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9451958 No.9451958 [Reply] [Original]

>be supposedly smart
>decide to major in philosophy
>really enjoy the history of ideas aspect
>no creative thought whatsoever on how to produce my own philosophy
>just enjoy comfy feels of hanging with old greek bros
>program is highly analytic at uni
>students are encouraged to write highly insular papers steeped in formal logic without any broader unifying vision
>this dissatisfies me
>wish i could take more history of philosophy courses
>try to make friends with conty professors
>conty professors are all lovable whackjobs
>yet also have their heads up their ass with impenetrable terminology
>too late to transfer to another major
>have learned more doing side reading than from classroom reading
>$100k down the drain
>will have to start paying loans soon
>just want to be a comfy professor telling kids about plato
>fear the publish or perish academic complex and the state of modern philosophy
>will probably commit suicide or work at starbucks this time next year

Any good modern philosopher recommendations? Non-conty/analytic. I need to start getting more familiar with where I should go for grad school. Unfortunatey, I'm a monolingual American.

>> No.9451964

Parfit is totally devoid of math and a lot of contys like him but he's still totally proved by the analytics. Start with Reasons and Persons

>> No.9451966

This has to be bait.

>> No.9451977


>> No.9451992

you will never be a philosophy professor if you can't figure out for yourself where to go next. Robert Brandom bridges the gap between continental and analytic philosophy through his philosophy of language. Reading him is reading the entire history of philosophy, although through his very analytic mind. His work is extremely difficult though and you'd need to really step up your game to get a feel for him within one year. If I were you, I'd just start studying for the LSAT or GMAT.

>> No.9452084

>Just want to be a comfy Prof teaching kids about Plato
I know that feel, anon. I know that feel.

>> No.9452113

I know that feel, anon. What saved me was getting a job at a school that emphasizes teaching rather than research. I was able to sell myself as a good teacher in English and found a comfy job at a small school. In my experience departments always want people to teach the low-level survey courses, but this is what I like. My teaching load is pretty heavy, but teaching is what I love. I know the job market is shit, but look for work at some small and comfy out-of-the-way place where you can get to know your students. Shit, even look at Christian schools if you can sell yourself as one.

>> No.9452140

what statues are those heads from?

>> No.9452141

>be supposedly smart
>decide to major in philosophy

>> No.9452154

How are you studying Greek philo if you're monolingual? Didn't you learn Greek?

>> No.9452288

>really enjoy the history of ideas aspect
This might sound really wacky, crazy and out there, but did you not consider studying intellectual history?

>> No.9452378
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>> No.9453028

>>be supposedly smart
>>decide to major in philosophy
>>$100k down the drain

I just don't understand how anyone could be this moronic.
What was the thought process behind this? How did you plan to return 100k$?
Why not just read books and write in your free time? Like, seriously, what the actual fuck???????????
I refuse to believe there are people like this.

>> No.9453050

I miss grad school.

Couldn't make a career in academia because I'm a worthless shit. But I still daydream about a cozy academic post. I look at job postings and hate myself a little more.

>> No.9453055

>wants to teach Plato
>is in grad school
>I'm a monolingual American
Jesus Christ, I'm a major and I already read Ancient Greek. You think you have the slightest chance of getting a job in academia if you can't even understand Plato in Greek?

>> No.9453084

Just go to law school and do philosophy on the side because you're on a downward spiral to death and you clearly don't have the foresight and comprehension to make it into academia without great struggle
Not talking down just trying to get your head out of your ass. You're 100k in debt for christ's holy fucking sake

>> No.9453185

languages for an english-speaking philosophy student to learn:


somewhat interesting for logicians-tier:

>ancient greek

oh fuck nigger what are you doing-tier:

>> No.9453193

Ayn Rand

>> No.9453222

I like this picture

>> No.9453226

Did you get a teaching degree or what? I'm interested in teaching philosophy or english

>> No.9453266

>you're 100k in debt
>law school is the obvious solution!

Solid suggestion famalam

>> No.9453282

Please tell me, which philosopher are you gonna study? Cicero?

Okay you're kidding

>ancient greek as meme


At first I was raging at your ignorance, but you got me at Polish my man

>> No.9453292

>Okay you're kidding

Im not the same anon, but Polish makes sense for a logician to learn.

>> No.9453307

someone post more greek memes

>> No.9453532

>Please tell me, which philosopher are you gonna study? Cicero?
Every major philosopher after the Greeks and before Descartes (and a good deal after Descartes) wrote in Latin

>> No.9453542


But that era was called the Dark Ages for a reason.

>> No.9453562

Nah, a PhD and a job at a small college. In Canada teacher unions will keep an inexperienced teacher with a PhD from getting a job, but in colleges and private schools you don't need the teaching degree.

When I was doing my grad studies I took every teaching opportunity and TA job I could get. I knew I wouldn;t be a great scholar, but could sell myself as an experienced teacher with innovative pedagogy and a personal touch. The job market is tough, but I managed to find something by looking at small colleges far from big cities. I mean, this suited me well, but I also realize that it is a limited career path. Suits me fine for the moment and pays the bills.

>> No.9453608

someone needs to go back to /r/philosophy

>> No.9453609

on latin, there's nothing to add to this >>9453532

you must be ignorant as to the contributions of polish logicians, theologians and philosophers on modern analytical thought—which is not surprising, because as i said, it is a very niche interest. don't take the slav squat memes to heart.

the meme of learning ancient greek is not that its not useful, it's that it should be the prima lingua for philosophers. in terms of utility, latin and german (and english) encompass the breadth of modern philosophical thought. german is self-evident.

of course, i'm entirely ignoring sanskrit not because it's not beautiful or meaningful, but because it doesn't integrate into a western philosophical tradition. only for comparative analysis or focused study should one learn it.

