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File: 255 KB, 1200x801, oathbringer_cover-full_art_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9455435 No.9455435 [Reply] [Original]

Oathbringer hype edition



Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9455476
File: 2.77 MB, 2092x3560, Offworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't remember the title 11 days ago, but this is the closest I've got. Described as scaled in the book. Fair warning, woman writing under a male psuedonym with a half native american and all trouble protag.

>> No.9455481

What are you guys reading now?

>> No.9455482

That's one awful cover. Are there actually any good fantasy book cover? Most of them are completely awful. They must do this on purpose.

>> No.9455554

City of Miracles just came out so that probably. Otherwise finishing history shit.

>> No.9455561

I'd prefer something completed. I know about Worm but I'm not really into superheroes.

>> No.9455625


I don't recognize that Banner, black sigil on orange. Has anyone placed it?

>> No.9455627

Three Body because it keeps getting shilled so damn much
it's ok, awful main char but I'm intrigued enough to keep reading

>> No.9455631

I always love the race between the scifi and fantasy anons to decide the thread art

>> No.9455644

I'm just getting into sci-fi and I started with I, robot, pretty cool so far.

>> No.9455654
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I read Jack Vance's 1956 sci-fi novel To Live Forever, AKA Clarges, a book set in an advanced city that has conquered disease and mortality but remains a dystopia. To avoid overpopulation, life-lengthening treatments are administered in stages by the local government, but only for doing good works. The city's inhabitants are thereby obsessed with striving towards progressing towards immortality, the preceding stages of which form the rigid caste system.

The plot concerns Waylock, a man who has fallen foul of this society, having relinquished his right to be immortal by murdering a rival press baron. At the outset of the novel he emerges from exile, having been presumed dead, and strives towards immortal status once again. He is a amoral, ruthless, dogged, and clever, an anti-hero. He is consistently thwarted by a young immortal woman with a grudge against him; and his tanglings with the beautiful antagonist make up much of the novel.

Waylock enters myriad jobs as we see both the winners and losers of his society: immortals, near-immortals, mental-cases, assassins, rebels, beurocrats, lackeys. Vance depicts a people who have attained immortality but who remain in menial servitude; he targets meaningless careerism and the conservatism and complacency of the comfortable. By the end of the book he offers a solution, a way of adding meaning to increasingly long lives. This book is a fast read, and will also have interest to cyberpunk readers with its mind-altering drugs, flying cars, skyways, simulacra, double identities and memory transfer. The plotting is superb, the dialogue is witty, and the ending is satisfying, so the book deserves four out of five dinosaurs.

>> No.9455655
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>> No.9455685

>he doesn't buy books with awful covers on purpose
What planet are you from?

>> No.9455699

Weird, that plot sounds very familiar, but I'm almost certain that I haven't read this book.

>> No.9455723

Its anti-hero protagonist reminded me a lot of the one in Alfred Bester's The Demolished Man, 1953. Both Waylock and Reich are captains of industry trying to get away with murder in a futuristic megapolis. There is no telepathy involved in Clarges, but the setting is similiar. Clarges isn't written in Bester's beatnik way either. They're interesting bedfellows nonetheless.

>> No.9455845

The Heart of What Was Lost, so I can segue into Tad Williams' new Osten Ard series this summer. Since it's been like 8 years since I read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn

>> No.9455863

Sounds great dinosaur anon, i think i'll read it.

>> No.9455878

Hmmm, that doesn't appear to be it.
>The plot concerns PROTAG, a man who has fallen foul of this society, having relinquished his right to be immortal by murdering a rival OTHER GUY. At the outset of the novel he emerges from exile, having been presumed dead, and strives towards immortal status once again. He is a amoral, ruthless, dogged, and clever, an anti-hero. He is consistently thwarted by a young immortal woman with a grudge against him.
It's driving me crazy now.

>> No.9455893

Is the setting an overbearing and byzantine dystopic bureaucracy? I like those.

>> No.9455916

There's a few scenes where the protag is applying for jobs, remonstrating with dignitaries, or arguing a point of law with flustered officials It's definitely a man VS his society type of book. It's not as byzantine or oppressive as Emphyrio's government, but there is state sanctioned murder at a certain age, and archaic traditional punishments.

The early worldbuilding can be some work. It's easy once you figure out that they have achieved immortality by producing simulacra and keeping them in a vat. When a man dies, his memories are 'empathised'/transferred into one of the simulacra of their ideal body - so the immortal class are always young, too.

>> No.9455936

A note about 3body.

it was written in chinese, and it shows. It's almost autistic in its translation.

it doesn't really have characters, it's a narrative. you don't get to know anyone well. The story is what's interesting.

>> No.9456162

The translation is only part of it. Cixin's work in China is famous for it's almost sole male demographic and emotionless Asimov-like writing. Even in the native, it's not a novel full of worldplay. That's why Ken's translation should be praised for the more powerful sections of Dark Forest and Death's End, for actually making the read a little pleasanter.

>> No.9456201

Does Brandon Sanderson have downs syndrome? I hope for his sake that he does because then he has an excuse for looking like that.

>> No.9456440

The end result of too much mormon inbreeding.

>> No.9456459
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>> No.9456463

New Peter Watts book when?

>> No.9456473
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>> No.9456531

I'm close to being done with feist's riftwar cycle and I'd like to know who is closer to his style between eddings and hobb? I haven't read anything from either of them before.

>> No.9456538

For the Echopraxia sequel, could be a long few years.
He's working on some shorter stuff or so he said in our e-mails, especially the Sunflower cycle. Could be expecting a Beyond the Rift II next year easily.

>> No.9456550

Speaker for the Dead
Senlin Ascends
The Wastelands (Dark Tower)

I like all three too much to focus on one book for a long time.

>> No.9456552

Is the weeb agenda finally making their move?

>> No.9456608

3 TUC "arcs" were on ebay earlier, idk if they were legit. Didn't buy one.

>> No.9456811

>Yes, one makes sense and is gradual the other is shoehorned in to appeal to women

Could you go into more detail please?

>> No.9456893

how is it possible to be that uncritically devoted toward some work of fiction unless you're in the neighbourhood of twelve? Fucking fandom I swear.

>> No.9456920

When reading stuff like this I have to remind myself they are children and don't know any better.

>> No.9456933


question is why was the last sentence deemed unworthy of an exclamation mark?

>> No.9456948

tip top kek

>> No.9456974
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Battletech/Mechwarrior has some rules for it and there are a few (water-)planets where a navy is actually feasable, at least during the succession wars and their absence of any kind of warships that are able to bombard planets.
problem about navies in science-fiction-settings is usually that you can easily spot ships and bombard them from orbit so why bother? submarines and underwater bases make sense though.

