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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 151 KB, 1011x1227, ChickaChickaBoomBoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9451526 No.9451526 [Reply] [Original]

'm not sure musically what is supposed to typify vaporwave but I know the art associated with it typically has this gauzy bright electro look with frequent use of orange, pink, and green.

My mom purchased this book for my nephew and I said I liked it for the bright colors, not for learning the alphabet. Is it possible that these bright euphoric colors are associated with the booming capitalism of the 1980s that much of /pol/ is nostalgic for and this this book is capitalistic/redpilled?

>> No.9451527


>> No.9451532
File: 66 KB, 576x762, 1489680697026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ
I need to take a break from this board

>> No.9451537

Yes. Also god-tier children's lit.

>> No.9451627

I've never read it but the thing about Children's books is that they represent cutting edge currents in art at the time. I realized this when I was with some friends thinking: "what if a bunch of hippies did lsd and mushrooms and made children's books". The thing was people like Dr. Seuss were already making books whose illustrations were ascetically pleasing to the adults and therefore the kids of that generation. What I mean is that countercultural art that was integral to that time period where being a hippie (or being countercultural in other forms) was where the most creative stuff was going on. If you look at the best children's books of any era they're going to be the best and most cutting edge art-wise of whatever was going on in that time period because the best sells and/or makes an impression.

So it would make sense that you could say that it represents the 80s so well. It also does look consumer art inspired so I'll give you that as well--yes it's possible.

>> No.9452798


>> No.9452816

It's an illustrated children's book

It's not vaporware