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9468714 No.9468714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a Black male in college, I read this took and I agree with Murray and Herrnstein.

Why is it that SJW hate this book so damn much?

Enlighten a Black man /lit/

>> No.9468722

Nice LARP Cletus

>> No.9468735


>> No.9468751

Serious question, /lit/: do you guys straight up not believe in evolution or do you just think it somehow had no effect on populations geographically separated for tens of thousands of years other than skin color?

>> No.9468766

Only commies and lefties hate the Bell Curve.

>> No.9468850

>do you guys straight up not believe in evolution
I do
>do you just think it somehow had no effect on populations geographically separated for tens of thousands of years other than skin color
obviously it affected more than skin color.

but if you could just say what you're getting at instead of asking empty rhetorical questions, then we can really get this ball rolling.

>> No.9468874

Niggers evolved bigger dicks and muscles, whites evolved more intelligence and society.

>> No.9468876

It has actually been rejected by the academic community at large.

Let me guess, they're all lying and the only trustworthy people are anons on 4chan and le rational racial realists on reddit?

It's a pseudo-pop-sci book my friend, nothing more.

>> No.9468894

Fuck off nigger, this is a white mans board

>> No.9468912

You really trying to get good nigga points on an anonymous image board huh?

>> No.9468918
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I'm here to stay fuccboi. Get use to it Chad Smith.

>> No.9468921

This is false -- I'm an undergraduate at Harvard and specifically asked Steven Pinker what he thought of the Bell Curve, and he said it was a well researched and serious academic book

Or is Steven Pinker not academic enough for you?

>> No.9468937

So Japanese and Somalis have the same average intelligence?

>> No.9468939

>Steven Pinker not academic enough for you?

along with other "public intellectuals" (zizek, dawkins, de botton etc)......No

>> No.9468945


>> No.9468952

I get the criticism of those guys because they tend to speak outside of their experience of expertise, especially Dawkins

But Steven Pinker's opinion in the field of evolutionary psychology? With the exception of Robert Trivers and perhaps a small handful of people, who exactly is more qualified to be judging a book in this field?

>> No.9468959

I feel like they've never read it, and thus don't realize they're on the same side as the authors. All the author points out is the stratification of society due to rich intelligence people producing more intelligent children and a caste system that over time creates a dumb lower class and an intelligent upper class.

>> No.9468966
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>> No.9468974

Ooogaa Booga indeed my fellow n'groid

>> No.9468981

The criticisms they pose are not valid.

>> No.9468992

they dont actually read it
/pol/ doesnt read it that thoroughly either

Charles Murray literally exclaims only judge people as individuals severa; times

>> No.9469011

Not to mention his main thesis is that people are formed by both environment and heredity, and that mean IQ scores are a result of both.

>> No.9469012

Why are Americans so obsessed with niggers?

>> No.9469014

he's stated that iq is 50 - 80 % inherited iirc

>> No.9469019

>Porn isn't reality
>Work out
>Most white people I know are dipshits (same for blacks)
>Being so cucked you can't look at other communities without othering them OR subjecting them to your own yard sticks.

Grow up and at least make an attempt to wrap your pudding brain around a worldview that can't be summed up by a single PragerU video.

>> No.9469021

You know how Americans are demonstrably fat by statistics?
You know how America has huge amounts of gun crime?
You know how America has failing schools?

Unless you are in Mississippi, those arent white communities. They drag down everything.

>> No.9469029

Because women became obsessed with BBC, and now so are men.

>> No.9469048

>Slavery ends less than two human lifespans ago
>Segregation ends 53 years ago
>Prison labour still allowed and exploited
>Destroyed family structures during slavery
>GI bill fuckery
>Continual police fuckery
>City zoning fuckery


>> No.9469055

America is the most nigger nation to ever grace Earth, not even African countries can compete, everything is about niggers.

>> No.9469056

You should go back.

Using history as an excuse for constant failure does not make the black blotch upon american exceptionalism innocent.

>> No.9469061



>> No.9469064

Except the human mind is an impenetrable fortress of fucked up mystery.

IQ being inherited may not be a strict function of passing smart genes down to the kid. It may be that smart parents end up raising the kid smart. teaching it problem solving at a very young age through certain indirect means of encouraging cognitive development.

I bet you that no matter how many babies two 140 IQ people had together, they'd all be dumb as dirt if between the ages of 0-5 all they did was sit in front of a TV.

>> No.9469080

>Herrnstein and Murray were criticized for not submitting their work to peer review before publication, an omission many have seen as incompatible with their presentation of it as a scholarly text.[6][9] Many scholarly responses to the book arrived late. Richard Lynn (1999) wrote that "The book has been the subject of several hundred critical reviews, a number of which have been collected in edited volumes,"[10]
I can't think of a single book that has been more thoroughly btfo'd than TBC. Maybe the Book of Mormon.

