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/lit/ - Literature

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9462104 No.9462104 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/? What's your favorite book?

>> No.9462117
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Tinder is for perverts, don't you know /lit/ is a Catholic board? Trash this, start the thread over.

>> No.9462136

Honestly the great Gatsby is one of my faves too

>> No.9462139

meh I guess Gatsby is ok. I mean he's not as great as your tits ;)

>> No.9462143

This, A tinder thread is a really trashy way to start a thread in this place

>> No.9462144

I couldn't say for sure.

Novel - The Plague by Camus

Non-fiction - Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail by Thompson

Poetry - Pretty Rooster by Clay Matthews

>> No.9462145

>chatting up a girl
I'm sorry there aren't enough underaged boys in it for you

>> No.9462146

It is a good book.
My favorite book is either Brave New World or The Road.
Hard to say which is better for me.

>> No.9462159

>The Great Gatsby

And into the trash it goes.

>> No.9462162


Literary book : Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Genre Book : Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
Short story : Esarhaddon, King of Assyria by Leo Tolstoy
Non-fiction : Titan - The Life of JD Rockefeller Sr by Ron Chernow
Poetry : Barbaric poems by Leconte de Lisle

>> No.9462165

My diary desu

>> No.9462189


whew man I would probably entertain that bullshit for a week and if I hadn't gotten frontbutt from her by then I'd ghost that shit quick.

>> No.9462191

>Not wanting a thicc qt tumblr stoner gf to read novels, fuck, sleep in, and smoke weed with ad infinitum
>Not wanting to hit a bong while it's in between her massive mammaries
Religion was a mistake

>> No.9462212


>wanting a thicc qt tumblr



>to read novels


>sleep in

>and smoke weed

>> No.9462236

This is pathetic

>> No.9462238

I really hate this person.

>> No.9462242

(ij by dfw)

>> No.9462247

the thought of one day meeting a tinder slut irl and not knowing their whorish past kills me inside

>> No.9462258

Its bait retard

>> No.9462277

>Not wanting a thicc qt tumblr stoner gf to read novels, fuck, sleep in, and smoke weed with ad infinitum
your life was not a mistake (for God makes no mistakes), but it certainly is pitiful

>> No.9462280

girls are generally pretty open about their sluttiness in contexts outside of the mating ritual

>> No.9462287

they are open while being your age you little twerp

18-22 they act like liberated hippie hepatit infested whores and past the prime they expect you to treat them with respect

if you were a whore, ill treat you like a whore

>> No.9462296

But it isn't. I actually want to have a relationship with Marlie

>> No.9462305

i get that i'm not a chad or whatever but why the FUCK can't i get a SINGLE match on this service?

>> No.9462308

cuz ur ugly u stupid fuck

you think that reading the western canon gets you laid? Think again ugly balding freak

>> No.9462310

swipe right on every girl and abandon your sense of shame when constructing a profile

>> No.9462320
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>> No.9462325

my hairline is my only unequivocally positive feature, actually

i only left-swipe fat chicks, single mothers, and women who appear to have some sort of facial deformity

>> No.9462332

Fuck this dumb bitch

>> No.9462334

I unironically completely agree with this

>> No.9462357

I used plenitude in a message once. The reply was:

>> No.9462369

I get matches but the idea of replying literally makes me break out in a sweat

>> No.9462460

>i only left-swipe fat chicks, single mothers, and women who appear to have some sort of facial deformity
and thats why you get no matches

>> No.9462473
File: 53 KB, 265x395, IMG_2346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I tried to make a tinder but I can't think of bio

>> No.9462481


Here's mine.

"If you can define Hedigger's construction of Dasein in a concise fashion, I'll have no choice but to marry you, no questions. If you're not much one for existentialism, sitting on my face and then going to get whataburger or some sort of absolutely delicious shit-food is good too.

If your only humor is "ironic" self-deprecation please stay 50 ft away from me."

It just works (tm)

>> No.9462528

I've been having a lot of relationship angst recently, but this almost perfect description of my girl (she's not tumblr) made me really appreciate what I have. Thanks anon

>> No.9462554

sounds insufferably desu

and what on earth do you mean by "construction of Dasein"? Dasein is the starting point for the whole existential analytic -- from what could it be constructed?

>> No.9462560

I bet you get 0 matches with that bio

>> No.9462563

Femanon here. I'd swipe left if I read this. It's not clever or funny. Just annoying.

>> No.9462583

you are just angry because that anon asked you to make a burger

>> No.9462591


I smell jealousy :^)

I must just be really pretty then.

>> No.9462592

No, I'm repulsed that he didn't even bother learning how to spell Heidegger. I don't date plebs.

