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/lit/ - Literature

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9473706 No.9473706 [Reply] [Original]

What is your definition of highbrow literature?

>> No.9473721

If I raise my brow very high while reading it

Same with low brow, but with lowering instead of raising of course

>> No.9473790

Adheres to the aesthetic notion of the sublime, it explores the human condition (Proust being the best example, perhaps), it's writerly rather than readerly (Barthes), it has complex characters whose mental activity is not spoon-fed (ToM), and it doesn't stick to existing boundaries: It explores beyond (experimental) and it comments upon the shoulders of literature and society. (highly intertextual)

>> No.9473849



>> No.9473943
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Books in which no one poops, farts, or fucks.

>> No.9474188

Shakespeare. I think his play Hamlet would have been highly controversial in his day. Perhaps more than his life. If you understand North European christian culture you'll realize they believed Ham was Hamilcar. To them he's the reason Southern European were of a different race than them. Blood impurity. Than Hamlet would signify a story of them in their pristine white royalty.

>> No.9474218

W H A T ' S S O F U N N Y , F R I E N D ?

>> No.9475110

Joseph McElroy, Nabokov

>> No.9475112


>> No.9475121

I have problems with the concept of "highbrow literature". People should be encouraged to read anything in the vernacular, no matter how difficult. Maybe literature in the original Greek, Hebrew and Latin should be considered highbrow, but not much else besides.

>> No.9475122

Pretentious garbage devoid of any actual value as art. Literature written for the sake of being literary.
>human condition
Fuck off with your platitudes

>> No.9475129

What works exemplify literature as literary and nothing besides?

>> No.9475139

There is no 'nothing besides'.

However, what came to my mind is Ovid, both his writing and the Renaissance revival (obsession) with him.

>> No.9475144

relational definition
highbrow : middlebrow : lowbrow - rock : paper : scissors

>> No.9475146
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fucked up the sequence
*paper : rock : scissors