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File: 41 KB, 450x320, overweight-couple-watching-television-on-sofa-bfh1rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9476748 No.9476748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw dumb parents

>> No.9476765

It is weird slowly becoming the one who knows more, but one has to learn how to talk to people and with people about things other than ideas. Or you drive a wedge of haughtiness through relationships. Be respectful and patient.

>> No.9476767

maybe you're too stupid to know otherwise in which case maybe you're right

>> No.9476773

My parents aren't dumb but they aren't particularly bright either. At least they're not the stereotypical simpletons portrayed in your pic.

>> No.9476774

I can't talk about things, does that make me autistic? what the fuck is even a thing?
I'm just intelligent enough to realize how dumb I am

>> No.9476779

Shut the fuck up you ungrateful piece of shit. What, you think you're too intelligent for the people who gave you life? Who raised you? Who fed you? So you're such a cunting genius that they're now below you? Well guess what, you're not fucking clever. You're scum who thinks he's clever.

>> No.9476785

dumb families are the worst

>> No.9476786

wew lad
I still love them and will forever thank them for feeding me
take a xanax

>> No.9476791


You have to work on your outlook- think about the person and whats going on in their life they might want to talk about, tell them about the baby fox you saw in the yard last night, or how you had a nice walk, things like that.

>> No.9476793

>What, you think you're too intelligent for the people who gave you life?
lol yes. My father had four children and not a single one of them were intended.

>> No.9476805

and their passed their genes to you

>> No.9476809

Classic spook

>> No.9476810

>implying most children aren't accidents
stop thinking you're special for having parents who said fuck condoms because raw is better

>> No.9476812

I don't know if inteligence is genetic or not, I hope my kids get some sharp brains, I guess the kind of stimulus you give them must play a role in the whole thing, I would like to not have a TV on my house but I fear that they would end up craving TV just because everyone else has one and everyone talks about what they watch on TV, not having that in common would isolate them from other kids and that would probably make them sad, and if they are sad they will not be motivated to do well in school
thank god I will probably never find a woman who would accept to have kids with me, because rasing them seems like a really hard task

>> No.9476819

the baby boomers really brainwashed you, kid

>> No.9476830

>tell them about the baby fox you saw in the yard last night, or how you had a nice walk
no one wants to hear about so boring shit unless you have some kind of interesting observation on the fox, which will lead to talking about ideas instead of things
the ride never ends for the autistic one

>> No.9476844

He never said he was special, he actually informed you that there are other 3 human beings to were thrown into existence for the same reason
Why are parents such a holy cow for you?

>> No.9476854

I will always love my parents but my mother is pretty fucking dumb about most things
She works from home and does literally nothing every day but work, watch reality tv, and half of the time cook dinner, and she is perfectly content to do that every single day until she dies
My father has less raw intelligence but actively seeks out new things to learn about and new hobbies to try, like learning the piano or getting a real estate license, because he is retired and wants things to do
My mother continuously undermines this and tries to convince him he's wasting his time and should join her watching tv
Accidentally ending up with a kid you don't want does not automatically turn you into some paragon of virtue

>> No.9476856
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>Anon, stop wasting time sitting there in your room reading books. You need to get out of the house more. You're wasting your youth! And don't give me that nonsense about "nurturing your brain." Your father didn't become an Assistant Supervisor of Wagecorp by reading Shakespeare.

>> No.9476864

>My mother continuously undermines this and tries to convince him he's wasting his time and should join her watching tv
My mother actually succeded in doing time, protect your father from her

>> No.9476866

Does someone here even have (very) smart parents? What is it like?

>> No.9476869

feels dfw-esque

>> No.9476877

>implying my dad has ever had a job

>> No.9476885

My parents do the TV thing too. Whenever they come over my dad gets angry that I don't have the TV on and gripes at me to get cable or antenna or something.

It's not like we sit in silence otherwise, they usually come over to talk or for some other reason. I don't get the need to have a TV on 24/7.

>> No.9476886

he implied it dumbass.
unless your parents were the upper-class anal uptight types who were meticulous about everything chances are you're an accident too.
there's a difference between having a kid in high school, and being married and fucking without using condoms.
also no it doesn't but implying that there's some kind of ethical problem with having kids (even if unplanned) during a marriage is a problem is fucking dumb. beats getting an abortion.