>> No.9462593

why must we try so hard

>> No.9462597

I figure his target are the sort of hipster chicks who want to latch onto somebody smart (if that even is a stereotype).

It's probably pretty effective at targeting that specific sort of person

>> No.9462598

check this pussy lmaoooooooo

>> No.9462601

Whenever I send messages I immediately lose all interest in the banality

>> No.9462604


Yeah, that's pretty much it. You guys would hate me but I'm not going to sit and try and defend myself on here because I'm just going to put my foot in my mouth.

Most of you are probably better versed in Heidegger than I-- though I like him a lot for his early stuff in regards to his Luddite-ish views and I did like Being and Time for like the whole, like, you have a moral (this is bad word, I'd guess. Flail me you fags) imperative to be a participant in the world. I think that the question of reality is inconsequential and I like his view on it all. Just do it, I'd guess.

Otherwise yeah, egg on my face, totally misspelled his name.

>> No.9462606

Nice but where is my burger, sweety

>> No.9462609
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>> No.9462610

Should I say, "Looking for a modern Rosa Luxemburg?"

>> No.9462613

I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you.
Its sad to be this engulfed while having intellectual awareness, like a pigeon with broken wings

>> No.9462616

check this fag, too
>chick dont want his d
>haha get me food bitch

do you come to 4chan bc youre powerless in every other part of life?

>> No.9462618


Thanks for the pity, I'll put it next to my piss bottles.

>> No.9462619

she was a whore, grow out of this leftist cuckoldry

>> No.9462621

all modern women are whores
at least she can be ideologically pure

>> No.9462623

>using tinder

get the fuck out of my board

>> No.9462625

where do you think you are
also I like food more than pussies

>> No.9462627

Rosa was a basic bitch ideologically though. She'd be a standard tumblrina liberal feminist today

>> No.9462630

I bet you're a Buckowski fan

>> No.9462639

kek'ed when you said no fucks, LOL you fucking animal

>> No.9462700


yourself please

>> No.9462785

>massive mammaries

/lit/ is a black-free board, please leave.

Itty bitty titties are the only acceptable titties.

>> No.9462924

stfu whore

>> No.9462929

It's okay asskek, you're gonna find a qt one day

>> No.9462930

Time's Arrow by Martin Amis

>> No.9462949

>you don't want to have sex or sleep in

>> No.9462959
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sup /lit/
How does this make you feel?

>> No.9462961

Slightly sad for you that you keep posting it.

>> No.9463042

Abaddon el exterminador, by Ernesto Sabato

>> No.9463125
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> complains about degenerates
> supports group of pedophiles

which is it anon?

>> No.9463184

evidently not considering he's coming here to post about it

>> No.9463185

The Idiot from Dostoyevsky.

Also, dump that whore. "Like, uhm, Imma total nurd-turd, y'know? Like, reading shit everybody had to in high school", and
>hipster glasses
>pseudo-deep profile pic "luk at me, im totaly not looking into cameron diaz lulz"
If you aren't a pleb, then finish her with your literary insights. Let's see how much of "nerd" she will be then. She shall suck off your bepis in her illiterate shame.

>> No.9463188

wtf do you do w a gf if not have the sexual intercourse with them?

talk to them?


>> No.9463193


Why don't you people just talk to girls IRL like in one of those books you didn't read?

>> No.9463196


>he spends time on 4chan like an absolute fuckin queer


>> No.9463203



>> No.9463214

What is honestly worst her whole facade of a "book nerd" or the response of the guy?

>> No.9463216 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9463219

But she would critique that I only read books by Dead white men.

>> No.9463223


Your first condition is denied by your utter idiocy.

>> No.9463279

>lol she chose a widely recognised classic as her favourite book, what a pleb amirite guys?

>> No.9463296

Don't forget to drink them all. Maybe you will learn the lesson.

>> No.9463320

>le nerd xD
>gatsby! xD

I am starting to hate everyone, myself the most.

>> No.9463330

the segret history donnar ratarrt
the sirens of teton kort venongut
mao ii din diilili

those are my forviroite books

>> No.9463363

>sex outside of marriage
Repent degenerates

>> No.9463369

name of this girl? she's pretty as heck!

>> No.9463370
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You don't have to be a social recluse with no public life to think casual hookups are degenerate.

>> No.9463380

>favorite short story is by Tolstoy
>isn't Father Sergius

Heathens get out

>> No.9463785

What happened to this board?

>> No.9463789

yeah same here. but ill more than likely start to hate it as I get older and continue being unsuccessful

>> No.9463809

Influx of a lot of new posters ;/

>> No.9463816

God dammit OP you have some low hanging fruit and you're refusing to grab for it, try to withhold from CLASSICAL LITERATURE SUPERIORITY for 5 seconds and fuck her.

