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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 365x243, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
944974 No.944974 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, let's just fucking get this over with already. This thread is to determine how much of /lit/ are hipsters (and if I were to conjecture, a lot, as most other people don't read) so the topic can stop polluting other threads.

oh and don't be all 'real hipsters wouldn't admit it' or some bullshit like that, this is an anonymous image board.

Just respond with if you are and to what extent; I'll start:
I read books, listen to hipster music, and my wardrobe consists of tight jeans and plain shirts (I wouldn't be caught dead in something name-brand).

>> No.944982

I'm bisexual and love cock in my ass, so I'm a hipster.

>> No.944987

real hipsters wouldn't admit it

>> No.944988

I shop at Banana Republic and pretend to read James Joyce during my morning commute. What does that make me?!

>> No.944993


>> No.944998


>> No.945001

stag, you're the best

anyway, i'm not a hipster because i'm too much of a fucking nerd / too fat, but i've been accused of it + i listen to a lot of arguably-hipster music + i am definitely a snob + i don't hate hipsters

>> No.945008

I look like a hipster and partake in hipster activities. Unlike hipsters though, I actually enjoy the music I listen to, the books I read and the movies I watch. I wear the clothes because I like them.

Call me a hipster if you want, but I'm just doing what makes me happy.

>> No.945013


>> No.945019

There's a decent chance that you're a bro.

>> No.945021

this is why discussion about hipster is so stupid

hipster doesnt even mean anything and im bored of talking about it

>> No.945022

Why the condescension? Mabey other people who participate in those activities enjoy them as well and you aren't the only one, hmmm holden?

>> No.945029

OP here; I agree it's a pretty retarded thing to talk about but just for the sake of gaining info on /lit/ which I pore over so much, I created this thread

>> No.945031

Well, by definition, hipsters have low self esteem and (ITS IRONIC BECAUSE THEY TRY NOT TO BE) are molded by society. A real hipster wouldn't actually enjoy the stuff he listed.

>> No.945034

Fuck you all; I'm a hipster. I tout my Vs and top-siders proudly, denounced Animal Collective by age 15, and still browse Pitchfork with the requisite detachment.

>> No.945035

I'm somewhat hipster, I'll admit it. I don't listen to the music, and don't wear the clothes, but most of the people I meet and get along with in bars are clearly hipster, and I also read a lot, which apparently is a hipster thing to do. My attitude or personality I guess is pretty hipster. A lot of girls I date and/or fuck are hipster. I hate PBR. I drink Blue Moon, Shiner Boch (Texas-brewed dark beer) or Budweiser. Also I have no social or environmental conscience, which is incredibly unlike hipsters, who are generally vainglorious about their attempts to somehow be progressive or world-caring.

>> No.945038

ok here i go i bought one of those striped shirts gray and another shade of gray which is kind of hipster and then an all black shirt and i'll tell you guys they are nice shirts but i don't know what to wear with the first one and then at another store i bought three nice collared t shirts or whatever you know sort of like dress shirts just without the long sleeves down to the wrist you know white blue and yellow and i think i look nice in them well i haven't worn the blue one yet it's actually more of a teal i think but anyways i need to iron them or my mom needs to anyways they haven't been ironed yet but i've still worn the two i have gray pants and two pants that are different shades of blue and i used to wear some corduroy black pants that were kind of skinny i think they were chick jeans but my mom gave them to me so whatever i wear a lot of band shirts that's all i've worn for the past couple of years actually but now i want to look nice

>> No.945043


>> No.945047

You will all outgrow this trend by the time you're 23

>> No.945048

I read books
I know nothing (or next to nothing) about indie music.
I wear simple wireframe glasses, not thick plastic frames.
I wear mostly cheap (non skinny) jeans and plain t-shirts
I have no fashion sense, and consider clothes shopping to be a waste of time and money.

>> No.945050

I am in tears over this post. I don't know if you're trolling or serious Stag, but either way it's the first time you've made me laugh in months.

>> No.945052

I read books, dont listen to hipster music, and my wardrobe consists of typical "bro" attire.

>> No.945053

I read books, get on 4chan, go to college for oboe performance, drink tons of coffee but only buy it premade from Quiktrip. Oh, and sometimes go down to the coffee shop and listen to their jazz open mic night.