>> No.9456997

how's the dialogue in the malazan book of the fallen series? i don't expect it to be stellar, but i'm quick to drop a fantasy book if the dialogue is too cringey.

>> No.9457001


>> No.9457037

Regenesis Cherryh.

>> No.9457111

I haven't read it, but irrc the wikipedia article cites the dialogue as one of the things people like about the series

>> No.9457118

Fantastic. It's actually one of the funniest fantasy series I've read, several of the books have made me laugh out loud. It's also a very grim series at times, and the fact Erikson can do those extreme highs and lows with his characters is pretty amazing.

>> No.9457122


Looking for either

1. good audiobook
2. french novel for beginers

>> No.9457124
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Would you recommend this someone who's not the biggest fan of fantasy, but who still like authors like Le Guin and Wolfe? (also, not a huge Tolkien fan.)

>> No.9457180
File: 96 KB, 1266x862, holy lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody asks for classics

>> No.9457252

Ten years ago I used to think the same thing about retarded /b/ memes (you see, I was a sophisticated goon). Then I heard grown men giggling about mudkips in CS 1.6 voicechat and knew the truth.

>> No.9457266

No. It's an above-average contribution to the "large number of pages" sort of fantasy but if you generally don't like getting lost in fantasy worlds you're not going to like it enough to not regret starting it.

>> No.9457283

As someone who's only read the first two, it's been pretty pulpy so far – swashbuckling and a plot at a breakneck pace. There's an interesting setting, but the characters tend to know far more about it than the reader, and if there's ever infodumping it's in service of the plot.

>> No.9457358


I fucking hate people like that
>Ask for X
>They give you Y
>Get butthurt when you call them out on it

*They use multiple different words for it
Fuck it bloods my boils

>> No.9457367


Order of Windrunners
The first Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Adhesion and Gravitation.[10] The combination of these two Surges resulted in the powers known as the Three Lashings.[11]
Order of Skybreakers
The second Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Gravitation and Division.[10]
Order of Dustbringers
The third Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Division and Abrasion.[10] They could apparently burn things.[12]
Order of Edgedancers
The fourth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Abrasion and Progression.[10]
Order of Truthwatchers
The fifth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Progression and Illumination.
Order of Lightweavers
The sixth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Illumination and Transformation.[10] They could create illusions and had the inherent ability to Soulcast.[13][14]
Order of Elsecallers
The seventh Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Transformation and Transportation.[10] They had the inherent ability to Soulcast.[14]
Order of Willshapers
The eighth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Transportation and Cohesion.
Order of Stonewards
The ninth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Cohesion and Tension.[10]
Order of Bondsmiths
One of the Orders of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Tension and Adhesion.

>this is good world building

>> No.9457543
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>this is the face of fantasy literature
>autistic, hard-wired magic systems are "in vogue" right now
>you stopped caring about that shit somewhere in your teenage years

>> No.9457559


At least it makes sense, unlike "lol i pull some shit out of my ass because its convenient for the plot"

>> No.9457585

Who gives a shit if it makes sense? Yeah, you can make an argument that your worldbuilding should have internal consistency, but that's a far cry from
>oh, fuck, I better fucking CODIFY every single magical interaction in my setting as if it were a science
Which it is, because then it's not magic. It's science. And it's an easy way to distract from writing compelling characters and legitimately interesting settings.

>> No.9457595

why who does that desu?

>> No.9457600


It's still magic even if it makes sense logically, ie no inconsistencies, everything is like a system.
Unless moving things with your mind isn't magic because there is a very solid system for it

>> No.9457623

It's solid. A lot of times they'll artificially insert exposition, which annoys the shit of me. But the banter between characters is good

>> No.9457636

Consistency is nice, but so is esotercism and mystery. There should be a nice balance. Sanderson leans too far by making it into a hard science

>> No.9457657

I did like warrens/holds and decks/tiles but it's not exactly a fair comparison.

>> No.9457658

What do you do when you have two characters you care about and want them to interact but every story you build around the two of them together is shit?

>> No.9457665

Anyone excited for the Black Company tv adaption? How will they fuck it up?

>> No.9457668

Find a conflict between them. Re-do character outlines and redraft if necessary. Divisive topics; class, politics, women, religion, philosophy.

>> No.9457670

Don't build a story around them together. Make a story around each of them separately and keep banging them together like a dude unsuccessfully trying to breed two lobsters. Tie the two stories together at the end and call it a day.

>> No.9457678
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>Black Company tv adaption


>> No.9457682

Stick with it, first book is weakest of the trilogy though

>> No.9457685

dunno how I missed that

>> No.9457693
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pic related is cast as lady

>> No.9457707

well that's.. something. Was Eva Green busy?

>> No.9457751

I don't want them to be in conflict. They're supposed to be two dysfunctional people who only just qualify as socially and mentally fit for society through the destructive interference their best and worst qualities have on each other.

>> No.9457902

So I'm 300 pages into Way of Kings, and I've got to say, the concept of Spren is just really, really silly. I know it's fantasy, but I think by this point I'd take extreme grimdark over ridiculously kidish concepts like these.
>Jost's eyes grew angrier at the mention of his nahn. He held up his quarterstaff. "You're going to fight me or not?" Anger spren began to appear in small pools at his feet, bright red.

Like how am I supposed to take this seriously? Oh man, he's so angry that anger spren are bopping around, what's gonna happen?!

It just feels like every time see the word spren used in a different context I feel less inclined to keep reading. "They laughed, and laughter spren appeared." Or, "he won, and victory spren appeared". Then there's the waifu spren plotline, which is just straight up anime. So anyway does the concept become cooler as the book progresses or what?

>> No.9458149

Quite good. Erikson does a great job with duos and groups.

>> No.9458155

>Doesn't want anime
>Reads Sanderson

What the fuck are you doing? Sanderson writes anime. Every series he has written is anime. If you didn't want anime, why would you read Sanderson series?
Regarding Spren, they're fleshed out to be more like Fair Folk in practice, they've got their own dimension and varying degrees of society. the ones that pop up spontaneously are dumb, base ones equivalent to plants or animals, whereas there's a variety of sentient ones as well.

>> No.9458322

Holy shit. I read tunnel under the world and it was about advertising too. What is with pohl and consumerism brands?

>> No.9458325

It's from Lord of light

>> No.9458348

>magic should be filled with deus ex machina that insults the reader's intelligence, and allows the author to be lazy with his writing, thus always ensuring a way out
I'm glad you "magik is so randum kek" fags are dying out.

>> No.9458437

Nah, you just haven't read Mistborn; if you've seen the stuff about Shards and the like you know that there is a level of esotercism and mystery.

>> No.9458438

Lightbringer, GraphicAudio version.

