Comfort meaning food, and other narcotizing agents. This behavior is secondary, learned. Crying is not essentially utilitarian.

>> No.948773

The primary reasons babies cry is for the utilitarian purpose of removing a discomfort. It is rare for babies to cry for no reason. I have had two kids, I should know.

>> No.948774

Unconscious human behavior may well be non-logically motivated neuro-wise, but logic is absolutely necessary to ponder, articulate, argue, or scientifically test that possibility. Understand?

>> No.948786

>he idea that the baby cries because it is uncomfortable, will make your kid a brat, because you shove comfort down its gob each time it cries.

This has nothing to do with anything. A brat trying to manipulate people to do his ends via any method should not have all his whims satisfied but that does not make his behavior have a less utilitarian aim.

>Crying may result in comfort, and yet this is done because of culturally assigned, aesthetic responses to crying as a signifier.

Right, the aesthetic element only enters in on a cultural level. On a primary level, prior to culture, crying is primarily utilitarian not aesthetic.

>Crying is not the best way to satisfy desire

For the baby it pretty much is.

I think you need to get your thoughts seriously straightened out. Your arguments are either irrelevant or make no sense.

>> No.948791
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This thread needs some Austin & speech acts.


>> No.948797

No, for this Rhetoric is necessary of which Logos is only one subset.

>> No.948804

>What kind of evidence could support the idea that crying is purely utilitarian?

Oh, I don't know. Obvious stuff like the fact that babies stop crying when the source of discomfort is located and alleviated. By your argument they should just keep crying.

>> No.948812

Fuck yeah analytic OL philosophy. The only useful kind.

>> No.948816

>For the baby it pretty much is.
Is it? or is it just assigned a logical, utilitarian imperative arbitrarily so that is just the only recognized expression of need?
Aesthetics don't just enter in on the cultural level, they figure into the equation first, and logic is secondary to this. This is what happens across the board. Aesthetics determines, logic is ancillary to aesthetics.

>> No.948819

>implying one can engage in rhetoric without presupposing and employing the laws of classical logic


>> No.948827

>Implying logic alone will do the job.
It obviously can not.

>> No.948839

No, by my argument they may just keep crying, and they often will (have you never been around an infant?) Also, reward-response may be positively reinforced, and I do think that as an individual develops his understanding of language, it becomes more utilitarian but this is not a development proper, but actually a progression of limitation, of inertia and ultimately the defeat of the primal purpose of language, an aesthetic expression.

>> No.948840

You are confusing the most extreme version of logical positivism with analytic philosophy. Few analytical philosophers ever held the position that logic was the *only* but all hold the obviously correct and unassailable position that it is the epistemologically *primary* and *necessary.*

>> No.948841


Logic can't do everything rhetoric can, and it certainly shouldn't want to.

>> No.948843

And this is why Genius is rare.

>> No.948847
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>> No.948850

I don't think that Continental philosophers would deny that logic was fundamental to the development of philosophy, only that an abrupt reversal of discourse (i.e. the analytics desire to deny metaphysics) is unnecessary and I would say, cowardly.

>> No.948859

Okay, except you haven't logically argued or even defined how metaphysical ontology can be anything more than religious faith.

>> No.948873

>the analytics desire to deny metaphys






>> No.948881


you's been trolled, fellas

>> No.948886


analytics desire is to quit being sloppy @ thinking and be rigorous at it, it has nothing to do with metaphysics; that was just early logical positivism. Go read Derrida and I wish you a good life.

>> No.948889

Equating it with ''religious faith'' is a straw man, and really ad hominem in the context of a philisophical discussion on 4chan, but I digress. Metaphysics is in development, it is not a static system, and yet it is essential. I would not call it an ontology, yet it contains many ontologies.

>> No.948896

>it has nothing to do with metaphysics

Analyticfag here. Disagree. Logic necessitates epistemologically relegating metaphysical ontology to the status of religious faith.

>> No.948898

If Frege isn't God tier all by him self then you clearly don't understand the history of philosophy, and I mean real philosophy, the kind you read in philosophy journals not the kind you find discussed on message boards.

>> No.948904

No, metaphysics (ontology debate specifically) has exactly the same epistemological justification as pure religious faith.

>> No.948925

Like I said, there is no such ''metaphysical ontology'', this would require metaphysics to be as easily defined as the analytic school. Whether or not Metaphysics is epistemologically justified, depends on whether or not representational realism is assumed, which it is in hard science.