>You are a nerd ;) Just kidding, I loved the great gatsby. I really love how fitzgerald (insert basic themes about god and hope or something). You should read (insert other basic book rec)

>> No.9463861

you can't be serious

>> No.9463937

>femanon here
Don't know exactly why, but it's clear that people from /mu/ /soc/ and the other tumblr boards are coming here more and more.

>> No.9463961

You sound like a cunt.

>> No.9463967

I know that feeling. Sometimes I wish I would've been born way before the current day and age where advanced technology wasn't present; to me it's almost as if technology drains the meaning out of human interaction.

>> No.9463973

Could be because reading is viewed as something that only "intellectuals" do and all these newcomers can't wait to flaunt their knowledge of books.

>> No.9463981

I see you've read Marshall McLuhan.

>> No.9463992

Never have but what makes you assume so?

>> No.9464509

That's the worst thing- it IS a classic book. This isn't classical literature superiority, it's a hipster 'your tastes are mainstream' thing.

>> No.9464531


Nowadays you'd be glad to find a girl that reads at all, especially if she reads books outside of The Hunger Games, those faggy vampire books they made those films about or 50 shades of suppressed longing to be dominated and degraded.

>> No.9464542

It's not even that. There's nothing wrong with liking or even loving the Great Gatsby. It's the fact that she's trying way too hard to pull off the fake "I'm so nerdy and smart" vibe that makes me think she's a dunderheaded melon.

>> No.9464546
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Sad. Not only is she a degenerate for wearing headphones while reading but she is also not reading the complete works of Lovecraft meaning she is reading it because it's slightly trendy.

>> No.9464677

This is the kinda shit even Reddit would make fun of.

>> No.9464689

This makes me want to murder

t. OP

>> No.9464702

I couldn't tell what is my favorite book. I really enjoyed the count of monte cristo when I was a kid, as well as Arsène Lupin stories and books by Frédéric Dard that non francophone couldn't possibly know or enjoy.

>> No.9464709

Was trying to be condescending while remaining polite. The conversation ended there. Why do you think I posted this garbage?

t. OP protecting his fragile ego

>> No.9464719
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>> No.9464742

I went on a Tinder date with a girl who claimed to be "well-read". I told her I liked DFW, most specifically Oblivion and The Pale King, and she said she didn't like him (understandable so I didn't care), but in terms of "contemporary lit", she preferred Tao Lin's Shoplifting From American Apparel.

When we met up and talked more, she said "Oh yeah I only read a few things from Girl With Curious Hair and thought he was really overrated", and proceeded to praise BEE and told me I should read Hitchhiker's Guide.

Cool girl and she moved shortly after, but holy shit she was a bigger pseud than I am.

>> No.9464759
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>> No.9464786


does it take practice to be that retarded?

>> No.9464827

Don't forget about swiss hand models

>> No.9464841

>ctrl + F
>search for Brothers Karamazov
>no results

Holy fucking shit, I am extremely fucking disappointed with this board right now

>> No.9464848

>tits or gtfo

>> No.9464868

I don't know if you are calling me retarded or the guy who I responded to. But I'll just answer that the whole point of Heidegger's letter on humanism is to demonstrate that fundamental ontology is neither existentialism nor humanism.

>> No.9464873

>implying anyone discussed anything but OP pic

>> No.9464897


no I'm calling you retarded because Heidegger is widely accepted as an existentialist. The fag in the original post wasn't talking about his letter on humanism, he was talking about Being and Time, or at least I assume because he brought up dasein. Nice backpedal attempt though, props.

>> No.9464925

He exposes both in Being and Time and in Ontology Hermeneutics of facticity that his philosophy is noot existentialist. Precisely because the ultimate goal of Heidegger is to understand being as a whole, its fundamental analysis begins in existence but is not the main focus, only an analytical tool to interpret Being.

>> No.9464933

Besides, Letter on Humanism ponders on the reception that Being and Time had in Sartre's philosophy. You know if you only had read it you may know that there's a whole section in it explaining why being and time wasn't a existentialist treatise. :)

>> No.9464937
File: 43 KB, 320x416, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently chatting on Tinder with a girl about Kierkegaard and Kant, better not fuck this up

>> No.9464962

I literally just want a gf to hug and cuddle and do things together. I'm lonely

>> No.9465019

No thanks, faggot. I have some semblance of standards. Kill yourself.

t. OP

>> No.9465034

>some semblance of standards
>tries to find a date on Tinder


>> No.9465038

I use it to get nudes and people-watch. Who the fuck gets dates online.

t. let this thread die already

>> No.9465107

see anon, no matter what you put as your bio, it still won't be the worst on tinder.