>> No.9458481


>Not just edgy shit

>> No.9458662

>So I'm 300 pages into Way of Kings, and I've got to say, the concept of Spren is just really, really silly. I know it's fantasy, but I think by this point I'd take extreme grimdark over ridiculously kidish concepts like these.

I'm going to blow your mind:

Spren are little gaming abstractions from MMOs, those little twinkling lights that color-code things when you hover over them to make clear something that can't be made clear visually.

So an 'angerspren' or whatever is like hovering the cursor over a person and seeing the orange or red little 'hostile' in the box that appears.

I'm going to blow your mind again:

All of Stormlight takes place in an MMO (endless battlefield divided into sections, stupid rare magic items people compete over, war divided into arbitrary factions that each fight not to eliminate the enemy or fix anything, but to keep the battle going so that there can be competitions over rare items that spawn randomly)

>> No.9458714
File: 36 KB, 480x462, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you read Michael Moorcock's essay 'Epic Pooh'?
It's mainly a screed against Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (and several other fantasy works, but mostly LotR) which he compares to the reassuring and childish writing of A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh.
Moorcock chiefly criticises what he perceives as Tolkien's conservative disposition and his preoccupation with comforting the reader rather than challenging them intellectually.
Thoughts on this? Here's a link to the text if anyone is interested: http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.php?id=953

>> No.9458721
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>> No.9458724


Mind status: blown

>> No.9458725

There's nothing cuter than reading an authors short work and seeing all the little ideas they showed into their bigger novels diluted.

>> No.9458775

God I fucking hate Moorcock. He really is the Alan Moore of fantasy. What a cunt.

>> No.9458791

>It's still magic even if it makes sense logically, ie no inconsistencies, everything is like a system.
That doesn't sound too MAGICAL to me. ;-)

>> No.9458808
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>> No.9458825


Just because it makes sense doesn't mean it can't still be magic

>> No.9458839


Why is "To Kill a God" not on it?

>> No.9458846

Most of these changes are fine, but you removed Lud in the Mist and Titus Groan, which were two of the strongest entries. You could certainly scratch the Chronicles of Amber in favor of one of those.

>> No.9458888

Magic in and of itself doesn't make sense. I'm perfectly fine with placing limitations on magic, but doing what Sanderson does really robs magic of what makes it special IMO. It's like the hard sci-fi version of fantasy.

>> No.9458923

My god Moorcock was a twat. On the first page of the essay he praises J.K. Rowling while insulting Chesterton. He quotes two passages from The Lord of the Rings with different tones, and then claims they have the same tone. Then he comes within a hair's breadth of calling the books fascist.

The essay goes on to jump from topic to topic with no clear structure beyond Moorcock calling writers he doesn't like bad and calling writers he does like good. Then in the last paragraph he has a strawman argument that people are calling Tolkien as good as Joyce and that hey, that's not true. It lets Moorcock shake his head sadly at the dumbing down of today's generation.

As I mentioned a few threads back, I sympathize with the goals of New Wave science fiction, but its leadership in Moorcock and Ballard don't have anywhere near the skills to practice what they preach.

>> No.9458926

>The Witcher

>> No.9458951

>This is hands down one of, if not the best book I've ever read.

>> No.9458967

Tolkein wasn't even vaguely fascist. He was a hardcore Legitimist, sure. I guess to Moorcock anything that appears even remotely right wing is instantly "fascist".

>> No.9458983

I bought "The Eternal Champion" on ebay because the cover art looked neat

Did I make a mistake?

>> No.9458989

>Not understanding the importance of eucatastrophe in mythology

>> No.9459029
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Hey, /sffg/, I always wanted to write fantasy stuff, nothing really all that original or great, but I always get stuck on some details and find myself acting like an autist and trying to get something right in the details. In this case, it's fucking castles. Would any of you know a book to recommend, that goes into great detail about castle building?

>> No.9459039


>> No.9459050

Yes. I couldn't finish the one book of Moorcock's I tried to read. Too fucking boring. And I read the entire Malazan series.

>> No.9459057


Sorry, what?

>> No.9459060

well fuck

at least it was like 2 bucks and the cover still looks nice on my shelf

fuck off and come back when you figured out how to operate google

>> No.9459078

Anyone read any good sci-fi/fantasy short story magazines?

>> No.9459084

It looks like Osprey is a publisher who specialises in books about castles. Google search: "books about castles Osprey" and you should get the list - it looks pretty exhaustive.

>> No.9459112


>> No.9459172

if you goto /hwg/ on /tg/ should be links to all Osprey shit in OP

>> No.9459177

fuck it


>> No.9459206

>it's funny every time

>> No.9459217

That's not it either...
I might need to dig into my worthless records.

>> No.9459222


>If the beasts just try to smash their way through, they're inevitably going to be decimated by guns.

You should reconsider that.

- Modern surveillance techniques are especially good when focused on a specific objective or location (think spy satellites). If your demons come out of your hellgate by thousands somewhere in Africa, Asia or South America for instance, they will be lost and scatered all over the continent in no time. If they ravage villages in India, news won't reach the general population before long and then they will be met with disbelief anyway.
- The demons can have a very dense and thick skin, the kind that bullets can't penetrate easily And if you bring larger guns, these will either be not automatic or stationary.
- As another anon suggested, think about speed. It's a common misconception that larger = slower. The fastest human beings can run over 5 times their own height every second. Most other mammals have a better ratio than this, even big mammals like bears. If your demons have a similar height to speed ratio (and they could easily have a better ratio) and you have a 30 feet demon, this fucker will run at 100mph. Try to hit that with a rocket launcher in the middle of a city.
This way of thinking in terms of ratio between size and speed can be applied to every body movement. If you extend your arm in your back and throw it in a half-circle toward the front as fast as you can, this movement takes maybe 0.3 seconds. If a demon had an 8ft long arm, you wouldn't see much more than a blur instead of its hand. And something that is both heavy and fast can have enough momentum to run through non-reinforced walls.
- Bombing every city that reports demons would simply be doing their job for them.
- The demons could be, in some way, intelligent. Only predators can devise plans in their head, prey animals don't have this ability (the reason is that predators have to anticipate the actions of the prey, while the prey must only react). You could argue that demons are the ultimate predators and developed this capacity to its limit. This would give you demons smarter than humans in everything that is related to hunting, but without their heads filled with philosophy and shits.
- In a broader sense, I think the world doesn't work as smoothly as what people believe. I can say that for certain about science. I'm sure it's exactly the same in every domain, including the military. I'm positive that even if every country combined their efforts, they couldn't hunt demons as easily as that. Maybe if you had ten, but not if you have a thousand. Above all, the military hasn't prepared for this. The military excells at taking out big objectives (cities) with massive bombs, or small objectives (a few humans) with commandos/drones, but what if you had to destroy something more robust than a tank, faster than a car and without any collateral damage because it's running through NYC? That would be chaos.