>> No.9476887

>having a based NEET dad
I'm jelly desue

>> No.9476889
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>tfw both parents have Phds

Won the lottery

>> No.9476894

>he implied it

>> No.9476900

And what do you have to show for it?

>> No.9476901

It's a disease. Similar to when people can't fall asleep without the tv running in the background.

>> No.9476902

>Why are parents such a holy cow for you?
Answer the man with the dubs, anon.

Sounds like my mom, who only reads prayer books and is perfectly happy to watch Caso Cerrado after spending her life at a series of menial office jobs.

I'm grateful to her for raising me, but the thought of being contented by mass media and living without dreams is fucking horrifying.

>> No.9476904

All I implied is my father is a fucking dumbass.

>> No.9476907
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>Tfw won the lottery
>Wasted it by being a lazy sack of shit

>> No.9476919

how is it called and whats the cure/treatment
I want to save my parents

>> No.9476923


>> No.9476925

I try to. When I come home or they come to visit I ask him what he's been reading about. He likes hearing about things I'm studying at school and projects I'm working on.
He has the bad habit of taking whatever news pundits say as gospel, though. A couple months ago he listened to some guy on the radio say half of climate scientists think climate change is made-up. I told him that this person was actively lying to him. He's firmly convinced climate change is a conspiracy and I tried to talk to him about it but he believes politicians over experts

>> No.9476932

try reading his posts dumbfuck
they're not. my parents are far from perfect i'm just not that much of a whiny passive bitch to let circumstance hold me back.

>> No.9477012
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>tfw mom had dreams of becoming a correspondent living in the soviet union and even studied russian for it, but then had kids young so she never got the chance to leave the small place she grew up in, and are now extremely supportive of her sons dream of becoming some sort of writer, which in turn puts extra pressure on the son to pursue writing, so he can have a version of the life that he essentially robbed from her by being born

>> No.9477022

>people are on equal level to cows because cows feed them lol

>> No.9477035

This. Boomers are mentally illl

>> No.9477068
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>> No.9477071
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>mom watches tv
>wants to talk to me about something
>can't find the correct and suitable words the situation
>she says she ought to read more
>i recommend some easy going books
>oh anon, i haven't got time to read
getting p tired of your shit familia

>> No.9477097

>tfw smart dad and stupid mom

He could have done better tbqh

>> No.9477098


>> No.9477111
File: 11 KB, 200x200, mr peanutbutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent choose to be born

>> No.9477119

I was one of the anons talking about my parents doing that, and they're not Boomers. They were born in the 70s (and had me very young, I'm nearly 30).

>> No.9477129

classical edgy teenager

>> No.9477137

>father is an alcoholic cook, played in a band in his youth
>mother is a teacher and former marxist academic

well they divorced when I was a little kid 'cause dad got violent in his drunkenness

>> No.9477148

Are you me anon?

>> No.9477149

>mom is dad and dead is a slight alcoholic who has to start a new education in his 50ties because he cant find a job as a construction worker

Feels bad man, I fell you OP

>> No.9477174

>mom is dad and dead
shit dude

>> No.9477179

I've always been the smartest member of my family. Sure, I'm no genius, but if I put effort into things which require mental acuity, then I can usually perform. I also consider myself more inquisitive than my family. Besides a Bible, my parents and my brother haven't picked up a book in years; especially not a book of philosophy.

Sometimes I get a sense of genetic inferiority when they speak (they don't believe in evolution, they are Fox News conservatives, and they scream like animals whenever they talk about football) because intelligence is hereditary, and it makes me feel worthless and stupid. Does anybody else feel like this?

>> No.9477181

he must also suffer the tv disease

>> No.9477185

>mom constantly mentions needing to pick up reading
>borrows some religious books from her friend
>never reads them
>mostly watches TV
I don't mind her not reading, it's okay mom, but please, don't pretend you like books

>> No.9477191

I watched my father set a man on fire with his mind.

>> No.9477194

Parents will slowly turn more intelligent in your eyes as you grow older.

>> No.9477212
File: 10 KB, 236x308, 2c62bc39ac71cc47417de639c1b171a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it means what you already think. You are adopted, or your mother played "doctor doctor" with your neighbour.

>> No.9477218

>your neighbour
The milkman, I mean.