>> No.9453616

>do grad school
>rack up insane debt
>flee to Europe, never pay back a cent
But also you will never be able to return to America. You will be an intellectual in exile. Personally, I think it's romantic, but I respect that most people are neither ballsy or passionate enough to follow through with it.

lol have you considered law school?

>> No.9453617

What, how? What possible benefit would Polish grant you?

>> No.9453630

Does that actually work?

>> No.9453644


It's Vice, so take it with a grain of salt. Potentially worth researching.

>> No.9453648


>35k debt

ppl throw away their life over this? if you aren't a total financial mong you can pay that off in like 5 years

>> No.9453668

>university isn't free in his country

>> No.9453760

I'm disappointed this hasn't led to a new Lost Generation.

>> No.9453791

>paying for grad school
You're doing it wrong.

In American PhD programs, grad school pays for you!

>> No.9453821

Why would you pay for school oh my fucking god.

>> No.9453840

I went to a British grad school (top 5 world ranking) for just 11k£. Equally ranked American institutions can't compete with those prices

>> No.9453955
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Hot damn. If this flies in my country too then I'll be preparing myself to get into Europe in a couple of years.

>> No.9453971

>paying for grad school

yeah ok

>> No.9454802

>he doesn't know about the 20th century polish logicians

>> No.9455017

You can visit the US but not live, just want to clear that up

>> No.9456067
File: 243 KB, 800x1026, 6cbd6d32-9796-4763-84ce-e31aa88ce3b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be supposedly smart
>decided to major in philosophy
>no creative thought
WTF, not even the slightest personal thought?
>100k loan
definitely a fucking retard, that's why only rich kids can major in philosophy

You should start writing novel(at least diary) or songs (if you have any kind of musical skills) or drawing in your free time

>> No.9456086

What philosopher is that getting the haircut?

>> No.9456221

Oh you're an analytic. I thought we were speaking about philosophy. I'll let you enjoy Polish, alright? Have fun.

Why would you even care about learning any language, though?

>> No.9456503

Instead of Sanskrit, did I need to learn Chinese if I want to have a broader sense on Eastern tradition?And also about the tradition of Middle East?

>> No.9457743

First goes Sanskrit, then Chinese.

>> No.9458234

are you another one of the Pitt students with a hardon for this guy? Just cause he got a mil and a half doesn't mean he has much to say

>> No.9458243


>> No.9458248
File: 40 KB, 600x454, 1490062363744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=>harvey milk's banana cabana is taking graduate students
=>"I'm there"
=>my new boss has his leg crossed in his stiff corduroy pants as he reads my portfolio like it's the fucking newspaper, looks up to me and says, "aren't you a little over qualified for this job?". That's the funniest part!
=>I decide to stay at the banana cabana after all and I never went back to school ever since, my fry-cook Jeffery loves this about me: "serves upward", nobody knows what it fucking means! but I say it when I finish

Is this funny story??? Am I ready???

>> No.9458252

Q. Meillassoux

>> No.9458354


>> No.9458360

Does anyone want to do something with their degree besides teach/do more schooling?

I'd like to write for a living in some capacity or another.

>> No.9458363
File: 107 KB, 608x712, ol dirty wronski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9458516

why would anyone major in philosophy especially if you have to pay for it? Like nigga wtf are you doing, just go to a library and read a shitload of books and live on welfare

>> No.9458536
File: 509 KB, 719x665, life_is_a_tale_told_by_an_idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somethings that will help you in your graduate career.

:Outside reading is mandatory. Its a fucked up way to get you to double check the references of whatever blowhard you're examining at that time.

:Graduate programs are supposed to be specialized. If your classes are very analytic it could be just first year graduate skills training, or your program is mainly focused on analytical thought versus continential thought.
-for this you need to have researched your professors academic interests, as well as said graduate program. There are many third party sites like that one site that ranks all the programs.

>> No.9458549

don't read Polish, but I read him in French.

>> No.9458551


Its b8. No one would do this when they could achieve the same results by picking up a fucking book.

>> No.9458566

>tfw wasted 4 years of my life
is the only solution suicide?

>> No.9459669

>be supposedly smart
>decide to major in philosophy

stopped reading right there

>> No.9459715

>finished classical studies
>supposed to go to university doing shit like literature or philosophy
>go work abroad for three years as a handyman at uncle's hotel
>come back, do six months of engineering
>will probably have to go look for another job somewhere else again

Like you, I wasted four years of my life.

>> No.9459758

He believes the Dark Ages meme.

>> No.9459807

Which of these three unis would you say is best?
t. secondary school student on the day before the UCAS deadline

Yes I'm fucked because it's not Oxbridge, but they don't accept retakes so

>> No.9459831

>All these cunts fucking over their parents who co-signed on the loans

Should be gassed,all of them

>> No.9460907

because it's still a bachelor degree you retard, it's a pretty valuable thing on the job market if you actually know what to do with it.

you don't put on the application "I know a ton of things about greek philosophy", you say "I know how to think critically, etc"

it might not be worth 100k, but it's definitely worth it to just have a bachelors. high school degrees don't mean shit anymore

>> No.9460933


If this is not bait, I am you.

Only, I have no loan (come from continental Europe) and I am now a fraud on PhD scholarship in the UK. Will keep drifting as long as I can sucking money out of Academia. Try and catch me, suicide!

>> No.9460942

>Will keep drifting as long as I can sucking money out of Academia. Try and catch me, suicide!