>> No.9459435

>trying to trigger me by putting red shit and buried meme on it
You failed.

>> No.9459448

check this bro the demons come out of a portal that's fucking under water

>> No.9459566

Any web serial worth reading? Is 'Worm' the best the medium has to offer?

>> No.9459728

I read lots of short stories but only in compiled form

>> No.9459865

>heh I'll ask the same question over and over again

>> No.9459903

I read lots of novels but only in short story form.

>> No.9459916


Eva Green isn't one of the producers like dukshu is.

>> No.9459936

>more than one person with the same question? Unthinkable!
I looked through the previous threads, it only was asked once (in a different way than I did) and it only got a single "no". Am I supposed to take that random anon's word as law on the subject of opinions on web serials? If it's gotten a proper response elsewhere, please point me to it.

>> No.9459940

Yea, that's an option too.
Making them a lot stronger than I first envisioned.

>> No.9459966

Movie actresses aren't cheap, anon.

>> No.9459996


I can never get past the amnesia trope in the first book and give up.

>> No.9460047

This might be a loaded question, but which fantasy series would you recommend to someone who wanted something well-written, epic, and with lots of world building?

>> No.9460103

Not the previous anon, but I think this question has come up 2-3 times a month for the past 2 or 3 months. Certainly there are other questions asked with far more regularity, but this one stands out as there is rarely any response/discussion. It gives the appearance of some forlorn anon doggedly fishing for a conversation.
I personally have never read a web serial, so can't oblige.

>> No.9460134

Book of the New Sun

>> No.9460145


Wheel of Time

>> No.9460210

The Dark Tower

>> No.9460219


Thank you.

>> No.9460233

>well written

GRRM's prose is barely acceptable even by fantasy standards.

>> No.9460255

Looks like SomethingAwful's Book Barn to me.

Used to browse their SFFG thread when /sffg/ didn't exist. They mostly have horrible taste but still far better than Reddit.

>> No.9460257

Or maybe your just retarded?

>> No.9460273
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This has proven to be quite entertaining.

Not a lot is explained, but the stuff Cook describes suffices.

>> No.9460297

Just finished the Unhewn Throne trilogy. I hate Adare so god damn much.

>> No.9460300

So does everybody.

>> No.9460445

Yes. It's not full fantasy

>> No.9460498

grrm prose is decidedly mediocre. He over describes all the time, and is rarely concise. But I'm finding that fantasy writers tend to write like shit (at least mainstream ones), so I would say he's definitely competent by fantasy standards.

imo the best fantasy writers are bakker and Wolfe. I'll reluctantly include po-mo magical realism fags like nieville as well if they're considered fantasy

>> No.9460554

Any sci-fi set in a universe similar to Mass Effects? Basically what I want is a multi-racial galaxy humanity is struggling to fit into.

>> No.9460560

oh boy

>> No.9460574

I need some Grimdark fantasy or science fantasy with tons of truly autismal world building and lore.

>> No.9460576

The Expanse?
Revelation Space
A Fire Upon the Deep.

NOT Hamilton. It's utter shit.

>> No.9460579

Fire Upon the Deep

>> No.9460619

Grimdark tends not to go overboard on the world building generally but Malazan fits the bill.

>> No.9460628

Is this shit for real. My fucking brain is bleeding

>> No.9460676 [DELETED] 
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Is this is? Are authors so afraid of getting near the "Star Wars/Trek" genre of alien-rich scifi they're afraid of even going near it?

>> No.9460692

This. I just want a series with alien interaction that isn't autismal "spooky discovery" or "mysterious threat" but instead hyper autismal multi species confederations

>> No.9460703

I think you need a good balance of both really.
I'm a fan of hard scifi enough to say "fuck humanoid aliens" so I want the diplomacy to be as difficult and troubling as you'd expect it to be, but along with interstellar smoke and mirrors. A universe where aliens ARE commonplace, but a realistic representation of their allegiances.

>> No.9460749

What are some decent fantasy novels written in the first person?

I prefer them but it seems that most of the "best" fantasy books are written in third. By "best" I mean the ones that are usually recommended when someone says they need a new book to read in the fantasy genre

>> No.9460768

So I was thinking about what would happen if a solar storm hit earth. Technology would be kill and things would be much different.

Any novels that tell a story based off of this idea?

>> No.9460772

Mark Lawrence.

>> No.9460779

Bakker if you don't mind more than one pov character

>> No.9460828

Gene Wolfe

>> No.9460841

Name of the Wind, it definitely falls under the "best" category too

>> No.9460847


>> No.9460851

knights in a realistic world, do you have anything for me /sffg/?

>> No.9460871
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It's probably not the type of story you're looking for, but the Sector General series has a big confederation of non-humanoid aliens and many first contacts with more of the same. White even came up with a 4 letter shorthand for different physiological types. Humans are classed as DBDG. Much of the series is alien medical drama in short story form with a few longer novels.

>> No.9460894
File: 19 KB, 250x294, Eosapien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expedition by Wayne Barlowe, not the best pive of literary media, but honestly is a nice read if you can find the physical book. I would not recommend finding the pdf.

>> No.9460940

I wanna read about time travel

Any suggestions?

>> No.9460953

So I just read: "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury.

Kind of just threw myself into it blind, and I have to say it's a pretty wonderful book once it eventually gets going.
In many ways its more philosophical and analytical of life and of us as people than conventional horror-bound works.
I love the simple yet powerful techniques he uses in this book. Building up simple imagery into more and more complicated and wild imagery, and throwing down the rapidly contrasting actions of a conscious and subconscious mind.

The conscious mind screams at you "no. don't go in. pull away", yet the subconscious drags you in. It feels very personal.

The true horror of the book is the horror of a man getting exactly what he desires. Mr. Dark's gimmick is amazingly simple yet effective. He's the whisper in your ear, the second glance, the man who can sell you the world twice over. Fear is his food and you are the main course. Eternal doubt and suffering are the engines that drive him. If you give in to him, you are his slave.

I love the books overall message. Death is just death, it's meaningless, and so to does life, but life has meaning once you embrace the absurdities it wields, and just embrace the moment. Death brings doubt and fear, and only that can truly hurt you if you let yourself get lost in it.

>> No.9460982

If you're already familiar with The Time Machine at least vaguely, you can try The Time Ships.

And if you don't spoil it in any capacity, All You Zombies, a short story might be interesting.

>> No.9461047

>tfw no qt midget gf to give deep dick to, ending in cervical cancer
Why live?

>> No.9461056

End of Eternity by Asimov is one of my favourites.

>> No.9461062

Everything you can think of has been thought of before. It's just finding a book with decent enough prose.
First results in google.
If you read any of them and they are good, please shill.

