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/lit/ - Literature

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9457255 No.9457255 [Reply] [Original]

How many languages do you know? No horseshit.

>> No.9457262

English, conversational Spanish, learning Italian.

>> No.9457265

Portuguese, fluent English and Spanish, meme italian and german, half a dozen words of japanese picked up ftom anime.

>> No.9457268

Native english and can read latin

>> No.9457269


>> No.9457272
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Besides English, I can read menus and street signs in French. I dropped out of French class, so apparently bilingual packaging has had a subtle effect on me.

>> No.9457279

Russian, English, German on native level. French on intermediate.

>> No.9457280


I have studied a few languages but I am fluent in none of them.

>> No.9457314

I envy you

3 on my side: Spanish, Portuguese and English

>> No.9457318

English, Spanish, some German

>> No.9457398


Native English, B1 Magyar

>> No.9457426

I barely speak English, so maybe .75

I used to speak Tagalog, but forgot it since I haven't been exposed since I was 7

>> No.9457435

English. I'm literate in French and know some Latin and Japanese.

>> No.9457477

Native Portuguese, English and learning Russian.

>> No.9457522


English, French, Spanish.

>> No.9457527

Mandarin Chinese and English, learning French

>> No.9457532


Don't envy, just start learnign and do it every day until you can read. I can tell you about my secret patented method for learning languages for the low low price of one rare pepe (or nothing at all - the knowledge shall be my gift to you). I can currently read Russian as well as both Koine and Attic Greek with relative ease after only 3 years of studying them (simultaneously).

>> No.9457556

English, Spanish, and learning Russian.

>> No.9457579
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i have no pepes, but i have this image. will you teach me your ways? i don't have to speak the language, i only want to be able to read it

>> No.9457584
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>> No.9457619

English, fairly fluent French and Spanish though I tend not to know very specific nouns like types of flowers and shit. Conversational Japanese and Russian. Getting better at Japanese, losing my Russian.

>> No.9457651


It's good that you only seek to read. If you're teaching yourself, it's far easier to learn how to read extremely accurately than to even learn how to gain middling composition skills. The 'secret' is a large amount of reading input. This sounds like more trivial advice than it is. Most people get bogged down in useless (for reading) activities like simple translation, which give little to no sense of the actual structure of the language - nevermind the fact that they are so boring that most people get discouraged before they can get anywhere. I started reading Greek through the Athenaze series of books, which is perhaps the best reading course that exists for any language. I just read and reread the passages it gave, for both of the books, until I could read them with relative ease, having memorized the entire vocabulary and grammar contained within them without ever actually reviewing (via, e.g. flashcards or vocab lists). Then, I was able to move right on to Anabasis, which is an original Greek text. Reading through Anabasis the first time was slow going, but after reading through it about 3 times, I had once again internalized all the grammar and vocabulary without 'lifting a finger'. Now I can read most things in Attic Greek and basically everything in Koine Greek with only the occasional aid of a dictionary/grammar reference.

I wasn't able to find a series of books that was quite as good for Russian as Athenaze is for Greek, but after reading about the grammar pretty extensively, I just jumped right into children's books. This, again, was slow going to get started, but if you simple put the hours in and (this is the most important part) read and reread the passages you have worked on, you will memorize the vocabulary and underlying structure of the languages without having to refer to much of anything written in English. I find it gives you a sense of the second language in the same way you have a sense of your own laguages. You don't ever think of it in terms of grammatical terms - it just makes sense. You need a basic understanding of the language before hand (e.g. does it have cases/tenses/etc.?) but beyond that, your brain will just know how to make sense of it with enough input.

Perhaps the best real-life example of someone who used this method is the world's (first?) simultaneous interpreter, Kato Lomb. She gained fluency in a huge number of languages almost entirely through reading. I was skeptical of this method, but it worked remarkably well for me. q.v. her Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kat%C3%B3_Lomb

Hopefully this will help. It's hard at first, but nowadays, I look forward to the end of my work days so I can go hope and read ancient Greek in the original. It's a fantastic thrill! I'm less good at Russian, but seeing myself improve every day is a great feeling. Please tell me if this is a method that you think will work for you. Best of luck!

>> No.9457667

English, German, and hebrew

>> No.9457700

Not the anon that you were quoting, but thanks for dumping the advice dude! I had been learning French for a while without doing much reading, and my learning had sort of plateau'd and I wasn't making any progress. However, I've begun reading books in the language (Im on my third novel), and already I feel I've made such huge strides in understanding syntax and even vocabulary. I think there is a lot of truth in what you say about this method, and more people should know about it. Again, I really appreciate seeing such a helpful, earnest post on /lit/. We need more posts like this.

>> No.9457708

Englsih and French, going to take German courses next year. Already know the basics though.

