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/lit/ - Literature

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9434133 No.9434133 [Reply] [Original]

I am proposing another /lit/ readalong, whether for those who missed the last one or want to do another.

If there's a book you've always wanted to read but have never found the motivation to do so, post it ITT and I'll make a strawpoll. Then we decide upon the winner. My suggestions (some of which I've already read) are as follows m8s:

>Don Quixote
>Madame Bovary
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Blood Meridian
>Moby Dick
>Vanity Fair

Standard format, one chapter a day (or more/less, depending on the book and question) and then discussion/etc. Let's make it happen.

>> No.9434145


Count of Monte Cristo pls

>> No.9434148


Abridged only. It's not good enough to justify its length.

>> No.9434155
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Gulag Archipelago. Gets posted all the time on /lit/ but i want to see if it's bullshit or not.

>> No.9434161


I'd go for Vanity Fair. It's surprisingly big/beefy.

>> No.9434215

Don Quixote
A clockwork orange
The bibble
Discworld Saga

>> No.9434239

>white noise don dellilo
>V. thomas pynchon
>shadow and claw gene wolfe
>dune frank herbert
>the silmarillion tolkien
>roadside picnic strugatsky
(not sure if you want short or long books)
>catch 22 joseph heller
>slaughterhouse five vonnegut
>if on a winters night a traveler italo calvino

you dont have to include all of these in the strawpoll if you dont want to just pick the ones you want

>> No.9434262

Thinking vanity fair. It's pretty fucking long though. Anyone one here read it? Love the suggestion a clockwork orange its my favorite movie and excellent short book to power through. Blood meridian would also be good if everyone got in on the discussions like they do when running their mouth giving it shit on here. Can I also suggest heart of darkness

>> No.9434298

This was already done on here a few months ago.

>> No.9434300


Vanity Fair's a good contender I think.
Not as long as past suggesions like Don Quixote/etc.