>> No.9461066



>> No.9461157

Erikson's magic system is still very loose with explaining how everything works. It's got structure to it, an order of how everything is organized, but it feels more natural and layered rather than autistically planned out by some kid with too much free time in homeroom. It's still sufficiently mystical, with people leaving their bodies to go on spiritual sojourns, communing with spirits and gods, and you get the overall impression that magic is about trying to impose order on a wild, chaotic force that is older than creation.

>> No.9461185

What's a good book/book series for someone who likes the game Dragon's Dogma?

>> No.9461224

Thanks! (random anon)

>> No.9461231

You'll be more likely to receive reccs if you describe what exactly you enjoyed in this game that might be relevant to books and tack a "like X does it" or something at the end. I have no idea what most of the games being asked about recently are. Unless you want to deliberately restrict the pool of respondents to those who've actually played it (anons probably spend more time reading here) or are bored enough to research it. :3

>> No.9461261

Dragon's dogma barely has a plot so i don't think it can be compared to any book.

>> No.9461289

I need some pulpy sci fi author recs

think leigh brackett and edmond hamilton

>> No.9461297


I assume he means any fantasy with lots of team combat against monsters, because Dragon's Dogma had barely any plot or atmosphere to begin with. Combat was the game's one big strength, everything else about the story and setting was very by-the-numbers.

>> No.9461301

Yeah, pretty much this. I'm just interested in books that feature a lot of monster hunting and battles against mythical beasts.

>> No.9461317

witcher short story collections

>> No.9461332
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>> No.9461338
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>> No.9461350

wait, so, the author gives the painter credit in the title? that seems strange

>> No.9461366

technically the art inspired the book in this case.

>> No.9461526

well shit

>> No.9461529

i only read the first witcher book, which was ok but you might want to try those if you want monsters and mythical beasts.

>> No.9461554


I loved those Death Dealer books as a kid. Written by James Silke. The first print paperbacks in the 80s were listed/filed under Frazetta's name in book stores. I think an omnibus was published more recently just under Silke's name, IIRC. I thought Gath of Baal was way cooler than Conan as a middle schooler.

>> No.9461559
File: 1.39 MB, 820x1020, Arthurian_Fantasy_Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read any yet, but I saved this chart an anon made.

>> No.9461588

Hear me out:

it's a story about a bunch of people working at an bar & grill located on the boundary between our world and what lies beyond

>> No.9461667

I love Gene Wolfe, but Castleview is not worth reading.

>> No.9461670

i think that'll do. thanks.

>> No.9461742

So basically Mac from Dresden?

>> No.9461753
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So. You guys know wich Warhammer novels are worth a read?

I read the Eisernhorn books and Helsreach, all of them are entertaining from beginning to end.

>> No.9461782

not really, at least not the in way I described. Mac's is just a normal bar where fantastic beings hang out.

Think of it more like Howl's moving tavern, but the back door leads to an urban area in the spirit world.

It is like mac's however in that it's accorded neutral territory. Other permanent boundaries (most only appear at nearly unpredictable intervals) exist in the area, but they're all owned by the individual nations of the spirit world.

>> No.9461790

Book of the New Sun

>> No.9461800

Alfred Bester - The Men Who Murdered Mohammed
RA Lafferty - Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne

>> No.9461808
File: 13 KB, 300x361, 1488014715945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm going insane dudes

>Go to nearby used book store
>Going through their MASSIVE collection of old SFF
>Check out what Gene Wolfe they have
>They only have one
>Don't remember the title, but the cover had really cool cover art. Bunch of marble-white, naked figures standing around some sort of temple in the middle of a desert/canyon type environment. Sorta reminded me of 70s prog rock art
>Had the usual Gene Wolfe praise on the back, including the Le Guin quote about him being the modern Melville.
>Come home to try and find it again
>Can't find it anywhere

please tell me I didn't just dream this up. Help me /sffg/

>> No.9461840

The Gaunt Ghost's series also by Abnett
Night Lords trilogy Dembski-Bowden

Really anything by either of those two is safe enough.

>> No.9461944

So Mac from Dresden Files meets Lev Grossman's Magician, and his multiple worlds connected, with a little bit of Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series.

>> No.9461957


>> No.9461964

Already checked

>> No.9461984

>knights in a realistic world
You mean historical fiction? lol


>> No.9461989

I thought people were exaggerating how anime it was. And that explanation doesn't really make the concept all that more appealing to me.
Oh shit, mind blown. Oh shit, this sucks man.

>> No.9461997

Gemmell's Arthur series should be added to this.

>> No.9462000

What could go in the bottom-right gap?

>> No.9462008
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>> No.9462014

This, asshole: >>9461997

>> No.9462022

once you can only describe it with 3 comparisons and a distinction it's no longer plagiarism

>> No.9462031
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Is there anything like this but better?
Basically just good military space opera with some unique characteristics.

>> No.9462038

Undying Mercenaries

>> No.9462052

I'm 80 pages into PKD's Valis. Even with some familiarity with his biography, Christian gnosticism, Heraclitus and PKD's earlier novels, it's a demanding read. I can only imagine what his publishers made of the manuscript; this elusive novel incorporating the author's own suicide attempts, relationship breakdowns, psychiatric hospitalisation, and an enquiry into the nature of the mind, world, identity, time, and God, via an alter-ego and lengthy excerpts from a barely comprehensible journal full of mysticism.

>> No.9462067

The best fanfiction would be better than a fucking 'web serial'.

>> No.9462073

Moorcock is a pulp writer who wanted wanted to be so great that his writing would prove forever the superiority of his edgy '60s politics, but he just wasn't that good and he knows it. He's understandably butthurt about this but there's no need to drag Tolkien into it.

>> No.9462077

I disagree, they're both edgy egoists but Alan Moore has had a more lasting impact on his genre and is more self-aware.

>> No.9462080

It's actually not bad if you've got the taste for pulp adventure, and it's even better when you remember that the person writing it was trying to Stick It To The Man and Change The Face of Fantasy to be more Mature and Sophisticated.

>> No.9462085

Is there any decent scifi that's optimisitic?

>> No.9462089

Dinosaur Beach - Keith Laumer
All You Zombies - Heinlein
The End of Eternity - Asimov
City Beyond Time - John C. Wright
The Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
The Light of Other Days - Clarke + Baxter
The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal - Cordwainer Smith
Rhialto the Magnificent - Jack Vance

>> No.9462094

A.E. Van Vogt
E. E. Smith
John C. Wright
Peter F. Hamilton

>> No.9462098

Witcher stories by Andrej Sapkowski
Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia

>> No.9462100

Once you're done reading it I highly recommend checking out The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick, mainly 1975-1976 and 1977-1979. It gives a lot of background on his process in writing the novel, the events both real and imagined that inspired it, and the numerous revisions it went through that all contributed some part to the greater whole. It's very useful to understanding the novel itself and crucial to understanding how it became such an insane clusterfuck.