>> No.948930

This thread proves that we need a /phil/. All this shit is fucking up my lit.

>> No.948937

hey, hey, hey this thread relates to writers and books.

>> No.948943


I would post in /phil/. and the continentals could stay right here.

>> No.948948

>the most obvious troll in the history of trolldom
> 106 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

I hate you guys. I really fucking hate you. I hope you die slow, horrible deaths. Fuck you guys.

>> No.948956


Depends what you mean by metaphysical ontology et cetera.

Quine wrote in two dogmas & the consequences of rejecting logical positivism:

"...Both dogmas, I shall argue, are ill founded. One effect of abandoning them is, as we shall see, a blurring of the supposed boundary between speculative metaphysics and natural science. Another effect is a shift toward pragmatism."

>> No.948957

This is true as Analytics have no place in the creative arts, and use logic to justify their creative mediocrity.

>> No.948961

>this would require metaphysics to be as easily defined as the analytic school

>hurr durr my metaphysics is valid because i won't define it durr hurr


>Whether or not Metaphysics is epistemologically justified, depends on whether or not representational realism is assumed

Err.. no, it is made concrete by your necessarily employing and presupposing classical logic in every argument you ever make. Representational *realism* in epistemology is secondary (though obviously correct for the purposes of human interaction with reality).

>> No.948987

I just think you are attempting to take on metaphysics, but your power levels aren't high enough and you are just taking it on the authority of others, in this case the analytic fad...Also, Representational realism can not be ''secondary'' to epistemology, without employing bad faith, or assuming the Virtual, the ontology of which is a Continental strength, and a Analytic weakness, the weakness of the Analytic school is its aversion to advanced semiotics, which is required for an ontology of the Virtual.

>> No.948990

Alright, I'm done being trolled. Well-played.

>> No.948992

Philosophy trolls fuck off and die, tia

>> No.948993

>and the continentals could stay right here.

The faggot in this thread is the only person I have ever met with these retarded views of philosophy. There is no need for continentals to stay here (except to discuss Sartre's plays or something).

>> No.949006

There is no substantive difference in the methodology of Continental and Analytic philosophy. They have certain stylistic tendencies that differ and that's pretty much it.

>> No.949010


>There is no substantive difference between rigorous logic and illogic.

>> No.949018


go read Thousand Pleateaus by Deleuze and Naming and Necessity by Kripke and come back and say it again.

Maybe same in object of interest, ie. lingustic turn in both cases in 20th century, but certainly not method.

>> No.949022

Typical of the doubts about analytic philosophy is the late William Barrett's complaint that "an 'analytic' philosopher…earn[s] this title by grinding away at the consequences of this or that particular proposition as if filing a legal brief.…[B]ut [p]hilosophy is a way of seeing rather than the tedious business of a lawyer's brief" (The Illusion of Technique [1978], p. 66). Notice that a representative spokesman for the analytic orthodoxy can essentially echo Barrett, though with a rather different valence: "Philosophy is not primarily a body of doctrine, a series of conclusions or systems or movements. Philosophy…lies in the detailed posing of questions, the clarification of meaning, the development and criticism of argument, the working out of ideas and points of view. It resides in the angles, nuances, styles, struggles, and revisions of individual authors" all of which constitutes "the grandeur, richness, and intellectual substance of our subject" (Tyler Burge, "Philosophy of Language and Mind: 1950-1990," Philosophical Review 101 (1992), at p. 51). Neither extreme is very plausible: the lasting significance of, e.g., Plato, Kant, and Hegel among others surely has to do with their "way of seeing," even though these thinkers are also distinguished by their attention to "the development and criticism of argument." Nietzsche might well have been speaking of analytic philosophers when he wrote of his contemporaries in classical philology as follows:

>> No.949025

>is the only person I have ever met with these retarded views of philosophy

Ha, that is true, I don't just dickride well known and popularly accepted charlatans...

>> No.949027

>Almost always the books of scholars are somehow oppressive, oppressed: the "specialist" emerges somewhere—his zeal, his seriousness, his fury, his overestimation of the nook in which he sits and spins, his hunched back; every specialist has his hunched back. Every scholarly book also mirrors a soul that has become crooked; every craft makes crooked.…Nothing can be done about that. Let nobody suppose that one could possibly avoid such crippling by some artifice of education. On this earth one pays dearly for every kind of mastery.…For having a specialty one pays by also being the victim of this specialty. But you would have it otherwise—cheaper and fairer and above all more comfortable—isn't that right, my dear contemporaries. Well then, but in that case you also immediately get something else: instead of the craftsman and master, the "man of letters," the dexterous, "polydexterous" man of letters who, to be sure, lacks the hunched back—not counting the posture he assumes before you, being the salesman of the spirit and the "carrier" of culture—the man of letters who really is nothing but "represents" almost everything, playing and "substituting" for the expert, and taking it upon himself in all modesty to get himself paid, honored, and celebrated in place of the expert.