>> No.945058

i am completely serious

>> No.945064

what is hipster music anyways
are they they the "pretty obscure bands you probably haven't heard of"
i don't think i listen to obscure music i listen to all those rock bands that my parents used to listen to and then other bands too i've gone to a couple warped tours but you know everyone my age does there weren't many bands i knew of this year though

>> No.945065
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>> No.945069

I say I am not
listen to some indie rock and jazz (mostly classic rock though)
read (good) books
wear plaid on occasion
own desert boots
have been seen drinking pbr

>> No.945072

>what is hipster music anyways
Go to /mu/. Listen to anything mentioned that is not metal.

>> No.945079
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 376498i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a hipster.
>denounced Animal Collective
>age 15

>admitting you were once 15, seriously thinking AC isn't good will somehow make you more hipster, etc.

>> No.945083
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whats wrong with being a hipster? What wrong with being hip?

>> No.945086



>> No.945092
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Hipster irony 2deep4u

>> No.945095

I like reading and watching old movies.
I wear fitted jeans and regular T-shirts.
I only listen to bands no one has heard of.
I'm not a hipster.

>> No.945097

i am a lot more important than some of these hipsters

>> No.945107
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This is now a hipster kitty thread.

>> No.945109
File: 24 KB, 303x450, A fucking hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally listen to Nick Drake.

Jesus Christ what have I become.

>> No.945112

oh yeah i also have a facebook

>> No.945113


Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.945115

Im an American living in London
I study English Lit
I wear desert boots and coats/blazers
I have thick rimmed galsses which I need to see.
I drink/smoke.
I read alot.
I listen to jazz/folk.

I guess Im a hipster

>> No.945118

my tripcode is absolutely vital to my popularity on this board

>> No.945119

Howd you manage to copy that from ED without having a seizure from all the fucking ads?

>> No.945121

A regular guy with good taste in music?

>> No.945126

Don't worry, a lot of faggot hipsters these days wouldn't even know who Nick Drake is; they're too hung up poring over the thousands of lo-fi myspace indie band clones. continue listening

>> No.945127

I really wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.945128


Also, admitting you're a hipster is sooo not a hipster thing to do.

>> No.945129

I torrented a quality anti-virus.
Actually no one gives a fuck about you, go jump off a bridge.

>> No.945136

I've got hipster taste in music (ie I agree with pitchfork a lot) But I also love dadrock and post punk.
I read "high lit" books. I also sometimes read hipster authors like Bret Easton Ellis.
Sometimes I look like a hipster, but only when the shirts are plain. Most of the time I look like a gamer geek.
I also sometimes feel smugly superior to the "sheep" around me, but I realize this is a bad character trait and am trying to correct this.

>> No.945138

Yeh i spell it alot a lot.
Guess I'm not a hipster then....

>> No.945140

he meant like, epilepsy broseph.

>> No.945141

Awful lot of apologizing/justification/defense going on here. The sooner we embrace and own up to our taste for trends, two-bit obscurantism and aesthetically poor fashion, the better for everyone!

In other news, who else is attending Fuck Yeah Festival in September?

>> No.945143

No you're not.
You should feel bad now.

>> No.945145

I wear a lot of black and read Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, etc

I'm an existentialist athiest

>> No.945148

I do man...thanks for letting me down gentle.

>> No.945158

who would want to be a hipster anyway? You fuckers look RIDICULOUS

>> No.945160
File: 39 KB, 350x350, 1277442026087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.945163

Pretty sure you're just a faggot.

>> No.945179

pretty sure this guy >>945118 is a bigger faggot and clearly has aspergers syndrome and if someone would get his ip adress for me it'd be appreciative

>> No.945183


Every time someone attempts to insult me, I just smile because they took time out of their lives to waste deriding someone who clearly doesn't give a fuck.

I'm 22 and in my last year of college. I'm sure when I get out into the working world, my gripes with the world will be intensified tenfold. I look forward to the bitterness.

>> No.945189

I read outdoors and wear plain colored v neck t shirts.

>> No.945191
File: 42 KB, 750x600, CSIIInew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure i don't have aspergers
and what would getting my ip address enable you to do

>> No.945193

Only joking.
I've read Nietzsche too.