To give an example, you noted that the novel seemed to indicate the author had a history with relationship breakdowns. This is the understatement of the century. There's a letter by Dick in Selected Letters that can be summarized as "My ex-wife who I still love is dying of cancer in the apartment next to mine and refuses my help but at night I can hear her screams, but other than that everything is fine." It's one thing to be generally aware that Dick had a fucked up life, but the letters give a context and understanding that you won't get anywhere else.

>> No.9462101

I've actually got a lot of time for Moore, he has some genuinely interesting conceptual stuff to offer even if some of it is batshit insane. A bit like a fantasy PKD in that way. And he at least pushes himself to new forms like poetry and the spoken word, where Moorcock seems content to churn out pulp ad infinitum.

>> No.9462110

>claims that things from his fiction sometimes leak into reality, including having met John Constantine irl
Moore is like the lovechild of /co/, /lit/ and /x/

>> No.9462166

Did any of you watch tonight's Fargo?

There is a character who was murdered and it turns out he use to be a famous sci-fi writer named Thaddeus Mobley in the 70s.

He was scammed out of a lot of money by being baited by a movie deal and a sexy actress, he almost kills the con-man and runs away and changes his name.

The one work we know he wrote is called "the adventures of android minseok" about an android that has a childlike mind living for millennia watching worlds live and die.
(these sections of the show are animated and worth checking out on their own.)

Fargo says "It's based on true events" so any ideas what writer this character might be based on?

>> No.9462171

yes, but it doesn't have to be historical, im fine with a bit of fantasy, just no epic fantasy.

>> No.9462194

Then you'll want to read the books in the link I gave. The main protagonist is an archer, but there's a shit ton of knight shit in that series regardless.

If you don't have a problem with Heroic Fantasy then I'd suggest Knights of Dark Renown.

>> No.9462271

>based on true events
it's a lie for dramatic effect. the original movie did the same thing.

>> No.9462384

Strange travellers

>> No.9462405

Thats it! Thanks anon

>> No.9462483
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You will never grasp the Absolute! Dunyain btfo!

>> No.9462502


>> No.9462510

Ciaphas Cain, if you want to read Blackadder in space.

>> No.9462521

>If you want to read Flashman in space

Though Ciaphas Cain HERO OF THE IMPERIUM is less of a cunt than old Flashy.

>> No.9462524


I'll give malazan and new sun a try.

Are the other solar cycle books on the same note? Long sun and short sun

>> No.9462535


I might actually get him to do this video

>> No.9462557

I always thought that Ciaphas Cain was a great concept that the actual books almost never live up to. The idea of a self-serving coward becoming a celebrated war hero because his efforts to avoid danger always involve bizarre coincidences that somehow lead to victory is pure gold, but they never seem to commit to it. It always felt to me like the idea was naturally inclined to a slightly absurd or self-aware tone, but they always play it just a little bit too straight; most scenarios seem to play out more or less the same as any other 40k story. The only book I've read and enjoyed more than vaguely was Death or Glory, because it actually capitalized heavily on the premise. The idea of Cain's personal escort gradually morphing Katamari-style into an entire army, resulting in him accidentally leading a successful counter-invasion, is exactly the sort of thing that I felt the rest of the books were missing.

>> No.9462573

Is thomas covenant worth a read?

>> No.9462622



>> No.9462689

Very much so. The First and Second Chronicles are some of the best fantasy has to offer IMO. Keep in mind that TC is a very divisive protagonist, however.

>> No.9462748

Man the Powder Mage is so slow and boring, nothing even happen

>> No.9462773

How do I get revenge on Being?

>> No.9462792

It's a framing device, chump.

>> No.9462801

I think Hyperion I & II are ultimately hopeful in tone.

>> No.9463059
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I need someone to explain this book to me. I asked once before and I'm not any clearer on it, so I'll ask some more specific questions.

What was the Portia organism? Like, what sort of organism was it, assuming it was one? Or was it not an organism at all, but something else?

How did it "infect" Brüks? (A lot of possibilities here, it seems, probably depends how you answer the first question.)

Why did Brüks/Portia kill Valerie? Surely him/it didn't see vampires as a threat, right? Was it like an emotional outburst by Brüks' in which he was able to momentarily utilize Portia's intelligence?

What was up with the paralysis glitch? Some kind of vampire technique, it seems? Were the vampires also the ones who created the zombies?

And lastly, what was Portia's endgame? What was it doing on Earth? Was it a creation of the Scramblers, perhaps sent to Earth as a weapon? Or was it something else, perhaps something even more evolved than the Scramblers?

Also, was all of this stuff inferred in the more technical portions of the book, and I'm just too scientifically illiterate to understand? Or were these questions deliberately left unanswered?

>> No.9463076
File: 928 KB, 1024x1600, warhammer_40k_deff_skwadron_gn_(wapazoid_dcp)_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I like Abnett's Marvel cosmic work I can't stand his Warhammer 40k stuff. Try (as someone else already mentioned) the Ciaphas Cain stuff and Graham McNeill's stuff (Ultramarines Omnibus, Dead Sky - Black Sun, Storm of Iron etc, which are all connected)
or, you know, read Deff Skwadron.

>> No.9463194

Well, I like Philip K Dick a lot, and gnosticism does interest me anyway. But the most interesting thing about Valis so far is the weaving or real and unreal, the narrator and Horselover Fat in a tension, one criticising the other. He also riffs on Heraclitus very well, about the way the true nature of things is in the habit of concealing itself, latent structure being the master of the obvious/manifest structure, and the need for interpretation of knowledge to reveal understanding, the truth under the appearance. That said, the exegesis is interminable - but even the author seems to realise this. It's redeemed humorous moments - like the part where Horselover reveals his Dualistic beliefs to his ex-Israeli commando therapist, who takes a dim view to Dick saying his god is evil.

>> No.9463297

I recant what I said earlier about Garrett PI. Nothing pisses me off more than when the protagonist is about to be killed by someone and he spares their lives when he defeats them.

>> No.9463440


>What was the Portia organism? Like, what sort of organism was it, assuming it was one? Or was it not an organism at all, but something else?

One of Rorschach's weapons

>How did it "infect" Brüks? (A lot of possibilities here, it seems, probably depends how you answer the first question.)

Valerie did it

>Why did Brüks/Portia kill Valerie? Surely him/it didn't see vampires as a threat, right? Was it like an emotional outburst by Brüks' in which he was able to momentarily utilize Portia's intelligence?

They can't get along

>Were the vampires also the ones who created the zombies?


>And lastly, what was Portia's endgame?

To end the consciousness bug

>> No.9463562
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How hyped are you?

Do you think some of the popular theories will turn out to be true?

