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9432470 No.9432470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Has there ever been an organization in human history that is dedicated, with such commitment, to the destruction of organized human life on Earth? Not that I’m aware of. Is the Republican organization—I hesitate to call it a party—committed to that? Overwhelmingly. There isn’t even any question about it

When you never googled history

>> No.9432476


Has there ever *sniff* been a guy more often empirically wrong? My gott.

>> No.9432485

Based Chomsky.

The butthurt he causes frog faggots is truly amazing.

>> No.9432499

Chomsky's head is so far up his own ass. That's why he contributed so much to linguistics, because he was endlessly committed to formalism.

>> No.9432520

Now I know to disregard anything that that autist says.

I'm also shocked to find out how many liberals we have on /lit/ now. I always thought this was a conservative christian board.

>> No.9432522
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Not even Hitler was more committed to the destruction of organized human life on Earth.

>> No.9432529
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is Chomsky pretending to be a liberal to get asked to more interviews or is he just genuinely retarded

>> No.9432533

>conservative christian
why would I make such an outdated attempt at anti-intellectualism ?

>> No.9432538

we simply must redpill these degenerates

>> No.9432539

Is this not Chomsky just taking the piss these days, though? People seem to think he's utterly lacking in humour, but I get the impression that a lot of what he says is him deliberately trying to rile people up by making them think he's some insufferable liberal, and hopefully draw enough attention to the topic that people say to themselves "well, parts of this situation are actually comically fucked in many ways".

It's not a great way to speak as he does now, but he's an old man and probably doesn't really care about rigorous accuracy in how he conveys his messages anymore.

I remember him saying something to the effect that it is never useful to speak proudly and positively of a nation/culture/organisation when you are in some sort of outsider or minority position. So if he were visiting Palestinians, he would talk about their shortcomings in failing to compromise at various key stages in the past with the Israelis, and when visiting Israel, he would do the usual anti-settler song and dance.

>> No.9432542
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/lit/ is and always will be a Marxist board, /leftypol/ itself started out as a /lit/ colony

>> No.9432545

He's trying to destroy the white race. Sad to see all these librels who think he's some sort of intellectual when in fact he's brainwashed

>> No.9432548

Chomsky isn't a liberal, he's anarcho-syndicalist. And if you immediately decry any intellectual who disagrees with you retarded, then you're so intellectually cucked that you're folding out the futon when you see Tyrone's car in th driveway.

>> No.9432552

Republicans suck, everyone knows this, but this thread is blatant /pol/ baiting

>> No.9432555

9 out of 10 threads are these days.

>> No.9432562

Life itself is blatant /pol/ baiting.

>> No.9432563

The belief that conservative Christianity is anti-intellectual is itself an anti-intellectual idea. It's an attempt to dismiss the entirety of Western thought other than your own relatively recent movement.

In other words, you're too lazy to actually research what your ideological opponents actually believe, so you just dismiss them as not being worth reading.

>> No.9432566

He's right though. Theres obviously more evil and disgusting groups through history but none of them(Mongols,various caliphates,nazis) were actually close to literally ending the human race. The Republicans on the other hand are totally complacent about climate change which really could end life as we know it. Its not just they they don't care, they continually perform actions that are making the situation worse.

>> No.9432568

I'm pretty sure this is reference to the Republicans climate change denial. So from his perspective Republicans are staring possible extinction in the face while not even acknowledging it, let alone trying to mitigate the effects.

>> No.9432572

My opponents believe in a magical invisible skywizard who kys'ed himself because he's a retard. Why should I give them anything more than a dismissive handwave?

>> No.9432579

No, I can acknowledge its inherent shortcomings.

>> No.9432583

Why do even intellectuals pretend that the two parties have any meaningful differences?

>> No.9432584

they do, their forms of subjugation are different

>> No.9432585

You're just proving him right, and make yourselves look like fools in the process.

>> No.9432587

I don't get it. He's just stating on obvious fact. There's a reason why the least literate part of America is the part that overwhelmingly votes for Republicans.