And yes stagolee is a huge faggot.

>> No.945213

>Every time someone attempts to insult me, I just smile because they took time out of their lives to waste deriding someone who clearly doesn't give a fuck.

You say that, but what I think you really mean to say is:

>I live my life completely detached from other human beings and will never learn from my mistakes ever.

and judging by the fact that you felt the need to both proudly proclaim that you JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK and that your "22"

>Im and underage faggot who isnt liked by most other kids and in order to cope with this I tell just myself that I dont care when really deep down they hurt me greatly. I also like to drink semen from my semen bottle while wearing my semen necklace.

Have fun growing up to be an introverted asshole and dying alone!

>> No.945222

Enjoy suicide lol. You wont be missed.

>> No.945227

I was responding to this post

>> No.945228

Hey buddy, there's nothing wrong with being introverted. We all need some quiet time.

>> No.945229


I will, thanks.

>> No.945234

ok then,

>lonely asshole


>> No.945241

Oh, and when you're as detached as I am, you get this sort of callous objectivity that you can't find anywhere else.

>> No.945243

I read books

Does listening to classical music qualify me as a nerd or hipster, I have no clue

>> No.945244

I'm pretty sure it qualifies you as white.

>> No.945246


Already knew that, thanks. Life is meaningless anyway.

>> No.945250
File: 643 KB, 1800x1180, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow trends and try to be "ironic-ly" uncool

>> No.945255

I like wearing blazers and collared shirts.
I love reading and listening to music, sometimes stuff people have never heard of, but its not criteria for "good".
I smoke, drink.
I read outside.
And Im posting in this thread.
At least im not wearing the thick rimmed glasses...

>> No.945259

You're sounding less and less like a hipster, and more and more like a sociopath.

>> No.945262


I hate hipsters. At least I'm not one of those.

>> No.945270

Havent you seen Dexter? Sociopaths are totally the rage now.
Flaunting your flaws doesnt make up for them.

>> No.945273

I read.

I wear glasses.

Bout it.

>> No.945277

Most of you are confusing fake ass hipsters with real hipsters. Real hipsters are a lot rarer.

I'm not a hipster; I just observe their culture.

>> No.945288

A true hipster spotted.
Notice his nonchalant
>I'm not a hipster

>> No.945299

I don't dress like a hipster. I wear black shirts, blue jeans. I listen to too much hardcore to qualify as a hipster. Also, I don't get top shelf hipster pussy, which saddens me.

>> No.945316

Hipster girls are hot...

>> No.945318

This will probably sound hipster but I'll say it anyways.

I hate that they steal things that were funny to me at one point or something I did and make it their own and take it public. For instance the Three wolf moon shirts and the giant furry hat like in. >>945250
Those were things that before they were hipster I liked and thought were funny, though I don't feel like I flaunted it in public. I wore a giant furry hat in the winter from about 8 years old to about 14. I got this because my dad loved the episode of Seinfeld with it and bought one for me for Christmas. The three wolf moon shirt reviews on Amazon were hilarious but I'd never wear one in public, but now its becoming hipster too. Its little things like this that make me hate hipsters and quietly wonder if I am one but don't realize it.

>> No.945321

Sounds rather hipster in attitude and dress. Not quite true hipster but close.

>> No.945326
File: 67 KB, 600x450, Me....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a hipster?

>> No.945328

One more thing.
I know hipsters that listen to black metal and hardcore shit.
They just pass it off as their being ironic if anyone questions their hipsterism.
So there you go.
You're a real hipster.

>> No.945331

No but you look like my weird uncle that used to listen to Slayer.

>> No.945333

Not even close.
At all.

>> No.945334

wow, it looks just like the student body at my college.

>> No.945337

By your logic, bikers and greasers are hipsters.

>> No.945340

Weird, He looks like my uncle too.

>> No.945345
File: 31 KB, 450x450, projectx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hipsters don't listen to youth crew hardcore.

>> No.945346

If greasers still exist they are probably hipsters.

>> No.945347



>> No.945349

>If greasers still exist they are probably hipsters.

I love it.

>> No.945352

angry hipster detected

>> No.945353

You're a hipster.

