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/lit/ - Literature

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9457119 No.9457119 [Reply] [Original]

How's your reading challenge going?

>> No.9457129

Pretty well. Was aiming for sixty. On pace for 80ish. Good year so far. Hoping to maintain it, but I want to tackle some big books this summer. Might bring the number down a bit. Only 600+ page book I've read this year was The Recognitions.

>> No.9457141


Super slow! :-(
Who knows some fun short books so I can inflate my numbers? I've already read all the Hunger Games -- that pesky Peter! -- and am looking for more of the same!

>> No.9457144

Fuck off.

>> No.9457146

>two books behind
Gonna knock out a couple of Shakespeare's tragedies this week.

>> No.9457147

Keep at it anon. YOU can do it!!!

>> No.9457148

Pretty bad, I've lost my drive to read for the past 2 months and can barely do 50 pages a day, who's to say my 150-200 mark. Still 4 books ahead of schedule though

>> No.9457163
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>> No.9457182


Aw, someone's sad. You must be a little short in the numbers game yourself!

>> No.9457196

I'm on 10/15

considering I almost got no time to read due to being a wage slave, I'm happy the way it is going

>> No.9457231
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This is my list and I live alone and have a full time job where I can't read, you are just making excuses.

>> No.9457276

Nice, anon. How'd you like Answer to Job? I read it this year too and loved it. Are you religious?

For me I've read 26/100, so I'm a little behind. Learning Latin 3+ hours a day has put a healthy dent into things. Also half a dozen of mine are really short.

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Walden & Civil Disobedience
>Butcher's Crossing
>Answer to Job
>The Republic*************
>On Interpretation
>The Categories
>The Sound and the Fury**********
>Nicomachean Ethics************
>Philoctetes (re-read)********
>The Girl from Samos
>De Anima
>Oedipus Rex (re-read)
>The Rape of Lucrece
>Antony and Cleopatra
>On the Sublime - Longinus
>The Sorrows of Young Werther*********
>Shakespearean Tragedy - A.C. Bradley******
>Faust: Part 1
>Ulysses (re-read)*****
>The New Bloomsday Book
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Wheelock's Latin
>The Art of Love*****
>Twilight of the Idols

****** favorites

>> No.9457298

I'm guessing you don't work in a third world country having to plunge for 10/11 hours a day and having to juggle a relationship as well. But I guess you were just trying to motivate me.

Also, We is a fucking great book, one of the 10 I read

>> No.9457307
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>> No.9457335

22 of my 35 I pledged for the year. Also getting an MBA while working full-time so that hurts my progress a little. Audiobooks help too (inb4 "those don't count")

>> No.9457341

8 books ahead of schedule so far. Going for 30, but I'll probably go above that

>> No.9457386 [DELETED] 

I'm sort of behind my schedule, as I've only read 9 books so far. But I'm always much slower in the spring and really pick it up over late summer and into fall/winter. Not sure why, just the way it always goes for me. I typically hit about 50 books and I'll do the same again this year I imagine.

Anyways, so far:

The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop
Storm of Steel
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Based On a True Story
Butcher’s Crossing
No Country for Old Men
The Tiger : A True Story of Vengeance and Survival
Snow Country

>> No.9457433

2/15, 3 if you count The Minority Report. Aside from that, I've read A Farewell to Arms and Dr. Bloodmoney.

>> No.9457454
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40 / 200


>> No.9458351

Almost on track, but I've cheated a lot, I've read many short books

>> No.9458358
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>> No.9458369

>having to juggle a relationship
You don't have to do that at all

>> No.9458377

3 out of 10 and they aren’t even particularly long or difficult.

The Sound of Waves
In the Miso Soup

>> No.9458378

10/52 although i will finish another within two days

I read 8 books in January then went and got a full time job like a fucking retard.

>> No.9458380
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Reading the 13th atm (pic related). Last year I think I read 42 or something. Perhaps this year I'll read 50. I'm learning Ancient Greek and writing my undergrad thesis, so that might prevent me a little from achieving my goal, but as long as I can read what I want to read I don't care.

>> No.9458384
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Doing fairly well.

>> No.9458394
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What challenge? Are you gay? Play vidya if you want a real challenge and high quality entertainment, fucking plebs.

>> No.9459563
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>> No.9459914

Pretty good.

>> No.9459993
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A-am I doing good /lit/?

>> No.9460189

reading fat ones each month, so this is good progress.

>> No.9460256

please go back to your containment board

>> No.9460900

Pale Fire is a masterpiece.

>> No.9460912
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>> No.9460981

U a good boy sean

>> No.9461051
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I'm meeting my "goal" but not nearly enough of these are actual books, but it's been a busy year for me. I am reading "From Hell" now, and want to get to Ubik and Blindsight when I can.

