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9465546 No.9465546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one acquire a literary gf?

>> No.9465553 [DELETED] 

I'm redpilled, I don't deal with modern women. Their loss.

>> No.9465562

Idk, it's impossible to approach people out in the world unless you're hot, and not only do you have to be hot you always have to pretend you're not nervous while also having a great hook or else it's "weird". America is fun. I guess just settle with proximity dating. Inveigle yourself into a group by some college or some block with eight coffee shops and settle for a 4/10 that has gone about as far as Hemingway.

>> No.9465580

you just be her bestfriend and watch as she lets herself be devoured by the ADHD dimmed rabble and aliterate hordes in a debauched post happiness orgy of post ironic sincerity

>> No.9465582

>t. all my knowledge about women comes from /r9k/

>> No.9465583

Attend book-related functions (readings, signings, etc.). Talk with woman at one of these functions. Don't be a giant sperg, hubristic dick, or a pseud while talking. Be genuinely interested in literature and her opinions on literature. Be funny, especially employ dark and intelligent humor based on the subject at hand. When you've got her laughing just ask if she'd like to exchange numerals and you're on your way.

Good luck anon. Having a gf is pretty based.

>> No.9465587


>> No.9465590

>tfw reading BM on the metro and then a qt girl approaches me and says she loves McCarthy

I probably should've asked her out, desu.

>> No.9465594

>their loss

not sure if most women would consider some ugly sperglord virgin a loss breh

>> No.9465595

>I probably should've asked her out, desu.
Fucking obviously. This shit never happens.

>> No.9465596

I'm not hot and I've had several girlfriends. My friends are average as well, and they do alright for themselves too.

>> No.9465599

the women who go to these are all basic af and only interested in the hunger games and Harry Potter

>> No.9465601

Acquired my literary ex-gf by online dating. She was an MFA, creative writing. Published. She read lots of feminist works and had horrid interpersonal skills. We didn't have a future together so I broke it off.

Just be in shape, be intelligent, and don't be a total spaz. A little charm and confidence go a long way. Be involved in the book scene at your local college. Go to /lit/ events in your town.

>> No.9465625

>I'm not hot and I've had several girlfriends.
That's not the point you stupid fuck. Holy shit, I'm talking about proximity dating, because it's so fucking hard to generate any kind of situation cold, and the reasons for that are very odd.
It's not hard to just be around someone for a while and start dating them.

>> No.9465631

Not really. Well, depends on the scene I guess. In my experience women are far more genuinely interested in literature than men, even when they have pleb taste.

Alternatively, do one of those dating sites and market yourself as a lit person looking for a lit person.

Yes, you should have. If you find her again, don't waste the opportunity like a fucking moron.

>> No.9465677

Is it considered appropriate to approach someone while reading on their commute? I was in the city the other day and on the subway a saw a cute girl reading some comix, wanted to start a conversation but I worried it was some sort of breach of etiquette and then she ended up getting off at a different stop.

>> No.9465688

The ones that listen to rap are true lit material and do not let /pol/ tell you otherwise.

I lived in the capital for 3 years and most of the "bookish" bitches in Edinburgh are utter hoes for the well-read aesthetic. The more worldly and erudite the city you live in the greater anarchy the opportunists have.

It isn't even that the subcultute aesthetic itself is wrong but the number of hollow cunts who read a book to add it to their list of titles while they fangirl over Rowling and Gaiman... Beware of the hoes with instas, tumblrs, and YT channels is the only advice I can give. And the less vain and obsessed with their image the better.

NB, no I wasnt spurned by any woman in particular, im a simple pretentious shit who hates poser ass bitches.

>> No.9465693

>projecting this hard

>> No.9465700

Depends on the city.

Anyway the fact that you dont know the etiquette of the city you live in is the greatest tell for being a fucking normie.

How the fuck do you have a meaningful experience if you dont know what the contex for meaningful experiences is? How the fuck do you break the rules if you dont even know them?

>> No.9465712
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>tfw have put countless hours of daydreaming into what I'd do WITH a Literary gf, but haven't spent five minutes planning HOW to get a Literary gf

>> No.9465715

>Their loss.
Is it really

>> No.9465717

This is utter bullshit OP. You show woman you do not give af if you fuck her, then show her you care about her inner truth nonetheless.

BTW inner truth is the real grit of her life like how she felt when about that cunt who didnt stop the bus even though she was chasing it, not the socially projected bs like her gender/race based oppression.

>> No.9465736

DESU if you dont procreate with an above average partner it is your loss.

Although, Humanity is slowly but surely circling the drain towards ant-like self-sacrificing hierarchy so I suppose any genes you contribute are appreciated and will eventually be lost.

>> No.9465790

>This shit never happens.

Yeah, if you live in flyover country.

>> No.9465849


>Beware of the hoes with instas, tumblrs, and YT channels is the only advice I can give.

that is 95% of these "reader" women these days and my odds aren't good enough from the outset to survive cutting that many off

no can do bro

>> No.9465852

>Anyway the fact that you dont know the etiquette of the city you live in is the greatest tell for being a fucking normie.
What? I think you've got that reversed. Also I don't live in the city, I was there on a job interview but I live and spend nearly all of my time in suburbia. Who said this was a 'meaningful experience' anyway?

>> No.9465863

Be awesome.

My girlfriend wants to be just like me so she started getting into literature. (Along with anything else im interested in)

>> No.9465869


>BTW inner truth is the real grit of her life like how she felt when about that cunt who didnt stop the bus even though she was chasing it

That is random shit that bothers someone during their day. That isn't any kind of "inner truth" you corny faggot.

>> No.9465884

Lad, the shit that bothers you on the day to day is your true reality. It is alright having idealistic dreams of a perfect world, while you get trampled in your ordinary life but women do not abide such shit.

>> No.9465885

How does one acquire a literary bf?

>> No.9465889

mention rambo a lot

>> No.9465891

What if I want a soft, gentle bf?

>> No.9465901

same pronunciation

>> No.9465906


>Lad, the shit that bothers you on the day to day is your true reality.

That is your perception of reality. Which is often very far off the mark due to ego nonsense - for a lot of us, myself included.

That isn't "true reality". You talk in meaningless catchphrases.

>> No.9465910

>autist says nothing of value on a Mongolian throat-singing forum
No surprise

>> No.9465912

I want you to know that I appreciate you, anon

>> No.9465918


>> No.9465923

There is a true reality. It is found only in death.

>> No.9465939


>posturing pseud talks in cutesy catchphrase speak about "inner truth" and "true reality" and gets annoyed when anon respond to it

Fuck off, son.

>> No.9465972

he'll never get a literary girlfriend if he keep's adding apo'strophe's before 'Se's when they're not required

>> No.9466802
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>r9k fags believe this

>> No.9466810


No such thing as a truly literary gf.

Closest I got was a German girl who loved Harry Potter/Game of Thrones.

What you need to understand is that women have no real opinions of their own, and can be shaped/moulded by experienced hands.

Given that women's tastes are by definition plebeian, the onus is on you to be her literary boyfriend. Specifically, you must be her gateway drug to bigger and better works.

>> No.9466813

Judge it on a case by case basis. If you're just chatting to pick up a girl and she's busy reading and shown no interest in you, then yes its rude. If you're genuinely interested in discussing what they're reading, it isn't rude.

When people in public ask me about what I'm reading, if they're genuinely interested in what I'm reading, it's fine by me.

>> No.9466826
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You sit next to her

>> No.9466856


What a fucking signaller

>> No.9467275


And how many of them did you just see out on the street and you walked up to and said hi?