>> No.945355

Well you're def. not a hipster.
Hipsters do not cruise control.

>> No.945356

hipster is a stupid term in general

also, hipster can also refer to members of a specific and identifiable subculture as well as being a pejorative term. also, your trip gives me the idea that someone should do a Carles gimmick trip.

>> No.945358

I'm definitely a hipster by most people's standards. I listen to independent music (post-punk, new wave, lo-fi, chillwave, krautrock, you name it), shop predominately at Am Appy and UO, wear skinny jeans, plain tees, flannels, and ray-bans, and read Vice Magazine.
However, the other side of me, the one that I don't show, is the part of me that listens to classical music, from all periods, and jazz-fusion (like, the pretty corny stuff. Think Billy Cobham/ Return to Forever). And while I do read Pynchon, Wallace, Camus, and all the other writers typically found in a hipster's library, I usually read whatever the hell I want to,regardless of whether it makes me look cool.

>> No.945361

>Am Appy
>read Vice Magazine

damn dude, you are a hipster. where do you live. we should chill.

>> No.945363

Tell me where both of you live.

So I can come punch you in the balls.

>> No.945367

Those subcultures have more specific verbiage that relates to them. Hipster nowadays refers to the subculture born out of Williamsburg, NY.

>> No.945369

I listen to fleet foxes,here we go magic, sleep party people and smoke american spirits.
I don't like to drink anymore.
My favorite movie is Wings of Desire and my favorite book is Slaughterhouse-five.
I'm not a hipster because I've denounced social networking sites such as facebook.(also I have no friends anymore)

>> No.945372

>I don't like to drink anymore.

Not sure about the hipster but you probably are a douchebag.

>> No.945374

You sound like a fucking loser.

>> No.945378

thats the fucking subculture i'm talking about. i mean, that's exactly my fucking point. that's exactly WHY we shouldn't define hipster as "person who likes something for the wrong reason" unless you seriously think that's inherent to the san francisco / wburg / portland hipster thing

>> No.945379

>favorite book is slaughterhouse-five
>not a hipster

>> No.945389

I'm a douche because I don't like to drink?
Eh.. I've always like smoking weed better than drinking.

>> No.945392

I live near Buffalo, NY. I'm one of the like, ten people in my area who even know what "Am Appy" even is. Seriously though, just to clarify, I never actually say "Am Appy" in real life.

>> No.945395

Aren't you like 15?
It's way past your bedtime fag.

>> No.945404

Fortunately, I'm nobody's uncle. (only child)
Fuck yeah! I don't even know what a hipster is!

>> No.945408

Those are the places that these attitudes are most prevalent. Hipster has just become a new way of defining this attitude and the associated cultures it spawns. Those areas long before now(Particularly San Francisco) were places of rather high social standing in the minds of the residents and considered to be trendy and individualist. Thus in turn they brought people who thought that following individualist trends would make them seem cool and a cycle was born. Now a few real innovators essentially drive changes in style that are quickly followed by the group from those areas so that the individuals in the group can say that they did it first and they are the most individualist in order to gain social standing. It spreads outwards from there to "trendy" people usually in their early twenties in other areas of the US as they too want to seem like the first to do something amongst their friends without seeming like a complete social outcast. Thus they follow the culture of these "trendy" areas more closely.

I'm not sure if this is making sense as this is a stream of consciousness but that's my thoughts.

>> No.945409
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and it's not like i have a job or anything

>> No.945410

Canadian Army Airborne here. I work hard for my money, dammit, I'm not gonna spend it dolling myself up like a confused Japanese teenager.

>> No.945414

Get a job you lazy bum.

>> No.945421

don't need to
my parents can give me money for everything i want

>> No.945426


Troll detected. Hopefully.

Urge to defile skull cavity with monkey-wrench rising nonetheless.

>> No.945431

I like Duran Duran.

>> No.945434

If we all send enough letters to moot he might publicly lynch him.

>> No.945450

All the cool people use sledge hammers now days.

>> No.945457

didn't your parents ever buy you anything?

>> No.945459


That's not bad - a hipster would say they like Tangerine Dream.

>> No.945466

I wasn't saying that was hipster. I just heard Hungry like the Wolf and thought that.