>> No.9463624
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>None were good enough for her, so I held them in contempt and hated them. They in turn hated and feared me.

>But we were pleasant to each other. Always pleasant. It was a game of sorts. He would invite me to sit, and I would buy him a drink. The three of us would talk, and his eyes would slowly grow dark as he watched her smile toward me. His mouth would narrow as he listened to the laughter that leapt from her as I joked, spun stories, sang...

>They would always react the same way, trying to prove ownership of her in small ways. Holding her hand, a kiss, a too-casual touch along her shoulder.

>They clung to her with desperate determination. Some of them merely resented my presence, saw me as a rival. But others had a frightened knowledge buried deep behind their eyes from the beginning. They knew she was leaving, and they didn't know why. So they clutched at her like shipwrecked sailors, clinging to the rocks despite the fact that they are being battered to death against them. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

>So they hated me, and it shone in their eyes when Denna wasn't looking. I would offer to buy another round of drinks, but he would insist, and I would graciously accept, and thank him, and smile.

>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.

>> No.9463636

Coukd be used as a manifesto for cuckholdry.

>> No.9463750

>Patrick "Euphoric" Rogers

>> No.9463758

If you like the concept and don't mind historical fiction, try George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman series. It is where they got the idea from. Comfy read.

>> No.9464039

Does anyone have a torrent link or something for city of miracles? Can't buy it even if I want to it's out of stock

>> No.9464053


>> No.9464114

Just finished Assassin's Fate. still taking it in.

>> No.9464132

Just picked up Assassin's Fate from the post office. Whelp, time to get off of here just to be safe.

>> No.9464139
File: 15 KB, 300x332, adam strange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get myself to finish Lord of Light for whatever reason so I switched to reading through modern Adam Strange (pulpy space adventure comics).
Can't wait for the classic omni coming in 3 months month

>> No.9464189

I maintain that A Dream of Spring and The Last Dangerous Visions will both be published before this

>> No.9464253

Have you seen Brazilian covers?

>> No.9464442
File: 467 KB, 945x1600, The Hobbit cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best cover

>> No.9464451

Why is that demon staring at John Belushi?

>> No.9464456

mocking his fashion sense

>> No.9464457

still better than film screenshot covers

>> No.9464462

>Gollum is Jewish

That explains a lot

>> No.9464468

Wrong. That has delusions of superiority written into it. TRUE cucks recognize their worthlessness / inferiority.

>> No.9464484

Guy who replied you is generally right.

The technical stuff is nice if you're in STEM and the articles and books he cites are credible and interesting. I read Wagner's Ilussion of Consious Will after Blindsight and it was incredibly thoughtful.

>> No.9464528

I have started to read Laird Barron's new short story collection, Swift to Chase and it's not even entertaining following his downfall at this point. He showed some promise for cosmic horror, being something of a Ligotti-lite when he first bumped on the scene but for every decent and ominous, subdued story he did, there were at least two 'hard boiled' ones, and Barron is perhaps the worst writer of noir fiction working today, I at least have not encountered a worse one.

His damsels, his plots, the idioms he uses, it's like an amateur watched Naked Gun and treated its quips as dead serious Chandler tier fiction, then emulated it and inadvertently hammed it up even further. His heroine, the protagonist of the opening stories is... her thought process, his descriptions - it's as if you're reading some hambeast's tumblr post written from Alaska's boonies but then he spices it up with even more ludicrous nonsense with her getting aroused at (what seem to be) his own ideals of manliness (like a teamster sitting behind the wheel unwashed for week and claiming he's a pussy magnet). It gets worse from there, plots unwind and magically come together (did you know, just this night is 50 years since this significant event and it just so happens you were passing by) that makes supernatural logic of some slashers congruent.

He seems to be on the level of self-published goodreads spammers at this point because there's no end to glowing reviews of this piece of shit book there. Really dissapointing, I'm done with his work now.

>> No.9464538

That's disappointing but doesn't surprise me. I think a lot of that generation of writers and artists were never really much better than our generation's self-published lot, they just got to be and appear a bit more unique because they had less of the cultural averaging effect of the internet when they started writing.

>> No.9464746

Other than Sabriel and its rather unusual take on necromancy, what are some fantasy works that feature a necromancer as the protagonist? Not strictly in the way that Sabriel worked, mind you.

>> No.9464850
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Necromancer by Jonathan Green.
It's a Warhammer Fantasy novel though. And it's decent, not great or anything, just decent.

>> No.9465048

Is American Gods considered fantasy, or folklore-fanfiction?

>> No.9465051

Low fantasy

>> No.9465058

So, I may post about it here? That's good.
What does /lit/ think about it, and Gaiman's works like Coraline and American gods, and the new series that stard? I'd ask about Sandman and Lucifer, but those are comics, even though they shouldn't be measured by the same standards as other comics.

I know /lit/ is sensitive with stuff like this, but /tv/, /co/ are illiterate.

>> No.9465063

Oh, fuck, my grammar and everything atrocious. I'm sorry. "like Coraline, and the new series that just started".
Writing from a secondary laptop with a broken keyboard.

>> No.9465076
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More like GAYman

>> No.9465083

How bout you tell us what you thought of it?

>> No.9465106
File: 177 KB, 1345x750, 2d54e7f737e0e30b71de77e7866ec9e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your novel will be forgotten within a generation because it's not YA epic fantasy

>> No.9465110
File: 187 KB, 792x792, shauriatas_by_spiralhorizon-d8du6nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never uncover the secrets of immortality and save yourself from Damnation
Why live?

>> No.9465113

Your "novel" won't ever be noticed by anyone because you are a dumb weeb

>> No.9465124

American Gods was a book I could read more than once for Gaiman's witty banter, and for his weird sensation in his books throughout. Grim, yet human and endearing. Awkward and jarring, but with comforting conclusions. His take on the European folklore was a bit messy, with the example of Mad Sweeney being a tall leprechaun while his origins are a king, and his race being of the fae. Sure, fae have been described as tall, and the leprechauns we know are the aberrations of American culture, but it still felt like a stretch. I enjoyed how he kept nothing a secret, and from the first chapter he told you everything you need to know, and didn't consider the reader as an idiot, or someone who needs to be kept in the dark. The characters weren't stereotypical or boring. They were lush and filled with personalities you'd read more about in a separate story. Anansi boys was a great follow-up and a much better book, due to this. His love for American small-town life got on my nerves every now and then, though. It kept dragging on and on, with his finale with the murder was quite awkward juxtaposed into the story. The first episode seemed to have followed the personality of the book quite well.

Coraline's movie was good, but totally different from the book, but they had to make a new character to make the narration from the books adjustable into the movie with Whywereyouborn.

Sandman and Lucifer are the gems of his work, and should be read and loved. [/fanboy]
What about you?