>> No.9477221

>dad literally watches reality TV all damn day
>literally says empty phrases over and over when nobody is talking
>literally every idea or observation he has is wrong and founded on a misunderstanding
>does the most stupid things like leave windows open to "circulate" the air and then wonders why the pollen is bothering him
I've accepted that he may be retarded.

>> No.9477232

With that attitude i'd agree. Raising children is the most natural thing you will do beside shitting and eating (and they're on par).
Its those who overthink the whole process that fuck up their children.
Chill the fuck out, fuck a woman and fucking have kids. Go in there with nothing but good intentions and they will turn out great.

>> No.9477234

Had the exact opposite happen to me, familia.

>> No.9477241

Not really but my uncle is probably one of the most simple-minded people I've ever met and ever will meet in my life. His son is also pretty genetically autistic (by that I mean his issues are less rooted in fundamental social dysfunction and more in his genes), which makes me glad he's only a half-brother to my mother.

>> No.9477256

happened to me too, then the opposite

>> No.9477262

This, feels bad

It especially sucks because he is so fucking stubborn and can't accept that he's wrong sometimes.

Plus the fact that he is lazy and does not clean up at all.

If my mom wouldn't clean up this man would literally sleep in a completely filth-ridden bed and live in a house with shit everywhere because he farts and shits every damn day.

>> No.9477273

>>literally every idea or observation he has is wrong and founded on a misunderstanding

>> No.9477275

I feel you there anon.
Mine were retarded enough to get brainwashed by kikes to cut the best part of my cock off.

>> No.9477278

>tfw smart and socially capable
Now only if I wasn't lazy. :^)

>> No.9477279

Are you me?

>> No.9477296

>grocery store meat sucks (or so he says)
>the butcher takes all the meat home

>I get laid off and while I'm looking for a job I land a freelance gig
>it's a waste of time and they are probably taking advantage of me

And so forth.

>> No.9477300


Dad also wakes up 2 - 3 times every night to take a piss or take a shit, resulting in him being tired as fuck every day.

Probably one of the many reasons why he is just so fucked up.

>> No.9477304

So far it has been the opposite. When I was younger, there was this magic about my parents - I expected most of their choices to have been good.

But you know, nowadays I can see that they're just human.

They're really stupid about money - seriously, they're not poor but they manage to spend it all and be in debt in their 60s - and they really don't talk to each other enough. Dad is too obsessed with work. He already retired, but he just has to work 4-8 hours a day at a friend's firm without getting much of anything for it, yet he doesn't do much housework or fix their house at all.
When my mother is stressed about money, she gambles and shops. She just has to spend thousands of euros on an expensive dentist because the dentist is pleasant.

>> No.9477311


Don´t be stupid, tv has nothing to do with it, if the children is intelligent, it will not watch them dumb stuff in there, e.g. a six yo will prefer animal planet rather than barney

>> No.9477320

Kids nowadays don't even watch TV lol.

They play games and watch youtube on smartphones/tablets.

>> No.9477339

and by the time he has kids, they'll be hooked up to virtual reality, living a parallell life in the digital mega city neo-tokyo instead of tablets

>> No.9477387

My mom isnt stupid but i dont agree with her opinions and i noticed that i adapted her way of thinking

>> No.9477397

>tfw parents are terrible listeners
I can forgive them for being ignorant but this drives me nuts sometimes.

>> No.9477398

>I'm just intelligent enough to realize how dumb I am
this but i also feel i am smarter than at least 50% of people i know.

>> No.9477408

Having kids right now it wildly irresponsible, you should all just forget about it.

We're already overpopulated, living conditions are going to shit just about everywhere, mudslimes taking advantage of other country's kindness and killing and raping everyone, etc

Also this. Like a million babies are still getting mutilated every year in america, this country is well past the point of no return when it comes to ignorance

A lot of older fold are shit at listening, it seems.

There's really no excuse for ignorance though, especially nowadays when anything you want to know can be found with a couple clicks. Even before the internet there were libraries where a lot of things could be learned with a bit of effort.

>> No.9477418

>tfw you loved national geographic when I was a kid
>tfw still dumb piece of shit
Feels bad

>> No.9477420

Similar, except my identity is constructed on an anxiousness caused by uncertainty on that point.

There are basically only two options: either I'm a shitload dumber than most people I've talked with, or I'm a shitload smarter than them. There's just such a big gap between us, but I'm not really fit to judge whether it is because I'm too dumb to understand everyone else or they're too dumb to understand me.