>> No.945476

I act like a hipster ironically. What now hipsters?

>> No.945483

I'm a nerd and a jock. Should I leave?

>> No.945561

I'm not a hipster, but I do enjoy reading the twilight series ironically. I like analyzing the juxtaposition of classical human struggle between the inner turmoil that pits the brutal beasts of team jacob and team edward.
I believe that stephanie meyer borrows heavily from greek tragedians such as sophocles when writing her novels.

>> No.945807

am I a hipster I enjoy foreign rap, metal and have a soft spot for the jap band capsule. I wear kuhl jeans the last book I read was confederacy of dunces and am reading Machiavelli's Art of War

>> No.945820

I have a shitty fashion sense, so I'm not a hipster.

Oh wait.

>> No.945824
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>Machiavelli's Art of War

>> No.946790

I'm like the opposite of a hipster.

I'm fat, where normal, name-brand jeans, listen to music because I have a genuine sense of taste and interest in what I'm listening to. I read books, but that hasn't got a fucking thing to do with being a hipster (I read non-fiction most of the time anyway).

>> No.946820

What exactly is a hipster? Give a clear definition please.

>> No.946822

Yup, Hipster here. I listen to post-punk and hardcore, wear ironic t-shirts and postal officer uniforms, read magic realism and have socialist/liberal opinions. I was drinking PBR last weekend. Bi-sexual. Taking hipster back yo.

>> No.946827

Check out the wikipedia article. Its actually rilly good.

>> No.946828

25 years old, Female.

I wear contacts but I have black plastic rim glasses for my eye strain.

I am a non-traditional college student and my major is English.

I drive a Honda Accord 2000 Special Edition.

I like Urban Pop, Pop/Rock, Alternative and Classic Rock.

I read genre fiction authors like Stephen King.

My fashion sense depends on my financial situation, I wear suits, sportcoats, dress shirts and button-ups when I can afford them. I wear yoga pants, t-shirts, hoodies and Airwalks when I'm cheap.

I own a Dell Inspiron 1501 that is falling apart. I keep replacing parts because I'm too cheap to afford a new laptop. The CD-R drive on this fucker doesn't work anymore and I have to tilt it at an angle when I start it up so the BIOS can find the drive.

That doesn't sound too hipster.

>> No.946834

I'm too goddamn old to be a hipster and /lit/ is the board I frequent most often on 4chan.

Also, get off my lawn.

>> No.946842

I've been accused of it plenty of times, usually because I care about my clothing and link people to faggy music. My dress style is tight shirts and leather jackets, slim jeans. I also wouldn't be caught dead in a shirt with a massive name written all over it, that's ugly. I listen to absolutely every genre of music, from Brokencyde to A Perfect Circle, from Taylor Swift to Nevermore. I enjoy reading books and watching films of every category. I love long hair, parties, sex and drugs. Favourate cigarette is Marlboro Bright Leaf. Favourate drink is currently Jagermeister.

>> No.946845


Yeah, can't say I've come across any hipsters in Ireland.

Sounds like Americunt bullshit to me.

>> No.946852

And English.

>> No.946858 [DELETED] 

i live with my girlfriend of three years in the country and have to drive at least an hour to visit any friends. it's an hour drive to work. my town has one street light. no chain stores. all locally owned. the only name-brand clothes i have are ones my parents have bought for bithdays and christmas' years ago. i wear what smells clean and i own clothes that are both baggy and tight. i prefer plain shits with nothing on them. i wear penny loafers and running shoes. i don't have cable tv or internet access from my house (i'm at work). i don't listen to the radio except for the local classical station. i like old ragtime (jazz, folk and blues) music, classical and experimental noise/ambient music. not much else. i don't know what a hipster is exactly. i call anyone who "tries too hard" to be cool or impressive a hipster. i would say i'm more hayseed than hipster except i hate country music unless it's really old. i enjoy reading classics but i prefer lit that has been published within the last 100 years. books i've recently read include oe's the silent cry, mccarthy's suttree, natsume soseki's sanshiro and yukio mishima's death in midsummer and other stories. all this written for you because i am bored at work.

>> No.946860

I don't care about my clothes, they're all years old or things I got from my dad.