>> No.9432593

leftism is a mental illness

>> No.9432601
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Then America must be really dumb.

>> No.9432602

If you haven't been reading the thread, the main distinction for Chomsky is the anti-environmentalism, which he believes will lead us to extinction. The Democrats are evil, self-serving motherfuckers, but they're ones who are at least willing not to destroy the human race.

>> No.9432605

It is.

>> No.9432609

you aren't entirely wrong

>> No.9432610

I'm not proving him right to anyone that doesn't already agree with him. Catholicism was intellectual until the enlightenment (so was Islam).

>> No.9432611

Of course they are, they think that the democrats are leftists.

>> No.9432613

>he fell for the climate change meme
The climate IS changing, but it's completely natural. The earth goes through a cycle of hot and cold. We'll adapt.

That said, I'm not sure why republicans are blamed for climate change. Let's assume that human affected climate change is real. Do you think that, just because the republicans suddenly accept climate change, we'll magically make things better? Do you think that India, China and other shitholes will suddenly stop destroying the environment (and their own lungs)?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for wildlife preservation, and a cleaner earth. The thought of wildlife being destroyed and certain animals going extinct makes me shed some tears. But that doesn't mean that i'm willing to accept a dumb theory that has been disproven multiple times. We have a higher chance of going extinct due to a rogue asteroid than climate change.

>> No.9432614

Chomsky is 100℅ correct as usual.

>> No.9432617

>I don't understand population size at all.

>> No.9432619

Even if you weren't talking about politics here, America is
Our education system is fucked

>> No.9432623

Population density is a thing.

>> No.9432624


>> No.9432626

I'm just arguing that saying people who vote differently than you are 'illiterate' doesn't get the whole picture. Those people might be dumb but their complaints shouldn't be ignored and marginalized but addressed.

>> No.9432627

>He's trying to destroy the white race
There will be no baiting in this thread

>> No.9432630

M8 Chimsky is walking /pol/ bait.

>> No.9432631

I would agree with you if people didn't pick their party like their favorite football team (both sides if that's unclear)

>> No.9432632

Notice how the areas with the highest literacy rates and most university graduates are blue -- New England, the Bay Area, Seattle, the DC area, the Twin Cities, etc.

>> No.9432635

As long as liberals maintain their arrogant instance of completely demoralizing Republican voters they will keep voting for 'fuck you'.

>> No.9432638

Notice how those areas are also the ones packed full of nu-males, sjws and gorillas

>> No.9432641

If they are so smart, why did they lose?

>> No.9432644

As long as people continue to vote out of spite they will continue to be dipshit hicks, soo..

>> No.9432646

But more often than not, their 'complaints' are more like whines--fearing that Those Democrats are gonna take their guns, that terrorists could strike at any moment, Christianity is under attack, White Genocide is a thing, etc. The worst thing is the obsolete factory workers complaining about being out of work rather than re-educating themselves.

>> No.9432647

If those facts trigger you then maybe it's time to return to the containment board.

>> No.9432649

Another point is why those people are so illiterate in the first place? Did the previous liberal presidencies did nothing to change that?

>> No.9432650

Shocker: people with education are brainwashed by cultural marxism

the true free thinkers and intelelctuals are those that didn't go to school and who live in the South in poverty without access to books

>> No.9432651

Go and speak to these highly literate and educated people and try to get anything from them that isn't some slogan or hackneyed idea as to why they are voting for the better option.

The standard of discourse has slipped across the board. Just surrender to Islam and be done with this suffering.

>> No.9432653

Because they're smart enough to dislike Hillary. Voter turnout was low because she was such a terrible candidate.

>> No.9432654

Keep burying your head inside your ass even more, that's great.

>> No.9432656

The same argument could be made by astrologers or voodoo witches. If you don't spend a huge amount of time reading their stupid bullshit that is based on illogical foundations then you can't just dismiss them. They should show why they should be taken seriously but when they start with their skydaddy telling them to close their eyes and hope for good things to happen or that X is good and Y is bad because skydaddy said so I'm gonna brush them off like the retards they are.