>> No.9465138

Gaiman created Lucifer and a few of the characters, but Mike Carey wrote the series.

>> No.9465145

>tfw /co/mrade
guess I can't comment

>> No.9465148

God won't forget it

>> No.9465151

Lad, I'm a /co/mrade as well, but you'll have to admit that they're bloody daft.

>> No.9465152

>What was the Portia organism?
An organism designed by Rorschach to infiltrate Icarus.
>How did it "infect" Brüks?
The Bicamerals did it. Brüks is the carrier for their "plague" of post-human transformation. Valerie hijack him and inserts her own transformed Portia piece targeted at vampires.
>Why did Brüks/Portia kill Valerie?
This still triggers me (I kinda developed feelings for Valerie because I'm a faggot), but Watts stated in the Echopraxia AMA that it was Portia striking back.
>I'm just too scientifically illiterate to understand?
No everybody had a hard time understanding that book. Watts went a bit too rose coloured with his prose. Still a great book though, desu.

>> No.9465163

re-reading it now actually. Like Meiville he's a cut above most all modern fantasy writers in terns of language facility but there's some air of conceited smugness that permeates. Maybe I'm projecting.

>> No.9465170
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>yfw nobody cares

>> No.9465174

Strange travelers?

>> No.9465181

Hey /lit/ I need some serious help here. For the last three hours i have been looking all over the internet for this book i read back in school. I remember the main character was revealed to be a copy of some important guy that was created from a teleporter. I also remember that one character was a gorilla or monkey or something that was missing a hand, and that there was a chapter called "The hand of (gorilla character)". Also the evil robot that was chasing the main character was actually a drone or something being controlled by his ancient wife. I think the book was called robotica or something? The physical book itself was large and silver, and the book also had illustrations in it. If anyone can help me out, that would be great.

>> No.9465184

Though it isn't fiction has anyone read Gaiman's book on Norse mythology that came out a couple of months ago? If so, what did you think of it?

>> No.9465190
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And whom shall you thank, to prove your reality more than a dream? The man who knows Wolfe.

>> No.9465207

how would /lit/ place A Land Fit for Heroes?

>> No.9465232

Is there any epic fantasy set in a city? Note: I mean epic fantasy the genre that just happens to be set in a city or megacity, not urban fantasy that is epic

>> No.9465345

Also the audiobook performance(s) for the 10th anniversary edition is superb.

>> No.9465358
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How do you guys plan the general plot of your stories?

I found out that the ""lets improvise as I go" approach never works for me.

I generally have an idea for the setting, a setup, and a couple of disjointed scenes in my mind, what I end up doing most of the time is trying to come up with ways to get to said scenes without actually having a clear idea of how to get there or of what to do afterwards, instead of having a coherent chain of events laid down. Its almost a habit at this point, and I dont like it.

>> No.9465386

still not a writing advice thread

>> No.9465399

Honestly the only way I can write a plot is by sitting down in front of a blank word file and just writing the summary one scene at a time. When I do that everything fits into place, but maybe not the places I wanted them to be in. Ultimately the plot can be good but is often nothing like I imagined

fuck off mate. It's a nice break from talking about nothing but sanderson day in and day out with a quick break to insult bakker or grrm

>> No.9465404

Hype for what? Literally zero news or updates on it? You can't sustain hype for 5+ years or however long it's been at this point.

>> No.9465407

This is actually the cover to my copy of the Hobbit.

>> No.9465411

make sure you have a clear idea of how the story ends. as long as that's in mind it's a bit easier to figure out how to get from a to b knowing that b must eventually lead to z. part of the fun of writing a story is watching it evolve and grow organically. i've often had ideas for scenes fall by the wayside because they didn't fit in with what i'd written. i'm not too keen on plotting out every last detail of my stories before writing them. i'd rather figure it out alongside my characters. of course, i know where it's all headed so i've got the advantage.

>> No.9465455

>How do you guys plan the general plot of your stories?
>How do you do fellow genre authors?
We are consumers here bro, not producers.

>> No.9465457

Kill em all 2143
I am No God

>> No.9465463

Where is word art anon when you need him? I haven't seen a macro for a week plus... you think he dead?

>> No.9465490

has there been any word on peace talks yet? It's been three years

>> No.9465503

Butcher is seeing that writing no books makes more money. He is following examples set by GURM and Rothfuss.

>> No.9465547

Gay rape rape gay technoniggers and space elves

>> No.9465579

Not really accepted here but if you've got anything you'd like glossed over whiz me

>> No.9465760

It's shit. One of the worst fantasy books I ever read in my life. I would rather reread HOGG than read The unbeliever again.

>> No.9465800

>Nothing pisses me off more than when the protagonist is about to be killed by someone and he spares their lives when he defeats them.
>person targeted your family and friends
>they killed them and are now coming for you
>protag is trying to defend against the person trying to kill them
>they realize that they have to kill to survive
>starts to attack
>it's hard
>barely makes it
>person gets disarmed
>lets the person go even though they killed a lot of people close to them, tried to kill them, and will most likely come back to to try a second time
>every time.
I don't know if authors think this makes their protagonist more human, but it pisses me off. I read a book recently where the top scenario happened... then the protag killed the person. 5 stars right away just for that.

>> No.9465812

He is fbi/dmca personnel looking for links to track.

>> No.9465846

The man with two brains.

>> No.9465854

>Though it isn't fiction
Wtf you on? It's fantasy. A modern introduction to norse mythology. He didn't censor the incest or horse fucking either.

>> No.9465876

>down and out wannabe author is stealing people's finished works and submitting them to Amazon for profit
Every Single Thread

>> No.9465994
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Is this good? Or just notable for having a Bowie movie made out of it?

>> No.9466044

this is what I get for trying to be a good person

>> No.9466161
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Reminder Prince of Nothing is a WHITE NATIONALIST series

>> No.9466200


Now I want to read it

>> No.9466523

Anyone touched skullsworn? Any gri? How was it? Were boners had? Any magic? Is it a sequel or prequel? Does it take place in the same time frame?

>> No.9466628

I read it last month. The film isn't very effective in putting across the plot because, from what I remember, it's nonlinear, and David Bowie outshines everything, but the film captures the feeling of melancholy and listlessness of the modern age in the book. The book is neater, tidier and pretty comfortable.

>> No.9466903

What books are you guys expecting in May?

>> No.9466908

You mean the author wavering between self-inserting as a cuck or mary sue

>> No.9466915


Why are we talking about Name of the Wind now?

>> No.9466920


None, everything I want is coming out in summer

>> No.9466921

I'll give you 5% of the profits if you hold your tongue

>> No.9466930

Bump limit reached
New thread


>> No.9467273

$$$.¢¢ saved, thx.

>> No.9467490

Mine too.