>> No.949029

>No, my scholarly friends, I bless you even for your hunched back. And for despising, as I do, the "men of letters" and culture parasites. And for not knowing how to make a business of the spirit. And for having opinions that cannot be translated into financial values. And for not representing anything that you are not. And because your sole aim is to become masters of your craft, with reverence for every kind of mastery and competence, and with uncompromising opposition to everything that is semblance, half-genuine, dressed up, virtuosolike, demagogical, or histrionic in litteris et artibus—to everything that cannot prove to you its unconditional probity in discipline and prior training, [The Gay Science, sec. 366]

>> No.949031

These remarks remain as apt today as they were more than a century ago. Whatever the limitations of "analytic" philosophy, it is clearly far preferable to what has befallen humanistic fields like English, which have largely collapsed as serious disciplines while becoming the repository for all the world's bad philosophy, bad social science, and bad history. (Surely humanity "celebrities" like Stanley Fish and Judith Butler are fine contemporary examples of "the man of letters who really is nothing but 'represents' almost everything, playing and 'substituting' for the expert, and taking it upon himself in all modesty to get himself paid, honored, and celebrated.…") When compared to the sophomoric nonsense that passes for "philosophizing" in the broader academic culture—often in fields like English, Law, Political Science, and sometimes History—one can only have the highest respect for the intellectual rigor and specialization of analytic philosophers. It is also because analytic philosophy remains very much a specialty that it is possible to rank departments: the standards of success and accomplishment are relatively clear, maintained as they are by a large, dedicated scholarly community.

Indeed, it is fair to say that what gets called “analytic” philosophy is the philosophical movement most continuous with the "grand" tradition in philosophy, the tradition of Aristotle and Descartes and Hume and Kant. Only analytic philosophers aspire to the level of argumentative sophistication and philosophical depth that marks the great philosophers—even as analytic philosophers typically fail to achieve the grand visions, the "ways of seeing" of the great historical figures.

>> No.949034

At the same time, analytic philosophers generally become unbearably trite and superficial once they venture beyond the technical problems and methods to which their specialized training best suits them, and try to assume the mantle of "public intellectual" so often associated with figures on the Continent. The best analytic philosophers are usually very smart (clever, quick, analytically acute), but less often deep. A reflective, literate person will still find far more nourishment from the writings of Schopenhauer or Nietzsche, than from the attempts of some "analytic" philosophers to become free-lance social critics or purveyors of existential wisdom. Yet as a discipline, in which students are recruited to do doctoral work, it is a bit silly to think that Philosophy Departments can train Nietzsches. Genius, one may hope, will find its way in the world without the benefit of rankings. But for those who want to pursue a scholarly career in philosophy, one can not do better than to pursue training in analytic philosophy—even if one plans to work, in the end, on Hegel or Marx or Nietzsche. As Julian Young remarks (Times Literary Supplement, July 10, 1998, p. 17):
>The Continental tradition contains most of the great, truly synoptic, European thought of the past 200 years. That is why…whereas analytic philosophy has proved of little or no interest to the humanities other than itself, the impact of Continental philosophy has been enormous. But there is also a great deal of (mostly French) humbug in the Continental tradition. This is why there is a powerful need for philosophers equipped with analytic methodology to work within…the Continental tradition—to sort the gold from the humbug.

>> No.949039

Few if any of your beloved continentals even agree with you.

Also lol at thinking Analytic philosophers are celebrities but Continentals aren't. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.949051

One example of a philosopher collaborating with a psychoanalyst to do interdisciplinary experimental writing does not refute my claim.

Read Deleuze's work at large. Read Empiricism and Subjectivity or Expressionism in Philosophy, or Difference and Repetition. Hell, in The Logic of Sense he even cites the analytic notion of sense.

>> No.949058

>Well then, but in that case you also immediately get something else: instead of the craftsman and master, the "man of letters," the dexterous, "polydexterous" man of letters who, to be sure, lacks the hunched back—not counting the posture he assumes before you, being the salesman of the spirit and the "carrier" of culture—the man of letters who really is nothing but "represents" almost everything, playing and "substituting" for the expert, and taking it upon himself in all modesty to get himself paid, honored, and celebrated in place of the expert.