>> No.9461186

I'm getting pretty far behind then where I was at last year. Got caught up on Les Miserables, still have 160 pages to go...

>> No.9461216
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Am I doing it right?

>> No.9461260
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>counting short stories
You're only lying to yourself

>> No.9461270

I've read only 6, for some reason I don't have any motivation even though I really want to read. Since three days ago I've been back on track (after not reading for over one month), hopefully I'll stay this way. I wish I had more time, but I study Medicine and I'm tired out.

>> No.9461278

I usually exceed my goals, but yeah you are correct. I just use to list all the things I've read in a year anyway.

I don't really consider comics or manga as "books" all the time either.

>> No.9461548

how's from hell so far? been wanting to read that for a while.

>> No.9461584

It is very good. There's a really interesting philosophy about the power of symbols and patterns as what is commonly believed to be Magic and the power of Magic in the book that's very interesting to me. Some really high-octane insanity and gruesome violence inside too. The art is very simple ink drawings, but they get so crude when things get violent that it is difficult to really see what the panels are depicting, and it makes the awful violence even worse.

>> No.9461640
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This is my first year reading heavily/on good reads so I think I under estimated. Also I read Te-Nehisi Coats for class and it was awful so do not judge me.

>> No.9461659

fuck I wish that were me

>> No.9461700

Coates is good, stop apologizing and trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.9461707

/lit/ is full of fags you don't want to fit in with. I like some of those books you read! Gonna read my first Toni Morrison later this year, how did you like her?

>> No.9461821

I want that cute little emoticon face to gag on my dick.

>> No.9461852


Hey that looks pretty good, would you recommend it? Also does it have the Nahuatl originals alongside or is it just the Spanish translations?

>> No.9461860

I'm like 5 books behind...20 was my goal this year.

>> No.9462043

>counting your books
You people are pathetic

>> No.9462066

the fuckn scum o the earth!

>> No.9462095

>Quantity reading over quality reading

What a shit challenge. I'll just read a bunch of Dr. Seuss books and finish this challenge right now.

>> No.9462096

It's a parallel text edition, with the Nahuatl on one side and the Spanish on the other.

It's actually pretty good if you want to learn about Nahuatl poetry and philosophy. León-Portilla is one of the greatest scholars of Aztec culture, and his introduction is well-written and well-researched.

>> No.9462111

Wait a minute people sign up to a website to keep track of numbers under 100? lmao

>> No.9462228
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should probably read more

>> No.9462246
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>tfw goal of 5 books
I've read 2. Fuck me, my major is hard. At least I'll have more time to read this summer.

>> No.9462288

i feel for you freg

>> No.9462299

thanks friend, hopefully your goal is going more like you wanted :)

>> No.9462640


good reads is for faggots. What do you do first each day, tell the internet "ooh I'm going to read allllll these books, that makes me a clever and interesting person" or take selfies with your "book hauls" and post them to Instagram? You are shallow and an attention seeker.

>> No.9462674

an evening of long goodbyes by paul murray what is one of the funniest books i've ever read

>> No.9463052
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i dont have a job and read all day. second or third year doing this (1/2)

>> No.9463057
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>> No.9463262

I read The Bluest eye years ago and liked it but beloved i really had to force myself to read.

>> No.9463268

This response is meant for>>9461707

>> No.9463280

who are some good 'minimalist writers'? not sure that's the right term. hemingway, rulfo, williams. not necessarily just the short confident sentences of hemingway, but more like the un-affected, humble way of delivering dope prose. i don't know. any suggestions?

>> No.9463347

Stuck into Gulag's Archipelago and SICP (a book about programming).

I had such a good start in January/February. Read 15 books in two months.

>> No.9463479

this is exactly what I do in the morning

>> No.9463530

why no job man? do you ever get bored of just reading and no other hobbies?

>> No.9463550
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Currently reading News From the Empire which is quite long and dense, so I am a bit behind.

Not keeping track of aspects of my life leads to idle hands

>> No.9463554

Willa Cather

>> No.9463638


It's going fine because I don't treat reading like some kind of race

>> No.9463643

not yet, but i probably will. have an active social life and all that.

>> No.9463670

In my experience the lit folks on Goodreads are all introverted as fuck. We're all just silently motivating each other.

>> No.9463678

Have you read Carver?

>> No.9463681

You aspire to read 15 books in a year? Are they all War & Peace length, or are you a brainlet?

>> No.9463692

>Counting manga

>> No.9463696


>> No.9463714

>goodnight punpun
>3 times

Hey, I'm also reading Babylon Revisited! What did you think about it.

>> No.9463799

Babylon Revisited was great! I really like the relation between paying money to make things go away or the way you ant them against transacting with someone to win-back their respect or trust, where currency has no value. I hadn't read Fitzgerald since High School and it was so well written and made me want to check out more of his stuff.

>> No.9463968