That stupid ass timecube guy gets dismissed out of hand. Why are Christians any different?

>> No.9432664

You have a incredibly pathetic and arrogant view of human rituals, they may be manifested with ridiculous contents, but they are omnipresent, even in secular cultures.

>> No.9432666

Looks like my facts triggered you, anon. It's not exactly a shocker that most universities are concentrated in busy cities/areas. It's also not surprising that those areas are home to weak, sheltered people who spend their days as starbucks barristas, acting intelligent and virtue signalling: and conversely, the less desirable places in that area are filled with gorillas who vote for whomever will give them the most gibs.

But by all means, enjoy your "intellectual" cities where everyone holds three different degrees and can't find a job. Just be aware that you don't represent most of America.

>> No.9432667

>it's completely natural.
Yeah what a coincidence that a massive change in the climate started right after the industrial revolution and the massive pollution of the air that came as a result.

Both India and China are actually making an effort to mitigate climate change, while the party in control of the US doesn't believe that it is even real. Point me to other major countries where the dominant political party denies scientific facts. This is what happens when you have a party that is completely in the hands of corporations whose only motive is profit at the expense of humanity. Chomsky is absolutely correct and nobody, regardless of their ideology, should be supporting the republican party's actions which are putting the entirety of humanity at risk.

>> No.9432672


>> No.9432674

For the same reason religion endures today. You can beat a pigeon at chess too all you want, it's still going to kick over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around triumphantly.

>> No.9432675

>just be aware that you don't represent most of America.
they do though

>> No.9432680

>cultural marxism
nice meme

>> No.9432679

caring about anything chomsky has to say outside of linguistics

It's like we're all in high school

>> No.9432681

>go for a piss
>/lit/ turn into reddit 2.0

>> No.9432685

These kids don't even believe that I am better than 99% of the world's population

>> No.9432690

>What is ISIS

>> No.9432691

the factory workers are too stupid and old to re-educate themselves to the point where they could carry out useful jobs. we have a vast supply of low-IQ labor available worldwide, Ameriproles are just not competitive. the only options are protectionism, reducing work hours, or trying to reproduce what the Germans did in the US.

>> No.9432693

Yeah, that climate change definitely hasn't been taking place over thousands of years. It's almost like there was an ice age not too long ago and the earth is still warming up after that.

>Republicans don't listen to science
Yeah, it's not like the Republicans are devoting more resources to science than the democratic party did. Nice one, anon.

>> No.9432699

Just another word for neocons, jews, Israel, military industrial complex, illuminati etc.
Just blame this man/flag/nation.

>> No.9432704

Omg you have an incredibly pathetic and arrogant view of astrology and the n dimensional time cube. They may be manifested with ridiculous contents but they are omnipresent(lul you fucking brainlet).

>> No.9432707

Prepare your mind.

>> No.9432710

>Never mind what ISIS are, what about the fact that Christianity is the most dangerous religion on the planet!

Oh shit, I'm still on /lit/. I should really be making more of an effort...

>> No.9432714

What's the worst Isis could do? Behead some gays and rape a couple of goats?

>> No.9432719

My god you people are hopeless.

>> No.9432730

it has more to do the fact that those areas experienced heavy colonization from New Englanders. the West Coast is fairly culturally aligned with New England. in contrast the scots-irish culture prevalent in much of the south is deeply anti-intellectual and actively handicaps people. Of course there is the black belt in the South bringing the average in blue areas down, but blacks are genetically less intelligent so you can't fault them too much.

>> No.9432734

Relatively insignificant.

>> No.9432740

The fuck are they gonna do?

>> No.9432752

this is not a cyclical warming period after an ice age, it's much more than that. See pic related.

>Republicans are devoting more resources to science
This is accurate but not in the way that you think it is. Republicans spend more on R&D but this is only true because they spend massive amounts of money on defense, which is included in that figure. Republicans do not listen to the science on climate change because it tells them that their shitty economic policies are destroying the planet.

>> No.9432757
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forgot to attach