I wasn't the original poster of this but this last bit seems to me to describe Continental philosophers and why they are so much better at life, and hence at philosophy. I swear, Analytics with its rigidness SCREAMS of a generation of academics who have not fought in a war, who are considered men by none and are not considered at all by many, bearing false fangs at a world who sees them for who they truly are, without praxis, without courage, without vivacity. Analytics, you will make us no art, you will contribute nothing more than the innovative player of a strategy game might contribute...you are not charming, you may be ''right'' in your way, but you can take that, for it is a trifle, and this you know.

>> No.949094

I find earnestness more valuable than empty rhetoric and narcissism.

But clearly you hold both those as more valuable than earnestness, seeing as you practice them in every philosophy thread these past couple of days.

You're basically a tripfag without the trip.

>> No.949116

What is earnest in a formula? What is narcissistic in an anonymous post? What have I been railing against except for the disaffectation of this analytic school? The smug elitism of OP is what drives me to be a scoundrel, and OP's smugness is echoed again and again. Metaphysics as religious faith...and what of it?

>> No.949133

>The smug elitism of OP is what drives me to be a scoundrel, and OP's smugness is echoed again and again.

The OP is a fucking obvious troll. The only reason you take a Tier List like his in an OP at all seriously is because of your neurotic narcissistic compulsion to correct him and convince everyone of your world view.

Further, you take the OP (a troll) to be somehow representative of Analytic Philosophy or anyone who appreciates it as a whole which just displays a complete lack of basic human understanding. Even further you do this with minimal experience with the actual tradition.

Sorry, your "cause" is not just. Drop it.

>> No.949140


Continental phil is bullshit in Frankfurt's sense. Thats why the rage. See:


>> No.949151

>Continental phil is bullshit

No it isn't, quit making equally retarded generalizations and provoking him to further shit up threads.

>> No.949162

If there were any relevance to this, then noone would have responded to what I have said, or is discourse painful for adepts of the analytic school? I take OP's list seriously as it is representative of the Analytic school's drive to preeminence in Ivy League philosophy departments, how this reflects a general disaffectation of class, and the diffusion of this disaffectation as a reactionary impulse born out of general incomprehension of Rhetoric. Logic, and the Analytic School which venerates logic, is nothing but an offshoot of Rhetoric, as is Metaphysics. They diverge, and require at least one person (and I do think I'm the only one doing this) to champion it here, if this is at all to be taken seriously, and if it is not then why expend the effort?

>> No.949171

how does one shit up a troll thread?

>> No.949183

>then noone would have responded to what I have said

They responded because they didn't want you disseminating inaccurate, deceptive and ignorant views. Because Analytics care about the truth, generally, not just posting their opinion out of narcissistic impulse (which is really the only reason you have to do any of this considering your denial of the significance of logic or truth).

>I take OP's list seriously as it is representative of the Analytic school's drive to preeminence in Ivy League philosophy departments, how this reflects a general disaffectation of class, and the diffusion of this disaffectation as a reactionary impulse born out of general incomprehension of Rhetoric.




>> No.949204

>4chan is not a valid context
>you don't at least partially agree with op's tier list
How is it narcissitic again? I think discourse creates internal difference, it is pliable, and your claim to ''truth'' as something to be arrived at only by your chosen methodology is far more narcissistic than what i have been insisting.

>> No.949207

itt: analytic phil rapes continental phil

>> No.949211

actually itt: Analytic philosophy is mad.

>> No.949213

>no text in the body of the post
>136 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

God damn it /lit/.

>> No.949215

>you don't at least partially agree with op's tier list

I really don't.

>, and your claim to ''truth'' as something to be arrived at only by your chosen methodology is far more narcissistic

Except I never claimed any of that. I never rejected continental methodology, just the view that the only important thing is art.

And if you think holding beliefs about what is true or not is narcissistic, well you are just on such a different wavelength from pretty much anyone ever that there's no point talking.

>> No.949219

nah, we not mad. we comfortably dominant in academia anyway.

>> No.949225


>> No.949236

you dominant in academia.
us dominant in bed.
i'll take it.

>> No.949246

Analytic philosophy is only somewhat dominant in the US and not dominant pretty much anywhere else.

>> No.949254

[Insert blocks of text/words that are only used by philosophy majors]

I just successfully contributed to this thread.

