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9473266 No.9473266 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to observe Christianity but the problem is I slipped so far down into nihilism I was a utilitarian antinatalist. Since I don't even know what it means to value life I just find myself getting frustrated with the idea of going to hell and focusing on the negative aspects of the religion. Not to mention the idea of a hell makes me want to double down on the antinatalism. What do?

>> No.9473536

Have faith, a human cannot find salvation by himself, so just give up and believe in god, he will provide for you.

>> No.9473555

What's the antinatalist defense against suicide? Serious question, I know the position is memed to death but I've not read much into the subject and there seems to be an obvious hypocrisy to condemning propagation while maintaining one's own life.

>> No.9473574

>utilitarian antinatalist
I suggest you stop being a fucking meme first.

>> No.9473865

Read the Naj Hammadi codices.

>> No.9474156

It sounds narcissistic, but unironically you have to interpret the Bible as a parent fiction to centuries of analysis. The Christian literature tradition will make much more sense. Spending cognition stuck in the inconsistencies will leave you with a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.
Take note of the rhetoric, compare it to other holy texts, and don't get weirded out by hermeneutic larping.
>forfeit your curiosity and swallow the dogma
Please don't do this OP.

>> No.9474183

Antinatalists don'nt necessarily believe all life is suffering and negative. It can be a probabilistic view, ie. most people's lives have more bad than good.

In which case you could be living an enjoyable life, but take the position that most likely, newborns will live lives with more suffering than happiness.

>> No.9474407
File: 34 KB, 680x483, 2e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, please tell us that was a joke

pic related

>> No.9475968

Rather than thinking about useless problems for which you will never find a real answer and that don't really even matter why not just believe in god and focus on problems that actually matter?

>> No.9476522

Cass there is definitely no god, read the memo from Nietzsche christcuck

>> No.9476573

True Christian spirit is only possible on the background of the void that the world is without the love of God. You're right to be this pessimistic, embrace it for as long as you feel faith is impossible.