>> No.9477422


You sound very cucky anon.

>> No.9477427

There's intelligence in my parents, but neither one of them were what you'd call "book" smart. They both had to leave school and work in their early-mid teens, so I don't begrudge them for not being particularly literary.

>> No.9477442

My mom isnt retarded but she has alot of life experience

>> No.9477443

my mom is a bit simpler, but my father is pretty smart.

he has an accounting degree, worked as a system analyst for 20 years, teached accouting in 2 colleges, knows a lot about math and such

although neither read books, they like that I read (and read a lot, compared to the regular '0-books-per-year' citizens)

>> No.9477460

Thanks, 15 year old shitposter from /r/the_donald.

>> No.9477470

Mom has a few degrees, read literature as a teenager but she's old and sick now. A box also fell on her head while she was in a supermarket and her memory was affected.

Dad never finished high school, but has travelled a lot and has a lot of ''life experiences''. Says wise things from time to time.

Sister is a complete normie but has some culture.

>> No.9477479

I have heard that having books in the house will encourage children to read. Forcing them will only make them resent reading. You need a gentle nudge to push them in the right direction. Like getting them a book for their birthday as well as something else (nobody wants just a book for their birthday)

>> No.9477504

As a kid who read a lot:

What I think pushed me towards reading:

-My mother read a lot of books to me when I was still too young to read. We even read a few together after that. When a new Harry Potter (haha pleb) book came out, she'd read it out loud, translating it from English on the fly (English isn't my native language, so I couldn't read English books until I was like 12)

-She also taught me to read, well before school started. I was very good at it when most of the others were still just learning, so I often read ghost stories out loud to the other kids.

-I always got books as gifts, plus we had a lot of books around so I could always look around in the shelves

>> No.9477507

One of my biggest fears is a serious head injury fucking my shit up and leaving me retarded
I won't even be dead, but my life will never be the same and almost every aspect will be completely ruined
All from something as simple as a car crash or apparently a trip to the goddamn grocery store

>> No.9477515
File: 578 KB, 520x631, shakespeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw overeducated parents
>tfw I'm the dumb child but only because my sister went to Stanford and an excellent grad school
>tfw going to top notch university
>mfw you will never feel the E U P H O R I C R U S H of holding a conversation on political philosophy while explaining a grad level physics problem to another person
ctfu brainlet scum
Buying books doesn't make your kids read. Being the type of person who buys books means you're likely intelligent enough to have kids who would read anyway

>> No.9477533
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Is it really that bad out there, guys? Are there really households where parents don't read and their crotchfruit never read either?

This neglectful shit sounds like child abuse tbqphwyf. We're doomed as a species my sons.

>> No.9477558

>tfw raised by a single mother who either had narcissistic personality disorder or sociopathic personality disorder, constantly lying and manipulating and emotionally & psychologically abusing, as well as stealing from employers and dudes in lonely hearts newspaper columns

>> No.9477576

Kids can't read if they aren't exposed to books in the first place

>> No.9477689

>tfw have over 2,000 books in the house

If my kid doesn't like reading I'm going to feel awful.

>> No.9477693

On a scale of 1-10 how fucked up are you? I ask that question empathetically as I come from a similar background.

>> No.9477828

She "robbed" herself of that. You didn't choose for her to be impregnated.

>> No.9477966
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>opened the thread to sperg about my mom
>reading the thread
>mom comes back from a party
>talking about what the party was like
>she opens her purse
>hands me a gram
>tfw just noticed how ungrateful I was
I love her, anon. She's not a critical thinker, watches TV and doesn't know much about politics or philosophy but she's a very capable person, she's a good teacher.

>> No.9477992

>degeneracy, the post

>> No.9478075

>mom was a QA analyst for a software company
>dad only had his GED but worked a job that was more or less accounting
>mom committed suicide after they divorced
>dad is retired now, just gardens and plays with the cat and keeps to himself

it really sucks because he always pushed me to do well in school (i know its a probably a meme but im an engineering major), but he doesn't even try with my sisters. all they do is sit and watch netflix and never go outside. i'm legitimately afraid of my youngest sister not graduating high school, but shes only if 5th grade right now

how to cope/help, /lit/?