>> No.949256

Analytic philosophy discredits Metaphysics, and its adherents will usually discredit the Continental school. I am surprised that you aren't on that bandwagon. Also art as the highest value of life is obviously not something which can be disproven by the Analytic school, nor do I suspect even addressed by it, but as it is my personal conviction the Analytic school, the most uncreative of the predominent trends, is worthless to me. I'm not throwing out logic with the dross that is this academic trend, but I feel like I must attack it in whatever way to create an adequate dialogue on the subject, The Analytic School can hardly get it up without someone throwing crazed slander its way.

>> No.949258


> Insecure brat with a low IQ. Never has had sex. Small. Weak. Looks at the ground when he walks.

>> No.949260

Good to know. I was just being snarky, anyway.

>> No.949263

UK, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc.

>> No.949264

>doesn't know that greentext is not used for brutal self assessments.

>> No.949265


and that's pretty much where anything worth anything goes on. germany isnt doing well. and well, france is the major producer of bullshit.

>> No.949270

>Analytic philosophy discredits Metaphysics

Fifty bajillion people have contradicted this. From the Analytic Camp. Quit ignoring it because it doesn't fit your straw-man.

>> No.949291

Others, like Wittgenstein, as well as a few anons have confirmed this. I am taking it from an actual contributor to the Analytic school.

>> No.949294

Okay, I really want to reconcile. I really do. I'm the artfag or whatever you want to call me. Please direct me to an Analytic Philosopher dealing with Aesthetics.

>> No.949298
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Having a problem with analytics because it negates most metaphysical debates is like having a problem with evolution because is negates most religious creation myths.

>> No.949303

You placed Marx and Hawking in the same tier as that Russian mongrel, Ayn Rand. This is why categories do not work.

>> No.949312

>tier list
>+100 posts

Guys I thought were supposed to be better than /mu/

>> No.949316
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>> No.949323

Yes, in a way this is true. Analytics wish to debase and ''do away'' with metaphysics, and this is cowardly, they are specialists, they want to take their ball and go home...Anyway I digress...Religion exists, and it is valid, it is part of human culture and there is no reason why one should limit the scope of ones interests based solely on a Rhetorical refutation of the ''truth'' in Religion. Metaphysics should not be addressed by Analytics, that is all, they obviously haven't the talent or the motivation for it. If you enjoy your smug sense of wholeness, thinking you have found the ''answer'' for why you don't believe, or aren't capable of conceiving of the metaphysical *which is old hat anyway* then go forth...

>> No.949331

Your shop really says nothing, but it is flattering that you spent over 9000 hours trying to denigrate something you failed to comprehend.

>> No.949333

> I am taking it from an actual contributor to the Analytic school.

This makes no sense in philosophy which has immense divides in opinion. Also, the other day an anon posted from source material describing the turn away from this type of thinking post-1960.


Here, it lists some contributors to Analytic Metaphysics right there.

I focus much more on Ethics in both Continental and Analytic philosophy otherwise I'd recommend you a number of books on the subject. Poke around Amazon or something. You'll find plenty.


>> No.949334

Awful lotta people with useless degrees in here

>> No.949344

>This makes no sense in philosophy which has immense divides in opinion.

By this I meant taking one thinker, Wittgenstein, as representative of the entirety of Analytic Philosophy which is so far from dogmatic it's laughable.

>> No.949349
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Analytic aesthetics has been by far dominant in aesthetics since the 1950s. Look anywhere.

Roger Scruton is a big name.

Here is a course list with 100+ articles by topic in analytic aesthetics:


>> No.949361

If it is so dominant, then can you tell me what products have come of it? Are there novels, films, anything of the sort associated with the Analytic school as there are with the Continental school? I'm genuinely curious. Seriously ''dominant gruff gruff'' I didn't order any sass with that.

>> No.949367

Analytics are not philosophers.

>> No.949371

Okay, fair enough. I only go with that, because I haven't seen sufficient evidence of an Analytic perspective of Metaphysical Ontology other than to invalidate it.

>> No.949377

>mid tier

>> No.949382

>an Analytic perspective of Metaphysical Ontology

There is no single one. Analytic philosophers who don't deny metaphysics have such diverse views you can't really summarize it, not more than you can in the Continental tradition.

What would you think if someone took late Heidegger's attack on Metaphysics as representative of the entire Continental tradition?

>> No.949388


Wittgenstein actually denounced his former self from the tractatus, and was quite a metaphysician in the Investigations.