>> No.9457711

Mother tongue spanish, english and italian. I can also read devanagari though i know about three sanskrit words

>> No.9457712
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English, math, C++ (still learning 7 years later). Feels bad I don't know the baby languages like Latin, French, Java, HTML or even German.

>> No.9457715

So the thought police allow this BS thread on /lit/ but censor other perfectly /lit/ related threads?

>> No.9457756

Frisian (native), Dutch, English and a tiny bit of german.

>> No.9457777

Native English speaker.
Enough German to (slowly) read literature
Slightly less Italian.
A smattering of French and Norwegian.
Decided to take up Latin six months ago.

>> No.9457792

HOW IS THIS /lit/??!!?!? WTF

>> No.9458168

The only one that matters.

>> No.9458756

Croatian (and all of the Balkans ones that come with it), English, Ancient Greek, Latin, French and some German

>> No.9458763

fluent german and english
some italian and spanish
veeery little french

can only read in the first two

>> No.9458770

German, English and French on a fluent level. My Spanish is decent as well. The two romance languages also help me understand basic Italian, Portuguese and Catalan. I also have a very rudimentary knowledge of Russian and Polish but that needs active practice to be reactivated.

So without horseshit four languages.

>> No.9458778
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>> No.9458780

English and a tiny bit of Dutch. I can speak a few sentences in German.

Monolingual master race.

>> No.9458784

Fluent Swedish, Finnish and English
Conversational German and basic Latin

>> No.9458790

native Dutch
fluent English
French, German (French is on it's way to fluent)
basic: Japanese, but lost interest, can read it kind of okay though.

>> No.9458962

Spanish, english and I have a decent understanding of latin

>> No.9458982

I'm fluent french, english and spanish

>> No.9458991

Ancient Greek

>> No.9459035

У Гeнpихa Шлимaнa был cхoжий мeтoд изyчeния языкoв: Для нaчaлa eмy тpeбoвaлocь «yчeбнoe пocoбиe», кoтopым мoг cлyжить любoй oбъёмный тeкcт — чaщe вceгo, этo был пepeвoд «Пpиключeний Teлeмaкa» Фeнeлoнa. Дaлee Гeнpих нaнимaл нocитeля языкa, кoтopoмy читaл вcлyх, peaгиpyя нa вce пoпpaвки и пoдcкaзки, oднoвpeмeннo пoпoлняя cлoвapный зaпac, oттaчивaя пpoизнoшeниe и вocпpинимaя гpaммaтичecкий cтpoй языкa. Учитeля pyccкoгo языкa в Aмcтepдaмe нaйти нe yдaлocь (pyccкий вицe-кoнcyл Taннeнбepг нe oтpeaгиpoвaл нa пpocьбy дaвaть ypoки), в книжных лaвкaх нaшлacь тoлькo «Teлeмaхидa» B. Tpeдиaкoвcкoгo, лишь пoзднee Шлимaн дocтaл гpaммaтикy 1748 гoдa издaния и cлoвapь. B peзyльтaтe yжe 4 aпpeля 1845 гoдa Шлимaн cмoг нaпиcaть пepвoe пиcьмo нa pyccкoм языкe oт имeни фиpмы Шpёдepoв eё дeлoвoмy пapтнёpy — Bacилию Гpигopьeвичy Плoтникoвy, кoтopый пpeдcтaвлял в Лoндoнe интepecы кyпeчecкoй динacтии Maлютиных.

>> No.9459076

conversational german and japanese. Native english speaker

>> No.9459107

I know english only

been trying to learn french for years. maybe ill try this advice >>9457651

any good workbooks like that for french?

>> No.9459130

Anyone got a guide to learning languages? Duolingo can only take you so far, which is probably no where

>> No.9459151

Native Spanish speaker
Fluent English
Aaaand some words of Aymara, the tongue of my ancestors. It is a shame though, my mom can talk fluent Aymara but we have never had the time to practice. (nor the will to do it)

>> No.9459155


Mandarin HSK3

>> No.9459193

Serbian as a native language and English to a high degree. I have learnt a lot of German as a child while watching German TV shows. I make a lot of mistakes while speaking German mostly due to having forgotten a lot of it, but I am pretty confident that I would be able to learn it to a medium degree pretty quickly by spending some time in a German speaking country.

>> No.9459209
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Erzähl uns welcher Russlanddeutsche deine Alte abgegriffen hat.

>> No.9459465

Fluent English, Malagasy (thanks peace corps)
So-so German

>> No.9459470

barely even english. only at the age of 21 did learn what verb and noun was

>> No.9459481

I know a bunch, English, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, I could keep going. Only speak English tho

>> No.9459484

English fluently.
Conversational in French, German and Luganda
Read Hebrew