I listen to hip-hop.

I love good film, which could be seen as hipstery, though I've never seen 500 Days Of Summer or Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind or those 'hipster' films. I was raised on 1970s American film.

I read genre fiction.

>> No.946861

I consider myself more of a music/indie-culture-specific nerd than a hipster. Yeah, I read the books, listen to the music, drink the occasional pbr. but I'm way too broke and non-ana to really live that kind of lifestyle.

of course in my town the hipsters are a small clique skinny fashion/music conscious people who genuinely think they're better than people regardless of taste or intelligence.

I've been to towns however where there's a big enough hipster population that it feels more natural.

>> No.946863

i'm sometimes called a hipster by people who first meet me, or by internet people.

i wear plain clothes, sometimes basketball clothes (hand me downs), and sometimes when feeling extra douchey wear these girl sunglasses. i read books (mostly classics) and enjoy them usually. i watch and listen to teaching company lectures i pirated. i watch curb your enthusiasm and sometimes animaniacs. also, browse the tv sometimes. know quite a bit about indie music but most the info is old, as i don't listen to music too much anymore, except for classic public radio and entry level jazz. don't have a facebook or anything like that (used to use last.fm though) and don't text or use the phone often.

i'm also 2 months sober.

>> No.946869

i'm 29. college graduate. live with my girlfriend of three years in the country and have to drive at least an hour to visit any friends. it's an hour drive to work. my town has one street light. no chain stores. all locally owned. the only name-brand clothes i have are ones my parents have bought for bithdays and christmas' years ago. i wear what smells clean and i own clothes that are both baggy and tight. i prefer plain shirts with nothing on them. i wear penny loafers and running shoes. i don't have cable tv or internet access from my house (i'm at work). i don't listen to the radio except for the local classical station. i like old ragtime (jazz, folk and blues) music, classical and experimental noise/ambient music. not much else. i don't know what a hipster is exactly. i call anyone who "tries too hard" to be cool or impressive a hipster. i would say i'm more hayseed than hipster except i hate country music unless it's really old. i enjoy reading classics but i prefer lit that has been published within the last 100 years. books i've recently read include oe's the silent cry, mccarthy's suttree, natsume soseki's sanshiro and yukio mishima's death in midsummer and other stories. all this written for you because i am bored at work.

>> No.946871

19 year old male
Read books on commute to college (3h total) and sometimes while chilling.
Listen to mostly 80s heavy metal and some Beatles and Doors.
Dress in mostly jeans and t-shirts. Ocasionally camo shorts (fuck yeah pockets)

>> No.946880

>>946861 here

Of course, unlike the traditional hipster, I'm actually political. and I honestly think that the majority of the culture is materialistic and depressing. that and their spare money to go to festivals constantly/the drugs involved make me rage. goddamnnojobhavinrichkidsfuck

>> No.946882

HA! portland, all of washington state, college towns

>> No.946893

I roof houses while attending college. I listen to whatever music I like, mostly metal, trance and EMB. I hate hipsters with all my heart.

>> No.946897

I'm probably the least hipster person here. I wear jeans and tee-shirts, I listen to Nightwish and the Dresden Dolls, I love anime. I read whatever sounds interesting on the back.

>> No.946911
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>> No.946917

>Dresden Dolls

Sounds hipster to me.

>> No.946918

I read books, drink PBR almost exclusively (but I just started drinking beer a month ago, and it's the least disgusting out of all that I've tasted), listen to some semi-hipster music, wear Vans, am poor, and wear thick glasses.

>> No.946922
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I wear ralph lauren, vineyard vines, and surfing brands.
I was on the football and soccer teams in high school, varsity rowing in college.
I listen to all music.
I drink PBR and Johnnie Walker Black.
I have black Raybans.
I play ukulele.
I surf. I run. I go climbing and caving.
I drive a Jeep.
I have a Tumblr with 1000+ followers.
I read Camus in French.
I go to Bonnaroo.
I've gone to many concerts in infamous "hipster" dives in Brooklyn.

I have no idea whether or to what extent I'm a hipster.