>> No.949397

True, well, this is actually leading to something. Is there a current, comprehensive account of the Analytic school to be found? I never thought that the Continentals were very cohesive (I mean people blast foucault regularly, and call him a continental philosopher when in fact he is largely a historian and you can criticize his research methods but that is something totally different)

>> No.949403

Talking about "metaphysics" as if its some thing we need to have as opposed to something that needs to be debated is inane. Metaphysical ontology is faith and all consistent analytic logicians relegate it as such. However, analytic philosophers have replaced the debunked metaphysics religion with the "metaphysical" protoscience research project Popper recommended. This "new metaphysics" has little to do with the old metaphysics of the Continental and theological schools.

>> No.949408

>Wittgenstein... a metaphysician in the Investigations.

You just completely discredited yourself.

>> No.949416

Wittgenstein flip flopped in a lot of his opinions. There's a lot to learn from him at any stage in his philosophy tho, and from whatever position he takes.

>> No.949418


Yeah right. Evolution is falsifiable in the Popperian sense...It is well know in the philosopher of biology circles it is not. Quit being a retard and whine about metaphysics. You're a disgrace to the analytics

>> No.949420

This is really funny because it sounds like Popper is doing what the Continentals are accused , using semiotic rhetorics to assuage cognitive dissonance and a dead-end argument. "new metaphysics" is one of the silliest terms I have heard in a while and shows the lack of proficiency in semiotics which the analytics obviously suffer from.

>> No.949425

> Is there a current, comprehensive account of the Analytic school to be found?

I really don't know, I just kind of follow my nose as far as reading on a more immanent level because I don't notice the continental/analytic divide.

Here's some possibilities I found in the Bibliography of this page:

Biletzki and Matar (eds.). 1998: The Story of Analytic Philosophy: Plot and Heroes, London and New York: Routledge.
Capaldi, Nicholas. 2000: The Enlightenment Project in the Analytic Conversation, Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Charlton, William. 1991: The Analytic Ambition: An Introduction to Philosophy, Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell.
Clarke, D.S. 1997: Philosophy’s Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy, La Salle: Open Court.
Cohen, L. J. 1986: The Dialogue of Reason: An Analysis of Analytical Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Preston, Aaron. 2004: “Prolegomena to Any Future History of Analytic Philosophy,” Metaphilosophy, vol. 35, no. 4, 445-465.
Preston, Aaron. 2005a: “Conformism in Analytic Philosophy: On Shaping Philosophical Boundaries and Prejudices,” The Monist, Volume 88, Number 2, April 2005.
Preston, Aaron. 2005b: “Implications of Recent Work on Analytic Philosophy,” The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly, no. 127 (August 2005), 11-30.
Stroll, Avrum. 2000: Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy, New York: Columbia University Press.
Ammerman, Robert (ed.). 1990: Classics of Analytic Philosophy, Indianapolis: Hackett.
Baillie, James (ed.). 2002: Contemporary Analytic Philosophy: Core Readings, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall.
Martinich, A. P. and Sosa, David (eds.). 2001a: Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology, Blackwell Publishers.
Martinich, A. P. and Sosa, David (eds.). 2001b: A Companion to Analytic Philosophy, Blackwell Publishers.

>> No.949433

>Evolution is falsifiable in the Popperian sense...It is well know in the philosopher of biology circles it is not.


>> No.949440

Hey this is actually useful, and tbh my white knighting for the Continentals is largely due to the fact that many of them are creative artists as well, and my allegience goes to the production side of culture. I do anticipate that I will find the Analytics to be indespinsable in developing aesthetics, only I doubt very seriously I will become one of the ''fans''.

>> No.949441


He only denounced his picture theory as the sole way to meaningfully express thoughts. It still applies to facts. He still thought that metaphysics was nothing but meaningless blabber.

>> No.949444


Are you the same anon that made this:


If so the philosophy dept. must not be keeping you very busy.

Even if you aren't, it's still enjoyable to see you jerking off some other internet intellectual.

>> No.949473

I'm sorry, you mad? my rhetoric was so mind-raping to you that you were forced to come at me with petty remarks and exactly zero cogent refutations of my original statement.

>> No.949475


Popper regarded falsification as a demarcation criterion between metaphysics and ie. science. and evolution fails at this test. hence you need to dismiss evolution out if you adopt Popper view together with your no metaphysics allowed attitude.

