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/lit/ - Literature

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9468537 No.9468537 [Reply] [Original]

>I showed you mine, now you show me yours.

Go go go!!

>> No.9468849

Why do people read multiple books at the same time

>> No.9468852
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I'm a pleb

>> No.9468855


why do people do this

i can only read a novel and then maybe a non-fiction on the side

>> No.9468858


>Blood Meridian-McCarthy

How are you finding The Road? I enjoyed it I just thought it got far too preachy with the environmentalist stuff.

>> No.9468862

That's nice. That's the only way to do it of course. Like making an egg

>> No.9468879


>> No.9468903
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I dunno, because I can without detriment?
>t. Bierceposter

>> No.9468909

The Road is fantastic so far anon, it was hard to put it down.

>> No.9468953

The Dark Forrest - Liu Cixin
Rome's Italian Wars - Livy

I like to read nonfiction during the day and then a fiction before I go to bed.

>> No.9469009

Is this Goodreads?

Pathetic, anon.

>> No.9469028

Pale Fire (Vladimir Nabokov). I'm planning on reading The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (Carson McCullers) next. I'm also really excited to start Faust, although I'm a bit worried it might be too difficult.

>> No.9469040

Hey, I'm in highschool too!

But I'm not reading any of the books I should be.
>Don Quixote
>Symposium (GAY?)
Because I have literal ADHD and need a break.
Environmentalism is like zero percent of the novel.

>> No.9469041
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>> No.9469046
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>> No.9469072

How is Alamut?

>> No.9469076

its my next book, i cant comment yet, but am rather excited

>> No.9469092

Wittgenstein's Tractatus

>> No.9469135
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1 book at a time, otherwise ya fucked up.

>> No.9469151
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>> No.9469158
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>> No.9469171

Just finished The Dispossessed and now I'm reading "How to create a mind" by Ray Kurzweil.

>> No.9469773

I liked. Pleb as well I guess?

>> No.9469780

I loved 2666, I'll get to Speedboat or Pitch Dark by Adler sometime this year, how are you finding it?

>> No.9469809
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Pic related
Its pretty damn good, the prologue detailing its structure as a response to Chernyshevsky gives it a lot more power than the work in a void would possess (probably where /r9k/ got their interpretation from)

>> No.9469816

>>I showed you mine, now you show me yours
I didn't ask, and I won't be coerced

>> No.9469829

Don Quijote

Blindness by Saramago

>> No.9469849

Some books become disinteresting and you find one you'd rather read another on a subject that speaks to you more at the time. At some later time, you come back to the book you put down, finish it, and you're happy. Either way, you've read the book.

>> No.9469855

Los recuerdos del porvenir - Elena Garro
El libertino de calidad - Conde de Mirabeau
Whatever - michel houellebecq

>> No.9469945

If you mean Goethe, it's not difficult. Unless you're reading it in German and don't know German I guess.

>> No.9469978
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Maybe years of hentai ruined me but this isn't doing anything to me

>> No.9469983
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>people reading multiple books at a time

Enjoy not fully comprehending and appreciating each book, turboplebs

>> No.9470170



>> No.9470184

do you also struggle with walking and chewing gum at the same time?

>> No.9470197

>Confessions by Augustine
>The Conquest of New Spain
>The Great Gatsby

>> No.9470205

false equivalance fallacy

>> No.9470253

read smut written by men then
read Story of the Eye

>> No.9470300
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>On the road
>A farewell to arms
>2001 a space odyssey

Though Keruac may be a lil' pleb some parts are 8/10, good stuff

>> No.9470344


>> No.9470376
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Das Kapital and just bought The Year of Living Hopelessly and The Recognitions.

How fucking meme'd am I?

>> No.9470380

Because they can and its nice to enjoy a book in incriments?

>> No.9470391
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

First half was great, second half its dropped off a bit but still good.

>When you keep your thoughts to yourself for too long.

>> No.9470393
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reading all of them

>> No.9470443

The Sun Also Rises. Making my way through essential Hemingway.

>> No.9470450

On the Road
The Clash if Civilizations

I plan to read some criticism of the second one when I'm done e with it.

>> No.9470558
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This is probably the most I've ever read at once.

>> No.9470598


Why not?

>> No.9470649

Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino

It's okay.

>> No.9471442

I just put up my "to read" shortlist

>> No.9471841


Finished it today but I found my interest waning a little in some vignettes but otherwise I could see what she was going for in her writings. Going to check out the rest of her books sometime.

Only picked Speedboat up since I found it cheap in my local used bookshop, it was a NYBR and the blurb compared her to being similar to David Foster Wallace. Not bad though, just not my cup of tea but maybe needs another reading to fully appreciate.

As for 2666 the only part I've really hated so far is the second chapter dealing with the geometry teacher's wife who cucks him constantly. Just all around boring and doesn't get interesting until the end. Great book though, found the friendship between the three critics really cozy and I'm looking forward to the last part since I'm near the end of part five now, had to put it down for a while since reading all those descriptive rape scenes of the victims got a little nauseating.

>> No.9471885

I finished up reading Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence a few days ago. Right now I'm alternating between some of his shorter papers on his website, as well as short stories from Borges and Lovecraft.

>> No.9471915
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>muh goblet

>> No.9472364
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I posted this in another thread when I was drunk, but I'm really enjoying this novel. It's always when Star Wars books go beyond MUH JEDI MUH FORCE and delves into the lives of civilians, politicians, military leaders, etc. It goes beyond simply "good and evil." Also, Zahn is probably the best Star Wars writer in history.

>> No.9472394

>be byron
>wake up
>open dire
>write >tfw famous

>> No.9472399

open diary*

>> No.9472400
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>> No.9473416

t. brainlet

>> No.9474201
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I am meandering through the Brother Cadfael books by Ellis Peters. Mental comfort food.

>> No.9474333


Because you if you break up 1000+ page novels into small daily increments while reading shorter novels in larger chunks you can maximize your efficiency.

>> No.9475550
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I've read The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny. Both had good translations. Wish i could say the same about Blood of Elves.