>> No.946936

Guess I'll elaborate a little more.
My favorite books are Blood Meridian and The Sound and The Fury.
My Favorite movie is The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly
I wear jeans and t-shirts, sometime cargo shorts and t-shirts.
I already mentioned I roof houses and work in construction.
I take classes at the local college.
I shave my head and let it grow out til it reaches my eyes, and then shave it again.
I live on a farm in Texas.
Am I hipster?

>> No.946938

Oh, and I drive a Chevy pickup truck.

>> No.946947

I don't know what I am. I wear normal-fitting cargo pants and both name-brand and plain shirts (hey, brand shirts honestly do feel better to wear than plain all the time), my choice of music is certainly not hipster (Pink Floyd, Frank Zappa, Bob Dylan, King Crimson), but I am something of an audiophile since I buy (and listen to) vinyl records and own 100+ dollar headphones. Also, my choices in literature are rather hipster-esque, my favorite authors being Pynchon, Joyce, and Kafka. But unlike hipsters, I actually read the books I get instead of using them to look deep.

>> No.946948

you're a real merican boy

and im proud

>> No.946994

I was into Animal Collective way back when I was 15 and Sung Tongs came out and no one knew about them.
I read Thomas Pynchon.
I guess I'm a hipster but I dress more like a classy old man than an over the top v-neck wearing douchebag hipster.

>> No.947011

wow you're so cool man.
Sung tongs came out and you were fifteen?
And nobody knew about animal collective?
Wow bro, you're a real hipster.
And you read pynchon...Seriously I'm so jealous of you.

>> No.947029

I am not a hipster, I am a zoot-suiter. there's a huge difference.

>> No.947050

I'm so much of a hipster that I wore huge sunglasses and ridiculous incongruous clothing several years before it became popular, like in the late 90s. I was doing things ironically when they were still popular non-ironically, anticipating the future ironic counter-trends. I also listened to animal collective when I was in high school, stopped listening to it when Sung Tongs came out because it was too mainstream, and stopped listening to all indie rock when Funeral came out because the entire genre had become mainstream. From 2005, I just listened to the most hardcore gangster rap I could find, ironically of course, and classic rock or "dad rock". Then I got sick of all music and just started watching anime and listening to anime music and going on 4chan.

All this made everyone hate me. So I've resolved to do whatever's cool at the moment so people like me from now on.

>> No.947060

You are not and never were a hipster.

>> No.947063

wait, what am i then.

>> No.947068

I sometimes read books, listen to hipster music, and wear tons of name-brand clothes with regularly cut jeans. I also wear polos

>> No.947100

lol nigga got trolled!

>> No.947178


>> No.947189
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>>158 posts and 15 image replies omitted.

>> No.947249

I don't know if people consider me a hipster or not but..

Most people would consider the music I listen to as hipster garbage.
I shop for clothes at am appy, asos and urban outfitters etc.
I read what I want although I've recently been going through a load of classics which I should have read years ago.
I enjoy world cinema and love pixar.
I have shit vision and wear thick rimmed glasses.

I study maths at university and get high grades.
I probably have quite a small social circle with respect to most people.
I've never had a girlfriend etc.

>> No.947257

I wear Levi's 511 jeans, and my shirts right now are mostly from American Apparel (not the faggy v-necks, just their plain crew shirts), one UO shirt (it has Ol Dirty Bastard on it), and a striped shirt and plaid shirt from American Eagle. I also have a few AA shirts. But I don't go out because I have no friends, so most of my time is spent walking around my house in my underwear.

I have shoulder length hair, don't wear sunglasses ever because they're obnoxious, don't wear any glasses except my prescription ones when I'm driving, play lots of video games, and read a book every couple weeks. I don't read hipster philosophy, mostly classic fiction and YA fiction (I nostalgia hard at it because reading was all I did in elementary and middle school and I wouldn't mind writing YA fiction when I'm older). I listen to a combination of indie rock, rap of the roc-a-fella variety, and melodic death metal/folk metal.

I'm an English/Biology double major at a liberal arts college and plan to become a physical therapist. My laptop is an HP Envy 14.

I would rate myself 33% hipster, but just because we share some interests. I don't hang out with any and they tend to get on my nerves.

>> No.947261

Oh, and I go out twice a week to play Dungeons & Dragons, not ironically.