>> No.949509

First, any specific evolutionary theory is evidentially falsifiable as Popper himself later pointed out. Second, you're forgetting the very basis of argument, articulation, and analytics - logic. See critical rationalism, Quine, etc. Deductive logic (like the second gap in the meta-evolutionary syllogism) is not falsifiable in the same way that basic mathematics is not falsifiable. Deduction is not falsifiable. It's quantitative, a posteriori, empirical claims that must be falsifiable to be scientific, not deductive logic.

>> No.949547

This is what I'm talking about! The limited scope of analytic discourse, where something can be ''meaningless''...That sentiment exposes your misunderstanding or disregard of semiotics, either would be a folly.

>> No.949560


I quoted this already but you obviously did not read Quine, he opposed Popper. And the way you say use "a posteriori claim have to be falsified" resembles the synthetic claim of old.
"... Both dogmas, I shall argue, are ill founded. One effect of abandoning them is, as we shall see, a blurring of the supposed boundary between speculative metaphysics and natural science. "

And no. Theories have to be falsifiable, that is what meets the tribunal of experience, That the world can shout out incoherent to your theory. and the world clearly cannot shout that in the case of evolution.

>> No.949632


It was just a question anon. Did you make that post that was over 3 hours ago?

Because I think it's funny that you take this so seriously. I mean c'mon, "cogent refutations." You blow more air out saying that than a fat guy running up a hill.

But I understand your pain. This shit is hard! You want to make people understand that you're SMART! I like you. Whenever I'm feeling down about where I'm going in life, I go up to the first person I see and say, "Res judicata vested remainder subject to divestment summary judgment."

And I'll let you mind-rape me anytime you want.

>> No.949640
File: 219 KB, 1448x2091, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read Quine and Popper quite comprehensively and I'm well aware of where they nominally disagreed. Quine is important so far as he debunked the notion that logic is somehow non-empirical in the empiricist's sense and thus can be reduced to mere symbols with no necessary connection to empirical reality. Popper is important insofar as he debunked the old inductivist positivism and emphasized the little-understood notion of falsifiability for empirical claims in the non-deductive logic sense (a point where Quine agreed and explicitly endorsed Popper's falsificationism). You have to parse the differences in terminology to see the modern post-positivist consensus in science and critical rationalism. For instance, the doctrine of falsificationism is not itself falsifiable. That logic is empirical in one important sense is immaterial to the real and obvious difference between a logical deduction and an empirical claim. Darwinian theory is premised on a number of uncontroversial empirical postulates.

>> No.949664

Actually, I was just wondering y u so mad, but I think I understand a bit better now. I did make it three hours ago, fuck, why do i spend so much time at my job pretending to work? thanks for the reality check.

>> No.949678

Analytics ITT is the goal of the Analytics to find truth or establish clarity? If so, in response to what? (e.g. what is unclear?) Is the dichotomy between Analytic and Continental philosophy a true dichotomy or is it just like when rappers pretend to fight to sell albums? I have more questions but these are for now.

>> No.949697

To find truth. Clarity is just a way to grease the wheels.

>Is the dichotomy between Analytic and Continental philosophy a true dichotomy or is it just like when rappers pretend to fight to sell albums?

It's partial, but not as big as people make it out to be. And it's going to vary a lot.

>> No.949721 [DELETED] 

Both. Analytic philosophy is essentially about being as honest as possible about what you're claiming know, how you're claiming to know it, and what it means. In this, it is the polar opposite of the obscurantist-to-the-point-of-verified-nonsense Continental school.

>> No.949731

Both. Analytic philosophy is essentially about being as honest as possible about what you're claiming know, how you're claiming to know it, and what it means. In this, it is the polar opposite of the obscurantist-to-the-point-of-verified-nonsense Continental school.

It's a true dichotomy, though it blurs at the margins in the real world like everything else.

>> No.949755

See I do not think that the Continentals are obscurantist, you must familiarize yourself with the terminology, with themes and concepts which are relevant to certain elements within the Continental school (also have a working knowledge of Marx and Freud by way of Lacan). The Analytical school, is i'm sure, similar in this respect, you have your rules and terminology. When I read something by Deleuze, for instance, I have no trouble understanding what he says except (and this is an admission) when he cites previous writers who I'm not familiar with, but I think many writers are guilty of name-dropping with no regard for the audience. Okay, next question. What role does Representative Realism play in the Current situation in Analytics?