>> No.9478127

Seconding this

>> No.9478209
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>yfw when your mom is a dead transgender guy

>> No.9478257

Such a flawed argument.
Just because they're your parents doesn't mean they know more than any other adult around their age group.
You ask someone if they care about what their parents think, and they'll probably say yeah.
You ask someone if they care what their parents friends think, who are also someones parents
So why should we listen to our parents over other people who are practically the same(only difference is that they may know you better)?

I think you still have this God image of your parents in your head.

>> No.9478272

>he thinks he's somehow smarter than his parents
News flash buddy, you'll end up exactly like them. So take a good hard look at your future and come to terms with it. The Internet has successfully convinced millions of people they are more intelligent than the average person, but the truth is that someone has to be below that line, and of you're parents are brainlets, you are too, no matter what the Internet IQ tests have told you.

>> No.9478274

Your parents have a strong vested interest in you, why. Although relying on them completely for your opinions is something that really ends badly for both parties in the end - parenting is a fundamentally constructive project.

>> No.9478281

I've already ended up much better off than them, though. Not having kids at 16 probably helped, since I was able to graduate high school and eventually went on to graduate school. I also don't have any debilitating addictions or vices like they have.

>> No.9478283

They might, but they don't know what you should do more than you do.
I think Freud said you can't be a man until your father dies.
And I think it was Jung who said yes, but that can be a symbolic death.

>> No.9478293

>studies humanities
>thinks he's smart
>has a sister that studies humanities
>thinks she's smart
You're pathetic, if you're not studying medicine you're a literal brainlet.

>> No.9478297

Dad's a literal crackhead and mom has retreated into a fantasy world.

>> No.9478298

>So why should we listen to our parents over other people who are practically the same
parents have authority over their children
if you disagree then you are just too immature

>> No.9478313

What about Law anon?

>> No.9478318

Your job might be different, sure, but when you're their age you'll slowly realize you are acting exactly like they did. I'm sure your parents would have finished school if they didn't ruin their lives having you, but school has very little to do with intelligence and you know that.

>> No.9478321

Law is a dead field unless you have connections. If you father is a lawyer and he can secure you a good job in a firm then go ahead, if you were born into a shit family (like me) law is very risky. Law is all about having connections. That's why medicine is the god field, you don't need any connections to land a 300k job and doctors will always be needed everywhere. Did you ever hear of a Doctor that couldn't find a job?

>> No.9478328

Read to them when they're young. Also, let them see you reading and enjoying it. Don't treat your kids like idiots, talk to them about the book your reading and why you're enjoying it. My dad getting hyped about books had a lasting impact on me. It made me excited to pick one up, rather than afraid of boredom. Your kids won't read if you don't, and if you force them to read, they never will until they're adults and out of your grasp.

>> No.9478338

>parents aren't big readers of thinkers
>but support me and ask what I've been reading lately
>have hobbies like hiking and gardening we can connect on

It's alright, some people don't want a life of mentally beating themselves up. And they read to me a ton as a child, honestly if you're literary minded I'm sure your parents had a role in that even if they aren't themselves

>> No.9478343

>tfw the only dad on 4chan and no one posts in your /dailydad/ generals

>> No.9478349

Anon. You may be autistic.

>I think you still have this God image of your parents in your head.

Or maybe even people with a measly relationship with their parents can glean information from talking to them, even if they're not telling their children what they want to hear. If a child knows their parent very well and knows what they want to do in life and it isn't what their parents did, they might steer away from taking any "safe"-but-dumb boomer advice.

>> No.9478352

nah, seen plenty of dads around.

>> No.9478355

I actually can recall a time when they were the age I am now, due to their having me so young. Next year I'll be the age my mom was when I first met my spouse.

It's not even that my job is different, it's that I have a job to begin with, and don't live off welfare. I don't see how I'm acting at all like them in anything related to success or intelligence. I do still talk to them and thankfully share a few hobbies that give us things to talk about, but I can recognize they aren't smart people.

>> No.9478358

Not him but I wouldn't believe you if you said anyone on /lit/ was over 42. I would for the other hobbyist boards, but here it's gotta be 30~

>> No.9478363

Your mom fucked around friendo

>> No.9478372

Well yeah, she'd had three husbands before she even turned 18.

>> No.9478373

social influence does not succumb neatly to where historians arbitrarily draw generational lines

>> No.9478378

where did the age of 42 come up in relevance to dads?