>> No.9469096

One of the dimmest people I know is the child of Mensa members, actually. I suspect they were too busy with their lawyerly work to focus on raising him.

>> No.9469098

It really is amazing how neo-traditionalists and pol types like to lambast "pop psychology" as degenerate bull shit until it supports their own views, then it becomes scholarly work that's too revolutionary for the jew cucked lefties of academia to accept.

>> No.9469133

>does not make the black blotch upon american exceptionalism innocent.

I'm not trying to make it innocent. It's not. It's really quite fucking horrifying that "the black blotch" even exists. That despite the historical record of the country fucking their communities regularly since day one "the black blotch" is only brought up as in contexts that demonize its inhabitants, otherwise left out of sight out of mind.

"The Black Blotch" upon American exceptionalism doesn't reflect badly on those affected by its history, it reflects poorly on the country that gave a community such a terrible role to play within that history.

>Using history as an excuse for constant failure
Oh damn I forgot that things just happen and history has no affect on the future whatsoever. World War 2 happened because Hitler had a bad temper and was just naturally born to be a bad bad boy. Al Qaeda was formed for the lulz. Ukranians just have a natural response to tear down statues of Lenin for no other reason than "idk seems like a thing to do."

I also forgot this one earlier:
>keep entire race out of the middle class (let alone upper) for decades after you stop just owning them as property
>They have a little less than one generation to do climb class ladder starting around '64
>Still no good worker protection from discrimination
>Introduce economic policy that practically zeroes class mobility
>only gets worse for the next couple decades


>> No.9469155

Niggers are predisposed to this behavior. It happens all over the world.

Compare it of course to the Jews, who have suffered greatly in the last 200 years, and have done nothing but prosper in spite of the what was put in front of them. No excuses. Niggers gonna nig.

>> No.9469156

>nigs get affirmative action and the media worships them, still do shit all
>Jews were literally genocided yet they are still the most successful minority group
You have two options here. Either blacks are inferior to Jews and whites OR Jews are in on the conspiracy to keep the black man down.

>> No.9469163

because community values > policy

>> No.9469210

>muh systemic racism

Niggers were left alone by more advanced civilizations for centuries, and they were given a land ripe with food, good climate and fertile soil, yet they have never accomplished anything remotely close to what their neighboring civilizations accomplished.

It's not systemic racism that keeps the black man down, and it's not the white culture that keeps them down, as we can clearly see that other races are able to easily integrate into western society, such as Chinese and Japanese. It's simply the nigger's inability to think in abstractions and plan strategically and economically for long-term development and growth that makes it hard for them to adapt to a society that was built on abstractions and strategic economic growth.

>> No.9469224

There's an entire book by Gould on why that book is bullshit.

>> No.9469235

(((Gould))) didn't have any arguments

>> No.9469239

Gould was a liberal who was intent to breed out whiteness. Try the redpill

>> No.9469246
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>This thread

>> No.9469247

wow I sure am convinced now!

>> No.9469256

>rejected by the academic community at large
So commies and lefties then?

>> No.9469269


>It has actually been rejected by the academic community at large.

Means nothing, specially when it comes to taboo topics.

>> No.9469270

These people will never understand that scientific consensus is equivalent to saying 'bluepill muh feel facts to breed out masculintiy and white culture'. Sad!

>> No.9469277
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>Jews were gassed in the millions less than one human spawn ago
>Antisemitic propaganda still strong today
>Literally humiliated forever
>Their entire history revolves around this
>Yet they make for 30% of Harvard admissions despite being very low population

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.9469282

>being this bluepilled
try the redpill. Some of the things you say didn't happen

>> No.9469288


>Opium'd and Nuke'd
>Zero political representation in the U.S.A
>No one even cares about catering to them
>Most peaceful ethnicity
>Most economically successful one
>Most hard-working

>Also happens to have the highest IQ average
Gee, son. I wonder what this means! Surely It cannot mean Black people are on average of lower IQ, which results in a less organized behavior, which then producers a vapid and crime praising culture that simply cannot perform alongside more intelligent creatures. That would be raciss.

>> No.9469293
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Ssssh, Anon. Wet have to use the Jewish tactics against them. You have to fight fire with fire. Outjew the Jew.

>> No.9469299

[X] redpilled
[_] cucked

>> No.9469327

>Let me guess, they're all lying

>> No.9469336

are you completely ignorant of adoption studies or something because what you described is already accounted for

>> No.9469354

>prison labor
>police fuckery

Maybe they should stop committing crimes.