>> No.949773

You have very poor reading comprehension if you think Derrida or Foucault is nonsense. I might give you Lacan, but I don't see how people think Derrida or Foucault are obscurantist. It seems to me that people who say that are just towing the party line.

I remember when I gave my high school Biblical History teacher a copy of The Blind Watchmaker, since I heard him say that evolution is random and completely left to chance. He said he tried to read it, but couldn't understand what Dawkins was on about, and he thought he shouldn't waste his time with it.

When I see people calling a certain kind of thought "bullshit bullshit nonsense nonsense", and not being able to articulate even a few basic points that their opponents are making, I think that they're just using it as an excuse to not engage the material.

>> No.949801 [DELETED] 

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yneg ep xhgttq n npchprzwf t kv mpq q srymlalhjn q

>> No.949802

This. Foucault is the opposite of obscurantist, as he is in the business of examining mystifying narratives which are taken for empirical fact.

>> No.949824


Even Foucault considered Derrida obscurantist funny eh.
Quoted from Wikipedia: Michel Foucault, who has often been closely associated with Derrida, also revealed his dissatisfaction of Derrida's style of writing in a conversation with Searle. According to Foucault, Derrida practises the method of obscurantisme terroriste (terrorist obscurantism; an ironic term given Derrida's later preoccupation with terrorism). Searle quotes Foucault's explanation of the term as the following:
He writes so obscurely you can't tell what he's saying, that's the obscurantism part, and then when you criticize him, he can always say, "You didn't understand me; you're an idiot." That's the terrorism part.

>> No.949827


See if you tell me I need to go to Marx to understand the apparently substantive things these authors are saying, I'm lost. I've read Capital, the Manifesto, Communism and Property. I used to be a Marxist. A simple understanding of economics and value subjectivism has made Marx obsolete to me. All of the stuff that spins out of Marxism is premised on Marx's political economy, is it not? If that falls (as it clearly has), what is substantively left?

>> No.949828

obvius troll

>> No.949836

Try harder, son.

When you attain a complex understanding, you will be ready to return.

>> No.949844

Also, some of the things that are said about continentals are just outright bullshit. Was it that letter that the analytics wrote to Cambridge over Derrida's honorary doctorate that said Derrida talks about "logical phallusies"? Even though that phrase doesn't appear anywhere in Derrida's work? What's bullshit is much of the criticism that the continentals get.

>> No.949864


Analytical philosophy isn't philosophy, and its practitioners aren't honest.

>> No.949867

Well... Derrida's writing is difficult, sure. I think he gets carried away with the flowery prose. But, I don't think he's purposely obscuring his reasoning. Also, I've never really seen Derrida be condescending like that. In some Q&A sessions I've seen him in, he was always patient and straight-forward. I never got an elitist impression from Derrida.

But, yeah, Foucault is one of the more down-to-earth ones.

>> No.949869

>Even Foucault considered Derrida obscurantist funny eh.

That's because Foucault was butthurd that Derrida raped his reading of Descartes' Cogito being exclusionary towards madness in a completely lucid and easy to understand essay which pretty much disproves the idea that Derrida is obscurantist (all the time, at least).

>> No.949873
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>> No.949875

Well, I cut it a bit short. You must understand Marx to understand Post-Marxism (Guy Debord's work "The Society of the Spectacle" being the most important work thereof) Post-marxism, specifically Debord, criticized Alienation in language, thus necessitating semiotics. Semiotics figures very importantly in Lacan and Deleuze. Deleuze/Guatarri's Anti-Oedipus draws heavily on Marxist Semiotics. Also, a rudimentary reading of some Sartre wouldn't hurt. I'm not surprised that Foucault calls Derrida Obscurantist, although I believe this to be more in jest than in earnest, but I really get mad when Foucault is lumped in with Derrida or really with the Continentals at all. He owes to them some of his semiotical heritage, and perhaps his political pedigree, but he is a historian, his work speaks for itself.

>> No.949883

> In some Q&A sessions I've seen him in, he was always patient and straight-forward.

This. Read interviews with Derrida if you find his written work too weird and indirect. Which they can seriously be, though he has written fairly direct stuff too (Cogito and Madness, Differance, The Gift of Death).

>> No.949887

Oh and the Marxist texts which you read actually aren't as important as other texts by him to the Continental school, I know that seems weird, but it's true. A good thing to read by Marx would be Manuscripts of 1844.

>> No.949919


Fucking saved. Only good thing to come out of this thread.

>> No.951580
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>> No.951676

Who's the woman in the god tier?

>> No.951684

Lol, what?