>> No.9478383

>Your job might be different, sure, but when you're their age you'll slowly realize you are acting exactly like they did.
Not the guy you were talking to but god, that is a stupid thing to say. There's no reason to think I'm going to end up a miserable alcoholic just because my dad, who I haven't actively been in contact with for close to 10 years, did.

>> No.9478394

I mean, there's a lot of luck involved at every point. My big sister died very young and that was entirely up to luck. That probably shaped my parents quite a bit: maybe my dad would've started drinking later or not at all if she didn't die, and so on.

>> No.9478440

>mom only reads thrillers
>dad only reads back of cereal boxes
I don't feel that bad though. My dad used to be a huge meth dealer and made quite a lot of money in it so i don't think he's all that dumb.

>> No.9478531

or you're too dumb to make yourself understood

>> No.9478580

As I said, either I'm dumb or everyone else is.

>> No.9478592

My dad reads mysteries and my mom reads Danielle Steel type stuff. It was a regular thing when I was a teenager that my dad would take me out to get more books, I still remember how disappointed in me he looked when I first branched out from reading like he did and picked up the viking portable Nietzsche to go with a set of Plato's dialogues.

>> No.9478927

>mfw parents are smarter then me

Anyone else know this feeling?

>> No.9479202

You can get "smart" genes from dumb parents

>> No.9479207

it's their fault. they're the ones passing on shit genes.

>> No.9479208

being grateful to your parents is not the same as being oblige

>> No.9479217

>tfw your parents are young earth creationist evangelical protestants and it's impossible to have conversations with any semblance of depth because you have incompatible ideas about what reality is
Other than that though, I do love them

>> No.9479227

share life lessons from your dad

>> No.9479282

shit nigga maybe that's why I'm a dumb-dumb. A few years ago I was climbing into a derelict warehouse when the wall collapsed and I fell about 8ft with slabs of brick landing all around me. A sizeable chunk hit me on the back of my head as I landed but didn't knock me out. Went and got stitches and didn't think anything of it after that, being the naive adolescent I was at the time.

Although I don't seriously believe it's given me brain damage, my memory is rather shithouse, and I am pretty fucking retarded a lot of the time. I'm also a stoner so there's that too.

>> No.9479294

My plan is to have a big library in my house with various books (especially ones for kids and adventure books and such) when I have children. My parents didn't read but had a couple of shelves in the house and I found some interesting things there. I read a lot as a kid and I read almost nothing from the school mandatory books. Later I found out most of those were actually good.

>> No.9479334

>>tfw you loved national geographic when I was a kid
>>tfw still dumb piece of shit
You're not alone

>> No.9479354

well you've proved your memory isn't the brightest

>> No.9479385
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My parents wouldn't be able to approach the level of text that I regularly work on. This means precisely fuck all. Character wins out in the end.

>> No.9479429

Intelligence comes from your mother. If you're a male, how smart is your mothers brother and your mothers father? That's the level of intellect you will inherit

If you're a girl though and your mother is dummy, you're hosed.

>> No.9479439


Stop making baseless claims

>> No.9479465

>tfw smart parents but I'm dumb

>> No.9479525

A gram of what?

>> No.9479540

in the same boat anon. infinitely worse feels desu, know i'll never live up to their success, but they still naively believe I'll one day pull my finger out

>> No.9479542


>>>/fit/ with that shit

>> No.9479548

how do you know you did not?
You could not.

>> No.9479557


>> No.9479566

This happened to me with my uncle. I saw him as this super smart guy who knew everything, then realized that he was a massive sperg with only the plebiest tastes who just collects books because he doesn't know what else to do with his life.

>> No.9479606

We grew up in an age of computers and Internet so the probability of being smarter is bigger than theirs

>> No.9479661

It's highly inheritable. Most twin studies with the twins having been separated at birth show a convergence of IQ when they reach adult age. For children the environment tends to be more important.

tl;dr marry a smart bitch

>> No.9479668


Brainlets detected. You guys have moronic uncles/grandfathers or something?

>> No.9479753

Reading this thread has shown me how lucky I am, once again.
I try to keep in touch, but I'm not able to form an actual interest in their lifes now, and I feel so ungrateful because of that. Then I read about the parents in this thread and I see just how much worse it could be.

Thanks /lit/

>> No.9479769

Its push and pull for me, Theres lots of things that when I was younger I would have thought of them as done for doing or believing, and lots of things I would have thought they were smart for in the past that I now think is dumb.