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/lit/ - Literature

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946431 No.946431 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I grew up with a socialist father, at a young age he tried to (putting it nicely) brainwash me. I was forced to learn about Marxism so that I would see the world in his eyes.

But I am not so sure if I agree with his philosophy in the end.

I'd like the learn about both sides, so I'd like to know about the polar opposite philosophy, Objectivism.

Could any of you tell me where to start? Books wise.

Thank you.

>> No.946438

Don't start with Ayn Rand, she's a horrible writer.

>> No.946446

Don't start with Rand's novels....maybe start with "The Virtue of Selfishness"....it's not a bad read.

>> No.946448

Most philosophers are horrible writers. Not that I'm including Ayn Rand in the collective of "philosophers", but really, philosophy is about the ideas, not the style.

>> No.946451

2/10, no sage but i would sage if it was worth it

>> No.946455

son, I am dissapoint

>> No.946460

Wait what? Is asking for books on a subject trolling these days?

"The Virtue of Selfishness" Okay, I'll check that out. Thank you. More ideas would be helpful.

>> No.946462


It's trolling here when you're asking about Rand...most people hate the idea of "be a productive self sufficient human being".

>> No.946464

is that really why Rand is hated around here? I've never read any of her shit, so I have no idea.

>> No.946468

You should read The Rebel - Albert Camus. He critiques both Capitalism and Socialism/Marxism

>> No.946471

Speaking to someone with grievances toward Marxism, what do you think is wrong with it OP?

>> No.946475

Except it has nothing to do with being productive, Rand misinterprets it as abusing the current system and being a selfish prick who screws everyone around them.

>> No.946477

>rand misinterprets
no, thats you.

>> No.946490
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>responding seriously to a post that's sympathetic to Rand

>> No.946510
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Me thinks someone is trying to talk about Rand without talking about Rand.


>> No.946512

>don't start with the dumbass who slapped together the half-assed abortion of a philosophy in question

>> No.946550

We the living is a quick short story that summaries ayn rands hatred of socialism.
Really though, Ayn Rands opinions on the evils of socialism/communism tend to be really extreme. Like when we start giving out foot stamos, that will lead to us all be living for each other in a physical commune like savages.
She also just kinda dismisses problems with her characters like "And then he sat on the porch and worked for nothing until everyone just started to pay him because of his mad skillz"
however, since the guy is essentially homeless and broke. How is he eating or showering?

Still, it makes you feel like a bad ass.

>> No.946556

You do realize there's a middle ground between communism and feudalism, right?

>> No.946573

Amongst the average 4chan group of 14-28? FUCK NO THERE ISN'T!

>> No.946587

Listen to your father you faggot!

>> No.946590

Read Atlas Shrugged. Then follow it up with the virtue of selfishness.

>> No.946592

Read Anthem, it says everything that needs to be said.

>> No.946611

Objectivism is stupid because the main premise can be proven wrong. Illusions do exist. There all objectivism ruined for you.

Basically objectivism is not a real valid and tested brand of philosophy but just a way for Rand to justify her own bleak personality. It is like an elaborate fantasy for justifying her selfish borderline psychotic existence.

>> No.946618

Let the man see both sides and choose.
